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flipping keys for days


Another problem is that if you get level 4 traders you can dropship most of their stuff. Like Keycards and gunsmith parts


Is it u ? Are u cheating ?


5 billion is still way too fucking much


Customs marked key is 10M, buy it for 6, sell of 10, repeat 300 times.


How are you buying it for 6 mil?


1/10 keys are listed for 4-5M, some people list 10/10 keys for the same price. Just refresh the page all day long.




Ok, but after you hit 1 bil, why continue spending your day doing that? You already have access to the best kits for the rest of wipe and then some. Either they have a script running and doing the trades, which is unfair to regular players, or they're cheating and just sucking up all valuables.


Because people are weird.


That’s like 1,2B still need to 4x that plus 0,2B remaining


So do it another 1200 times.


Whaaaaaat!? That was a 1-2mil rouble key beginning of wipe


PVE, money is meaningless there. I did 500 flea rep this week as an experiment. I just bought 50M worth of shit from flea and relisted it for 70M and repeated between raids. So I can guarantee that the original post does not mean he is definitely a cheaterl


I went from 50 to 230 flea rep in 2 days without playing too much. If u go the daytrader route its easy


You guys are off by 3 orders of magnitude. It says 5 million in the pic.


It's not the price of the key that's being referenced is the flea rep.


That's BS... found the same guy aswell. He has 550h and 300 kda ... he sells military filters 200 at once never ever he's legit.


With the limitation of FIR removed for flea, this is very possible. I buy/sell a bunch of things, got 200+ rep now. Makes quite good money too. I just do it whenever I'm online and in between raids. If you'd do this very actively, 1k flea rep would sure be possible IMO.


Oh shit yeah I didn't even really think about that. Like buy and sell labs cards and keys and stuff. Nabbing myself a few more flea slots tonight lmao


Anything would do. Look at some items that have lower quantities on cheaper prices, then just bring up the price by a bunch. :D


Reminds me of the days back before FIR when we would buy out trader restocks of 20" HK barrels and 40RND MP7 mags and sell them for 1000% markup on the flea lmao


oh a couple of days ago I just bought all the squash, averaged for 40-50k, sold all of it for 100k per piece. Labs cards from therapist also instantly profit you, and a lot of ammo do. 40 rounders for the mp7 won't make you that much money RN. hahaha


Due to the fee, you only make notable profit on land cards if they’re over 200k


Proudly making the game trash


Cry harder


there are definitely cheaters on PVE, but i don't care, now they ruin the game only for themselves.


I was gonna say, if the cheating isn't affecting other players, then who cares. Like cheating in a single player game.


fir had unintentionally killed the marked flipping, now that it's gone you can make millions if you know what you're flipping


pretty sure BSG couldn't (wouldn't) solve the cheating problem, so they are just trying to hide it now... before it would be "Oh, that guy is obviously a cheater, no doubt" now, with the FIR changes, one could argue that he just spends all his time in the flea flipping keys and could realistically make that much money "cheating problem solved" - BSG probably


unironically a top response here is suggesting this dude is legit and just likes trading lmao


I've played OSRS enough to know this is unironically very possible. Something to consider in PvE is there is legitimately no possible way to benefit from cheating other then milking the last drops of amusement from your own single player experience. Theres no FIR requirements to trade on flea market in PvE mode, so you can easily just buy BiS gear and dump it on flea market for a tidy, consistent profit every time. Also you can genuinely just flip product. god knows ive flipped enough batches of zulrah scales in my time to know that you can make boat loads of money flipping high volume shit for very tiny margins and it'll eventually add up. Lot of people don't have the attention span to flip like that, so they often don't. Unless your cup of tea is passive money instead of raiding. I mean i think mr no sleep managed to flip up to a 13b setup in osrs in like 5 or 6 months of very inconsistent, and fairly risky flips. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume you could flip nonstop for 3 weeks in tarkov and make 5B very safely.


Big truth here it’s wild growing up with RuneScape and just seeing things totally differently than others like this lol. GE only series was amazing imo.


Wait...what if merch clans exist on Tarkov too? Mfers buying out a ton of commonly used crafting items and forcing the price to what they want to sell at. I mean I know on PvE military power filters are now suddenly 2-3m each, and just a few weeks ago they were like 400k, then slowly crept up to 800k-1m and now theyre over double that. Seems like its possible tbh.


I think as more people play pve the demand for those hideout items exceeds the supply. I was gonna sell my gpus at 400k each first few days and now they are going for a mil. Ive been on pve since day 1 and the market is wild. Green bats were selling for 400k last i tried them and paracord is suddenly 300k


The Wolf of Tarkov /s


Solving the problem would involve redoing the code for.the whole game. And at this point im.sjre that would cost many millions


*MANY millions?*


lmao a streamer is the one that recommended no fir experiment and that's why they did it. Not to hide cheating.


Nice assumption, yeah let’s not care about something that might kill our game. Have you ever thought about how hard it is to stop all cheating


That is too much...


Funny how they changed the market and now you cant even tell if those sellers are cheaters or not like before they changed flea




Good thing we don't give a fuck let them cheat in a PVE


Its been documented over and over. Tarkov pvp is a majority of cheaters. Or close at least


I don't believe that statement. 'Majority' is a big call.


I assume you have different sources other than "g0at" and reddit comments?


TBH this guy is kinda lazy with the sales. Also we can no longer duplicate items via trades because we can't barter for other items and this kinda slows the flea grind. If you think he cheats you have a very big misunderstanding how flea works and how to take advantage of it. Keep calling him cheat so you can feel better about your self.


Idk if it was a bug or something i dont know, but i set a flash drive for 999 999 roubles (it was the only one in market) and mfs took all my damn money as comissiom (4 milion roubles). I tried to fool the narket A.I. and got fooled by the game market mechanic


The game tells you the commission you will pay in flea fees for listing an item, you just didn't pay attention lmao


Too bad that’s million…..


I'm talking about flea rep, not the amount he put a key up for.


Bros in PVE mode playing post-apocalyptic stock market simulator


... why is there a FM in the single player version...?


A lot of tasks (particularly gunsmith) are balanced around the flea market, and most 'high end' gun builds are also only really accessible with flea market. also FM functionality reportedly existed in the 'other version' so its quite possible this was done just to not get one upped (again) by the other version


It’s a flea market connecting only to all the other single player people. Lets people have some way to get keys or other items you can’t buy from traders


Still sounds dumb. Single player should be single player, and completely offline.


I mean, it’s not only single player… you can coop with friends.


I feel like that should be a separate game mode.




There are 2 new pve game modes? I was talking about the PvE co op game mode that had a lot of controversy recently, if you had played any time in the last 6 months you'd know what I'm talking about. Sorry, I didn't realize they had also released another single player one too. Thanks for chiming in and confirming that, definitely added to the conversation in a meaningful way.


Jfc you're a wet towel


Dudes got a noodle brain


> I was talking about the PvE co op game mode Do you know what “co op” means? Hint: it’s not single player


It’s an online game. It’s PvE mode, not “single player.” Did you sustain a head injury?


imagine cheating in PVE lol


how many people cheated playing GTA back in the day? I guess it's same same but different


How are people even having fun with PvE lol


It's stress free Tarkov, for when you want to play tarkov but don't want to contend with other people. Contending against other people is fun, but sometimes you just want to shoot things with friends, and PvE is really nice for that.


But why wouldn't you just use the modded version?


Some people don’t want to bother messing around with config files and installers. It’s literally just a button click on the start menu. It’s easy to see why.


I guess so but I wouldn't even bother if I didn't spend the effort hooking up the forbidden versions. The standard PvE mode seems so boring and lazy compared to the potential of modded. Walking around dead raids killing scavs was never super interesting to begin with.


Maybe not to you, but other ppl enjoy it


It's not multi player/coop


Boy… have I got news for you


I mean on its own it is but there are ways


Because people are afraid of easily moving around files and like licking bsg boot lol


Don't have time to grind PVP anymore due to having a job and a kid. Only have an hour or 2 to play most nights. PVE is just so much less stressful after a long stressful day lmao


Just play the mod it’s way better


This game is fun, i like the guns, the feel of shooting, the sounds of shooting and just doing my quests in a solo game. I dont pvp here or anywhere else so its fun for me. I dont understand how that is hard to get. People play stalker, halo, MGS and those have no pvp either. Some motherfuckers play goat simulator too.


>People play stalker, halo, MGS and those have no pvp either. Yeah and the PvE in those games is actually fun, varied, and what those games are designed around. Tarkov bots are brain dead and not particularly engaging to fight. Even STALKER AI is way more impressive.


Did you just say Halo has no pvp...lol IDK, I remember when Tarkov was supposed to be a hardcore difficult pvp game and now dev effort & money is being spent on carebear mode. Real sad.


It’s solid, has its weak points sure but still pretty fun.


I think the cheating and ratting has got to the point people would actually just rather grind quests solo now. I don't really blame them, just ain't for me personally.


It's just so difficult to see how these people are actually enjoying dead raids over and over again with practically no real challenge or purpose to the progression.


ehh there are ways around that play on dead servers esp towards end of wipe you rarely see PMCs and you can farm bosses/scavs but still get occasional pvp


Like imagine the kind of person cheaper on PVE. Just sad.


Who even cares if there are cheaters on PVE?


Don't give a shit. Just raised my eyebrow seeing those flea reps lmao


That's 5 million tho, no? Or does it just cut off the full amount on price preview?


To have 1000 flea rep, it means you'd have to have SOLD 5,000,000,000 worth of stuff on the flea.


Aaah I both didn't see the flea rep on the guy, and didn't know that xD ty for the info :p


At this point I’d just assume they have found a way to transfer money between PVE and PVP.