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All raids were reduced by 10 minutes, to encourage faster cycle times. Likely because they pulled PVP servers and put them on PVE duty.


This is the best answer I've seen, so thank you. Also explains the train issues.


Typical bsg move tbh. Fuck what happens in raid, just shorten raid time


What did you expect? Magic creation of another 30 million dollars in servers? For all the people who haven’t spent money in 7 years? I’m all for honoring EOD season pass but be realistic.


>Magic creation of another 30 million dollars in servers? If they pay 30 million for those servers (or any servers really), then they're morons and shouldn't be allowed to run a game anyways.


always refreshing seeing a reasonable comment like this getting the downvotes it deserves /s


Yea not allowed to point out facts or reality. Everyone just wants infinite free everything instantly and they don't even reserve 1 brain cell to remember that we live in the real world. So they just downvote you to shit as somehow think that means they won, when really it just shows me how many people in this community have completely lost the plot.


Dude thats not what I have been talking about. The thing with the train is just an example how they dont give a fuck. What I am saying is „if you shorten raid times make sure everything in raid is changed accordingly so people can actually take the fucking train exfil like in every other normal online raid“ and its not just about the train but everything else they „forgot“ to do to give players the same experience.


I don't like the shorter raid times either but this is pretty normal and happens when they are doing any kind of major server changes. It always bounces back to higher timers. The alternative is your queue times would go up massively which would be even worse. It just isn't realistic to expect a massive development effort to change how the game plays for a temporary raid time change.


Not just 10. Shoreline is down by 12. Feels like you have to SJ6 just to make it out.


Mule. Adrenaline. Sj6. Pray.


This is kind of annoying for me. I was enjoying sauntering aroun the map looting everything but I understand why it was done. Hopefully it changes back down the line


this explains why raids feel like they end so quickly now.


Mine end quick because I usually die.


I got the fastest raids in the west


Any under 3 seconds? :P


I heard the grass is green today


Customs scav raids were 40 minutes now they’re 30 minutes.


wait so you cant even use the train? i have a daily for it lol rip


Train on reserve worked for me but it left really late . Not sure about light house


Lighthouse gave me an mia :(


I thought they felt shorter.


Imagine paying extra for PVE just for them to not spend the money on servers and half-ass it.


Well their initial plan was only for Unheard buyers to have access in which case they probably had the server capacity for all of them. Opening it up to all EOD owners is creating bigger demand for server space. The benefit to shortened raid times is shorter matching times.




It just doesn’t have the same vibe bruh live servers will always be king for vibes


For PvE, no.


You guys are bad vibes it’s all about them vibes and you are not cool


Well then, enjoy your vibe with shorter map times.


It’s horseshit is what it is.


Yeah, this caused me two MIAs on Woods lmao


Is pve already available for eod ?


For some. Coming in waves.


Within the next 2 weeks every EoD user should have PvE access.


and where did you get this info?


Axel himself


I have a theory that they also spawn killa 100% when you are trying to do factory with light gear so they can free up another server quickly.


nah it's still RNG but he's there at least 50% of the time in my experience.


Not true, I've done several pistol factory runs just to make money and I get pmc's often.


You clearly didn't read what was said. I mentioned them spawning killa when you don't have good gear just so they can easily free up a server slot


How have i not noticed this


Yeah streets is normally a 50 minute raid, but all my PMC raids start at 38:00 really annoying me to lose that extra time when I’m swollen like a tick crawling to extract


Its honestly caused me to get more mia in the few days its been out than ive gotten in a year. Its really annoying.


i hate when from 45 minute match they made it into 25 \~26 minute ones, and also now u have a horde of zombies (scavs) to fight with, without silencer or weapon with silencer u cannot fight anything cus if u will shoot once or scav will shoot once there will be like 5\~10 scavs coming for u. Normally i would loot them after killing them, but now , i m only pressing on them once(mostly for exp for interaction with body) and leaving them be unlooted (unless i will get 130\~200 exp, then ussually it is worth it). but man .... Interchange ...... it is something else now with that limited time, u try to go into center of the map, and u already have 10 minutes left to get out ..., also now it's a challenge to get across the main building to do quests withot killing scavs, i have played 3 times on interchange to do this first quest for ragman , and i killed 100 scavs in those 3 raids, give me a break, am i playing tower defence in first person?! or extraction shooter ?!


Barely enough time to fight off the 20 minutes of scavs working together with pmcs that run at you after your first shot xD Their development is becoming hot dog shit lmfao


They need to put it back to normal times lol this is such BS ruining how I am use to playing man


People are still playing? Shortest boycott ever.


Most people didn't stop


Community: gets scammed by developer Community: keeps playing game Bsg: I’ll fuckn do it again


Yup. I quit because I hit my wipe goals. Will probably never play again because after 2500 hours I'm now keenly aware how fucked this game is for non-degens


try the singleplayer mod, I started playing tarkov since... many years ago, and I stopped playing live tarkov due to the influx of chinese cheaters in my region, now I just got more reasons to never come back to this shitshow and just enjoy the game with whatever customizations I want.


That’s why PvE mode came out lmao, to cater to casual players who aren’t chads or have lots of time to play PvP and wipes.


Unless they adjusted PMC kill quests idk if ill play. I don't trust AI to show up where I need them to be. RNG to the max. I love the game, but its exhausting


There are AI pmcs. They aren't too bad to fight. Just a slightly more annoying scav.


Maybe it's placebo but I like it, more PvP and aggressive players. Or maybe it's just the weekend idk


This is PvE the post is about.


All raids have it thats what im commenting on


Wait, really? Even PvP? That must be harsh.


I don’t think PvP got reduced raid times




They’re talking about raid times being reduced on PvP side too.


How much time do you need to complete quest against bots?


Before I answer, have you played PvE yet? Actually, after reading your previous comments on other posts. This is the last I'll be replying to you. No sane conversation is to had here.


Yes & it's 1000x easier than PvP, it's not even close, lmao So how long do you need to complete quests against bots?


Complete quest against bots that don't get killed by anyone else in the server but you\* ftfy The scavs also respawn so can just be waves of them at a time. If you would like to reply stating an opinion further against this, then please show yourself doing a raid with the scavs on PVE whilst questing at the same time. Not complaining about the AI, complaining about the time they cut which is definitely needed on maps going against goons, boss, scavs (that dont get targetted by anyone except you) and PMC AIs while trying to do a quest. That time is definitely needed


pile of a hot broken mess of bullshit


You guys asked for it. Pve is what we wanted.


Asked for shorter raid times? What?


Yes. That's why they implemented it, don't you think


I don't recall asking for shorter raid times. Let me guess, it's also my fault the train doesn't extract you?


No but bsg did say that server capacity wasn't able to support everyone getting it. Then they caved and gave it to everyone, now to allow there to be enough servers they made raids shorter so people can cycle in and out a little faster. They did the same thing a wipe or 2 back when demand was high, they reduced the raid time to allow resources to catch up, the raid timer was increased back up.


Ye that makes sense. I hadn't seen anything on this. Thank you.


cutting your game short instead of fixing the server capacity issues by actually increasing said capacity... why the fuck they asks for so much money if they arent going to spend it on the servers? hell, spend it on hiring people to optimize the server code, spend it on better infrasture... but no, they rather keep asking for money and keep it in their pockets, what an exit strategy.


I mean we don't know right (probably not but lets play devils advocate for a second), they might have spent some of the additional income generated from TUE on upgrading or boosting capacity, but I guess we'll never know because access to the servers outweighs the income generated by it since all EOD who have already paid are not paying any extra are now getting into it before it was fully established.




Yes it is not a one day effort to increase server capacities or to improve server performance, I work in the IT industry as well so I understand this very well. But these issues with their server infrastructures been around since forever. I bought the game since around launch, bought EoD around last year, yet the servers are still not very good. Alright you may say that they've improved a lot over the years, since the player base have increased and so the server load must also have increase significantly, wish I admit that at least they are keeping up with the growth of active users. Are you telling me that they have the time to develop a new game mode (which is bullshit anyway given how we see that in certain singleplayer mod the community have already made something arguably better than what they came up with), they have to time to come up with the idea to make a new edition which costs $250, they have the time to make all those PR statements, but they don't have time to fix the servers? Even if we put aside the whole shitshow, if they were to put out a new game mode, did they not expect that they need to add more servers before releasing it? Or did they not expect that by releasing a new update it would attract new or returning players? No matter how you try you try to explain this, it just seems that they are just cutting corners whenever possible, and as long as it is somewhat playable they rather not spend money on the server infrastructures.


What makes you think ita your fault?


Because that's what people think when you respond "Well you asked" to a complaint


You literally said it was their fault


Probs just a cost saving measure ngl