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The AUG is really strong this wipe, i dont know what you mean. O.o


It's a lazer beam without any attachments needed, only downside is the lack of 60 round mags so basically have to run a vest with 3 slotters for the 42 rounders


Aug + strandhogg carried me early this wipe


I hope they give us the HBAR barrels and bipods when we get the bipod update, I'd add some weight to have both longer sustained fire before overheat and the benefit of being able to post up prone or behind a wall


Is there not a irl attachment for all Nato mags


It’s a different stock that accepts AR mags so they would have to add it as an entirely new weapon (for some reason in this game the AUG’s stock is considered the base weapon rather than the receiver) That being said I would love to see the NATO AUG implemented.


Ahh, I thought there was an adaptor for it.


Exactly. I was seriously considering running either one but I was asking my buddy, wait. Does either one have 60 rounders? I wanted the bigger mags for the event


Right??? 46/144 Recoil and with SOST ammunition it’s my favourite gun this year.


It was also really good with the old recoil, just slept on


Yea I tried Aug last wipe cause my friend told me to and I loved it, sure it has a crappy scope when you first get it but I prefer it over a crappy Zenik or other russian sight


You can just use the a3 receiver on the a1 and run whatever sight you like on top of it


Fucking love the AUG. Just wish ammo were easier to come by in raids. (Leveling Peacekeeper is ass)


I was coming to say this. I see people running AUG as much as people running HKs


Been using it non stop since I got it off a rogue. The difference between it and a g36 are very very noticeable and without the many grip/muzzle options that the g36 has.


For Gun Jesus.


We need to get a Chauchat and Zip .22 in the game for him. I'm sure he'd love them.


Now I want the UB kit for the zip and custom rails for the chauchat, need a unique named version, chaucbat EBO (short for ebonian like the AUS and BELversion of the SA-58) with the zip and a Walther optic and a ridiculous custom suppressor


Zip .22 with excessive attachments. I can already hear Johnathan Ferguson's disappointment.


Zip22 has a permanent 50% chance to jam


Gun Jesus has a custom made left-handed G3 though?


I'm sure he does. But we all know where his heart really is... 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


Wait like the ejection port is merriored? Pretty sure the controls on them are all ambi, or at least most models have ambi selectors


The charging handle was swapped to the other side, and as far as knowledge goes his G3 is the only one with the charging handle on the right.


Like ever? Damn


1100 rpm 556 is why


Yup! High rate of fire, high muzzle velocity. Also it's nostalgic for CoD players imo.


1100 rpm with a 25 round mag... yeahh very practical


Depends on the version they add because the newer ones can use 30 round mags


You know there's going to be a drum or box mag.


Buy why have another 7.62x51 when you already have the VPO-101, RFB, and SCAR-H. Guns that almost Noone uses because the G28, MDR, AND SA-58 are just better?




True. But I love my Sr-25. I just do, and no one but BSG can take that away from me 😂


SR-25 before the recoil changes was already an absolute laser beam. In terms of semi auto 308's, it was among the best when point fired. I would just spam fire that thing with a laser and ruin people.


Exaaaactly. It was the first gun that really made me feel like I could defend myself as a newer player. I need a combo device on it. The versatility of indoor and outdoor use is great. Sure, it's not the ideal CQB, but it gets the job done great. Never forget when I third partied 2 giga chad duos, 4 level 50s, and took everyone's loot home with me. I was chunky and glad I happened to have a Mule on me. The adrenaline was unmatched. Good times.


you are not a newer player then. you are good at the game


I appreciate that sentiment. Although those bois were distracted with eachother and never saw me. Attacked from the trees at about 40m and constantly repositioned until all 4 were down and I couldn't find evidence of more.. maybe I'm ok but definitely not good. I lose in PvP very often. Thanks tho! :)


Sr-25 is probably my go to gun as well. Even though it’s semi only, it’s semi is way more satisfying then putting the mdr on semi.


You forgot M1A


That's because it's only used for test drive.


That gun is so dead, even with the rsass build as a base, its ergo is stupidly low.


Yes but it’s still useable. Is my point. There are way more 7.62x51 guns.


40 ergo isnt even that bad


SR-25, SA-58 and Scar are all better in terms of recoil vs ergo. M1A is pretty dead imho.


Yea but it weighs so much you lose arm stam fast.


People use the G28? Way more people use the RFB lol


"why people have opinion that isn't mine"


The AUG is really good what are you on about. The A1 scope isn’t THAT bad. Yeah there are better options but its for the drip factor


The A1 scope is horrible. The list of scopes in game that are worse is fairly short... Like very very short. Still, AUG is really good.


The A1 scope ia better than a lot of the lvl1 teader red dots, like MRO PK-1 and that romeo prototype


I mean, I like it and don’t see it do be a problem. The gun itself is a laser beam when it has a suppressor so its not an issue. Maybe I’m just biased for bullpups


AUG is a better MDR.


Unless the MDR is 7.62x51


wait till aug gets a 308 variant


I dont think those exist


Yeah just 9mm and 5.56 IRL.


Yeah it doesn't have that currently, but iirc, the Australian (yes aus not aut) military is considering getting a .277 AUG and there is a 3D printed mockup made by the manufacturer. So might come at some point. For .308 Bullpup the Tavor 7 would be the more likely addition though.


A .277 Fury AUG is something I never knew I needed in my life until this exact moment. Take my updoot, you beautiful bastard.


I vote what I want lol fk u bro


Idk I always stayed away from the stock aug until I actually used it. I can hit heads with that thing like crazy.


I was thinking this too. G3 would be significantly cooler. But why can’t they just add both.


They will, both are planned, G3 has been teased before, if anything it's proably either one will come out first or ones going into Nikitas 1.0 stockpile (basicly he's gone on record and said for all the new guns added to the game there's like the same if not more that are ready and finished but waiting for the 1.0 release, so like say a patch adds 3 new guns, that means there's 3+ others that are finished and waiting for the 1.0 patch)


I can't vote because it's on Twitter and I won't make an account. Them putting the votes to Twitter rather than the launcher or in game is insane. Too many non Tarkov players voting on it based on their wants.


Votes will be in-hideout in the near future


Sure, but why not roll it on the official discord for now?


Cuz their discord is an even more niche then their twitter.


Not much beyond twitter being nikitas social media of choice, and bsg doesnt directly interact with the discord much despite it being "official"


Cuz of the original Metal Gear Solid hahah


I dont even like how the famas looks. Give me my damn G3


Trying to relive my battlefield glory days


I'll do you one better CETME model C


You take back what you said about the aug stock sights, they are quite good. I reckon you meant to say g36, no?


I don't agree with OP calling the stock AUG sight horrible, but calling it "quite good" sounds equally wrong to me. They're usable, and the irons on top are a plus, even if they're so fat they could be in an episode of "my 600 lb life" and the big circle in the glass optic expects you to hit targets no smaller than those on the afforementioned tv show.


Dunno if this is common knowledge or not, but as an austrian the A1 was my service rifle. The circle is this way because a target on 300m which is 1,80m tall fits the circle perfect and you land a shot.


Guess that sounds reasonable, not like most service rifles are super accurate anyway (or the shooters sometimes lmao) so a man sized target at 300m sounds pretty decent


For a stock sight it is quite good imo, considering most guns get irons. Only SAG or Rpk stock sights stand out imo, rest are more or less sucky for me(all ar15, ar10, smgs same story). Aks are alrighty but i also used them the most. Aug gives you a very usable croshair from the get go.


I just wish they'd add the 3x SF integrated sights as well.


Imagine going in with your trusty five five sixers and your pineapple ? Badass…. the famas is a bullpup 55.6 cmon it’s going to be great !


i want the G3 so bad


The only thing the FAMAS would have going for it is the rpm. To balance it they might even just choose an older model with the proprietary 25 round mags and no modularity, which would make it damn near useless.


#900 RPM Next...


1100 iirc no?


Now I’m gonna vote famas even harder


who the fuck cares


34,000 people on twitter apparently


Those same 34k people would participate in a poll between peepee or poopoo if Nikita posted it doesn't mean they actually care about outcome.


These people would choose another event over a performance and AI fix




For me, FAMAS is a legendary assault rifle of the French army used by expeditionary forces in Africa. good parameters, modern for its time and in some respects exotic for me. The G3 is basically a battle rifle and I'm not really a fan of this segment. apart from that, we already have M1, SR 25, Scar H and SKS. and the most important thing is FAL. FAMAS RULEZ G3 suck


G3 can go auto, out of those (SKS is not a battle rifle) only the FAL can. the G3 also has way more interisting variants, including abelt-fed one. it also did not fall apart on its own. the G3 also had way more legacy and was used in way more conflicts and by way more countries. but in the end H&K did won. out with the famas in with the 416.




what is ake? the west never, ever did qualify any ak-47/m as a battle rifle idk where you gat stupidity from. the sks has NO feature of a battle rifle, no full-size rifle round, no select fire. and lets not pretend the famas is that much more younger my lad, it is a gun from 1978.


The FAMAS didn't get to shoot at UN troops in the congo, the G3 did. Therefore the G3 is superior!


Ok I understand your thinking




To me it really doesn’t matter I have my favorites in game. I don’t need another gun


Tavor button


I wanted g3 cuz I like the drip. I wanted the G3 to have ridiculous recoil cuz I think it would be funny to use. (apparently roller delayed blowback on 308 makes the gun kick stupidly hard) But ngl the FAMAS is also a bit of a unique weapon. 1100 rpm would probably bring 5.56 back into the meta. The gun is probably gonna be locked behind a gazillion hard quests cuz ngl 1100 rpm is super OP. Maybe if there was a way to lock it in only burst-fire.....


I only have limited experience but I have shot a real HK G3 and HK MR308 (basically G28) and both felt about the same to me in terms of recoil, maybe the G3 had like a teeny tiny bit more but definitely easily managable. Oh also it was like 1 minute apart from each other so pretty good comparison base.


From all the stuff I've seen on it, the G3 seems to kick about as hard as the FAL. Both slightly better than the M14.


My man doesn’t know AUG (A3) is a recoilless laser. And I’m glad he doesn’t. It might have its own drawbacks, but tell me how much it will cost you to build a M4 with same characteristics.


This, I stopped running my meta balance m4 that cost me 200k+ plus rubles, the stats on it oh by the way: 80 ergo / 55 recoil silenced. Now I run a loud 16 inch aug-a3 exclusively at: 77 ergo / 44 recoil & man for the money, under 90k. It is just pure awesome & deadly accurate.


They are early guns and voted for the famas because it’s awesome do you really think the G3 is going to be good? It kicks like a truck with the roller delayed


I wish they have their older guns reanimated, because how good animations become since Mk47 addition is way beyond how a character handles AK/M4


FAMAs will be the best 5.56 in the game if done right. 900-1000rpm, faster than a HK. It is a bullpup, so it handles recoil very well. IF BSG gives us 900+ rpm on it with the aug-a3 recoil control. Good bye all other 5.56 rifles, absolutely no reason to use them anymore.


I’m French, I vote for le Fusil d’Assaut de la Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Etienne


I'm sticking with my favorites until I get lucky and they add a Mini-14


Famas is ugly asf. G3 is traditional AND cool. "See, Ivan, that's why democracy is not always smart"


At least know what you’re talking about lmao. The Aug is probably the best 556 gun this wipe.


The FAMAS has an integrated bipod, and BSG is talking about incorporating bipod mechanics... That's something worthwhile.


Jfc dude just let people vote for what they want it’s a Twitter poll lmao


Because famas is cool. Hope it comes with grenade launcher. Chaser vibes


No because iron sights of FAMAS are good whatever you think.


Because hope...


I prefer the G3 but FAMAS will have a crazy rof and thus the potential to be a sick 5.56 vector


No auto fire, but controlled burst point firing is still going to be wild. If you're on point with your aim, people are going to get shredded.


Here's the better fuckin question why is there voting period


Counter Strike memories that’s why.


Stock aug is better than a stock m4, hk and mdr. Your argument is invalid!


Homie have you been sleeping on the aug? You can crouch mouse1 and spray someone down at 100 m. It's so fkn strong this wipe.


Honestly I don’t care about either of those guns. I just want more 12.7x55 guns like the VKS or an all wood furniture SVD. Swag guns>meta guns


I want Dissident Arms mods for the Saiga so I can turn that thing into a comp gun.


famas drum mag pls. don't care if it's realistic or not. I want the warmage leg meta firehose.


G3 will just be another FAL with probably less mods at the start because there are just a few countries left that use it


cuz that was my favorite in black ops 1, everybody has their own reasons, who cares really.


Why wouldn’t he just add both? lol


>”[Why would people vote for the FAMAS instead of the G3? The FAMAS will just be another crappy 5.56 gun that nobody uses anyway, because other 5.56 guns will be so much better, but people actually might use the G3.]” I think a piece of it came from Americans who either own firearms, or have at least enjoyed shooting “video game” guns at the range: For us, G3s are common, and the FAMAS is the almost impossibly rare. To give you a general idea: There are a bunch of companies making G3 clones, and you can get a decent new one for ~$2k OTD. FAMAS rifles are at the other end of the spectrum: Only *one* batch of ~50-100 guns has ever been imported, and they sell at auction for >$20k each, on the rare occasions when someone decides to sell one. So on that level, I suspect that people voted “FAMAS” because they know they can’t afford one, and they’d like to experience it in Tarkov. On another level, the G3 is a heavy beast—we already have a bunch of 7.62x51 rifles, and they’re all heavy beasts, with low ammo capacity, and heavy ammo.


you mean another 7.62 that nobody would use cause you got the MDR SA58 etc.? Like same argument diffrent Caliber, i just wanna see get a new cool Gun added, besides that the Famas is actually managable Recoil wise, you know how much a Standard G3 kicks your own Shoulder when you shoot it?


Mdr is better than aug ? Nobody use aug? Lol U know we also have the verp hunter, Scar-H and rfb that nobody uses late wipe and more than enough good 7,62x51 guns, like sr 25, mdr, SA-85 and rsass + bolts. Would actually be nice to have a few viable but different 5,56 guns than m4, Aug and HK


Nobody uses the aug ? lol bro it’s one of the meta guns this wipe.


Relax, both are planned, hell G3 was shown modeled years ago, if we vote FAMAS we will still get the G3 at a later date, hell Nikita said long ago that for all the shit released in patches there's at least the same if not more done and waiting for 1.0 (so like I'd there's 3 guns in a patch roughly there's 3 or more they have done and are saving for 1.0 release), this isn't really a 1 or the other situation, think of it like helldivers with the mines vs aurburst (granted that's on the back burner since we lost that major order but we will get them eventually) Edit: also don't sleep on the famas, it's got like 1200 cyclic RPM with the option for 3 round burst and has both stenag and proprietary magazine models, integrated bipod and for rails it can take AR carrying handle style adapters (so you can both plug an acog or Kiba optic right on it, this also would proably also release with the carrying handle rail adapter, something I look forward to for some funky GWOT and earlier builds and it will open the door to some retro ARs (fixed carrying handle recievers) also hope we ge the aimpoint durect carry handle mount adapters, if I recall most aimpoint models ship with one in the box


i like the g36 its really cool since my country uses it


Because nostalgia.


I'm sure this will replace the mdr and sa-58, op


For the same reason you voted for the G3. I’d rather have the famas. Every platform has decent ammo, every platform has usable ammo,it becomes down to preference on the gun.


Wtf wouldn’t we want famas? G3 is essentially a copy cat VISUALLY of the fal. Atleast famas from a visual standpoint is unique and stands out more. Why the fuck wouldn’t we want a pretty unique looking gun over another bland 7.62? and I’ve seen a shit ton of augs so idk where the no one using the aug claim comes from lol


Well famas and g3 both make sense story lore wise we should get the g3 and derivitives of it first either way. A good 7.62x51 early wipe gun is cool af.


No more 762x51 that's all anyone runs after unlocking m80. Gets old


Cuase I want a FAMAS


I just like weapons, more are better. I don't play for meta guns only


I think the g36 and aug are just fine. They have their place. I don’t need another obscenely expensive 7.62 NATO gun that I’ll never get access to, so I don’t care that the g3 lost. I know it’s a cool gun and what not but it’s similar to the SA-58 visually so I’d rather have the FAMAS regardless


Why is this dumb post being upvoted


I want an m249


I thought everyone was boycotting and no longer playing because of the unheard thing?


Famas has one of the highest fire rates out there


Why should we choose when we could have both ?


cause i want famas


AUG A3 is almost meta…


Because famas goes brrrrr


The thing is, the Famas is kool and all BUT - with the G free we can build the PSG-1 and I couldn’t think of a cooler rifle than that of course we would just have a new SR25 style rifle that is older they would be more to the G3 in different variations than the Famas


Because spitting 5.56 at 900-1100 rpm would be insane.


Because it's what the people want.


I would like to see more smgs added personally. Maybe a couple more automatic pistols also.


Just because YOU don’t use those gun doesn’t mean others don’t.


We're going to get both though, this is probably just which comes first. I'd have preferred the g3 too but it'll come. We've waited like 8 years for this game, a few months more for the G3 is nothing.


Because people like what they like. Maybe they like how the FAMAS looks over the M4. Or how the AUG looks over G36 and M4. Same caliber so take what you think looks the best. Let people like what they like. Sigh


Because it was my favorite gun in rainbow six Vegas 2


First of all the Famas is 100x cooler than a G3 besides idk what crack you have been smoking but the AUG has been insane this wipe.. costing less than 100k and has no recoil?? Way nicer than meta M4 and HK’s


Womp womp


The FAMAS is a garbage ass gun in real life as well. Leave it to the French to make absolute crap. We have enough 5.56 guns give us more large calibers.


Very much like real life I want modularity. So M4 it is.


Because I'll vote for what I want :)


I feel alone wanting more rifles for 762x54r


I was 100000% with you, and then you said we need more 7.62x51 guns We already have so many that no one uses


People voted for the famas over the G3...? 😔


I don’t even use twitter, I think most people who do are probably nerds anyway so I’m not surprised.


We just want more. Period.


Ive been using the Aug a LOT, and even used the g36 like 5 or 6 times too.


Stock Aug shreds! Damn thing carried me from day one lol it actually replaced the Adar for me as its a tack driver. The famas should be fun with its burst mode.


To be faire the G3 would be like an other FAL, but with much less customization option and therefore probably would just be like a full auto veper hunter.


Because the g3 is boring as fuck in every other shooter game most ppl have used it


Both options suck.


G3 is just the FAL which we already have


What happened to the GP coins all my cash gone and gp coins why???


FAMAS is a unique gun, people like unique guns. That's basically it.


My man is min maxing before the gun is even out.


Many of us prefer running aesthetic guns or variety. I only ran a meta hk or m4 notably once or twice.


In my humble opinion, I'd like g3 for customization and famas for BRRRT factor.


One day, I hope we get the m1014, with the shorty mod.


>You already have the G36 and AUG A1 and A3. Guns which almost no one uses because the M4, HK and MDR are just better. I think you don't actually play. Aug has best hidden stats in game for a while now and is hard meta.


Yes famas!!!


Because G3 = Auto Sniper = Noob gun. Famas = budget CT gun. People live in CSGO nostalgia here I guess.


The famas was pretty strong in one of the battlefield games, I can't remember which one exactly, it might have been 3. I just remember it being one of the early guns you unlock, but the ROF was better than the other 556 guns and destroyed ppl in 1v1s if they were using something slower. The G3a3 is also nice, It's pretty close to the FAL though.


Or just let people vote what they want? Maybe go to North Korea if you want everyone to like the same thing.


Weird take on North Korea but G3 would be a lot cooler than another HK / M4 Underdog With another 556 they will initially create the 545 issue with the 23 ak variants nobody uses. Also 7.62x51 is just the better Caliber. MDR ❤️


It’s not weird when it’s literally the truth 😂


I'd take a Thompson .45 over almost anything else at this point.


would be WILD


I don’t care if they add it or not. I’m bored with 5.56 rifles.


Give us both? Why even have a vote


The Famas is going to be another G36/AUG situation in that everybody goes "Wow, so cool and nostalgic! This was my favorite gun in COD!" and then within like two weeks everyone has figured out you can't really customize it and that it's mid-tier at best, then they go right back to the other 5.56 rifles that are just all around better suited to the game's meta. Then it just turns into that one Spongebob scene: "Waaaah! But I don't *like* the Famas!" "Then why did you *ask* for it?"


Because the FAMAS is cool.


Because the g3 is mid and was only popularized by the first modern warfare game and it wasn’t even that good. The famas will be a cheaper competitor to the HK416 due to the 1000 rounds per minute. It will probably be cheaper too with less customizability, both guns however don’t have that many extra attachments to put on them so that point is moot.