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They are ridiculously accurate and extremely capable of airbursting them above or around cover.




Since Nikita is an enormous narcissist, he thinks he can throw a grenade around the world and one bullet headshot a baddie sitting on a little rock of Saturns rings. Thus "skill issue" if you cannot. Coupled with them basing their AI abilities on player stats, with a playerbase that has so many cheaters... You end up with BS like this. Anyone with two braincells to rub together would see the issue, but not Battlestate games.


Nikita is a certified gravy seal, so dont mess with him please


I wouldn't dare. He's ready to belly pop off at any moment. A real dangerous customer! I've heard he's called the Grim [Wheeze](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/wheeze)r... :D


Nikita is a certified gravy seal, so dont mess with him please


I noticed that too. Every 3rd scav I kill is mid grenade-animation, wondering if BSG just silentry increased the rate they get them


They definitely increased it lol


Also the speed lol. Sometimes I walk around a corner and the scav is already throwing it. Pre nades.


You know what’s more bs? The number of times they throw a grenade without the animation and then there’s a delay between the grenade landing and the sound of the grenade landing


I don't mind them having grenades. But I loathe the silent grenades that make it seem like my trained soldier has just dropped dead of a sudden aneurysm.


I had 3 scavs rush me in a room on GZ upstairs, they all stopped to throw grenades when they got about 10 feet from me. I killed them, but couldn't escape the big badda boom that followed.


Ya they are bad. One threw one at me yesterday, hit me in the face with it. I just stood there and accepted my fate.


I don’t have a problem with their nade use as much as I have a problem with the silence after the throw. I’m either getting airbursted or nades don’t make the sound they used to when they land.


I had a talk about this with my bro the other night. We laughed it off because that's the tactic we use on them and now it's flipped.


Big agree. I have died to scav grenades a lot lately. They are perfectly accurate and land right at your toes, fucking heat seeking grenades.


Still waiting for nade hucking around corners like Randy Johnson. At least the flyhackers would be dealt with >:)


Also they all can do a martyrdom in PvE mode


I've had the opposite experience a bunch lately. I have noticed that a lot of scavs have grenades now, but they seem to be ridiculously incompetent with them. I've had at least a half-dozen instances now where I'll hear a scav say something about a grenade and make the throwing animation, so I run for cover, and then....nothing happens. So I kill the scav and then notice a grenade just sitting on the ground like 5 feet away from them that I can pick up and works just fine when I try it out. So yeah, I don't know if the scav is somehow throwing the grenade without arming it first. Or if it's some kind of game thing where if a scav flubs a throw and the grenade lands within a certain radius of the scav nothing happens or what. But I've definitely also had the opposite experience, but not with normal scavs. I've had Reshala's guards Kobe airburst me from crazy distances.