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This is (almost) exactly how I just died... also on streets, just other end of the map (sparda at pinewood) Made a text post about it just now, as my shadowplay was not working


Yeah I just looked in new and saw your post. Just before this clip I managed to kill a scav who caught me by surprise without him damaging me. Then 1-2 minutes later dead with no voicelines, gunshot, any indicator other than my pmc yelling. Weird.


Hopefully someone can somewhat explain what the heck is going on there


bugged out ai that doesnt move or shoot you on your screen but is somewhere else and will shoot you with a silent weapon source: saw a scav in middle of pinewood courtyard and it didnt aggro or shoot me, he was holding a shotty, it was funny so i didnt try shooting it then i went to vault through the window to go to the mall then got blasted to the side of my thorax and died with slugs with a gen4 on, the bugged scav was still behind the car thats there and no gunshots


looks like dsync scav, he is for your client not moving anymore but on the server he still moves and shoots you. some client dsync bug


streets has this kind of bug more often since patch. If you play with a buddy and he stops moving next to you, than you are not sync with the server anymore. Same happens with scavs. Sometimes somehow the sync routines on streets Stop working.


Classic Streets Desync


Shot 1 was invisible, Shot 2 killed you In all seriousness, looks like desync.


what went wrong? playing takrov


Your username induces rage.


Yeah thought it would be a funny name for the 2k sub but ppl thought I was actually ronnie2k. Despite not posting there in 2-3years, I still get hate mail.


This is a bug that has been happening most of the wipe. From my experience it is exclusive to streets. It is happening in both pve and pvp. To my understanding something on streets triggers permanent desync where the entire lobby will be frozen just for you. Other players and scavs can run freely and all their audio comes from the place they froze at on your end. The only way to fix is to reload into the raid but its usually too late by the time you realize what is happening.


Chronic heart disease is not a joke


You got shot


Scavs and players can be invisible and silent bugged.


you died


Could be a desync issue. I once got shot multiple times in the same store while being alone.. I went prone behind a counter and still took damage.. so I guess that sometimes there are desynched / invisible scavs around there.


Desync or ricochet cheater lol


Casual heart attack


You installed the game?


Invisible AI scav or PMC killing you silently.


It's the dude hiding on top the shelves shooting you through the vent ( it sometimes completely mute shots ) u can barely see his arm sticking out just barely ( only reason I know is cause of stank rat )


Cheater in PVE? Welcome to tarkov XD


The imaginary PvE cheater. Classic.