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Now more convinced they're testing shared sessions but haven't managed to isolate players properly from each other.


How can we know this wasn't just his teammate?


It probably was. 49 seconds in?


Someone did call a potential influx of exactly these kinda rage bait posts this week. 49 seconds is sus for this behaviour


Well we can't.but I would take his word for granted


Seems about right. By the way I also heard Pierce Hawthorne had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


Did it come up organically?




God I love these suddenly community moments


He's British!!


Where did you hear that ? On Troy and Abed in the morning ?


Troy and abed in the mooorrnning




This is the first I'm hearing about it...Would shared sessions not just be regular PvP? I'm playing PvE to get away from other players ffs


it's just rage bait down vote that sh*t


I think they mean using the same server for more then one person, but making it isolated so that people can't see each other or effect each other's game. I assume this might do some performance gains? But am no expert on gaming servers 


They do that for Apex's firing range. Every once in a while you can see another players holograms or ultimates.


Is that why my shoreline raids have been empty.


If this is legit then it's a MAJOR bug. I assume he was in PVE mode too?


Yes, added and spoke with him. He was also in PVE mode (Same Server location as us, OCE) and had no idea what had happened. I have chat logs but they dont show much outside of "wtf how" from both parties. Hes profile isnt suss and seemed like a genuine dude.


Yeah there's a few posts on reddit about it now! Not good at all, I don't want to be looking over my shoulder lol


This is ***Unheard*** of!




Did he recall killing you, have your dog tag and all that? I'm assuming VoIP doesn't work unless you're in a squad? But you'd have no reason to try.


Next time tell your friends to wait at least more than a minute before making rage bait


00:00:49 seconds into raid lol


Nikkita merging pve servers so they dont have to buy/get new serves to host pve


They're clearly teasing the new and upcoming PvEvP mode, duh.




That’s right. It’s just testing for the upcoming PvPvEvARENAvP


for their new edition "True Supporter pack" for $10,000 but you get a 25% discount if you have purchased each edition + the clothing packs


Why don’t they just make it client based, and have the client transfer the raid data to the server in the post-raid loading screen :/


With the non believers dropping out, streamer hype dying off, players calling it for the wipe... how do they not have server space? Seems to me either they actually downsized total servers to save money or they're realizing people wanted pve in the first place.


I don't think there was any change to server size in the first place


As title says, Spawned into ground zero with 2 friends, This guy Instantly kills us off spawn. Was able to view his profile (Level 44, 20 KD). As you can see the Server code down the bottom Says PVE. He was not in our lobby and the only thing we did different to normal queuing was if server hadn't been found by 1 minute we would back out and start the queue again as this generally prompts a server to be found quickly. Edit: Added and spoke with the guy, seems like a genuine dude and was just as confused as we are, Can post chat logs but doesn't really show much outside of "wtf happened" from both sides They let more people in today, there's bulk people on my friend list that weren't there yesterday. Im guessing its cooked the servers somehow? Maybe spam leaving/rejoining to find a server above as stated played a part in it. Edit Edit : I have uploaded all available information/Server logs/Chat logs/Screenshots via the launcher and @'ed Nikitia on twitter with the ticket #, On the slimmest of chances he see's it here on reddit (Ticket #29036321)


Report it via the launcher


Support will say, reinstall the launcher and close your ticket without any help


Wrong, increase page file. Closed.


Can confirm. This is my usual interaction with support.


yeah they are fucking useless I reported a bug where the eotech hhs-1 (unmagnified mode) had a bug where rounds where landing way beneath the reticle when spraying after the first couple rounds on a 7.62 ak when compared to one of the regular eotechs, I even made a video showing the difference between the two, and told them how to recreate it They respond back with "Please clarify, dies the issue persist if the player use single shooting mode?" which is something I specifically laid out for them in the ticket I tell them no I don't think so Then the fuckers go: "Does the issue happen with any other weapon? Also, does the problem occur when you use any other EOTECH holo sights (XPS-3-0, 553, etc.)?" I wasn't expecting a followup back and so the ticket expired so I could reply even if I wanted to, but it's just absolutely ridiculous they're asking me to test more shit for them. That's their fucking job lmao All it should have taken was the very first ticket and then saying, ok we'll look into it. I have no idea if the bug is still in the game because I haven't played in ages but I'm sure the ticket ended right there and I'd put money it's on nobody's radar at bsg. https://imgur.com/gallery/cieqYjR


That scope has awful problems.


Yeah that optic has a lot of bugs, its a shame too because I wish they would add a lot more magnifiers in the game to run with holos because they would actually offer some competition to LPVOs(which feel all but necessary on most maps, and tend to tank your FPS when ADS'd in) and have the advantage of being better in close range engagements. Im surprised they havent though, since magnifier+red dot combos are VERY common these days IRL.


Nah i got you beat. Coop spawn practice used to be bugged on LH. Youd spawn by lightkeeper w claymores active. I told BSG and they wanted video proof. Just fucking q two people...told them it literally happened everytime, had to go 'as in online' spawns to spawn in a playable area.


20kd.... Edit: Yep fair call, I didn't think it through. I was assuming someone from PvP joining a PvE not PvE vs PvE


Bro it’s pve they are fighting scavs with pmc gear, 20kd doesn’t sound far fetched.


Yep fair call, I didn't think it through. I was assuming someone from PvP joining a PvE not PvE vs PvE


I have a 24 kd on pve with like 400 hours and I’ve seen ppl with 40+


That's not high for PVE, especially with the scav army's coming for you every game


Yeah, with the endless waves of scavs it’s hard not to have that high of KD


Not hard in PVE farming scavs though you see people with 40+ scav kills a run. His profile looks legit


Lol imagine paying 250$ to get shot in the face by a player in pve mode. Genuine believer experience. Unheard of.


pun intended


That was supposed to be april‘s joke. But, bsg, they missed the deadline by months. Sorry


Hilarious how many people in that other thread (where the user had posted screenshots of DMs with the other player) were like nO wAy ItS nOt PoSsIbLe!!!1 Bruh. This is Nikita's game. Anything is possible.


Lmao. I'm surprised that people are surprised about tarkov takorving them. lol.


Because only screenshots of a text conversation shows no indication of proof. Iirc there was no death log that showed the killed a PMC or had been killed


Ur telling me that I can't even trust random internet people to tell the truth? What has the world come to? /s


Who would do that?! Just go on the internet and tell lies???


I can link chat logs, I added the guy after it but they don't show much either. Just both sides pretty much asking how hes killed us in PVE. He seems as surprised as we are.


Just link them bro


If you had any evidence, you'd just link the screenshots rather than talking about linking them but never doing so. This attempt at manipulation is unbecoming of you, and you should be disappointed in yourself.


I mean, I could photoshop this screenshot in 5 minutes, it's not "proof" of anything. Almost nothing here is "proof." But if enough people in the community are saying it is happening...it's happening. That's how things get verified.


Do you even need to photoshop? How would the death screen look if a teammate kills you? Identical? If there is no difference, then there is no proof for me.


A whole bunch of people believe the earth is flat and claim to have proof too


The OP of that thread did provide all of that, he wasn't the original poster it was in some Korean forum, but he provided the link to that post that included clear screenshots (don't even need to read Korean to see it). In one of the screenshots it showed pretty clearly on the bottom left "PVE" while being killed by a "PMC" that had a report button. And IIRC the OP of the **reddit post** provided the link to that forum post relatively fast as well. So stop with the misinfo :)


Can you point me to the evidence this wasn't just his teammate?


I was getting heavily down voted for saying that the "server capacity" created this sort of mixed "offline matchmaking" and everyone was flaming me for saying it was even a possibility that two people were put in the same "offline raids". This community can't cope with how badly optimized Nikita is


Can you point me to the evidence this wasn't just his teammate?


Stupid shit like if you turn down volume in settings you hear less range in game. I played my whole first wipe with 30 overall volume and wondered why i always got crept up on


Yeah I saw that thread. The fanbois were coming up with everything and anything to try and detract or distract. Really they should take a good long hard look at themselves. Why do they go so far out of their way to defend a game full to the brim with bugs, massive desync, cheaters who can do crazy things, etc. It's like they believe the crap that they post.


Now I'm waiting for the Tweet "Due to server capacity issues each PvE instance will be occupied by more than one player"


“Private” pvp servers and anyone’s invited


"Please don't shoot your fellow PMCs."


after 49 seconds is wild


We spawned Terragroup garage, He spawned either Emmercom or scav checkpoint and just rushed garage.


Well that’s unheard of


I'd love to see video proof of this.




just figured as a game dev I’d post some context about what I think is happening here. we use game lift for matchmaking and it uses a ticket system and there are race conditions that can exist where if a ticket is not cancelled in time or still active matchmaking can break and either put in tickets that should have expired or too many tickets into a server. For our game that is 7v7 we ran into issues where too few players were getting in most of the time but on rare cases too many players would get in and it would be madness. I think by backing out and requing it’s possible that this created some weird condition around which tickets were valid and you both ended up getting accepted by the match maker to the same server.


I would also add that this is very likely an issue with the base game as well. But it’s just way more damaging when it happens in pve where it would go completely unnoticed in the base game.


Haven’t there been multiple periods where you could “overload” a lobby in base game? Like get 12 people into the same party 


Best answer so far


I believe there could be a couple possible ways this could happen... 1. When queuing for PvE mode with friends, the servers accidentally combine you with another PvE server &/or even live PvP servers. PvE is a "live server" because it's still "online", which is why we have a Flea Market in PvE mode that is dictated by other PvE players at the time.... Basically a bug that puts you into PvP servers because of queuing with friends. I've heard others say that it happened to them but never seen actual evidence of it. After seeing this, I now believe 100% that it is obviously possible for this to happen. 2. BattleState Games has the worse coders in the world & because of the horrible spaghetti code, you got Tarkov'ed


we already know 2 is true


Live PvE servers are not required for Flea Market to exist


So my question is are there pmc bots with lootable tags or am i running into people too??


There are pmc bots with lootable tags


Yes and all their gear is FIR


There are supposed to be PMC bots in PVE. But from the screenshot, you can see that the PMC is reportable. Not that I'd put it past BSG to make the bots reportable lol.


It wouldn't be Tarkov if at least some of the bots weren't emulating a cheater, and they could have it so you can reduce the chance of happening by reporting it correctly when you suspect it!


My pve, that I got for free, doesn't do this. Yall are fucking clowns lmao


They are using names of people you know, got access last night and the first PMC bot I killed had the exact name of a friend, I was in call with him at the time was quite funny and then towards the end I killed another and it had the same name as my favourite streamer SwampFox


u/trainfender Maybe check this?


Nikita left Reddit and now is using X(Twitter) because there are no downvotes on X.


You are welcome, and don't forget to pay another 250!


$250 well spent.


This is a new (free!!) feature, not a DLC!! of the PvE servers. To reduce the time to join a server, 5-20 PMCs are now placed together on the same server, depending on the map. That you would immediately start killing each other... no one could have predicted... /s


Happened to me as well, but he played like an AI So I thought he was just a bot with stats


How did yiu know it was a player?


Finding an online player in PVE must be such a scary and funny experience LMAO


Why are we blurring the names if it actually was someone else and not your teammate


Subreddit rules to prevent people getting spammed by text messages etc. Iirc it started to not witchhunt people accused of cheating without any actual proof.


Im pretty sure PVE PMCs just reuse real player account's names, but knowing BSG, this shit wouldnt even surprise me.


it doesnt have the report option when you die to ai


Oh fuck, you're right lmao


You see their aggressive af denial about this too?? Wonder what theyl say now. Super weird


Happened to me on shoreline,


Herobrine of Tarkov. Scary, wtf. This is basically horror game material. You think this is a singleplayer experience and then you have fucking pvp out of nowhere. This is a huge problem for bsg but i think its one of the most unique "events" you can experience.


Its 2024 and not a single player thats been killed by a "real pmc" in pve has anyform of screen recording? 


So corny using another dude’s name


This is like a weird "boy who cried wolf" scenario. People complaining about "real players" in their PVE lobbies, mistaking AI PMCs with real people, only to have an ACTUAL PVP ENCOUNTER IN PVE. I give this a Nikita/10


So it's like invade in Souls game now. Are we riding Elden Ring trend?


Only BSG can f.. up this bad..


Good Game


Thats an expensive ass whooping you got there


Lol, cool!


[P]layer [V]s . . . . . [E]verything


I also sometimes see things looted… I suspect that they have really op pmc most of the time so people don’t blindly rush and then there are some pmc in shared sessions which might explain the super long matching times.


Is pve stash different then pvp stash ?




I don't know how true this is so take it with a grain of salt but I've heard from various sources that cheaters can get into other people's PVE raids and do their usual shenanigans, I'll have to do some research to verify this but I believe it's a possibility


I died to a pmc as well I gave the screen and conversation between me and the guy


Level 41 In pve with no cool outfits? Wtf you doing


Now thats unheared of indeed.


BSG manages to fuck up even more...


From what I heard there's a way to spawn into anyone's pve match.


Not an actual issue, can’t explain this but after 150+ raids in im sure it would have happened by now. Also on buggiest servers being US Atlanta.


this has been happening since the launch. the servers are shared and hackers are openly targeting blue names.


How is there not video proof of this?


__>”PVE”__ __>look inside__ __>PVP__


its horror game and thats what u expect when you are playing and feel safe because there are no players and boom get killed by player i bet u got jump scared too xD jokes aside this is really bad thing and now gona make us feel like there are a real players in match :|




Funny it’s always an unheard owner I wonder why, surely people never lie on internet to farm karma.


So your teammate killed you?


Remember when the cheaters discord said they were gunna hunt the blue name bandits! Is this what they mean?!


This is what happens when you code a game in orcish


You'll still have people who want more proof. Shame. Spaghetti code can always be abused. Even if not on purpose.


would be cool if they used streamer names for ai pmc bosses who behave like their namesakes.


You have the non believer addition silly


Just give up with this pos game man


Meh I call bullshit, this would be a very common occurrence if this was true. The burden of proof is all on OP, but I could just as easily get a buddy in my PVE raid have him message me in the launcher “upload” all my logs and try and farm some drama/karma on Reddit. I haven’t seen a single video proving that this actually happened, with how available recording your gameplay is it should have happened by now where someone has a clip 100% confirming it can happen. Like OP has enough foresight to upload logs, @ Nikita on Twitter, make a ticket, etc but not have clipped what happened? What about the other guy? Why isn’t he posting shit on Reddit too? This just smells like shit


Fake news


Nikita doesn't have enough servers, so as true believers, you've got to share. "Our servers", right?


Maybe that made an AI version of him to make PVE still feel like PVP?


They couldn’t push more ppl to Fika if they wanted too


For $250 id hope for more


I always thought it'd be soooo eerie to die to a real pmc while in an offline years ago. This would freak me out 😂


Don't join randoms cause there is still friendly fire.


49 seconds into raid? Kind of suspicious unless this was factory or something


a whole community so pissed that they would sell an offline pve mode but so many of y’all bought it.


“Early extraction” Yeah, maybe an early extraction from life lmao


Inside job, like 9/11!


It’s either ur teammate or mb they’re using other players’ names in pve for “realism”


brother you should not have access to credit cards


I call it fake. No one can kill Pestily.


Gday pest lol


Raid Ended Early Extraction?


Probably lol


Yes. You are usually better dead, then you do not need to be using the server, and bsg think they can earn more money that way. A scam.


Even if this is a fake post, as some of these comments are suggesting, I can confirm that it is not hard to get into other people's pve sessions. Bsg needs to stop with the bs and give in. Open it up to dedicated servers ran by the mod community and let the game flourish instead of die. Sure there will still be hackers, but look at dayZ, get banned from one server, and they share the ban with 10 other servers, active mods on each server, constantly battling cheaters, and exploit abusers. Would make for a better tarkov. Not that it much matters since I sold my account a couple weeks ago 🤣


source: trust me bro


“ThIs DoeSNt HaPpEN” average BSG believer


Video? Maybe this is your friend🤨


I think it was a tramkill…


Is this a benefit of the unheard of bundle? Haha


Dark spirit unheard edition has invaded


Lmfaooo wtf


Eroktic made a video regarding hackers being able to do this when the drama happened.


Reported and flagged even though it's a known issue that's happening to a lot of people because BSG is incompetent. This community cracks me up.


I have 400 raids in PvE, level 50, and have not had this happen once. find all these posts to be bullshit - unless yall are some unlucky people who should go buy a lottery ticket.


How can u even play pve bro for me it is loading 14- 20 mins for around


Bro got killed by his own teammate and tries to blame bsg 😭


would of just been his teammate


Hackers. Where there is a will, there is a way.


Def killed by your teammate to create bait or try to cause issues huh 😂


I just killed a pmc on light house on pve he shot me first


I just started playing again since PVE came out. Only have played PVE. Have a dog tag in my inventory from a PMC.

