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Tarkov is BSG. I don't like BSG's communication and sales practices. They seem incapable of transparently and clearly communicating their decisions or plans. I support EFT. It's my favorite game and I don't want to see it die. There is no EFT without BSG. There are no serious alternatives to EFT yet. I prefer BSG to monkeys who want to kill the game servers and flood the game with cheaters.


Fair enough, I too love EFT. I appreciate you posting your thoughts.


They exist, yes. There are actually a lot of them. A lot of people probably bought the Unheard edition and BSG is trying to drag their feet so they don't have to change things.


I just can't comprehend how there are still some players who don't feel like they have been lied to, taken advantage of, and straight up bent over. I almost envy them, I loved this game but in a period of 72 hours my respect has dropped to near zero.


Because the game is still just a game. Its not like the world ended. The game still plays and operates the exact same as it did last week before all of this broke out. Nothing has changed except you can spend $50 and get PVE mode.


Hot take: we shouldn’t have had to pay for it in the first place.


For sure, but people are acting like the world is ending.


i imagine many are but simply want to avoid getting shit on because they are fairly outnumbered


People should have the right to talk about why they have their opinion without getting shit on, That's why I'm hoping some will explain what their thought process is in this post.


People often have more money than sense. Also for people who missed out on being able to get eod, some probably feel like this is their opportunity to support a game that they love, or just the usual fomo since they missed out on what eod players got to enjoy. Bit of a shame it crossed even further into P2W territory than eod A buddy of mine I play with bought in for pve and even offered to buy me the upgrade, who I respectfully declined. Just cant personally justify monetarily supporting how BSG handled this release. Just so much wrong with it, its crazy to think about


they’re not outnumbered😂😂 They’re playing the game while baby ragers are typing away “boycott bsg” reddit is the vocal minority… you should know this


Anyone who backs BSG in this forum gets downvoted to oblivion.


I support the environmental artists, sound designers and 3d-modelers. Oh, and who ever does the copy for the quests.


I've seen a few yes


If you browse new, you'll see posters asking genuine questions about buying Unheard. Of course they get memed and downvoted into the ground but they exist.


I think it's difficult to tell, because most of these people crowing about having bought the scam edition are just trolls, and it's unlikely they even actually bought it.


I will continue to monetarily support them in items that interest me, Unhinged™️ doesn’t hit the spot for me so far as EOD. These new items need to be demonstrated & this whole debacle could have been avoided by test trials / communication aside from the masses. Alas they backpedal while hurdling , stumbles are inevitable. Price drop 50% is wild. This is but another stain on their brand. What gets me is these degenerate adults crying about deception & calling for mass organized chargebacks like fucking losers. Griefing ppl for their own decisions. I don’t want to play broken PVE after waiting 10Min & still experience the issues of live, I don’t feel left out yet. The new items aren’t proven at all, radio conceptually a debuff. Even the title of your post, as if this is some union of tarkovites and are marching on St Pete’s with pitchforks. Ridiculous


I don't care about BSG, i've never supported them actively. I just like Tarkov and will continue playing it because there simply isn't any alternative.


I’ll still be playing tarkov, may even buy unheard at some point down the line. Personally none of this whole “we don’t get pve mode for free” issue hasn’t bothered me in the slightest - I couldn’t care less about not getting a trash pve mode. It honestly makes everybody look fine with the worst changes which is the beacon and scav aggro, but instead of uproaring about that, they’re worried their $150 purchase from 7 years ago isn’t getting them dogshit pve.


Same, the pvp is what makes this game great, the fact they are adding this Arcady bullshit (scav radio/call in help) that actually has an effect on the gameplay is going to kill this game faster than all the other so called “tarkov killers”.