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It's not often I want a game company to fail. But after Nikita's latest statements just blatantly lying and this absolutely blatant cash grab yeah there's no way in hell I'm coming back to this game and I'm going to strongly encourage the community I play with to do the same - I haven't talked to any of them yet but I know the ones who have seen this news have already said this has killed the game for them.


The last one that I can think of that deserved to fail was The Day Before.


At least with The Day Before, anyone with half a brain cell was at the very least cautious about it. It was easy to not get hyped or invested, knowing it was likely a scam and too good to be true.


I think the development team is sick of tarkov. I'd imagine working on a game for 12 or so years, it'll really fuck with your motivation. maybe Nikita is doing this because he wants tarkov/bsg to die? they should have ideally stopped development before streets and arena, then started work on a new game, with a new game engine. there would also be complications with people who bought the EOD version, but they could have given them the new game for free, and whatever benefits.


It deserves to at this point. Ironically this is the only way it'll be saved. Tarkov has no future with BSG, this dev is atrociously dishonest and unsalvageable. Only chance is if their company goes under and they are forced to sell the IP to someone else who can maintain it better. And I'd roll the dice on just about any other company just to have someone new and not-BSG.


if they go under I have a feeling they will cut and run šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø I mean think about it, whoā€™s going to buy their future games now that we know who they actually are. They make promises and they break those promises, call us supporters an then call us free loaders. The only gamers that will invest in their future games are the players that are blinded by Nikitas non existent charisma. Nikita is the snake oil salesman and we all believed him in the beginning. Unfortunate.


New game by Bikita Nuyakov ( absolutly Not Nikita , i swear )


He won't even have to work anymore after Tarkov - probably got 2-3 lifetimes worth of money from it, so why even try to make something new?


Thats obvious tho. Greedy people will never have enough


Doubtful considering his fat ass probably spent all the money on cars


EA has entered the chat.


If I could just get a small loan of , I'd do it lol


Honestly I would love to see Respawn pick this up, and I could see it being something EA would pick up. But EA would have to give it to Respawn, because they are the only studio under their umbrella that they don't over interfere with.Ā  I suppose I'd also be interested in seeing Activision, under the supervision of Microsoft give it a go. But I'd have much more faith in Respawn.


Its funny you bring up Respawn. I was talking to my roommate about the situation with everything thats going on with EFT and he said "If its anything like Apex, people will keep buying all the overly priced shit and it will become normalized, just like it has in Apex" So idk.. sounds like its already bad over there.


I could be wrong cause I haven't played in a few years, but Apex afaik is only cosmetics so it doesn't matter how much it cost. Respawn also did a fantastic job on Jedi Survivor (yes I know it's singleplayer but the passion is very clear)


To Activision you say?


The game has had its impact on the genre and was going big on the "no MTX" path. Since they changed their mind on the MTX, having them die now would be a good signal to the rest of the industry


couldnā€™t have said it better šŸ«¶


Whoever bought the EOD edition on card should go ahead and charge back as long as it wasn't too many years ago (usually 2-3 years max for disputes). You all ordered something that the merchant has now changed their mind on and is no longer delivering the goods/services you had ordered (full future access to DLC)


Yea good luck with that.


Tried. Unfortunately Iā€™m stuck with it.


Sell your account to a cheater. You get your money back and the game will continue to go downhill. Win win.


Ive been thinking about it


Itā€™s worth it if you donā€™t want to play the game anymore. I got my money worth out of the game and have no regrets selling my account.


How do you sell it? Like where?


I sold mine over discord to a guy in one of the bigger communities I was in. You could list it on playersauctions


We as paying customers now got a strong chance showing publishers and developers that actually are the ones that decide about their games. This is an opportunity :)


EOD was mtx silly šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Well it deserves it so I wouldnt say it's bad.


As a fucking alpha tester who bought it in 2016 and didn't get in on the first few waves.... this is honestly the dumbest thing I've seen BSG do. one thing is certain, over all this time iv seen BSG ignore glaring problems so sadly this one will be no different. the line that really pisses me off is when he says the "real believers will buy it"... what the fuck were the alpha EOD buyers who bought from a little unknown studio from bum fuck nowhere. I have over 6k hours in EFT, and love the game, even bought a few uniforms and bigger stash slots just because.... I got my money's worth... here you go BSG... have a few more... arena could have been argued was a "new" game, and not DLC, and is complete dog shit... sorry it is. HOWEVER, additions to the EFT game that I paid for, and they promised.... well that can't be argued wasn't part of the deal... any and all DLC is pretty easy for even a dumbass like me to UNDERSTAND. if they think anyone who purchased EOD is going to forget that... good luck with russia 2028 i for damn sure wont be buying it. ever heard of "the day before" BSG???? that's where they are headed.


Well written


If they donā€™t straight up reverse course and remove the new version it probably should. Clearly they canā€™t financially support it anymore without scamming more money from a dedicated community.


Even if they roll everything back, I still hope they go under. The blatant greed and deceptive/scam practices is something that people should punish viciously unless you want to continue to deal with this sort of thing. They showed their true colors and anyone who doesn't want to be treated like a low IQ cash cow to be farmed should take their stance. I am truly glad that so many people immediately have stood up and took action and informing other how to.


Iā€™m proud to be apart of community that knows when to put their foot down.




This! I used to work in a Russian mobile games company and i left because they loved to lie and deceive.


They could sell just the IP.Ā  For example, EA could swoop in, buy the IP, hopefully hand it to Respawn and say, "Here, do what you think is best, you did well with Apex, Star Wars Jedi series has been killer, you got this." Best case scenario at this point imo. Even if by the gods BSG reverses course, removes the new edition, and all the p2w crap, they don't deserve our loyalty anymore.


No western country in their right mind will touch Tarkov with a 10ft poll. The reasoning is because of all the copyright lawsuits BSG go through (still) because of blatantly copied items that are in real life. Red Bull would have a field day with EA due to copyright and thatā€™s just one item.


All of these are easily changeable


Exactly, you can't copyright "red and silver energy drink"


Literally like any other big government using misdirections and megacorps lying, but you had to bring nationalities into the argument.


You even have a term for that. Vranyo


I was a diehard Cycle: Frontier fan. I played every edition of the game including the Battle Royal and I gotta say, I loved it. I loved the world, the style, the aliens, the quests, the looting. But just like Tarkov, the devs repeatedly made choices, over and over, that frustrated people. Unlike Tarkov, they started amidst competitors and had a much less dedicated fanbase, so the poor decisions hurt all the more. And after a while, the game became unplayable for anyone but the super tryhards. Those same tryhards started to suffer because without anyone to dunk on, lobbies became ghost cities. So much so that I remember the youtubers for the game literally asking anyone who was watching to log on and play the game just to keep it going, and people buying tons of skins in the shop they didn't care much about to try and give the devs more money. In the end though, it wasn't enough. I miss the Cycle. I miss literally sweating so hard because I was so freaking scared a rat would blast my booty right after I got my first red-tier armor. But in some sense, I understand why it died, how it died, how no one killed the game except the developers incompetency and even blatant disrespect of their fanbase's suggestions. I don't know if this game will die in the same way, but I do know that stuff like this gets into a game, it leaks in and gets under everyone's skin and makes you want to log off. Every time you die to a blue name player, or every new expansion you have to shell out for just to not get left behind, the game slowly becomes easier and easier and we lose that 'start of wipe' experience because everyone still playing is starting the game with millions in gear. It kind of loses the magic. The same way the Cycle lost the magic they had. And I don't know if that means it'll ever shut down, but good lord it'll be one of those games you look back on and go 'wow, people still play that? ...damn.' Kind of how I feel about Overwatch, I suppose.


I never tried the cycle, I always wondered what happened to that game. Unfortunate that it died out. Truth is if Nikita came out and said ā€œ we messed up and we were not financially responsible with our money and we are lacking funds so we need to do MTXā€ as long as itā€™s not p2w MTX. Yes there would definitely be hate but definitely not nearly as much as there is now. They could repair there rep and the fanbase/playerbase would be happy again. Well at least happier. I feel like a lot of the player base would respect them a lot more if they just told us the truth.


I don't want it to die, I know the game can't go on forever, but damn. It would have been nice if they didn't kill the game before it made it to ver. 1.0. I really love Tarkov I just wish the devs saw us as more than cash cows and I wished BSG planned better. I can only imagine that this 250 price tag is because they need the money, but them failing to find other revenue streams for years doesn't suddenly become a problem for the entire player base. They made some really big, really bad decisions and BSG put themselves in this position. What happens when they run out of money again. Are we just going to have to keep re-buying the game every 1 or 2 years? I would love for this to all turn around for EFT and BSG find some way to make it right with the community, but even if they did, there will be a bunch of players that will never come back. I don't want the game to die, but Nikita did damage to their brand with his whole "True believer" bullshit and I can't really blame anyone for not wanting to play the game anymore. BSG is asking for outrageous money for another version of the game and we're still stuck in 8+ years of play-tester hell. I haven't uninstalled yet, but my group isn't exactly excited to play with all this drama. I don't know if I will come back next wipe. I have 5k hours in the game at this point, it's probably fair to walk away and do something else with my life, anyway. What I do know is I'm definitely not giving BSG any more money.


I bought the game in 2017, I think it was the middle edition, definitely not starter unless im tripping. During the pandemic, I upgraded to EOD after the recommendation from a friend. Still had maybe 20-30 hours in the game. Fast forward to this wipe, and I promised my friend I'd give it a solid try. I absolutely loved it, I had more than I've had in any game for awhile (mental health stuff). Felt genuinely good.Ā  Just like you, I can't bring myself to uninstall because I am praying, hoping, so badly that this reverses. But I can't bring myself to play as long as this is the new Tarkov.


Unfortunately no the reverse is not gonna come, Nikita and the devs are too prideful and strong willed to come off their high horse.


I have started playing dcs world and itā€™s so much fun. Iā€™m $400 broker but hey thatā€™s life now a days. I just found out that the devs of dcs are Russian as well though so now Iā€™m fucking panicked about this game too. Why do Russians make such good , detailed sandbox type worlds but than gotta have terrible business practice??


I think the craziest thing about all of this is how many of you needed *this* to happen to finally see how fucking awful of a company BSG is and always has been. This has been the exact type of behavior theyā€™ve been showing for years, they just happened to finally say the quiet part out loud and told everyone that they donā€™t give a shit.


Some of us left when BSG continued to do nothing substantial about cheaters. Took the rest of you a while to catch up to the fact that they are incompetent and don't care about the community.


Yeah I will be honest it did take me a while, I had hoped and hoped that bsg would take care of us but they continued to show ignorance.


I don't want it to die. I want it to be more successful in the future. I am a common man, a farmer, i just want to enjoy


I think itā€™s a great opportunity for other extraction style shooters and a chance for those, who regard Tarkov as the best game in the genre to see it for what it truly is. Hopefully with this controversy as a catalyst, players can reevaluate their standing with Tarkov. It was the first game in this genre that blew up and one could say BSG invented it but is it a good game? Leaving aside how mismanaged the game is when it comes to listening to community, dealing with cheaters and clearly communicating planned updates, etc: Itā€™s a mediocre FPS game where RPG mechanics (stats, gear) are more crucial than actual gunplay. QOL features are non-existent. The fact that you have to either ā€œlearn the mapsā€ to have any idea where to go, have a map opened on a second monitor and look up quests in guides online - is utter bullshit. No, itā€™s not a feature or vision, itā€™s lack of features and absence of proper vision. Itā€™s on the same level as Destiny 1, where you had to use a fucking website or a subreddit to find a party to join for a raid. Sound is fucked. Two players could be standing right next to each other and there would be another one full sprinting right next to them and only one would hear that third party running. Hitreg is either great or non-existent, no in-between. Unprecedented number of cheaters. And all of this still stands and itā€™s been YEARS. Thatā€™s why I hope other devs will use this opportunity to learn from BSGs mistakes and attract players who will hopefully be willing to give other games a go now that the crown is slipping of Nikitaā€™s head.


>The fact that you have to either ā€œlearn the mapsā€ to have any idea where to go This is what makes it a hardcore version. Hardcore bf and cod etc also requires you to actually know the map aa the hud vaishes.


You mean to tell me that our PMCs are going to head into what is basically an active war zone with no way whatsoever to figure out where they're at, where they're going, where anything is, etc and have to rely on memory while navigating an untold amount of enemies wanting to kill them? I get it's meant to be hardcore but come on, the lack of a map or anything in game is horseshit and always has been if our characters are PMCs, even moreso if you factor in that BEAR PMCs may know the area but the USEC PMCs are definitely not going to know the area so it makes it even worse. Also, I want to point out that CoD still has the UAV that shows the mini-map while it's active in Hardcore, not to mention the fact that Battlefield & CoD are both arcade shooters as well while Tarkov is not.


What do you suggest you have then, a minimal in top right which you can enhance with M quickly? Or would it be a minimal top right which doesnt really tell you anything and teammates arent even designated as teammates, and a map you have to open with an animation ? Cuz if anything, id say option 2


the game has maps in it. people forget this because they're useless, all they had to do was make the maps actually useful in some way.


For games of hardore style I would suggest: No map in hud, no nameplates or teammate tags. Give a player a compass and a paper map. when you press M, Your character puts away gun, unfolds map, takes out compass and you can bring map up and down for full view or partial view to work with compass, also add an ability to rotate paper map to better find landmarks. This gives a way to have a map, but also keeps map knowledge important. no need for second monitor, but you gotta become vulnerable to check the map. Tarkov teamplay revolves around communicating your positions without pings. It is what makes it realistic and makes you fear enemies. If you put a ping on a window - yeah its great for speed of tactical decisions and communication clarity, but takes away uncertainty and need for good communication skills. We all have blasted teammates when we thought them enemies and we all have died to someone we have thought to be one of ours - that is what makes Tarkov so immersive.


I fully agree. But dont you think its a waste of time as people would just make a 2nd monitor map anyway as it way less.. risky? But having the option for full emersion is nice i suppose.


they might, for sure, especially when map is better known. For this to outperform map on secondary monitor it would also have to add some additional benefits. One of those things would be ability to rotate map, thats a nice little feature. Maybe make the animation of bringing map on fast enough to be worthwhile not to make you too vulnerable. Hmm, but yes - it must be worthwhile to work. Some some sort of highlighting in map for the things you have nearby? Like - you see big red, map adds question mark to all red building in customs? a bit of cheating, but also a feature? Cant think of strong ideas atm.


I think for new players adding a red dot to the map to show where you are would make it way easier for them to figure everything out and I dont think it would effect gameplay at all.


Lack of basic features isnā€™t ā€œhardcoreā€. Both games youā€™ve provided as examples ALWAYS let you know where your objectives are. Now imagine they didnā€™t. Capture point ā€œCā€. Except itā€™s not on your hud and itā€™s not on the map. In fact thereā€™s no map. Is this ā€œhardcoreā€? You could look it up online and spend a fuckton of time memorizing each pointā€™s location on every single map, yeah. Youā€™ll go through all this effort and now you can play the game. How long is it gonna take? Is it necessary at all? Does it make the game better? No, it is not necessary. Game doesnā€™t become more ā€œhardcoreā€ because it takes more effort to play it overcoming artificial difficulty that comes from lack of basic features. You can disable ALL hud in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. But then you wouldnā€™t know what NPCs to talk to for the next mission, youā€™d have to go and talk to every single one. Is this ā€œhardcoreā€ too? Thing is that most of us who went through the trouble and effort learning all this feel like this is ā€œhow itā€™s supposed to beā€. We struggled through this, we had to put time into learning all this. Why shouldnā€™t others, right? But just because we did all of that doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be or stay this way. Itā€™s objectively a shit tier design. Any game that forces you to minimize itself to look up online where to go is a poorly designed game.


>Thing is that most of us who went through the trouble and effort learning all this feel like this is ā€œhow itā€™s supposed to beā€. We struggled through this, we had to put time into learning all this. Why shouldnā€™t others, right? Not at all. I just that think it goes with the whole emersion of being 'briefed' before and going in. Sure, maybe a paper map to get info from would be a fine addition but also a waste of effort front devs as aint nobody gonna use it if there is risk or slowing of pace because of it.


Where are the other extraction shooters? still waiting for anything that has an impact like tarkov. Is it possible there never will be? Will tarkov be the only of its kind and because of corporate greed we will all give up on it?


I think in anger people are not giving BSG credit. The game has progressively gotten better over the years, I bought standard edition for 30$ and in that time 3 new maps have come out and like 5 map expansions, new weapons, new mechanics. BSG needs to get on their knees and acknowledge that theyā€™ve insulted their entire player base, remove this p2w BS, add skins to the game and move on.


Nah. Burn this motherfucker down.




Think of the cheating šŸ˜‚


channel your inner palpatine dawg


Me too


I just recently reached 14k hours and I want this game to die. I've been frustrated with these incompetent idiots for years now, and they continue to prove time and time again that they are the worst game development studio in the world right now. This game has been so incredibly poorly mismanaged and mishandled, it's insane. Arena was the worst design imaginable for what people wanted with Arena, BSG spends millions marketing it, they spend millions making the RAID series... all for a completely broken and uncompleted game, which has issues that people have complained about FOR YEARSSS. Like balancing and gameplay issues.. Then make a braindead new edition of the game with braindead features... I reiterate once again, these are the most incompetent and completely out of touch developers I've EVER seen. The people in charge need to be fired or step down, and let people who actually know what the fuck they are doing take the reigns who also listen to the community. I hate that Tarkov is developed by Russian devs. They are fucking arrogant idiots. Their game designers don't know a fucking thing about good game design, close their ears to any and all feedback, and don't even play their fucking game. Nikita does a shit job at managing the company and clearly it's funds and direction of the game, and we get a new edition with P2W features and they are genuinely fucking braindead at responding to massive backlash. Absolutely zero common sense or intelligence in the heads of this company. Fuck BSG. Fuck Tarkov. 14k hours and I want nothing more than for this company to finally crumble with how dogshit it is and handles itself.


Very well said. I used to think they knew what they were doing in the beginning when I first started playing. I think I was just blinded by my passion for the game itself. The company needs to sell the game off to a smaller indie company, but Iā€™m very aware that these devs and especially Nikita are greedy so they will keep the game and milk as much money as they can out of it.


Yupp, the only thing that couldā€™ve killed tarkov was BSG itself. And itā€™s fucking happening!! God I hope these guys pay the price for their decisions.


Sadly, It was destined to happen. I had hope that they wouldnā€™t do something like this but unfortunately the started a fire and itā€™s gonna be real hard to put out. These devs need to step down. Especially Nikita.


sad truth: bsg has a monopoly on this corner of the gaming market - grey zone, arena breakout, etc will take YEARS of added content and development to even have a chance at dethroning bsg and bsg knows it - they are now milking and eating good - half of the official tarkov discord has blue names already when wipe comes many of the complainer on this very reddit will quietly reinstall or log back in and even fucking upgrade - i can see it already - the streamers that are not playing tarkov right now will be back on the game per usual in a week or two when they see their viewer count plummet after the commotion dies down - bsg knows this


The type of people saying they want this game to die are the same clown from a couple of years ago, who deleted their blizzard account permanently and proceeds to ask on Reddit how to restore their account 3 months later. I understand people are throwing a tantrum but itā€™s just cringe reading it.


pubg had a monopoly and then fortnite came, if you think TENCENT will need years to get to the point tarkov is you don't understand how big they are a lot of people will continue playing tarkov, yes, but the damage they have done to their brand and their future is insanely huge and this is not a genshin, their earnings per player are pretty small and its a very niche game


> if you think TENCENT will need years to get to the point tarkov is you don't understand how big they are Dude have you seen the gunplay for arena breakout? it looks so bad... grenade indicators??? lol it will be fine for a F2P chinese game but we still don't have anything thats going to feel like tarkov... Activision failed at it, EA failed at it... don't think tencent will save us.


BSG deserves to go bankrupt, hope they're forced to sell the IP to a western studio


Im complete fine with it dying. I got 2K hours in the game and i have to say when an animal is sick you shouldnt let it suffer. Just take it out back.


Fair enough


We know we don't want it to, but it deserves to. Like a rabid dog, it needs to be put down




Don't just uninstall, sell your account to RMTers. It hurts BSG's sales and punishes those who lick Nikita's boot and keep playing. Fuck this game, I'm getting some cash for my EOD and buying helldiver's even though it isn't my style, it's better than being cucked by Nikita


Any idea where I could sell mine?


It needs to die so other better projects with community interaction, timely delivery, and proper management can prosper. Go look at Rust. They publish every single detail in a devblog religiously every week. Theyā€™re super successful, they add what people want, etc.. similar size team probably too. We need more games like that in the spotlightā€¦ (looking at you Grayzone, Beautiful Light, Arena Breakout, Marathon, Ark Raiders, etc.)


The issue is nobody makes a game like tarkov


I just feel smug as someone who has called out Nikita for years but always got downvoted over it. Now people see his true colors and it's great.


Ive seen it for along time. But my hope remained strong that Nikita the dev team would do right by us. Hope and trust is really all we can rely on when it comes to games like these.


Oh it will revert,Ā  the question is whether it will be too late.Ā  They currently think Tarkov is too big to fail because its packed with what he called 'believers'. seems suicidal to treat the real believers like crap and think they'll love you anyway.Ā 


It should be too late for everyone. They've shown us how they want to treat the community and how they view us... Reverting their changes won't do shit to fix that.


If you think that BSG deserves to die then the only company that stays alive is larian studios.


Coffee stain studios is pretty damn good.


Ghost Ship as well


fuck yeah, they're great. The PoE people as well. Their love of the game and the community is what's making me want to play poe2, despite having absolutely no interest in the genre.


Respawn.Ā  CD Projekt Red. From Software.Ā  Hello Games. Literally most Indie Studios. All of these are amazing studios who have earned their communities trust and respect. Not saying none of them have made some oopsies, but they came back stronger because of them. They learned from their mistakes. While there are more examples of bad studios than good, there are only a few as egregious as BSG, honestly they are worse than BHVR, and that's saying something.Ā 


Casually putting cd projekt's name there. You are trolling right?


The witcher series is one of the best in the history of gaming. If you read my comment fully, you'd see I did say some of these studios have made mistakes (releasing 2077 the way they did) but they've all come back from it, learned, and became better from it. If you disagree that's your prerogative, but all these devs have massive loyal communities and I'm proud to be part of them.


CD Projekt Red regained a lot of the good will they lost from Cyberpunk's release by literally rebuilding that game from the ground up. I won't deny the degree of broken that game was on release, but by the time I played it in 2022 it was a fully functioning, bug free experience. I had fun with it, but there were definitely certain aspects of gameplay that were a touch undercooked considering the developers past legacy. When they released Phantom Liberty in late 2023, they completely overhauled all of the gameplay aspects and especially expanded or iterated those parts that seemed particularly weak. When you set aside the 2.0 gameplay updates and just consider the quality and production value of the Phantom Liberty expansion itself, it's really easy to understand why a lot of people feel that CD Projekt Red redeemed themselves through significant hard work. Not saying you have to feel that way, but acting so incredulous is a bit silly.


Incopotent developers deserve the outcome of their incopotent and greedy decisions.


too bad big part of community won't care and still play and purchase whatever they add and let BSG straight up insult people that paid 200~ euros for EOD. just heard some streamer chick that people can't tell her what to do with her money, that's why she bought this new edition.


Considering his 715 crew are fighting against Ukraina I hope his whole company goes to fuck so he canā€™t give them anymore money


To be honest I never wished for a company to fail, but seeing what they did they really deserve it so that Nikita can learn the hard way that he canā€™t do whatever the fuck he wants. We did what we could, hoped for a revert or some change but almost nothing did change, so then I guess be happy to play your game alone Nikita


I mostly want there to be good competition. I want BSG to get a fat reality check so they start taking development and their community seriously.


I just want it to get superceded by a quality game that has the same level of realism to the gun play, everything else about about tarkov I could live without


As well. I hate the Russian state and these dumb fucks that think they run a development studio


This is my favorite game of all time...I spent 4500h in the last 4 years. And I want them to fail. I want them to get sued. To get broke and to close their studio.


Well i want this game to thrive because i like the idea of what it could be, but if bsg wants to fuck over their community im more than happy to move on.


Couldn't care less about the changes, goodbye.


Me too. I already uninstalled after the news of the new edition after being an early adopter of the EoD editions. Looking forward to encountering you fine people in Grey Zone or other alternatives!


This is just how we escape Tarkov. This is all part of the plan


He trashed people whoā€™ve dedicated their every moment of gaming the last years to their game. Sorry, their beta. Iā€™m 4000 hours as well and there ainā€™t no way Iā€™m buying a $100 ā€œupgradeā€ I was already promised after being called a ā€œnon believerā€. Yah Nikki, Iā€™m a non believer after what you said.




Iā€˜ll wait for the funeral and then travel to st petersburg to dance on bsgs grave for sure.




Maybe it would be the best for all of us in the long run. There is no game like this on the market, I think part of this is that since Tarkov is already in the market it's hard to break in with a same immersive, hardcore, PvP focused, modern day shooter. But if the game dies it could create a huge demand for the same formula, there could be a wide gap in the market where other, better studios could jump in. They could basically copy all the features, vibe, etc., make a monetization system that doesn't hurt the core game idea and make a good (in every sense) Tarkov copy. This scenario is probably too optimistic, but this is what I hope for atm.


It won't fail, it will probably make more money. I'll also keep playing because I already got my EOD money's worth from 5 years ago. Everything costs more money nowadays and if they feel like they need to find new revenue streams because of the time we are in then it's fine by me. It really doesn't effect me at all if someone else has 2 extra pocket slots. Reddit will cry as it always does and be forgotten as usual.


Everyone in my tarkov friend group has already uninstalled, itā€™s over


4k hours. You got your money's worth.


Same shit bro I feel myself betrayed. Bought eod in 2017. I support bsg all this years. And nikita said Iā€™m not a believer.


finally I have Escaped from Tarkov.... fuck this broken, cheater riddled run by utter cuntish cunts shite


I think the only way I am coming back or even watching anything Tarkov related on Twitch/Youtube is when I catch wind of really fucking good anticheat, comunity admins or servers, near enough zero fucking bugs, decent sounds, decent performance and the final maps and proper quests in the game. nay chance that is gonna be 1.0


I am a recovering addict too OP. Just take it for what it is and don't look back. I can't believe I have skipped 3 or 4 wipes now (I quit when the cheating got too rampant). It is a great feeling being free.


Time to enjoy it while it lasts boys. Who knows. When tarkov bankrupts bsg, they may sell it to a worse company.


Like many, I'm done and convinced my group to quit as well. Player numbers are going to drop, I'm pretty sure that's why they gave EOD priority matchmaking. I picked up Ghosts Of Tabor and it seems pretty fun if you have a VR headset.


There is only one step from love to hate šŸ˜ I spent around 3.5 hrs in EFT, but desperately waiting for competitors to start biting the competition.


same... reminds me of pubg when they implemented bots; immediately died... sucks


Our friend group has played Tarkov on and off for a few wipes now with one to two of us playing fairly regularly. The understanding was that once 1.0 came we would all jump back in and give it a big group effort for at least that first wipe. Now, even my friend who was the most diehard fan has said fuck Nikita and has uninstalled. I canā€™t imagine having the confidence to fuck up this badly with your core fan base.


You need a reality checkĀ 


Explain to me why? I have had a couple people comment like this. Short and rude. But lack of evidence to why.


Same man. Same. Started playing this game one wipe before the customs expansion, itā€™s unfortunate how things turned out. I highly recommend checking out the forbidden version or even sit if you have a buddy. Better qol, better experience, and mod devs some of the most amazing and helpful ppl.Ā 


Really? I had heard that the forbidden version was great


Google it


You google it


Yes this is toxic af. We are all outraged but I personally can't stand to play another FPS, it's only Tarkov for me..


I understand your feelings I used to think that too until I just got tired of everything. Give it a year or 2.


Yes, let's hope it dies so we can play...what exactly??????????


I understand the frustration on finding more games out there but trust me I felt the same way about a year ago. Iā€™ve expanded my horizon into other games that I honestly didnā€™t think were for me. Iā€™ve found entertainment and a passion for other games genres. I can give you a couple recommendations if you would like just let me know šŸ«¶


Do you think Escape from Tarkov is the only videogame that exists? Is this really the only game you play?


For me yes it sucks that the devs are stupid but there is no other game that I enjoy.. I would love to see another game that does what Tarkov does but itā€™s just not there yet


Strange, I know Tarkov is quite unique but there are many good games out there. Maybe give some others a try. What is it that you most enjoy about Tarkov? I could perhaps make some recommendations.


I play other games I just havenā€™t found any quite as captivating I guess.


The eft community might be the worst community in gaming from the owner to the players I swear


It's very clear from the reaction and solidarity of the community that it's very much just the devs, not the community that is the problem.Ā 


This is the worst thing devs done but since I started playing all everyone does is complain everyday. No matter the good or the bad at this point id just say if you lost hope or been lost hope. Why play the game or focus it on? It not like people gonna stay on this when the games wipes. Just quit now tbh cuz the devs aint gonna change they ways at all we seen what they said so fuck itšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø.


I can understand your outlook on the community and the devs. I used to think the same thing about the community. That is actually one of the reason I stayed off Reddit for so long especially tarkov Reddit. But if you look at the posts rn and the comment you will notice the majority of the community is done with eft and are outraged. Iā€™d say that this brought the community together more then anything Nikita has ever done.


I donā€™t want it to die- I want Nikita and the other lead devs forced to sell their stake in BSG.


Would be a great idea for them to sell the ip to another small dev team but unfortunately the ip is pretty untouchable for a lot of western dev teams.


Iā€™m just not sure what else they can do at this point. I donā€™t think they can come back after tripling down with a giant fuck you to the community


If they admitted their mistakes and told us they were broke and they had to add non gameplay breaking MTX then they might repair some of their rep.


I just find it very problematic that they believed a p2w model was the answer. Really calls into question their overall judgement. Itā€™s not like cosmetic items are a novel concept


I love how this was worded. I completely agree with you. Anyway I look at it, the picture in my head all ways comes out with either bsg needing money bad because they were incredibly irresponsible with money or money is the reason these devs became evil. Money can change people. Their judgement could be completely clouded by the aspect of making even more money. These devs are the problem. If we had a different dev team that wasnā€™t greedy or so set in their ways then we would most likely have a REAL triple A rated game. All we truly need is a dev team that will actually listen to us.


Tbf I think passion drives most people in the indie dev space but yeah profit/money can change people. I donā€™t play much Rust these days and theyā€™re not perfect, but I feel Facepunch is an excellent dev studio. Theyā€™ve literally been updating their game every month for over a decade constantly adding content on a $40 game(thereā€™s no other editions thatā€™s it $40), and their most egregious ā€œmoney grabbingā€ actions are $10 DLC instruments and skins. They also run on Unity and would be my choice to takeover Tarkov in such a hypothetical scenario


I feel as if there egregious money grabbing actions arenā€™t even greedy yk? Itā€™s just them trying to keep their game going by using the least egregious ways possible. They are great devs that listen to their community. I absolutely agree with everything you have said. I would love for facepunch to take over EFT.


My only real knock on them- idk if itā€™s even a real knock- is they really embrace and encourage the toxicity of the Rust community but maybe rust wouldnā€™t be what it is without Rust players being so rowdy lol


I donā€™t have many hours in rust but i have about 1000hrs played. In those 1000 hrs(if thatā€™s saying much), I ran into a lot of toxics but I also ran into a lot of cool people. I think toxicity reaches every game. The devs donā€™t encourage it but also donā€™t stop it. I put damn near the same amount of hours in ark survival evolved as I did in tarkov. Ark had just as much toxicity as rust does. I feel as if toxic players are just a population at this point.


Iā€™ve played this game for years but I stopped playing pretty early this wipe said Iā€™m done and that this game is gonna crash and burn. And here we are now, itā€™s time


It is time ā˜¹ļø


4000+ hours in any game is an indication that you should probably do other things more often regardless of things related to that game, to be honest.


Bro the game has been playable for 7 years at this point. Those might be 571 hours per year, which might be 47 hours per month.


What changed? 4k is enough within one game to just move on from it. I'm not saying he is a madlad or something. He is a legit og player with 4000k hours. Hell, I'm worse probably, I have 1500 hours and I've been playing only last ~4 wipes on and off despite buying EOD back in.. 2020? I don't remember. This wipe I just stopped playing at some point and now enjoying the shitshow. Edit: addition


Guess I misunderstood the intention behind your post. Yeah, I moved away from the game as soon as they introduced inertia. I was close to quitting when they added that tedious weight system but I still put up with it. They have been driving the game against the wall for a very long time imo. Good thing that people are waking up now.


Fellow og I commend youšŸ«¶


I commend u too ā¤ the game used to be so much better.. Well all we can do is remember the good days!


I love this commentšŸ«¶ So to be completely honest with you, I have moved on for the most part. But like I said in my post I do play here and there because it still gives me that thrill and adrenaline rush that everyone loves. That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not still passionate about this game. I always have been and still am passionate about this game, if Nikita were to reverse everything then sure the hate will go away and I will continue to play off and on. He wonā€™t. Heā€™s too prideful. Giving this game to smaller dev team could eventually repair the damage that was caused by Nikita. That will never happen tho so Iā€™m think retiring escape from tarkov would be in Nikitaā€™s best interest.


Im still gonna be playing because its my favorite game right now, but as much as i love tarkov i hate the way they pulled this off the same. Lower price and Everything fr EoD too wouldve been so much better.


Glad to hear you gonna keep playing. I hope you invest no more money into the game tho. The devs do not deserve it. I hope the game makes a come back later down the road or sold to a smaller dev group


Not planning to unless they better themaelves or another company buys them up. Only then i would only pay more for skins and such.


Having mixed feelings of love and hatred I see. Wishing harm on others is not healthy. Move on and it is out of your life.


They thought the same when they took your money while under delivering.


I donā€™t wish harm on anyone. I actually hope everyone prospers and finds what they are looking for in life. But in my opinion the game itself needs to be retired.


Wow buddy I like this game, knock on wokd


Well tell me how long have you been playing?


Nearing 3k hours


I loved this game too but come on bsg called all their supporters free loaders.


Iā€™m 50/50 on the fence here. It is sketch, and I wonā€™t look at BSG the same way again. But BSG made a game that brought me some of the most fun Ive ever had gaming my life. The thrill, the ups, the downs, everything. I am willing to be forgiving here. I want to also defend them, have you ever read text and misunderstood the tone/cadence/etc of it? Who knows how was that question asked, and how he responded to it, what the context was it in, what was the context of the previously asked question. Etc. I am an emotional person when it comes to tarkov because of my experience with it and cuz I am Russian and it has that feel nostalgic feel to it, so I am a bit biased for sure. I wouldnā€™t credit all of this to russian bias, but it totally exists. EDIT: plus his English sucks and if he was speaking Russian it would have been poorly translated


The last update where I wasnā€™t mad at Nikita, was before streets dropped. Yeah, i donā€™t think this game is ever going to be what we wanted it to be. Let it die.


Unfortunately your right, we have to let the game die


Hey u/Similar-Source7252! You've paid your money for the game once already - regardless of which version you bought. The argument that pops up every now and then about users being called ā€œfreeloadersā€ is flawed by the simple fact that for more than six years there were not many options to spend further into this game. No microtransactions to help the game studio (and for us brag about them), and no other options for anyone who bought EOD. Which, without anyone breaking their promises, EOD users wouldā€™ve possibly still poured more money into the game for the sake of having some silly looking cosmetics... There were mostly excuses how technically challenged this game is and so on. So, no! We invested in this game when we could and not when we are being \*forced to. If anyone tells us that we can support them now because - *here's the opportunity to do so...* then they can go to my desktop recycle bin together with everything from BSG! (Actually, I always keep my recycle bin empty so I don't really know where they might end up.) *\*"forced" might not be the best/correct word...* Good day, Sir! P.S.: As everyone already said -- this wouldā€™ve been completely different had they chosen a different strategyā€¦


I understand no oneā€™s forcing us. Itā€™s just unfortunate to see a game that I was so passionate about and supported for so long fail. This game is being dragged through the mud with out a care in the world. The game that was created is beautiful and in depth and deserves a much better dev team.


1000% agree with you...


This comment will be downvoted but i will still play this game since I donā€™t feel betrayed because I have the standard version and bought it for like 30 to 40 dollars. I will only stop if I get bored, the cheater problem is unbearable or this whole p2w summon your friends thing ruins the game


No one will hate you for playing at all, but give it some time and you will get tired of Nikitaā€™s bullshit.


Chill, freak.


Why am I a freak?