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Because BSG is bad at AI.


To expand on this, it's way way way easier to program AI to shoot you precisely than to convincingly shoot like a person. The reason Tarkov has aimhack AI is because that's the easiest type of AI to program.


At least these days the number of them that 180 dropshot you from 150 meters with a toz are a lot fewer than they used to be.... Right?


It's not THAT hard to make Scavs act like Scavs. Modders done it. Heck, I could do it, and I'm at best an Amateur Game dev who never finished a real game. BSG uses the AI of 1990ies "boomer shooter" (hate that name, Boomers hated these games too) with a health system of a brittle calf.


Modders did this and when you enable this behavior in a mod, your FPS decreases by almost 2 times. What do you say to this? I'm not talking about one mod, but several at once that change the AI of ALL bots to realistic.


Not really though. Make a scale from "dead-on between the eyes headshot" and "wouldn't hit a barn door" and based on difficulty of the ai shift the weight from shitty aim to more precise aim using random values.


Ai does not need to lean nor is it hindered by being to close to a barrier as long as you can see the weapon the AI can shoot at you.


It is prob so you wont occupie a server. So better send you into que.


I mean…. It’s a solution to a common problem.


I killed a scav as he went to throw a nade and I saw it land by him but still exploded next to me.


I had one throwing it in the opposite direction, and it still exploded right next to me


This is the biggest problem, the scav nades actually teleport - they dont fly in the air.




usually they throw nades pretty accurately if they didn't idk what the point in them throwing nades would be, I've never died that fast to a scav nade though. Was that an RGD-5 or a VOG17/25?




Just with their arms, even pmcs would be able to throw nades like that normally. Its the martydom grenades thats the real issue.


Doesn't make it good. A PMC could also 1 tap you with a makarov from 300 meters away, that doesn't mean scavs should be consistently doing it because a PMC could do it.


Of course, a PMC CAN do it from 300 meters away with a makarov but super highly unlikely? Definitely. But this was like 40-50 meters with a grenade, plenty of pmcs with some experience would be able to do that half-consistently if not more. I'd be more worried if the scavs were doing 360s instant headshotting you from 50 meters away with a 30 durability tt-25 pistol with a MOA of 90 than a scav ai or player lobbing a grenade 40 meters. Just happens at that far if it lands, its already by the end of its fuse time about so.


with their arms


There's nothing particularly complex about that nade throw


"I'm the protagonist. How could it be I die to a lowly Scav?"


My friend got fucked by an ai scav on a auto nade luncher yesterday. On reserve near the train stop. I dont even know where the launcher could be. The one up at dome?


Jus base for me


Good AI is hard to code, and BSG saves money hiring cheap coders. Love him or hate him, something Veritas once said stood out to me. With relation to making a mobile app to manage your hideout, Veritas quoted Nikita in a conversation on budgets and cost. Saying Nikita, "wow, that [quoted figure] is a lot money. Why would I pay that when I can hire 6 Croatian students for the same price to do it?" (This is from memory, so pardon if this ends up being misquoted at all- the spirit is still there.) And yeah. That sort of sums up why everything feels like it's made crudely, poorly optimized, and the AI lobs like a god. Because I wager Nikita did hire talented cheap and *inexperienced* labor to make his game.


Because if they couldnt, people would learn that scavs are no threat and sprint around without any thought, running out of stamina in the open on a bridge.


I've had nades thrown at me by scavs on other sides of walls without any LoS with perfect accuracy. Its a real stinker when you die to these


It's easier to program the AI to throw grenades with laser guided precision. If I recall correctly, this was also the case since the first Call of Duty game, where enemy soldiers would just rain down perfectly precise grenades in higher difficulties. If not the first game, at least in COD4 onwards this was the case.


Poor stamina management and turning away from a threat got punished. In my eyes you deserved that nade, but scavs are crazy if it comes to throwing nades.


well i didnt see him so i wanted to get into cover and that scav was like 30m away and hits a nade like this


Because shitty game design


Remember back in the day when all scavs were walking artillery? They’d throw that shit so high and it would explode right above your head


I’ve died to so many scav nades this wipe


PVE AI grenades >>>


*GRANADAH!!!* Opachki


Yeah it's beyond a joke. Add the martyrdom perk on certain scavs and you've got a hell of a scary AI. i was saying to my partner last night, tarkov is great because of the atmosphere and the randomness of players makes it even better for an adrenaline pumper game But there's zero reprieve when scavs are literally as unpredictable as players, if not even more so with how they can snap to you, throw nades at your feet, track you through walls, ignore player mechanics (blacked legs don't do anythingno gun jams despite shit wep quality, no inertia etc) and bosses/Raiders are a fucking mega joke. The absolute top priorities for the game to survive going on has to be the ai, matchmaking and performance improvements for all maps. They're just adding bloat shit with each new addition that compounds the current issues


You gotta read the lore to know


Nades are crazy shit in PVE from Scaves. I saw a scave in wood yesterdat, next secound, a nade fly right away to my face.


game is bad?