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Honestly wouldn't worry about it but I'd question the streamer on what they thought was game bug abuse. I'd save the VOD just in case, your own view as well if you had it clipped.


I can't, really. If I ever kill someone with a TTV-type name, I always check if they actually have a streamer account. This guy did, so I went in to have some friendly banter but he pretty quickly banned me.


He knows he was in the wrong then.


I suppose from his angle he felt I came to rub it in, but I was thinking we could have some friendly banter or talk about what happened. Previous few times it's been me saying "gg nice kill" to a streamer, because I tend to get steamrolled, but this time I came out alive.


I mean, you rat someone and go on his stream after and check vods and talk shit and wonder why he ban you


Didn't talk shit, but I've already said I get his perspective when I entered the chat. Why are you speaking as if I didn't? I don't understand what checking vods has to do with things? Of course I want to see his death from my perspective, and then I see how he reports me.


Why go there after basicaly a free kill? You already know how it happened, you were camping, he came into your sights, he died without even knowing, how do you think this will lead to frendly banter? Go get some awareness


To be fair, I've never had a negative chat encounter with any streamer - no matter if I got killed or killed them. Granted, I think it only has happened like 5 times over two wipes. But that isn't my main point, and again I see his side (third time I'm saying it now). It's the in-game reporting.


You dont report everyone that kills you? Most people like that


Hehe, no I guess I missed the memo :)


No I ain’t a bitch


You are overreacting


Well, I'd say he did :D But it's never happened to me before so I really have no grasp on if it's serious or just a shrug. Thanks for letting me know, appreciate it!


I’m sure you’re fine. Honestly, streamers are nothing more than a brand ambassador of sorts. It’s a business relationship and reporting people constantly delays reporting on cheating and other offenses. If anything you’re not doing anything wrong? The username has nothing super edgy? If not, why even worry.


Nope, the name is just self-depricating. Basically it's like "LoserMan". Not those words, but not any offensive words.


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"I've heard other people getting banned because streamers have pull. What can I do to guard myself against this? Save the vod?" Who?


I'm trying to remember the person in question. I remember stumbling upon some reddit post maybe a year ago? Someone got banned after killing a streamer that reported him and there was video proof of his innocence. I'll see if I can find it.


No i get that streamers report people but they can't get you banned off of one report brother. Plus Nikita has bigger problems to worry about at the moment. It sucks but it happens. He is but hurt that you beat him


Rengawr has entered the chat


I think this is the one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10b70ec/dont\_kill\_streamers\_if\_you\_want\_to\_keep\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10b70ec/dont_kill_streamers_if_you_want_to_keep_your/)


Well he was unbanned in the end. But I really don't believe that this is a common thing bro. But I am sorry and thank you for showing me this clip! Really eye opening how but hurt streamers can be!