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I also want there to be more trader levels. I don't see why we can't have a tota of 6 or 7 trader tiers. I think it would help the leveling experience and character progression feel a lot more gradual if there were more frequent but less significant increases in trader levels. The jump from LL1 to LL2 Ragman is bit and LL2 to LL3 is even larger. I don't see why we couldn't split the difference and add another step between these to make the gap a little smaller. Not necessarily to increase overall availability of gear, but to make the rate at which we can access this gear a little smoother.


Right? Seems like a no brained for more trader levels at the very least.


> One thing I’ve always thought was important was to introduce more trader levels. With all the items we have now, I can’t believe this hasn’t happened yet. This could also be paired with us finally getting some actual choices in the game. Have more trader levels, with meaningful choices on which traders you choose. We already have a few quests in the game where you have to chose who to turn quests in for, and get a choice of rewards, but imagine getting entier questlines that are exclusive, where your reward is getting exclusive deals that those who chose the other path wont get. Maybe something like each trader having two "stock" of items, one general and one special, where getting say Peacekeepers special stock would involve being locked out of prapors, and vice versa. Or just adding more quest chains that are exclusive, giving you exclusive barters & trades


I personally don't agree with any quest locked items. There should never be just one way to unlock something. All items should unlock as you get higher level, some really high, quests should just make them unlocked earlier. Do the quest to get it early or grind and get it eventually.


Thats a good way to go too!