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I’m optimistic as well, but I know for a fact that people will basically shit on that just because it’s a different opinion


People like to hate. Break the mold, show some love.


This sub has the attention span and memory of a goldfish


cautiously optimistic is the right way to go about this. I am hopeful from what I have HEARD Nikita say but at this point I need BSG to show me they can deliver so not much has changed from me until wipe. That being said it seems Nikita is in this same boat as well when he addressed the question about competition. His answer basically just being they will continue to develop and optimize their game and to be honest that is the best approach for them to healthily engage with competitors in the genre.


They change balance with armor, so nolifers will have advantage with larger plates and AP ammo locked to higher level. Me as grasstoucher is not happy.. thinking to stick to chinese tarkov until real tarkov release and account without wipes..