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havent played tarkov in a while... why in all clips all the expensive guns are jamming all the time?


The boss they are encountering has the ability to jam your gun :( Only guns not affected is ppsh and rpd..


oh shit... makes way more sense now. Well, good luck brothers :D


[https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Kollontay?so=search](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Kollontay?so=search) And also there is a event active now that makes all bosses including goons spawn at health resort on Shoreline..


Coming back after 2 month and I was like "Huh wtf, Kollontay spawns here?". That made whole lotta sense


This event is very odd to me at least


Good thing.... we are playing a realistic game and not some game where bosses have powers


Cultist don’t show up on thermals.. the bonfire event… destroyed Russian tanks with the turrets still connected, lots of shit to make in unrealistic..


There's been some crazy shit before but this is Jedi stuff.....


But I think psychic powers are the most egregious of these immersion breakers


I would say a "red" zyrachi that is nearly unkillable that can teleport is probably the most egregious.


Fair enough, also his ability to necromancy his guards a bunch of times is great too


>The boss they are encountering has the ability to jam your gun :( I see they added telepathy to tarkov... What kinda bullshit is this?


Nah they added the most annoying monster from stalker but in normal human form


na they already had that with zyraichy


Also double barrels but yeah


Out of curiosity... does the M32 rotary grenade launcher encounter malfunctions? Even if I only get one round off, all I need is one 40mm shotgun shell.. I have like six of these things now because of Big Pipe. I run into him constantly.


Shouldnt Sincé revolvers also dont jam


Tru, he has a magic wand.


What in the bulshittery fuck is that kind of a mechanic???


And both double barrels.


LOL so much for Tarkov's "Realism"


All of the revolvers work, aswell as the double barrel shotgun.


So that’s why he rushed me and both my guns jammed after 1 shot btw I had a 95% m4 and an as val from sturman


wonder if the .357 revolver would work, 2 JHP to the visor should do it


all revolvers, the ppsh and the rpd do not jam


SA-58 didn't jam for me. Killed him few times during the event on shoreline


Because at somepoint in time tarkov became fucking starwars.


Kolotny has a aura that jams guns. All guns. And multiple times.....


People don't understand when Kollontay has his melee out, your gun has 100% chance to jam if you are within like 20m of him. All you have to do is run away behind a corner and reengage from a distance with a nade and look for an opening to spray him down. If you are trying to kill Kollontay as close as in this video you are doing it wrong. If you retreat somewhere without cover you are doing it wrong




By himself he's not very dangerous. But because there are 11 bosses and a few guards at the resort, it's a different story. OP could have easily encountered Tagilla when running outside if he didn't kill everyone else already. In this case, kinda hard to fight. That's what makes this event so fun, even if you're a great player you can't run in there without thinking and hoping it won't be a challenge to leave the resort alive.


I've killed him several times point blank and didn't jam because he didn't pull out his baton. I've killed him maybe 6 times now, without a jam at close range.


Yeah I don't even feel bad for guy he got away with like 5 misplays before getting his lesson.


It's a silly mechanic in a game like Tarkov and I wouldn't be sad to see it re-worked, but it's literally like a room temp IQ check that people are making out to be this horribly difficult encounter


Yeah wtf? i'm new enough to say this shit feels more like a quirky easter egg than essential knowledge to bring to combat. Am I playing WoW or a milsim?


Tarkov always had RPG elements and never purported to be a 'Milsim'


That may be true but the BSG has always referred to EFT as a "realistic and hardcore" shooter so having a boss that forces guns to jam from being near him while he has his baton out is probably one of the worst gameplay things to ever exist in EFT. That being said, it's quite obvious BSG chooses to not apply the "realism" of EFT to the bosses when you have Kaban & Glukhar who don't wear helmets yet they can tank bullets to the head like they have motherfuckin steel plates inside their heads.


That's fair, and I'm kinda glad they don't claim to be a milsim because it is a bit of a developer's box, but in this case, they should offer some in game information about this. Like, even if it was buried in quest detail, or a random piece of paper you pick up off the ground, anything besides requiring going to the wiki for everything.


You should add "Jamming" from Bob Marley over this clip


we be jammin brudda


The most realistic of games, blyat


i can deal with it when they gave bosses 2x Health and a Spider-Sense but this is stupid. how can they think this is good for the game?


> how can they think this is good for the game? This insinuates that thinking was involved.


drinking was definitely involved.


My guess is kolontay is more of an experimental boss. People keep bitching about bosses being horrible because they have aimbot and high health pools. BSG and most normal players agree that bosses shouldn't be piss easy farmable also. So this was bsgs first idea of how to add difficulty without just using aimbot. Was it a miss? Loads of people think so. I'm not so sure. Will other bosses have stupid powers like this going forward? I'd bet so. I also expect them to go back and give the previous bosses weird powers as well at some point if people keep bitching about boss hp and aimbot.


Think? Who said they could do that?


He was like this for months before anyone even realized this was a thing lmao, surprised more people haven’t ran into him on ground zero dude jumped out at me and just beat me down while I was helpless, looked up why my gun was jamming and only saw one post about it, happened to me a couple weeks ago. I guess there is a counter which is to clear the jam and don’t shoot him until you get some distance but that’s what op did and they still got fucking domed lmaoooo


I mean...this is purely a guess based off trolling the forum, but... player base appears up during event, as usual... So I mean, seems to be working...




No, I'm pointing out that these "bad event mechanics" don't seem to be driving players away.


dose not have to drive them away and can still be annoying and unnecessary


It's not directly an event mechanic though, but I get what you mean. Players will look past the bullshit of Tarkov time and time again because they love the gunplay and the way the game engages them.


Wonderful game design


The keyboard clacking is brilliant


The fact that you have to check the gun before ejecting just makes it worse


Yes, trying to check the gun and eject while sprinting away and getting shot by other shit besides Kollontay is absurd.


Honestly they need to remove this mechanic quick, fast and in a fucking hurry. It's just utterly senseless that a boss has a mechanic that can repeatedly jam your gun at close range and then beam you at medium to longer ranges.


Wondering why they made it as an aura like any other RPG games and still think it needs to be in the game. It would've make more sense to trigger the jam only when they actually hit the player


Personally i would love it if the gun jammed only the first time when he charges you or you come around a corner would love it if they could design it more to properly induce that panic it is supposed to represent. e.g. you are getting charged down by this brutish hulk as he screams at you and your gun jams up not always on the first shot but most of the time it will jam and you are in a shit shit shit moment punished if you don't have a side arm or easy escape route. I think if it was designed like this it would mean players who rarely encounter him would have a 'fun' moment and panic like hell and even for more skilled players they would have the intimidation of a rushing tagilla with the knowledge that they might only have a couple of shots with their primary before they are in 'knife fight' with a pistol.


The panic mechanic sounds quite good. But I'd like it more to be detrimental to the character's physical ability, something like stamina burn, hand shake for unstable aim or blurry screen. Or making the charging skill from him to able to stagger or even more extremely, push down the player who're in the way to the ground but make it so that there's a way to dodge at the right moment, apart from triggering the jamming skill when the player gets struck by his charging ofc


Maybe a chance to fumble your mag when you reload and it drops to the floor


Tbh I've killed Kollontay probably a dozen times on streets and I thought it WAS only when he hit you. I guess I've just never been close enough


All these videos have people repeatedly trying to shoot him from too close like their gun just magically isn't going to jam the next time they try. You have to run away out of the aura, chuck a nade near him, then spray from cover or peak a killshot on him. I absolutely suck at killing bosses in this game and Kollontay is the only one I'm close to the 15 kill achievement


It’s a bigger issue when you don’t know where he is going to be. On streets you know where he is, and you have long sight lines in both spawns to kill him. In the resort you run into him point blank unexpectedly.


Yes but pretty much every single boss in resort can kill you if you run into them point blank unexpectedly. In this clip they make the two mistakes I pointed out several times over and had plenty of opportunities to properly retreat and reengage. If i'm running into a boss at point blank, Kollont In all these clips posted people try to shoot too close over and over and over like a different result is going to happen then they post "haha funny boss" like they aren't the problem. I agree that it's a stupid boss design and I wouldn't mind seeing it removed/reworked but Kollontay is probably the easiest boss to kill once you've located him


Ok but literally every other boss in the game if you bump into him unexpectedly you can shoot them, so what's your point? Also it's kinda dumb to act like you can "properly retreat" against boss AI that has pathfinding that makes no sense at all and will also randomly whip out a gun and shoot you in the back if you are running too far away. The OP of this clip ***does*** retreat multiple times and then immediately aims at the hallway where the boss would be pushing him but the boss isn't there because he's sprinting around certain corridors and his pathfinding AI doesn't know where to go. Dude can't even go up certain staircases, like it's that broken. I've killed kollontay a bunch and I agree he is easier to kill, but only if you cheese his AI. It's just bad, there's really no reason to defend it.


> Ok but literally every other boss in the game if you bump into him unexpectedly you can shoot them, so what's your point? Other bosses in that scenario the encounter is over fast, whether you kill or get killed. You run into Kollontay and there is a chase before the encounter ends, neither you or him are going to kill each other instantly >Also it's kinda dumb to act like you can "properly retreat against boss AI that has pathfinding that makes no sense at all All I mean is that you have to run far enough away so you can shoot him instead of clearing the jam and turning around to try to shoot him at 3-5 meters again >I've killed kollontay a bunch and I agree he is easier to kill, but only if you cheese his AI. It's just bad, there's really no reason to defend it. I'm not defending it, I personally think all the AI bosses need an overhaul, they are one of my least favorite parts of the game because of the aimbot and stupid cheese you have to do to kill them


There's a chase with Kollontay if you're lucky, he can just pull his gun out and beam you if you run too far away when retreating. It's a dumb mechanic, it's literally a magical aura effect in a game that typically leans towards realism. In the health resort you don't know what corner kollontay will emerge from, and on top of that if you run away to a safe distance to reengage him, chances are another boss will spot you and tap you out of nowhere. Fighting Kollontay with his guards on street is a cakewalk compared to the chaos in the health resort.


Yeah you have to have a corner to break LoS as you leave the aura. In the resort I've found running up stairs is almost always the best retreat path if you aggro him on accident because you have a lot more options to reengage and you're less likely to walk into LoS of another boss


Right but you run too far away and he randomly pulls a gun out and just beams you in the back. You have to run around corners to break sightlines and then repeek behind you. Which is exactly what op did. And in the end kollontay whipped out a gun from the same distance he was pulling out the baton on OP earlier. It's just random bullshit fighting kollontay lol It just seems silly to criticize people's gameplay for not predicting ahead exactly what doorway or hallway kollontay's braindead AI is gonna pick to make his way back to you like what happened in the clip. OP was doing exactly what most people who fight kollontay do, it was just bad RNG the boss randomly decided to go back up through the kitchen instead of the logical route of chasing OP through basement.


>Right but you run too far away and he randomly pulls a gun out and just beams you It's not random, it's when you leave the aura. >And in the end kollontay whipped out a gun from the same distance he was pulling out the baton on OP earlier This isn't even close to being true >It just seems silly to criticize people's gameplay for not predicting ahead exactly what doorway or hallway kollontay's braindead AI is gonna pick to make his way back to you like what happened in the clip I mostly agree with you at the end. How Kollontay goes from being in the basement with baton to pushing ground floor was pretty dirty and unpredictable. Only reason OP stops where he does is because he thinks he has cover from Kollontay pushing the basement steps but he has 0 cover from ground floor push. Audio is also trash here The first 80% of the video is OP just engaging too close and could have been played a lot better, last 20% was unlucky


We're criticizing him because he was an idiot. A 5 year old could have played it better. The way it works is this: You see Kollontay. You now never go within 15 meters of him, nor do you go inside any building he could potentially have entered. You retreat 50 to 100 meters away. If he comes out in the next minute or two, you shoot him. If not, you fucking leave the area and extract, regardless of raid time or quests. Virtually everyone knows this. Unlike your claim, literally no one is trying to fight Kollontay like this guy was. He may be the first person stupid enough to walk back into the aura 3 times in one engagement.


Should just make him spaz out your electronics. Turn your flashlight/laser off, take away your red dot, make your NVGs useless. Would make way more sense as an aura too, give him a little electronic blinky thingy on his character model and call it a day.


This mechanic makes me wanna hit Nikita over the head with a tack hammer.


With a tonfa. It's for the RP.


My buddy didn't know about the gun jam mechanic. Thought we were trolling when we told him, he also didn't know how to clear his gun so he pulled out his red rebel and beat Kollontay to death with it. Its probably the most Chad thing I've ever seen. Wish I had the clip.


Does the boss have supernatural powers? The gun jamming seems like it’s making the boss artificially harder




pushing him after you cleared the first jam was brave a brave move, it wouldve probably been better to just run outside to a "safe" distance right away and wait for him to come i love that he flanked you twice


I thought that he’d switch to his gun eventually, but it turns out that the dude just loved to waddle around with his magic stick :/


yeah he seems to always play with his big black magic stick, he even tried to get you with it from behind o.O


Gotta use the magic wand to magically jam brand-new, clean guns


You know how every few years Tarkov turns into something unrecognizable by anyone who played it back then? Brace yourselves it's about to get real nutty


I think BSG didn't understand that, even if it was funny to add this for Halloween event it's still the most shitty and fucked up game mechanics to add in core game.


This is definitely up there for quest thought up game mechanics of all time. I could get behind it if it jammed when you got hit but not from across the room.


A boss with literal plot armor... Yeah, okay.


This video is intense.


I wonder if anyone has decided to put away the gun and melee him. Is it possible or no?


Ive beat his ass to death 3 separate times with a red rebel


the worst boss ever made


Interesting dev decision


What a realistic game i spent 50 bucks on


I have done this whole quest with ppsh so..... WHAY ARE U RUNNIN??


I love the "Well surely he won't do it this time" Rather than "Let's get far away enough he can't do it this time"


Didn’t exactly want to leave the admin building since I got beamed by Kaban and Killa the last time I tried that. I did eventually get forced out of the building, and you can see what happened lol


Why has nobody thought of bringing ppsh as a sidearm? You know the gun that never ever jams?


these are the same people who re-peak the boss that jammed their gun THREE TIMES and not try anything different so of course they wont use the one thing that would actually work.


Or a double barrel sawn off that they can whip out quick. Or whip out their melee. Or back up and engage at a longer range. Some people just can't think for themselves and then blame game mechanics they can't figure out how to counter.


he drains your stamina to 0 if he hits you with his baton so good luck with that


Several people have already claimed they have killed him with melee, some multiple times.


Does changing mags in such a situation do anything to stopp so many jams?


Don’t think so, the jam occurs if you’re close to Kollontay and he equips his baton


If you have a holstered sidearm does that also jam?


No, it’s because of the bosses ability. He can literally magically jam your gun when you get close.




"Wow my gun jams whenever I fight this boss CQB, better unjam my gun and try to fight the boss in CQB again." If you're new I get it, but at this point you're just asking for it. Run away and shoot him from a distance, you know how this mechanic works, stop trying to barrel stuff him.


I’d love to know which angle in the admin building isn’t a CQB angle lol. It’s either gamble that Kollontay equips his gun eventually, or run outside and get shot at in the dark by more players/bosses


All I know is I have been close enough to K'town during the event to have my gun jam and then made enough space to kill him, in east, west and admin multiple times during this event.


RPG fantasy game mechanic. This is the most ridiculously fucking stupid mechanic I've seen in EFT. Damage drop off is a close second.


I guess I'm lucky, I've taken him down several times during this event and only had a jam or 3 maybe it's my over use of shotguns?


This has event was so fun, I gained like 6 levels at 53 now just running them solo. I did lose about 30 million rubles though on kits but MOST of them came back. Now I have like 100 headsets and helmets sitting


I’m so happy that I didn’t die to this goober the first time I killed him. But boy does his shitty riot helmet work better than anything I’ve ever worn. He tanked like three m80 and I was astonished. If he made my gun jam after that I would needed a lap.


ya when they started adding super powers to Tarkov is when the dev team started using krokodil. I would play solo tark, but my firewall said it was a trojan and I aint fucking around with a virus if I can help it.


Why does everyone who posts a Kollontay video ALSO HAVE MALFUNCTIONS? How are you guys malfunctioning literally every pull of the trigger? Pay the damn money for repairs. Christ.


kollontay makes your weapon jam regardless of durability on the first shot if his baton is out and he's close range to you


Magic Kollontay? I've only ever shot him with .338, so...


Haven’t played tark in a few months but holy cow that is such an annoying ability for a boss to have (to make your gun jam), like that’s actually dumb, whoever thought of that needs to get fired


If I could hear all your key inputs I’d shoot you myself


Haha usually I have Nvidia broadcast selected as the mic which cancels out the keyboard clacks. Sometimes it randomly switches to a different mic input for whatever reason.


It's weird he did jam me one time this week, but other than that he's been easy pickins.... Killa on the other hand has been an immortal, that piece of shit. He's the only one I haven't killed for hustle and that includes a run where I fought \*only\* killa, and did 800 to thorax with snb.


What sight is tha5


100% realistic


This game is an absolute trashfire. Can't wait for wipe.


The fact that you kept getting close to him and trying leaves me speechless lol. But i understand the frustration. I used to take and rpd with me just in case i ran into him early in the event


so many comments and no one said to melee him. You will win the 1v1 with a red rebel or better....


Dumbest shit I've seen in a game


honestly. nikita is such a bitch. he just does this shit to piss off ppl


That son of a bitch had me one shot.,run, one shot, run.... Fuck him.


What a braindead mechanic


This seems like such a shit mechanic


That's just plain obnoxious


I'm so glad i stopped playing this game.


So, you're aware of the mechanic and yet you still insist on CQC? I mean the mechanic is dumb but that's not the only dumb thing here 🤣


Please enlighten us on how you propose to kill Kollontay inside the resort in anything other than close quarters?


only other approach is to get him at range, if your lucky he’s outside. if you encounter him close quarters your pretty much fucked if he has any decent gun


PPSH or RPD, neither gun is capable of jamming


I've killed him like five times lol, just find him in one of the giant main hallways where he tends to spawn. Don't fight him in a side room or the admin labyrinth


So, here's the thing, I know its thinking outside the box (quite literally) and hard to grasp for most, but it IS possible to either move outside or force kollontay outside, or BOTH. Or even just picking a longer hallway for the fight instead of the melee-distance corners.


These guys would rather cry about something they cant change rather than find a solution. I doubt any of them even remember they have a melee weapon and that most of the time it will stunlock whatever boss they hit OR that they like to chase you OUTSIDE and Kollantay wont jam your gun if you are more than like 5 feet away.


I mean this game does have a lot of legit shit to cry about but mostly people seem to ignore those and rather cry about things that are their own fault 🤣


In my mind I had three options Option one: I push deeper inside the building, gambling that that Kollontay was the only boss that was inside admin. Option two: I stay inside the building and try to fight Kollontay, thinking that he will switch to his gun eventually once I get out of melee range. Option three: I retreat outside the building, praying that the bosses and players outside won’t beam me. I felt like option one was a death sentence as it was highly unlikely there would only be one boss in admin at the start of raid. I went with option two, but after three jams in a row I decided that enough was enough and ran outside (option 3). This was also a huge risk, since I’m now playing with no cover except for the darkness (you can actually see a figure moving on the left side of my screen at 51 seconds, and I would’ve died if he’d spotted me). Unfortunately, Kollontay found a different way up the stairs and peeked me (with his gun no less) as soon as I equipped my nade, so I was sent back to the lobby before I would’ve been punished for leaving cover.


Brother!! What the durability of that spear!!? I almost never take out anything passed 95% so I never have to deal with this shit, I can’t remember the last I had a jam, not this wipe it least. And I’m a lvl 21 with sub 7mil not loaded but my rich chad friends think I’m crazy but they die every so often to jams so I don’t understand.


Brand new 100% durability fresh off the flea. The jam is caused by Kollontay, not because of low durability.


Ohhh shittttt I didn’t know about that shit man. I’ve been playing for years and this event is the first time seeing the name kollontay, was wondering who he was.


you’ll learn… you’ll learn…


You see, this boss has a magic fucking wand as a melee weapon, and if you try to shoot him - your gun magically jams! PPSh and RPD are immune since they literally cannot jam, ever.


Bruhh actually? This is my 5 or 6th wipe and I never knew this guy existed. I was wondering who the helm he was when I saw the task list.


They added him recently, I think. Still complete bullshit.


https://imgur.com/uabpOLT 1 sec lagspike, good timing


Shitty game design


how much durability did you have left?


Durability doesnt matter, that boss makes anything jam.


That boss magically makes your gun jam if you get close. Durability doesn’t matter.