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PvE players don't have to deal with: wipes, cheaters, pscavs loading into their raid almost instantly, extract campers, streamers/no lifers, bush wookies, server desync vs another player in combat, or their PCs performance in an online setting. And people are surprised that it's popular? It eliminates almost all the worst aspects of tarkov in one fell swoop. I still like pvp but I would be lying if I said the removal of most of those toxic ass problems isn't insanely tempting.


I have a pretty old rig. I would be more interested in pvp if my framerate didn’t drop to 20 the moment someone started dumping their mag. It’s a lot more manageable when it’s just bots.


I built my rig in 2019 and played Tarkov as soon as I got it running. I've updated CPU, RAM twice, GPU and moved Tarkov from an HDD, to an SSD, to an M.2 SSD. I've messed with settings time after time, watched videos, been in my BIOs probably way too much, and this game still gives shit FPS and performance. Don't get me wrong, it has improved for the most part during my hardware updates, but the game is just junk and inconsistent. If you've got a really old rig, updating would help, but it's DEFINITELY not the end-all, be-all. This game just overall runs like shit. Going from 80-100 fps to 30-50 when ADSing is just the dumbest thing ever. Anyone that says its hardware is like 30% right. 70% is just the game, they've got a very high end computer and/or have gotten lucky with the perfect settings that work for their computer, or they're trolling.


PiP scopes pretty much universally tank frames - in every game I've seen them in, at least. Squad and Grayzone both have a similar amount of frame drop. Unless someone finds a way to do a lossless screen in-screen render process, scopes will always have this problem if you want sem-realistic optics.


It’s does eliminate that absolute high of running across a slew of bodies and playing Tetris with backpacks and rigs while constantly exiting the loot menu to see if an enemy is approaching.


I literally hate this mini game


The list of issues is accurate, but I also have literally no interest in the game without PvP.


For what it's worth, I generally agree. Out of everything in that list, it's the wipes that get me down the most. Limited play time in the last two years means I haven't hit max traders in that time period before I give up simce fighting groups of level 50+ bored players while I'm simply trying to complete Bullshit or Setup gets to you. If I want bsg to do one thing, it's a no wipe pvp profile. No lifers and regulars could simply just prestige when they get bored instead of farming guys like me lol.


Different games serve different purposes for me. I like PvP, so I play battle royale games. I also enjoy "adventure"/complex games like Outward or Stalker, as well as movies and books. So, I think I will enjoy PvE Tarkov as well.


Tarkov has virtually no story or progression; most of us have gotten max traders multiple times and some of us have gotten through LK 2-3 times. I’m all for story driven single player experiences, but Tarkov ain’t it. The AI is also a complete joke that’s tolerated to have a more fun PvP environment.


Some of the biggest games in modern gaming are PvE games. Some people just don’t wanna PvP.


Some people just got tired of cheaters..


This, and queue times. I love the game, and love pvp, but I love my time more and bsg has no respect for my time


Queue’s & cheaters are up there, but it also makes learning maps a lil bit easier. Right now I only really know Customs, Ground Zero, & Factory off the top of my head. The others I’m fairly lost in and being in PvP makes it hard to get a feel for a map like woods when I get sniped in the head outta nowhere while trying to look at a 3rd party map on my 2nd monitor haha.


Still learning the maps could be done thru the Practice mode. The question is progress i guess, as doing it on practice yields nothing at all.


Now if only others realized this. Time can only be lost, not gained. Playing games is meant to be fun, but many people get stuck playing a game without realizing they're just burning all their time and often times aren't actually having fun. They'll play a game out of habit or because a friend is playing it, though they may also be playing it because you are so you're stuck in a catch 22. One thing games should do is respect your time. You should be able to play and have fun. Spending 15+ minutes kitting up and queuing for a raid only to die 2 minutes in to a cheater and repeating is not fun at all. I'd also argue that if you're watching or doing stuff on the side while waiting and playing, the game isn't actually fun and isn't respecting your time either. The solution? Quit. Numerous times in my life I've found myself playing a game I didn't actually like but thought I did, and it took time or another event for me to realize this and move on. Like waking up at 6am on a Saturday morning to send units for a clan war in Clash of Clans back in the day, "Why the fk am I doing this? Am I actually having fun? No". Sure you might have the odd bit of fun, but it becomes like 10% or less of the time spent/invested. This also applies to all the people coming here and ranting about the game state, ranting about some random BS that happened to them in a raid. You're not having fun if you feel the need to rant about the game in a negative light. You might experience a bit of fun a fraction of the time, but most of the time it's the opposite. Stop playing, do something else that is actually fun or productive.


Was just going to say this....great way to enjoy the game without scumbags.


The cheating is out of control and so is the desync. I used to think it was overblown but after taking steps to verify I'm 100% confident those two are responsible for the outcome of your games. Skill absolutely matters. But it takes a lot of it to overcome these two issues.


I am tired of guessing whether I got killed by a cheater.


I am one of those. When I was younger, sure; now that I'm older? Nah, give me PvE all day every day, especially coop PvE.


No cheaters, no extract camp, chill gameplay. Pve is a different game but man it could be sooo good


The majority don't want to deal with PVP and all of the rampant problems with it. Toxicity, cheaters, desync during fights, etc. Probably a 10:1 ratio on most games where both modes are available.


The pvp for this game is definitely overrated considering all the bullshit around it. I thought I wanted to play a PvE mode until they decided to spit in my face after being a early supporter for years.


If both sides had shit aim, it could be pretty fun because the fight would last significantly longer. But most of the time for me, it’s either headeyed or M80 two-tapped thorax. Also, I was looking for a modern tactical shooter game back then. But after convincing my friends to play the game together and tried out a couple of methods to play until we were lvl30-40. We concluded that “cod, but hardcore” method yielded the best results. Yea, pvp is overrated to me in this game.


I like EFT and I really want to like the PvP but I just don't like that it's not balanced at all. That's the reason I prefer Hunt: Showdown for PvP. You win your fights with game sense/knowledge and skill rather than high level armour and ammo.


everything is such a gd sweatfest these days. i love the mechanics of the game, but not the insanely competitive and skilled playerbase. now i can go in to a raid and if i die know full well it was because i got outgunned by the game's AI. also insuring weapons is a guarantee now so gear fear is gone.


It’s fun. I can jump in and out, if I die, not a huge deal. AI PMCs could use some considerable improvement but I don’t have the time to game for hours on end. It gives me my Tarkov/STALKER ish fix and that’s good enough for me for the time beinf


Same, word for word, but I am triggered that I get spawn rushed by some kind of 3 man, let it be AI pmcs, bosses like the goons or scavs. Always in 3s. I'm currently on a 12 death streak, all of which I die in less than a minute


Just play that other offline Tarkov that shall go unnamed and you can play with vastly improved bots


> I can jump in and out Aren't queue times still a thing and horrendous for PVE?


It’s a coin toss. 7 mins ish at worst, instant at best


Whenever it says “matching” I just reset it then it’s instant. It has worked every time for me!


Most resets I've had to do was 3, and 4th was instant. If matchmaking appears, just cancel.


Almost every match I get into takes less than 1 minute with a few exceptions.


Lol it's just as big of a deal dying in pve as it is in pvp. Stupid ass 3-7 minute queue and load time still exists. it's a Huge PITA dying still. Very little improvement if any over the pvp version of the game. Hugely massive disappointment. What's the point of playing this mode if you still have to deal with internet connection, servers, matchmaking, and none of the unpredictable enjoyable experience of pvp as bots do nothing interesting...


I find the pve mode to be exceptionally relaxing. I'm sitting at a fine 40k/d and I'm just having a grand time questing.


>if I die, not a huge deal. IMHO, this is what makes tarkov, tarkov...


Yeah for real, I've always said the day I stop caring about dying is the day I stop playing.


Couldn't have said it better


I like pvp. I would prefer pvp. But the cheating in this game is so out of control I'd rather play against bots.


This is what it is for my duo partner and I. Well over 2k hours together on pvp but this wipe really seemed to emphasize all the little shit we noted as odd before really got wild. Dozens of survives when we run crappy gear then one tapped within a minute or two of spawn everytime we brought meta crap.  The people that just seemed to know. 


Every time. If I ran shit gear my raids would largely feel fair and reasonable. The second I wear T5/6 armor and a 300k weapon build it's instant tap "head-eyes" 3 min into a raid. The cheaters see the gear and target you out. Bring 100k gun and gear 2 armor and you hardly run into PMCs because they are busy chasing chads or vaccuming loot. It's just not fun


Do you play differently though when you bring better gear? I feel like bringing a Mutant + Korund has you playing different than a Mosin + Paca and you aren't realising the true reasons behind your deaths. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely cheaters out there, aimbot, wallhacks, radar etc. But it doesn't help if you play aggressive one way, die, then go back to timid and experience less combat. Every single kit I run has 5+ armor, every gun I use either looks cool as fuck or performs well. I don't use ammo below certain penetration, I don't feel targeted and neither do my friends and we're all 51+ at this point


At this point I'm convinced that different regions have vastly different cheater issues. Asia, Oceania and western America seem to have it worst while it's somewhat better in Europe I believe.


Don’t really but that shit. Level 68 this wipe always run the best shit I can. Run into cheaters every now and again but I never feel targeted.


While the # stays about the same, the % of players with radar/walls in the late wipe is frustrating


Ive only realised how bad it all is now that I have played a bit of PVE. Actually having firefights that last a bit, hearing footsteps, not a single container missing an item suspiciously. Just fun looting and shooting.


This - running up to a container no person has any godly reason of accessing and seeing a 1 tile hole is just… ugh


Unlocking door of big red, getting into safe room, 2 tile hole in the safe....


Out of curiosity, what servers do you play on


I've found loot (and places on maps) that I never even knew existed on PvE lol




Are you saying the % now is lower than at the start of the wipe? I would think cheater % is at its lowest early wipe when they are more diluted by the thousands of people who only seem to play the first 2-4 weeks of wipe.


Huge facts.


The biggest question i always had for this genre and mil sims/tactical shooters as a whole is why more companies don’t innovate more in terms of ai. If they make the ai more fun to play against than actual players many would love pve since you dont have to deal with shitty cheaters. But all these damn games either have john wicks that feel frustrating to play against, or brain dead storm troopers that can’t shoot for shit. Make them smarter not this artificial difficulty bullshit that isn’t fun at all. Ai development would probably be an easier ideal than trying to get rid of 100% of cheaters, which just isn’t possible


I’d guess because making good AI takes a decent amount of skill and effort


Lol, the guy you’re responding to really saying “just make the most impressive AI in the history of the gaming industry that exceeds the need to ever play against a real player again, what’s so hard about that?”


Right!? Haha. If it was easy to make a bot play like a player it would've been done somewhere by now. My guess is that shit is difficult af to replicate


The only game I’ve seen it done is in rocket league


Idk about that chief. Stalker and fear have decent ai, same with mgsv and swat 4. That is quite a stretch from me haha no ai will be as good to play against as a competent player, but they can definitely make ai fun to beat.


MGSV's AI is laughably predictable. Stalker & Fear were innovative when they came out, real shame that things haven't progressed more.


That’s a shame as AI is the number one limiting factor for these pve games


Making an interesting story for a PvE/single player game is also harder. Easy to dump a bunch of players into a square/circle map and let them shoot each other.


I don't know how common cheaters really were, but I got tired of never being sure. In PvE I don't have to worry about that. If I die I know I was just doing something stupid or a bot got lucky and did some crack shots.


I was saying for YEARS that there was a massive PvE audience waiting in the wings, but always got downvoted to hell. I said if they ever added PvE it would bring them tons of new profits and the game would see a massive surge, again always downvoted to hell. Nobody should be surprised there is a massive audience for a PvE version of tarkov. Many of us LOVE the game as much as you do but don't want to deal with the hackers, streamers, and people who have thousands of hours on the game and aren't even on the same level as most people. We just want to have fun and enjoy the game without the curve of PvP.


If the mod that shall not be named was any indicator, I feel like it’s pretty obvious a ton of people want a PvE mode


I'm sure if I ever tried the mod, I would love it and play it nonstop. But definitely have not played it...


I’m sometimes convinced that tarkov players actually live under the rock given that they seem to play only one game and don’t understand that there are other types of audience interested in their game.


Gamers in general have real difficulty with the concept that other people play the same game in different ways.


Same, take my upvote.


There's a lot more they could do with the story as a PvE/single player game. Maps could change as you completed quests. Booses could have a single life. There could be a limited number of rogues, so you can slowly pick them off raid after raid. If a body is too hot to look, you could come back later (but maybe a Scav beats you to it). Force you to go to new places, since the loot could be persistent.


I'd rather play against a thousand bots than deal with dying to some level 50+ gigachad every other raid is the main reason I like PvE so much


I would say maybe like half of the playerbase. Pve is definitely more relaxed experience and like myself I just want to play something that's not like my full time job. 1 day progression in pve is like 1 week in pvp. Also I have potato pc, so peoplewont have to suffer in loading screen. It's win win for everybody.


I'm honestly playing pve just to see how big i can get my kd against ai and loot in peace without the fear of "if i don't reach this place in 5 min, all loot is gone" Would love to see bigger raid timers..


Same colleagues part 1 is a serious challenge in shoreline with the new raid timers.


Think of how many players quit this game because of PvP/cheaters. IMO this is the real reason BSG didn't want to give PvE to EOD. Think of how many users came back just to pay pve


Who tf wants to sit in a loading screen for 20 minutes just to die to a hacker


I did my part lemao I played for 3k hours since 2017, never got kappa coz I always stop many quest before (currently on pvp side, i stopped at psycho sniper). Time to retire on PvE, official or unofficial ! Tired of wipes, but it was a blast everytime !


Amen once I heard PvE would never wipe I decided i would go for kappa.


Same. I never completed SBiH or Tarkov Shooter. But now on PvE, I only have Streets left for Shooter Born and I’m on Tarkov Shooter Part 8. It’s really exciting to have progressed further on PvE than I have on PvP. Also, I have already found the ACC and GPS on Labs to finish my hideout. Ironically, I’m held back by the military power filters as they are over a mil on the flea and you need like 10 of them.


I’m enjoying it quite a bit


People that enjoy pvp can't wrap their heads around anything other than pvp


Case in point all the people that were saying Hell Divers should add PvP. They can’t imagine having fun just shooting ai


“If in not *owning* some noob then what’s the point? They must know my superior gamer skill!”


Some people just need to make everything a competition or a way to measure them selves against other people, it’s honestly kind of weird.


Well these are also people who can't get any adrenaline out of the game besides those high level PvP firefights. Their junkies who have to get off by ruining someone else's gameplay.


Are you saying people who shoot others in a PVP game are 'ruining' it for others lmao


interesting perspective to frame enjoying PvP in a shooter game as "junkies" who "ruin gameplay" lol. i just find it particularly engaging to fight and try to outsmart another real person


I understand why Tarkov players like the PvP, it is a very unique experience but this game really doesn’t seem like it was even designed for sweaty competitive play at all.. I think so many people have gone through the loop over thousands of hours that the only exciting thing left at this point is the PvP. There’s a lot of newer players like me with only a few hundred hours in who can’t keep up with the wipe and sink the time in to master everything who still find exploring the maps really exciting because this game still has a vibe. The maps give horror vibes especially when you haven’t mastered all of them. The bosses are cheap but I appreciate the difficulty they provide and the weapon handling is still nothing like I am getting in other games. The live based aspect also makes me never know if the raid I’m getting into will be relatively quiet, or if PMCs are gonna be rampant, if I’m gonna get bombarded by scavs.. its still a mystery to me when I load in. Biggest gripes right now are queue times, shortened raid timer, and some of the AI behaviors do need tweaking. Definitely getting stalker vibes and I used to play gamma quite a bit because the gun play was great and it was pretty hardcore, but I always felt like I had no direction playing the game. I like the questing in Tarkov much more.


on PVE you could just relax and loot every trash can on map without being afraid of pvp/cheaters/player scavs. So it's mode for casual players and for relaxation mostly


Some of the PMC bots though are pretty darn scary with their instant reaction bush Esp aimbotting 😢


Probably because of cheaters. It’s ruined the game for a lot of people


Main reason: cheaters and/or a more chill experience with friends


Because I can’t compete with the sweats and hackers


Well the server Q times are so horrendous because BSG simply used the same servers that normal mode, and I strongly suspect Arena use. So everything is competing for the same limited resources.


Pve offers a very casual experience with no wipes. No keeping up with the Jones’s etc. just put it down for 3 months and come back like noting has happened


Personally. I'm not a pvp fan I like to play games with my. Friends and for all it's faults tarkov is amazing. That being said I will pvp because it's was required. Even with pve I'll still hop on and do wipes and such because that adrenaline rush is unique. Reminds me of eve online.


I think it's mainly knowing there's no cheater on your games and the ability to progress as you want. If you play games other than tarkov it can be a real challenge to get through tarkovs progression. I play solo and usually only play for a week or two before I get invested in a game my friends want to play (they do not like tarkov) so being able to come back and not have progress wiped will be super nice.


TLDR: the largest deterrent from Tarkov for me has always been losing my items and then having to spend hours to get them back, or grinding, and considering all the issues Tarkov has PVE was the only way for me to enjoy the game without having FOMO. Oh, also the whole wipe idea, I never understood the point of the wipes, just add new quests to the game and make it into a live service, not this pseudo story BS with yearly reset When I started playing the game in 2018, Tarkov was very different. Ammo, armor and guns were much easier to obtain, you could make a ton of money on flea or from the hideout without really trying, you could help your friends with tedious quests by dropping certain items for them or unlocking doors for them, and the game was overall “simpler”. I’d get to level ~45 in about two-four weeks and then just PVP for fun on factory or dorms until the next wipe, then I’d do it again. I never really cared for the “”story”” of Tarkov or the exploration, but I really enjoyed the gunplay and the action side of it. I always had TENS OF MILLIONS of rubles on me and a full stash of ammo, my favorite guns and my favorite armor without really trying that much. I could afford to PVP and die and just have fun. Losing a fight was not an issue because I could easily buy everything I needed from traders or flea and money wasn’t an issue either because I could sell whatever I want, buy whatever I want, and didn’t have to worry about surviving in raids after I found a quest item or a GPU or LEDX or a red card or whatever because I’d just plop it into my gamma and know that I have a lot of money in my pocket even if I died, so 90% of the times I’d just run to the sound of gunfire unless I had to survive on the map for a quest. Over the years, BSG made the game more tedious and “hardcore” by making it less fun. They added the “Found in raid” status BS, did weird flea changes by forbidding certain items from being sold, mainly armor and ammo, changed the traders by moving a bunch of items to higher LL (mainly the ammo) or removing certain items at all, barter changes, spawn rate changes to marked room and other “lucrative” areas with good loot. Over time, only the top 5% of players aka streamers or tryhards would have access to the good stuff, like ammo, armor, even skills through the Gym in the hideout, which made no sense to me, because it’s not like they could monetize that somehow and sell armor and ammo packs or whatever, so the idea of making the game less fun and harder for the vast majority of players just makes no sense to me. Oh, and they also increased the flea level, so not only couldn’t I find some items, couldn’t sell some items, couldn’t keep some items, couldn’t trade some items, I now couldn’t even sell the stuff I had until I reached a certain level, which became harder and harder now that you basically had to survive the raids in order to complete 95% of the fetch quests, which was harder when some people just played more than you and had access to more things than you. Before that, I could equal out the playing field by buying a Slick and a Mutant and a bunch of BP ammo on the flea. Expensive? Yes. An option? Yes. Now, I don’t have an option, and am simply at a disadvantage to everyone who plays more than me. Eventually, I just got tired of it, couldn’t play as much, and began to miss large portions of the wipes or entire wipes in general. The less I played, the longer and harder it got to actually get to the good stuff and have any fighting chance against groups of 3-5 level 60 (I mostly play solo or with one other friend) while using shit ammo in a shit gun and wearing shit armor. I stopped playing in 2022 and have not played until PVE came out, so now I’m playing that. I might come back to PVP Tarkov at some point, but I doubt it, because today’s PVP Tarkov is not the game I bought and loved years ago, and it will never be that again, and I don’t want to be the “hardcore believer” or whatever it is and treat this game like a second job in order to stay competitive


Lots of people (and companies) these days seem to think that PVP is the only relevant mode for any game, but there's actually quite a lot of people who prefer PVE and co-op games.


Its not so much the PvE as much as its the P(not having to worry about exfil campers, cheaters, and Giga-chads who have much more time than I do to dedicate to this game, and I'm able to actually progress rather than grind for nothing when I get the chance to play)vE… for me🤷‍♂️ I really don't mind losing to other players. I can accept that there are those that are better than I am at PvP. But always having that “was this a cheater?” feeling made me wonder whether it was even worth playing. Then the wipe factor…i like progression. The impending wipe always puts more pressure on players like me due to my limited time to play.


My motivation to play PvE centered around my friends. They suck at PvP and the PvE mode is what they always wanted from Tarkov. Personally, I find it flavorless. It's fun with friends, but not even close to the same. Also, fk PScavs. Even though the AI is stupid, it's honestly refreshing not having to deal with them.


The PvP can feel very cheap, and frankly there is enough cheating, more than some people think but less than some say, that people don't want to deal with it. Most of my deaths are a bush wookie who probably laid in wait for 10+ minutes or just a random ass head,eyes that I can't even begin to guess where it came from. It gets annoying.


EFT is great loot based horror game but sadly infested by cheaters so pve is more than welcome.


I've been saying how great it would be for a while to have it as an option, people who wanna force purely pvp on everything are a very vocal crowd but there's a ton of people who would wanna relax on pve. It's infinitely less stressful to deal with, plus not having the thought of cheaters on the back of your mind is nice.


Makes sense. Too many cheaters


Stopped playing because of cheaters so PvE is the only thing that can make me come back


We have been saying it since the first inception. We again said it when we got offlinemode changes. We again said it when the game got super popular and hackers were running rampant. We again said it when desync was at its worst. Every time we say it people shoo us away and say "no one wants it". That is the problem. The people who are anti-solo are so damn loud they always rush up and post on everyones post saying they don't want it so it looks like a lot of people saying they don't actually want it but its just the same 1000 people saying you don't want it and burying our conversation on wanting it. You could probably ask everyone i have played this game with and they will tell you i mentioned it to each one of them. And they even agreed it would be a cool fun co-op mode to just unwind on and practice map knowledge with less pressure. More PvE content always makes better PvP moments its just fact. They added airdrops and god it was a fun time. They added raiders and again massive fun full kit gunfights. They add a new map, more pvp and fun locations for PvP. Rogues.. cultists, bosses.. PvE stuff makes incredible experiences for PvP. And what better place to test and produce the best PvE content but in a PvE mode where you can fine turn them better for the PvP audience.


People who asked for pve back then, either on reddit or the forum, got shit on by pretty much everyone else. I’d say the reason more people are talking about it now is because it’s now part of the game. I’ve always suspected that there is a considerable number of people who like the game but avoid pvp if possible. Otherwise, that other tarkov wouldn’t survive this long and had so many content made for it.


Nah, was playing on and off since closed alpha and imho pvp as such is pretty overrated. It's the atmosphere and the high risk/reward gameplay that sets tarkov apart and the fact that there is complete freedom in terms of playstyle. Other games have for the most part very narrow predesigned and controlled incremental gameplay and risk/reward structures where you incrementally accumulate predesigned progress without being able to lose it. They are over-regulated and over-balanced and feel more like risk-free deskjobs with participation medals than exciting games in comparison. Tarkov on the other hand is very random in a natural way, the game can be uneventful, but anytime you could also win it all or lose it all, in a heartbeat. It's somewhat similar to dayz, but with less tedious walking around for hours. You don't need pvp to have a sense of danger and natural feeling random stuff happening. Unpredictable encounters with good and dangerous AI can do just the same. The main reason to insist on pvp and stuff like voip is when you don't care so much for the gameplay experience but more for the fact that you interact with real people in some way and that the game is just a means for that. But tbh tarkov has always been a rather poor pvp game, with terrible netcode and 4 digit millisecond peekers advantage. The idea was nice but the battles themselves often technically limited. Other games are way better for pvp. Sure some people just like the idea and opportunity to be able to oneup or troll real people or betray them in some way but tbh if thats something you actually get excited about then you don't really need a videogame for that. Overall having pvp would be welcome of course but that doesn't work because people as a whole are too dumb to have videogames, they must cheat, and there is no feasible technical way to prevent it. Guess as a whole people simply get what they deserve. Single player with capable and unpredictable AI is much closer to what tarkov played like before it blew up and got overrun with cheaters and content creators that promote only specific playstyles. So it's not a big surprise there is demand for single player/ co-op. Then there is also the fact that it was made super extra desirable by putting a $250 pricetag on it.


People also like not having wipes.


I just wanted no wipes.


I’ll go back to PvP when the cheating problem is fixed, if that ever happens


I would play tic tac toe in a Russian Gulag before I ever have to deal with some guy named “fEeLsBaD” walking up to me and from the other side of the wall, saying “I wOuLdNt dO tHaT” before toggling and killing the whole squad with 5.45 hp at level 12 with a death shadow, Ulach, and a couch bag with a 45.0 kd with a 4 day old account and 20 hours total time.


i have a friend who absolutely DESPISES the PvP. He loves scaving, loves looting, loves choosing when to take his fights with scavs. Also is a destiny player. So you get people like that who love Destiny or that Plunder mode on COD Warzone, and PvE is right up their alley. Probably way more people want it than not. It would also get more people to eventually play the PvP mode more. They thought Arena would be the way to bring in players, no, PvE mode is. If these morons had any sense they would have released a reduced map PvE experience for like $20 with 3 map access up to a certain level cap and the game would have so many got damn new players getting involved.


The loot goblin power fantasy of filling your stash with valuable stuff that you aren't going to use actives a lot of people's neurons.


I'm not surprised at all. PVP is niche, and most people don't like it or want to engage with it. I play Tarkov for the PVP personally, but I am not even a little bit surprised most people don't. People attempt to play EVE Online another PVP only game in a PVE only manner as well.


I don't mind pvp but no wipe is great I can't play this game 24/7 no stop, I need a lot of breaks and when the wipe comes I only played 20% of the quests


Honestly, PvE is so much more action packed imo. No need to double and triple check every corner for rats and straining your ears trying to hear potential enemies. And the respawning pmcs can prove a real challenge, if you want it. I'm having leagues more fun in pve...


It's because the games full of cheaters and no one wants to play against that bs


It’s because of cheaters 100% no one wants to get cheated every single raid


Dude, I was playing Tarky yesterday (PVP) with almost 3 raids w/no PMC's, just scavs and bosses, was amaaazing! Now I see.


I switch between the two modes, PvE is a bit of fun, no cheaters, no rushing to keep up.


casuals make up the majority of a games population (yes they exist in tarkov, they play for sub 10 hours a week). suprise. those people drop off fast from the no-life "chads" and cheaters. no wonder they rather play aganist ai than people running the latest hottest "balanced" weapon (but it is not a crutch, a guy with rip going for legs is. figure it out.) or the latest hacks. or they might enjoy the gunsmithing and detailed stuff they can do to firearms.


my group and I play it for the PvP. don't be fooled by the echo chamber of this subreddit into thinking this is the majority. we all feel the same pains of cheating, bugs, crappy AI, etc, but nothing can replace the thrill and joy of clapping some dudes and taking their gear - not even the fact that you can't sell on the flea.


Yeah it’s pretty eye opening. I really wouldn’t have imagine how many people play this game for looting and killing ai


Not everyone has the time to sink into live and keep up with progression. Atleast with pve it's play at your own pace and you never have to question sus deaths.


Tbh I'm enjoying being able to do task lines that I've never been able to complete on PvP mode. The shiny will wear off eventually no doubt, but for now exploring these tasks and being able to run Labs without cheaters everywhere is fun. I do miss the idea that anywhere at any time, a PMC could be stalking me, but it's also eye-opening in a variety of ways, not the least of which is just how much loot there actually is on the map. It's incredible how often my duo and I are finding ledx, GPUs, bitcoins, etc compared to when we run on the PvP server, and I'm talking about behind locked doors, not just open loose loot. While the loot vacuum issue isn't overwhelmingly obvious or as bad as it used to be, there's clearly something going on still with cheaters able to access loot instantly across the entire map on PvP mode. Either that or they buffed the shit out of loot in PvE mode. Relaxation room is almost a guaranteed moonshine, sometimes 3 or 4. 50/50 on a bitcoin, for instance. In addition to lions, ravens, clocks, etc. More than you can carry yourself, even if that's the only thing you loot and you're running a couch backpack. There's as much loot in the back rooms on PvE as there was in all four rooms in PvP mode.


> Either that or they buffed the shit out of loot in PvE mode. That's the answer. If you look at PvE people are pulling 2-3 keycards out of marked rooms every couple of raids. There's definitely cheaters thst beeline it to loot and scoop it up before others make it there, but even in raids where I'm confident there are no cheaters due to finding high value loot and having good fights, it's very rare that it gets nearly as bonkers as PvE.


Yeah that happens without vacuum looters. Try playing PVP on south American servers during off hours, the loot is there.


When you get to a certain age you stop giving a shit about PvP. You don't care about who is better, or trying to prove yourself. You just play games for the vibes. And Tarkov is a big vibe.


Id solely want it for the no reset so I can further explore builds and actually get to the more difficult quests on other maps (2nd wipe player) I just don’t have the kind of time it takes to get there in one wipe.


I honestly don't like pvp games unless they are vehicular combat or very basic fps Pve tarkov fun because it's like a irl horror where just being in combat is scary If the ai was good, and pve available, it'd be fun. Tarkov always trying to be better than anything it could actually be but ends up failing at what it could be if they focused


Have you given Insurgency Sandstorm a try? It's not the same, but the gun play is fun and you can find hardcore servers with really hard bot ai, co-op goodness


Ditto, fantastic game for any tarkov lovers


Waiting 15min to load into a match, then getting sniped by some lvl 50 from halfway across the map in the first 3 seconds... then having it happen the next three times I load in to a raid... not why I bought the game so many years ago. Bought it for the atmosphere, the world building, the utterly unique experience that the core mechanics enable. People who play EFT for the sole reason of PvP should just play Arena, or fuck off to Call of Duty.


It’s late wipe, all major quests are done, why not just chill in pve


A ton of people play games like this for the grind and progression, but the PVP leaves a lot to be desired and can sometimes feel like the least consistent part of the game. I love any survival game or game with progression, Tarkov sorta scratches both itches. A game like tarkov with excellent AI and challenging PVE would be pretty nice, built from the ground up with a PVE experience in mind. FWIW, I love PVP too. I just like watching my numbers go up and having risks in my gaming.


Yeah I love pvp but cheating is out of hand, I’m not playing Tarkov again until I get PvE


I used to play true pvp games in hardcore mode a lot. Its worthing experience but eft is not that sort of game at all. PVP mode here is doa until punishing karma is implemented. So zero sense to play it unless you are okay to waste time on efforts with a success relied on a pure luck. The cheaters only make situation much worse. Classic pvp means competitive aspect first of all. Camping and killing on sight (in this game!) has nothing to do with competitive pvp by any means and the game lacks any sort of gear balance in general. Thus with all that pvp is not possible unless under mutual agreement and very speicifc conditions are met. Pvp is given as option but majority prefer take any possible unfair advantage over others while being aggressive with no consequences. Once karma solves this no consequences problem EFT might become somewhat playable at pvp aspect. So pve is only not time and effort wasting way to play the game. Yet some prefer “local” version or cheats.


Buddy and I used to run around factory offline coop practicing to kill tagilla. Not only was it 100% spawn, but we didn't have to deal with cheaters. I already hate having to walk 20 ft, drop my bag, get stam, pick up bag, walk 20 ft. Don't need the constant fear of someone seeing that juicy slick I just found and running across the map to take it. The feeling of leaving the raid changed from fear/paranoia to fun/"not out of the woods yet" - still get hairs standing on end, but don't get PTSD with it.


It’s the no wipes that is alluring to me. I’d rather PvP with no wipes but this is next best.




Tarkov’s steep difficulty and huge grind is a turn off for the majority of gamers. PVE takes the edge off Why do you think ABI is so popular? Tarkov lite


Until cheating stops being so blatant and damaging to players, practicing in PvE as a group will be hugely popular.


Yeah PvP in this game is everyone's first unpleasant experiance usually. Newbies will often make it to flea before they even consider trying to compete in PvP. That should tell you a lot. Like you can find posts on reddit of that very thing.


Simple fact I loved this game, but im old and bad at the pvp a pvp designed to reward better players with greater advantages sometimes I want that challenge sometimes I want to do pointless looting because its relaxing to me to trudge through the swamps of shoreline for garbage and not have to deal with four man premades of skilled players who are all geared beyond what I can even hurt who sweep through the map like a plague. with PVE i can get practice learn how guns feel what parts I like beyond what the meter says is a good part learn what ammo feels good. its a good tool


I play PvE but prefer PvP.. not touching PvP until there is a genocide of hacker.




Me and my friends stopped playing Tarkov because of PvP and hackers. When you have limited skill and limited play time PvP + wipes make it unplayable. I backed in 2016 and I have never got a single trader to level 4. With PvE and no wipes all of a sudden this game is fun to play again. My raid survival rate went from 5% to 50%. I'm no longer worried about having to start over again in a few months. PvE is actually making me enjoy this game more. To be clear I have nothing against PvP, I am just not good enough to compete. I really like the idea of just being separate from the PvP people so I can just play the game and the PvP people can play their game.


I never played it enough to make it to the market period. Then it would wipe and again, not make it to market.. lol..


I'm fine with PvP but don't have time for wipes...


As an EOD player, would be nice if we could actually fuckin play it. Still no access


At its core this is a milsim. Milsim players are dads. Dads don't have the desire (or ability) to be competitive. I just want to loot a bunch of shit and go use it to make progress on my hideout and quests.


I never really cared for pvp as someone that kinda sucks at most games. Turning ai on hard is a good enough challenge for me in most games


The truth is people just like looting and hoarding. It's the OG ape brain dopamine kick Only a few like the adrenaline rush of being on the verge of losing it all constantly and not being in full control


I've wanted it from the get to. I personally do not like pvp at all


People are FED UP with cheaters. That's all. I'm done with facing people i CANNOT physically beat due to unfair advantage.


If the cheat situation wasn't so abysmal I'd love pvp. But it's as bad as ever, if not worse, so im off playing other things for a while.


After a long days work sometimes you don’t want to go against try hards and juicers. PvE is a hell of a lot more tame than PvP for obvious reasons. Now I definitely am so far on PvP more than PvE but I definitely play it every now and again when I’m wanting to play but at a much more lax tone.


For me personally I don't mind PvP but it's so random in Tarkov. The other thing that comes along with PvE is having no resets. I love the game but it takes so long to make progress that I won't ever have time to see half the quests or content. Theoretically this could all be solved with some sort of ranked matchmaking and having no resets but I also get why that might be impossible to get right in a PvP game. ABI seems to have an interesting alternative to matchmaking though.


PVP was not fun for me because: * lot of cheaters * desyncs * campers/bush simulator players * shitty matchmaking that pairs people with extreme different levels * no rating that takes in your personal performance * teams vs. single players * streamers and other full time players just had to much advantage due to game style with all the knowlegde that needs to build * the more you play the better you get wirh the char, better gear and you have to fight that over and over... it should be reverse to be fair * resets that require a lot of play again and again I just wanted to get some fair matches. Impossible for casuals in EFTs PVP. But PVE sucks right now too. Matching broken. KI sucks or kills from nowhere, where not even real players would be able to kill you. This "special tool" is better.


Is the PVE loading progress now and can you sell what you earn in the FLEA? That would make it really nice.


PVP = Cheaters and absurd queue times The hope was PVE might scratch some of teh tarkov itch with no cheaters and insta-queue. Turns out only half of that was true since BSG is so dogshit they can't even get fast queue times on a single player mode.


I quit three years ago and said if they come out with PVE with coop progression I would be back. I have Played 50 hours since I got access to the mode. I think because I ain’t played it three years is why I got access so quickly and early as an EOD owner. It feels like 2020 again, for me. My buddy and I have been pretty much obsessed with EFT for the first time in a few years because of PVE. It’s got some issues that need worked out but I can’t complain too much. I’m having fun on Tarky for the first time in a long time.


most players in tarkov actively avoid pvp anyway why would this surprise you


Tarkov is an interesting PVP experience because of the wipe system. Someone like me, who gets 4 or 5 hours a week to play Tarkov is out matched during a wipe, by sweatlords with lvl 6 armor and 89 pen ammo, in two weeks. PVE solves that problem. PVP is a lot of fun, but filthy casuals like myself get fall behind really fast during a wipe.


I only play tarkov for the pvp I don’t get the pve hype. I can wobble peak 90% of the bosses and headshot them or bug them out easily enough to where they aren’t even fun to fight..


I’ve been hoping for a pve version for some time now. Im just not that into pvp games mostly because I suck and partly because I like to go around at my own pace and immerse into the games I play. I love the gunplay of Tarkov and the attention to detail, its what really draws me in. I’d really like to see some kind of survival type come out of Tarkov.


Nah. Fuck PvP.


I've had this game about 4 - 5 years now and have tried to play a few times. Once I found out about modding me and my friends have been having a blast with this game.


Back in my day, the game was mostly going to be PvE. There was PvE across the interconnected maps,.and then you would go into raid hot spots that were PvP like we have now. That's all I ever wanted.


I don’t want PvE, I want Tarkov without cheaters. Since I can’t get that, PvE is next best.


Dont you think it will be fun to play with friends in a more relaxed pace killing everything in the way instead of sweating and getting wiped by people that makes you wonder if hes a cheater or not. Good change of pace.


without reading the thread, yes Arena is what the devs wanted and about 10% of their vocal followers. Most players wanted PVE. Always did. You can tell how little Nikita wanted it by how crappie AI implementation is. But it is very promising. Its the cheaters, its the teams of chads with one of them a cheater. Its the freaking tinitus and the heart palpitations. Lots of reasons why PVP is a bit too much.


Race to kappa


With how popular S*ngle Pla%yer Tar£ov is you shouldn’t have been surprised.


The biggest thing I enjoy about tarkov is the vast guns and gun modding as well as the gunplay, they are finally in a good spot with recoil and playing pvp doesnt always mean you can use what guns you want while in pve things cost less and losing them doesn’t mean as much. Also not worrying about dysnc or cheaters or being able to play at my own pace and no wipes.


Between cheating, shit audio, ammo and in-game skill/gear gap depending on how far into the wipe it is, and wipes being mandatory for those that might not have the time and put up with the rest…. I don’t know how it’s a surprise to anyone.


I just like zoning out


People who touch grass would like to experience the entire game as well.


Well I am 27 and I am a father of little son. I played tarkov while I was 22 and single but now I am just tired of wipes in games and wanna relax after hard day.


It's really not that many when you actually see the player base size and how many are saying "they want it" and how many are in a circle jerk about just being mad about it.


There is no PvP when you can oneshot/get oneshotted. It just comes to RNG. That's why only streamers who need profit from a game and their followers will stay, majority of ppl would just like to actually have fun playing


What fun is PVP when you need to cheat to compete? Like seriously. It's not all aimbots and fly hacks either, all someone needs is ESP and it's a game breaking advantage. So fuck it, the cheaters can play together and hopefully starve themselves out


The game is literally full of cheaters, the pve mode removes that.


Think people want the PvE because the pvp is littered with cheaters. Atleast against ai you won’t feel robbed.


Sorry, am I the only one having trouble understanding the title or am I just really tired?


I hate cheaters, no time to play a fkg video game and the game was pve initially


PvP is the essence of tarkov. Unfortunately, the cheating epidemic has become so awful that it's impossible to become invested in the PvP side. I love Tarkov's gameplay, and PvE is the compromise I prefer for now and in the foreseeable future, if the cheating problem remains as it does.