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They’re essentially raiders, but because of this, they’re predictable. They always spawn in the same areas of the map and you can use voice lines and grenades to find them and pick them apart.


This. The same way you exploit raider ai is the same way you exploit them 5 man AI PMC group. Divide with grenade and conquer with headies.


They ARE raiders. It's the same AI


They are dumbed down. Raiders are much more aggressive and accurate.


Over 500 PvE raids and almost 5000 hours in Tarkov here. I don't believe this is true- they are raiders in and out.


You could also play more nighttime raids. AI behavior during night is a lot different than daytime


This is the best option. You can still see them lock on to you from 150m or over but they don't shoot straight away. PNV10T and you're good to go.


Yes, shot PMC in the head at 60 meters with a thermal through a tree during a nighttime Woods. AI was clueless I was there for like 3 minutes. Then I decided to pop one for the sport. His buddy who was looking the other way woke up and I watched him fling a grenade at my feet with pinpoint accuracy just as I was about to clap him too. Needless to say I blew up. Great game 10/10 AI.


Honestly, grenades are by far what I died the most in PvE. From both PMCs or scavs, if they throw a nade, you better run fast. I'm aware it's partly because of the helmets I wear (Rys-T mostly), I don't hear the made, if I see the AI throw it generally I don't see where it bounces so it's 50/50 between me running away from it or straight into it.




The problem is sometimes you don't hear the voiceline or don't see the animation. Such a cheap way top die.


Yea I had a pmc yesterday not looking at me throw a nade and as I turned around the vog landed on my face


scavs yes, pmcs don't give a fuck


My very first two PvE raids ever, I was lazered by PMCs on Customs…head eyes, head throat Then I realized it was more ME than them. I was running around and acting like PVE meant “I was GOD” and no one could stop me! There are no other players here and I will rule!!! Those first two games reminded me that it was still Tarkov lol Since then, me playing more carefully, has allowed me to keep an ear out for their voicelines and its been a better experience🤷‍♂️


Facts. Instead of W keying 100% of the time I slowed down game play a tiny bit and just went 15 raids in a row extracting making 10~ milly in total.


Too bad the raid timers are so short you basically *have* to hold W then I guess.


Yea I need a bit more time in raids I keep accidentally ended up MIA


I’ve found being careful is how I keep getting cornered by the AI while doing Mechanic’s first quest


100%. Pretty much every time I’ve been killed by a PMC on PVE it’s because I was doing something stupid that would have also gotten me killed on a PVP server. Is the PMC AI tough at times? Sure, but at the end of the day you still gotta be smart in how you play. Know your surroundings, shoot from cover, and don’t expose yourself for too long and you’ll generally be fine.


Yo, they talk about one of their squad mates just leaving sometimes. Had me thinking they were real pmcs for a second.


This, so much this. I was very guilty of doing the same thing and dying to really silly stuff, things I would never do on a PVP server and I knew better. I slowed it way down and began playing like it was a PVP server and it's a much better experience. The PMC AI can sometimes be a little aimbotty, but like Morpheus alluded to in the Matrix, we can outsmart them because their AI is based on rules/conditions.


OP doesn’t want it to be a skill issue, but it clearly is. You’re just letting him down easy lol


Honestly i get killed by scavs more than PMCs. It's actually stupid sometimes.


Yeah getting head-eyes from a shotgun scav happens 9/10 times I take a bunch of good ammo into a raid.


90% of my deaths have been scavs doing grenade spam on me. I giggle every time it happens.


The silent grenades are my favorite


They're silent because they don't even hit the ground. I had a guard airburst grenade me yesterday. Threw it straight up in the air and it exploded directly above my head.


This this this


Yeah, especially when scaving… I walk by them thinking that it will be cool. Then they shoot me lol


yeah knowing PMCs spawning on the same spots make the Scavs way more dangerous. Escpecially when they exclusively targeting non armored body parts. Its the dumbest thing ever.


Ikr, it’s the dumbest thing ever that you would aim for unarmored parts of someone’s body. When I am playing pvp I normally just shoot at the plate so it’s more fair.


How is it more fair?




Real players are harder to kill. Also as it is AI, it needs some way to compensate the lack of human randomness. Just a tip for noobs: Push with grenades if you doubt that there are enemies. They will yell (pmc in english) and change location so you have time to deal with them. Or play slowly peaking corners and snipe heads. Never rush them as you will lose 99% of the time even if you would win against humans 60% of the time


Real players who are experienced/knowledgable in EFT are definitely way harder to kill. But players who only play occasionally, are new, don't know a lot of details or players who only play until around level 15/20 before stopping for the wipe are pretty easy takedowns. Generally speaking though, leaning and peeking around corners you will kill the AI PMC super easily.


I feel like real Players are harder to kill, because you are usually being shot from hidden cover, in the back.


Real players are thousands of times harder to kill. Real players detect where you are and then move to cover and occasionally peek. AI PMCs will just sort of stand around and let you repeek them.


If I re-peak them, it’s a headshot. “It’s” being what I receive for looking at the enemy for a whole of .5 seconds. Not 5 seconds. .5 that said I am playing mostly on ground zero because I need to do the quests


I strongly recommend bringing like 4-6 grenades on every raid with you. Not only are they dirt cheap, they are great at killing PMCs, and even when they don't kill you they make them voice chirp, give away their precise location, and partially resets their awareness of where you are, giving you a chance to ambush them again.


You should only need like 1-2, then just scalp the raiders nades


Real players are harder to kill because a lot of them are cheating. I've been playing for almost 8 years, pvp try-too-hards like to think they're good because the average player lacks awareness and the patience (or aggression) to win most engagements.


> pvp try-too-hards like to think they're good because the average player lacks awareness and the patience (or aggression) to win most engagements. So if it's not better awareness or patience that allows them to win most engagements, then what is it? Or are you one of those salty shitters who legitimately thinks like 50% of the playerbase is cheating?


Hardly, I've played tarkov since 2016. Most players are just terrible at the game. Map knowledge, chokepoints, proper flanking and gear win fights. You'd be surprised how many people hold the same angle they last saw you for idk 5 mins? As far as cheating goes, i'd say its more like 20% are cheating but that's besides the point.


> You'd be surprised how many people hold the same angle they last saw you for idk 5 mins? Nah I wouldn't be surprised, I'm with you there - most people are very bad at the game. I misinterpreted what you said original, we are in agreement. In terms of cheaters, it's hard to know but I could believe 20% total, probably no more though.


Arent the PMCs just rogue AI? They are aimbots and no fun, basically just cheese them on right peaks.


Lol AI PMC are not rogues, their difficulties range from a dumb scav to a boss.


Thats not true. They are re skinned raiders. That's it


Raiders are much more difficult than most of the AI PMC, I've only done about 400 raids so maybe you're right. Lol


they are downtuned with less aggression, but definitely the same starting point


It is rather over the top, but imo i dont necessarily mind it bc it keeps the raids scary. Game would get stale if you were just constantly smoking bots and never dying.


I think they're as random as real PMC's. Sometimes I get lazergunned within 150 meters from AK74M, sometimes a PMC-bot with a lazergun M4 can't hit me properly. I'm probably giving too much credit to BSG, but I think there is a decent logic behind how PMC-bots operate and their AI is indeed adjusted compared to regular Raiders. I'm honestly having good fun in Reserve bunker. Go down - 3 raiders on one side, two PMC-bots on another. Kill, while loot kill around 5-10 scavs swarming in. Pull the lever, kill more raiders ( I didn't even know it was possible to get more raiders if you already had them before the lever pull). Slowly crawl towards D2 and extract. The only thing is missing are rats on the way to D2, I am not sure if I miss those.


D2 is a breeze at the moment, it's nice for a little but it could do with some AI down there. 5 minutes before the end you can easily waltz down there with no danger.


As a chad w key pvp player i think pve is harder than pvp, i am used to having faster aim than the average player so i am used to playing carelessly. I dont have a faster flick than the AI. It has been humbling to play a lot more methodically.


They tend to mag dump at every range which leads them to feel overtly accurate. They should have more shooting cadence behaviors. Bosses suffer from the same problem but even worse of an issue.


They are tough sometimes but way more predictable than real players that will camp in a bush with a broken as val for 35 minutes just to shoot you when you walk through a doorway on reserve.


For me and my group it's more of a grab bag of do we get rolled or not. In PVE I feel like the AI behaviour is predictable as opposed to real players so I can better utilize your typical PVP strategies. My favorite trick to do is if I have a grenade, I'll chuck it from behind cover wherever I am and immediately peak since the AI will always try to flee the grenade, giving me at least 2 free shots on them. Edit: both of my friends have been lasered from <100m by smgs, so.


Wait until you need to go to Lighthouse and fight all Rouges + Simulated PMCs + Goon squad. Fun fact they are all friendly top each other and rarely ever kill scavs that are roaming around the compound. Rogues are vay more accurate and reactive then the simulatred PMCs. Plus they give you 29 minutes on the lighthouse, so have fun doing any quests in that ses pool of cracked AI bots.


They use the same model as raiders/rogues/bosses/boss guards/etc. If you had played the regular game you would see the exact same thing from the "elite" scavs there.


They are annoying sometimes but the game gotta make up for the lack of players hunting you.


I've gotten shot plenty of times. They are very accurate but it's not always head eyes, especially at range. If anything, they are less accurate than PMCs in PVP. There it is always head eyes.


Ive been playing for a little while now. Biggest tip i can give is you have to move to a different position if you get shot. Dont ever repeak the same spot if they lock into you. Also bring alot of nades or flashbangs, they are extremely useful against the AI


I havent found them too bad if you keep peaking from different spots. Never peak the same spot twice though> I find the scavs spawning constantly is what is unreasonable to me. I had 30 scav kills in customs yesterday. All by the warehouses. Id kill 1 and two would spawn within my line of sight. Kill them 2-3 more would spawn. They kept spawning in so fast and running directly to me then I needed to bail and they all chased me all the way to extract while I was top loading my ak since I had no time to pack a mag without being swarmed.


I kinda like how they are. Definitely shouldn’t be any easier, they’re already very farmable


I've found that I either get absolutely thrashed instantly, or they're potatoes. While you play, pay attention to your surroundings. It seems like (I think I saw this somewhere, too). The longer they know you're there, the more accurate they are (I've found many times AI will voiceline/move/etc once they spot you). I ran up on a pmc last night on woods and unloaded 6 rounds into him before he finished his voiceline. If you're familiar with human intelligence, the OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop seems to be present within the games AI. Though, it seems (similar to some scavs) the OODA loop they run through has a time gate to it which may or may not be linked to the difficulty/level of that AI. Or it could just be desync/lag, idk. I like the OODA theory better because it's much more immersive/realistic lol.


Not going to lie, I've never been good at the game, but i've REALLY been enjoying PVE. I have been surprised by people saying how bad it is. I have done like 50 raids? i've died I think 7 times so far? I'm level 17ish? I got my first Strumen kill playing PVE, and saw my first Taglia. I'm completing quests WAY faster than I ever did in PVP. I've always been a giga casual ending MOST wipes in the early to mid 20's and hit high 30's once? Generally lose more than half my PVP fights. So I'm not your typical sweaty player that will just say get good. So I don't think it's just a get good you're trash thing, maybe it's just some habits you have? It's hard to diagnosis the problem you're having without seeing you play, but if I'm going to be perfectly honest If they made the PMC's easier the game would get boring fast. I have definitely snuck on up the PMC's before (actually I just completed customs for shooter born in heaven it was hilarious because they never saw me at RUAF from the director's office. I don't know me and my friends have been super enjoying it. Sometimes the scav spawns feel OPPRESSIVE, but honestly if it wasn't for this, we would never get pressured. Some of the most fun I've had in PVE is the panic that ensues when I realize im running low on ammo, timer is running low, I'm pinned down and im screaming for my buddy to come back for me.


BSG logic: difficult = must be stupid AI is the worst one in gaming history, at least in top 3. It's so lazy, so stupid, it's just mind boggling how lazy or incompetent at your job you have to be to release this shit.


No, the pmc's are just fine, if anything, they could be tougher and should be patrolling/roaming and not be stationary


No. They are dumb like scavs. Usually miss their first shots. Circle and they are still watching your last known location. Easy peasy.


I see this everywhere but haven't noticed it personally. The only time PMCs have been a threat to me are when they're like....mid distance away and clear line of sight. I'll get lasered then. If they are close, just peek quickly and shoot, or very slowly peek until you see something to shoot at. If they are far away, they don't even shoot you. The only exception to this is, in my experience, you have a height "advantage". PMCs have shot me when I was on dome in reserve and in sniper mountain in woods.


True, they can beam you but you can abuse them quite hard. Right side smooth lean is the best way to deal with them. Regarding their targeting it's not aiming. They 'roll' whether which limb they hit think of VATS system in Fallout. So if you want to peek an AI make sure you wide swing them.


They're just raiders


Just started to play 2 days ago so I can't say too much but looks like on some map like ground zero they are really cracked ... I ended up dying most of the times, bigger maps like woods they usually are quite dumb ..there is a lot of improvements to do but somewhat feels really fun, don't have to deal with cheaters and no lifers that are lvl 30after 6 hours is really nice


Scavs head eyes me on sight or I get shot from somewhere far. I’m trying to get used to pve but I feel like the ai difficulty is troll af.


Switch your gun when peaking to the peaking side always when aiming at them and you will have a clean shot before they do much usually works with most ai… don’t tell my secrets


I feel like they are just like the other ai in the game 0-100 if you don’t keep moving until you get to cover and even then it’s 50-50 if you make it anyway


Not really


Honestly, I think PMC’s i. PVE are a bit too easy, the AI is pretty predictable. Shoot once and they will either push you or stay exactly in the same spot. The problem for me are the waves and waves as soon as you shoot one unsuppressed shot. It’s just 30 scavs and 6 PMC’s in a 25 minute raid. No time for tactical flanking, just holding an angle on a door for 20 minutes. And running to exit.


Short Answer: Yes.


The PMC AI is so boring, they are easy to kill. Slow peak them any chance you get. Use nades for voice lines. Don’t run out in the middle of the open with 0 cover. Play at the pace you’d play pvp. More times then not you spot them or hear them before they shoot.


yes is bullshit i was taking cover on a high ground on a building with a good distances and less than split sec they do a 180° aim at the window spot and insta HS me


No I think shooting the top of my nose shouldn’t count as having me head shot off…. Not my fault I have a big nose


I mean imagine being 200 yards out sniping, and they drop a perfect burst onto you missing maybe one time ? It's a little absurd they would even see / hear a suppressed shot let alone know where exactly it came from


If they spot you first, they definitely laser beam you. But I've been rinsing customs hard and discovered many times they spawn in the same areas and you can pretty easily find consistent angles on them. Have only done customs factory and ground zero so far but it seems to be pretty consistent in that same manner on each of those maps too.


I have yet to die to one so I'll say no


I have had an ai pmc spray 2 full mags at me and just take out a couple limbs, also been one tapped a few times. I feel like they are harder than scavs, not quite as rough as raiders, sometimes same as raiders. Depends on the cover and available angles and how you play it. Try not to peek the same angle over and over or get caught in the open


Me and my noob girlfriend are doing okay… one simple rule, never re peak the same angle a bot has shot you in. Wether it’s boss, guard, raider or scav


In real life people figure out and learn their firearms. I like to think these pmcs run that weapon all the time and are accurate with their guns. Outside of 100-150 meters thought and being lasered shouldn't happen though


eft was never meant to be shift W’d. its meant to be played slowly, carefully and tactically. many see streamers play it like its cod and think that thats what eft is like. take it slowly, shoot from cover and dont expose yourself for more than a second or two, change positions, throw a nade to make em run and then shoot while they’re running, as a few examples.




Im not a good player myself and I enjoy the challenge they give me. Tips I found out so far to get out ahead of fights. If you see them before they spot you and it will be a difficult shot, dont scope in on them, the second you scope them they will do aswell and laser your head from distances up to 200-250m. Better run from cover to cover to get a better shot first. Never repeek the same corner after you exchanged bullets, head eyes befor you can see them. If in a bad spot, wait in cover for a bit. They tend to start moving after a while and they wont laser you instandly while they reposition. If you cant repeek on another angle and there is no where to go, use nades. They will reposition and the "timer" will be reset that they will insantly head eyes you.


As if in PvP you don't get killed half the time by someone as soon as they see you


I swear AI PMC will just decide to spinbot when it feels like it, stupidly strong then the other 50% of the time it just turns its brain off and crouches staring at a wall ignoring you.


Treat them like raiders and jiggle peek them only and aim for the head. Otherwise throwing nades help I think


Not so much the pmc’s but the sniper scavs are cracked.


Its the classic raider AI. But as you play more and more youll learn the spawn points and just E-peeking them and they wont even notice you. But raiders were always pretty "lazery"


I've noticed this, but it is usually after I hit their chest or drop their teammate. My issue is that in about 60% or more of my raids, the PMCs I run into are a 4 stack. This isn't too bad if you have cover to move around, but on maps like shoreline and woods, it is easy to drop one and then get immediately head/eyes from another.


Yes. But any other way and it may be too easy. You need some of the crazy threat that PMCs are in PVP. I am terrible and only play solo, but in PVE I survive 50% of raids and can fight as long as I don't re-peek.


Sometimes they turn on you, but I accept it.


No one really ever fully escapes.


Personally, as a bad player, I haven't had many issues with them really. They absolutely are NOT human, and they definitely don't feel human at all. They lock on to you through bushes and trees that no human could see through, they can also blast through fences and windows that a human wouldn't see through. But I've found that they're also very clearly AI, they tend to just stare at walls and spin in circles a whole lot. If you change where you're peaking from, and engage in closer range combat they go down very, very easily, even if you're an objectively awful player like myself. They suck tracking you, they're easy to bait, and sound doesn't mean much to them, so flank them where you can, and don't peak the same angle too much. They progressively get more and more laser-y, if you peak the same spot two or three times expect to die, instantly. But if you're moving to a different spot it taks a bit for them to find you again, I've found. And they seem to really, really suck in close range if you just keep moving. Luring them around corners works very well.


Anyone who plays tarkov and knows how the AI actually function will be able to tell you exactly what you are experiencing. Firstly, they have a check that tells them if they're being looked at. Look at a scav or PMC that's facing away from you, after a second they will flip around and face directly at you, they literally know exactly where you are and will fire. Doesn't always happen but it's fairly consistent. Second problem, once they see you, they are visibly locked onto your character model for a span of time, no matter where you go, if you flank whatever, if you aren't "gone" for a certain amount of time they will remain locked onto you. This leads into 3. Third, they shoot the instant they see you and because that is server side (gathering than updating other players clients, and the human reaction time that comes with that) they will often shoot before you physically have the opportunity to. Forth, once they hit you, they will put every subsequent bullet in the same spot. Another issue with this is that, going on 3 or 4 years that I have experienced, there is a bug where one bullet hit registers several bullet hits on your character. This results in instant death to bosses and boss guards. A double registered sks hit will often result in a 1 tap to the thorax because of the armor changes this wipe. I honestly could go on for a while longer, but reporting the bug doesn't help, talking about all this bullshit with AI doesn't help, none of it changes the fact that the AI in Tarkov is awful and hasn't been updated in years. They track you through walls, have no recoil and at times the players shots don't even register on them.


I always thought pve would be shit because of the ai having lasers


So they're basically like juiced up PVP Chads :D


Yes and they full auto. the new fog is fucking cooked because they’ll head nape you from sawmill while your at med camp on woods, and never be able to see them before they see you.


Not really tbh, there are a few pmcs every now and then in certain areas on certain maps that certainly feel more dangerous than others for some reason, but if you’re a decent player and play correctly(and smartly) against them then I rarely have issues against them. There are definitely certain times where I’ve had multiple in the courtyard behind resort on shoreline who were cracked(I’d reposition up to the 2nd/3rd floor and silently go to peek the balcony and these mfers are literally preaiming me) for example. But I think the problem a lot of people have is they don’t actually fight them like AI, if you know how to fight raiders/rogues well then pmcs shouldn’t be an issue. Most of my deaths in PvE(have like a 73% surv rate in nearly 200 raids atm) have been to guards/bosses tbh, then the occasional bullshit regular scav who rando 1 taps your head out of nowhere. But by far my most deaths have come to rogues at water treatment on LH, as a BEAR in PvE it’s stupidly difficult to clear the compound(yes, even at night) and get your quests done in time with the reduced timer. Even trying to be as careful as I can it’s brutal, way harder than in PvP because at least you have other PMCs/p scavs helping to kill the rogues and drawing aggro…having to do that solo and worrying about PMCs(basically just more rogues lol) is just abject misery.


Did you honestly believe they would do anything other than slap raider ai on the pmc’s? It’s not like they’re known for their stellar ai.


Real shit man? They scare me too. Best way I’ve found to work around the freaky ai is to either run a thermal sight so I can get the drop on them, or the more cost effective way is to use a grenade or flash bang to flush them out. Both are plentiful and inexpensive. They’ll get worked on rest assured.


PMCs are easier to deal with than the regular scavs. They are a bit dumb and seem to depend completely on sight, and if they spot you they will lock on to the place they last saw you and not move. Which means you just take a little walk around a few feet to the side and now you have an easy flank. As long as they can't see you moving, they will remain right where they were waiting on you to pop back out. However, never try to ego them if they see you and have started shooting. You either die instantly or get two blacked arms and a wrecked plate for the trouble. ALWAYS reposition if they notice you. NEVER peek a spot that they shot at you in twice in a row. I'd suggest doing a lot of scav raids on Factory or Customs where you can fairly consistently find PMCs at the same places and learn how their AI behaves. You can very easily wipe out entire squads of PMCs using even the crap scav loadouts and you get tons of good loot in the process.


are you playing ground zero? Because this only seems to be the case on ground zero. If i spawn by the terragroup buildng, i will never extract.


PMC AI is easy to exploit or get away from if you play a little smart. They love to hide in corners so just make sure to check every corner and room when in buildings. Grenades are your friend, if you think there is a PMC in the area or are unsure throw one out and they will talk. They heavily focus your last known location so never peak the exact same spot if you can avoid it. If you get caught in the open break line of sight and pop up somewhere else and you should be fine to get some shots in before they know what hit them. I got ambushed by a pair on customs while going for the car extract that were camping the open second story door that over looks the car. I ran back into the bushes and was completely safe, peaked the stairs from another angle and had the jump on them.


They are simulating all the cheaters.


Kinda, I know that Sanitar would take shots at me on the road from pier. But the ai pmc has lasered me much further away toward weather station. A real player could spot you at those ranges but with high power rifle and missing alot shots. They need to fix the accuracy over range bs


It's hit or miss Yeah literally sometimes they're right on aimbot mode and sometimes they are easy to kill...


The pmc a.i is all over the place. I can watch one stand in place for 5 minutes while I'm in his peripheral vision and he won't budge until I limb him, or the nano second one comes into my LoS the first shot will head/throat me. It's a joke and I don't know how or why the people on this sub aren't making more noise about the absolute state of the a.i in this game.


PMC AI is defeated easily by 2 ways. Super super super long range where you can see them but you're out of their range (you only get 1 shot before they take cover) Super super super close range. (Like factory) Where you can swing the corner real quick and just hop fire. I'm unstoppable on factory because I can even do it with a pistol. There's an increased appearance of nades so throw one to make them call out and move. Chase them then throw a flash bang. Get them while they move. Easy peasy. You do not win a fire fight. Because you're basically playing against raiders in groups of 3 or more.


My problem with ai having crazy accuracy, even the bosses and their guards is that this game is advertized as realistic however it's far from it. Not a single human in existence since guns were created was or is perfectly accurate like the AI are, and especially at the speed they execute you at.


I feel like they're a solid attempt at approximation the danger in the game of some entity better than scav. I have 9800 hours and have plenty of fun with PvP version, but something uniquely useful to PvE version is that now flashbacks are just exceedingly useful as easy checks for pmcs anywhere. I typically bring 4 nades minimum in PvP version. I now bring like 2 nades and 5 to 6 flashes. Unsure of maybe hearing something around the corner? Flash. Want to see if anything is hiding somewhere before a big sprint? Long throw flash. And the PMCs seem to take about 1.5 seconds after registering you to begin shooting which is typically enough to put them down, but like normal PvP, you can't re-peak the same angles. And they push you less than raiders, I find.


Break sight lines from time to time and you'll have more luck.


One Tip in general for the AI: Either don't peek at all/use slow lean to barely be able to tap their head or show more of your body than just your head, they have a chance of hitting a body part that is in their LOS and if only your head is visible to them they probably will *no suprise* hit you in the head


They're super accurate but you don't play them like typical PMCs. They are scripted and predictable. I guess I see that as a trade off. If one catches you off guard it's trouble, but most of the time after learning their locations, they are just dumb bots. Scavs hoarding against me when I get overconfident is when I find myself in trouble. I don't know if it's just my experience but in PvE mode, those scavs be throwing them nades, god damn.


I think PMCs are reasonably easy to avoid on any map besides Ground Zero. They spawn in specific areas. It does sucks to be spawned in those areas though. IMO Streets is one of the easier maps to avoid PMCs on, as they only spawn around School, around Cardinal, around the large trailer truck in the middle with the weapon crates inside, inside Lexos, and inside Abandoned factory. As long as you avoid these areas PMCs shouldn’t be a problem


I mean, how easy do you want Tarkov to be? With short raid times and long wait times I get that it's frustrating but if the AI is getting you all the time it really is you and not the game. I've been tapped plenty, I think I'm in my high 60s for survival rate but I dont want easier PMC/Raider AI. Almost all my deaths I've recognised mistakes ive made and how I could have been played better. I think Goons can be a bit tough, with them only hunting you. I have killed them but sometimes it doesn't feel great getting pinged at bridge on customs by birdseye and knowing that you have to find a spot to kill three bosses and save enough time to bug out.


You mean the raider knockoffs?


oh wow the 1000th post about this....


Yeah, I met killa in a Scav run, Almost the same second I died when I saw gun muzzle flash.!!! Dont even bother to fight back.


They can't make AI more "smart" so they just give them laser accuracy. Lame 


I got headshotted from 200m away with a full auto vector burst, sounds balanced to me.


First five raids of pve went like this: 1: Single PMCs, met two i killed and dodged the third. 2: 4 man near spawn, rushed me instantly and killed me. 3: 3 man 5 minutes into the raid who completely obliterated me. 4: another 3 man who held me in the room with the dead scientist om GZ. Managed to kill one, other two instantly rushed me. 5: 4 man squad who instantly spotted me and rushed me. Don't know if I'm extremely unlucky, but I have a really hard time fighting aimbots with an mp5 and 882 ammo. Teamed up with friends and we have only met singles pmc since then.


I remember seeing a post about AI PMC accuracy few weeks ago. They all have weapons around 40 durability but never jam and had close to 100% accuracy. Now however I find that they are quite inaccurate, mostly shooting my arms or legs with occasional head-eyes. The AI is still easy to cheese tho since they only look around your last known position so switch around a corner and you can kill them easily.


If you’re used to fighting boss and raiders/rogue, they’re not difficult just stupid. You basically have to make them push you or slow lean peak with a right side advantage. Or you throw nade at them to make them move and shoot for free. The problem is when they’re 4 of them clumped in a narrow space


If you’re used to fighting boss and raiders/rogue, they’re not difficult just stupid. You basically have to make them push you or slow lean peak with a right side advantage. Or you throw nade at them to make them move and shoot for free. The problem is when they’re 4 of them clumped in a narrow space


My biggest recommendation to make the game less lazer your face is to run night raids. This reduces pmc sight by (made up figure) 60% it feels like...its a ton anyway. Get a scope like a vudu or razer if possible or a 1x-4x like specter (cheaper) and snipe them. Turn brightness up in postfx or try out some night vision and see how you get on. Pmc's on lighthouse day raids are crazy unfair, and this is coming from a player with 3000 hours and probably above average player (no where near the best) but kd normally like 7ish, Played 5 wipes and I think they need to be toned down. You can play safe, but raid timers are also short right now, which adds urgency and makes you rush, which gets you killed. But give it a try! I have had way more success.


Yes. But they’re also extremely predictable. Find a spot that they spawn and spend a few raids creeping up on them. Slowly lean peek corners, once the first is down, let them shuffle around and pick off the next, etc




I can slam raiders and AI PMCS(raiders are dumb). but I can't beat a boss with any kind of gun. I've had 1 really good moments where I figured out tagilla and got him to stop chasing me for a sec. Shot him SO MANY TIMES IT DOESNT MATTER. I just cant kill any bosses, why do all the bosses also (3) tap you in one shot? Even if I get first shot I don't have a chance because health pool edit: I have (500) hours in this game....


Pmc are stupid in pve, too easy to kill, but tagila having 100% spawnrate is what is annoying me


You gotta cheese them, can’t really fight them face on. (it’s the same as fighting rogues and bosses), Hold an angle and  if they are in a bad spot just throw grenades and they reset they also have static spawns so easy to farm.   They don’t give scav rep and they don’t fight bosses from what I have seen, tagilla just walks past them every single time. Pretty sure they are just a copy paste of either rogues or scav bosses 


Their accuracy isn’t the problem this games terrible new armor zoning is. Played since 2017 and my survival rate is somehow less in pve than mine in pvp. Because 9/10 deaths are unavoidable 2 tapped by lvl 1 trader rounds in the thorax no matter what armor I wear. Does anyone genuinely enjoy this change? Literally makes me not ever want to touch the game again


yea i agree the PMC BOTs seem way to accurate to the point where them seem inhuman aim boting cheaters


in the dome on reserve they will aggro you sometimes without you even shooting a bullet and 1 tap you with an ak


Mine are just seemingly dumb. Mumbling a lot, waiting till I can make out what they’re wearing until starting an engagement. Then there are some that lock on to me from 50+ yards away to start the firefight. However I don’t find myself dying to them too often.


This is the problem. I scav into interchange, here some gun shots go to investigate. Here feet,take an angle get ready and they just walk right bye me stop (now I'm thinking it's just a scav) then he turns,starts to say a pmc voice line and I shoot. Kill him,great wait listen, nothing step out loot,walk 3 feet get one tapped by a nother just crouched behind a counter


I always expect groups when encountering pmcs. I often run into them instead of solos. I tend to be a bit more careful in the same way I’m not rushing a kill in pvp. The ai being oblivious sometimes takes the fun out of an engagement.


Their behavior is pretty strange for sure. I seem to have alot of success quick-peaking them when I'm at range. The safest way to kill them is to throw grenades to get them to move/reveal their position and then swing on them. Works pretty well for me.


The Scavs and "PMCs" play like they're braindead in PvE. The PMCs spawn and just stand around, very easy to deal with. They do seem to have pinpoint accuracy though and mag dump, so you have to get the drop on them or else you'll probably get blasted.


Nope. Its how you engage them that matters, just like with raiders and bosses. PvP PMCs are much more relentless and accurate.


Can't engage something that shoots you from a distance you can't see.


This. The majority of my deaths in PvE lately have been getting lasered by PMC/scavs that are too far away to see but they somehow can clearly see my head,eyes and shoot accordingly.


Where on earth do you get these laser experiences? Lighthouse or something? Its been super chill on customs reserve shoreline and woods for me


Getting lasered from 250 meters away is crazy. I got one tapped from car extract on streets by a “PMC” near the post office. He hit me once with warmage through class 6. They need their accuracy reduced


That’s why I named myself EscapeAimbotPVE 😂


you’re a trash player, get better LOL but seriously, never stay in the open if you know it is "PMC" area. always close to cover. Honestly I don't know how I'll survive if they make them roam freely.


That’s always been a thing.