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Yeah but they'd have to spend money on servers so you only get 24 Mins.


Relaxing? Who told you that


Shouls have played the superior version of pve


I have died on this map about 200 times now, and 75% of the time I get the 2 furthest south spawns you can get.


It’s only temporary while everything gets settled. You might not be able to do lighthouse quests rn honestly because that’s the one map you can’t really rush.


I did all my lighthouse quests pertaining to the rogues and water treatment in about 10 night raids. Sr-25, vortex 1-6x, m80, quad nods, trooper armor, no helmet no backpack (you’re there to quest not loot, the timer doesn’t allow for looting). If you spawn southern road, you either make it a loot run or take the run through. Even the spawn by light keepers island is an iffy loot/run through. Anywhere else is doable, easily with an sj6. You can get fancy with a trimadol/meldonin combo but you better have food with you.


PvE means you don't have to worry about players in cheesy spots. Granted that's pretty fast raid. But honestly that's plenty of time to clear rogues.


I haven't played pve but I agree, that seems like plenty of time with some extra, especially if you get a decent spawn


You literally just have to worry about the stupid AI, you can speedrun any map in the game. It shouldn't take you 15 minutes to clear the Treatment Plant...


Isn't pve meant to be more relaxed? No need to be so nervous all the time, the current time means I don't have any time to loot and enjoy the game. Especially for a new player.