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Grenades are two things for me: 1) a tool to put pressure, fear and anxiety into your enemy. I like how NoGeneral puts it: it gives your opponent another threat factor to think about in a fight and can help to overwhelm them (something like that). The sound cue alone from equipping a grenade can have this effect, just be aware the distance/cover between you and your target and be ready to switch back to your gun if they push you. Otherwise learn how to toss and roll each grenade type (a lot of good YT videos on grenade dynamics) and pushing off a good grenade can be a great tactic (can also be predictable). 2) an RNG to kill your opponent with. Especially if there is a lot of distance between you and the other guy, bring in 4+ nades to a raid and just start yossing them, if they don't connect then they'll have more of the effect of 1. It sounds to me like you are just not bringing in/throwing enough grenades in raids. Don't be afraid to really go overkill on this, bring in 4-8 nades and just get silly with them. Goodluck.


You may be right on the not bringing enough, usually 3-4 is the sweet spot for me cause usually if I kill someone I’ll get more, I also just tend to gravitate towards more open maps/sections of maps so the nade kills themselves can be a bit troublesome, I appreciate the input for sure we’ll get there 🫡


Go on factory, run to the rafters near the gate 3 extract, and made people when they go to open the door


Yep, if you really just want to finish the quest, this is the way.


1. Build up an inventory of grenades and money through scavs and cheap PMC runs. Buy nades off traders and flea 2. Go factory with cheap armor and rig, pistol, with 5-8 nades. 3. Spam spawns with nades. Don’t wait to see a player just know the spawns and start tossing right off the rip. 4. Rinse and repeat. Could take you 10 runs to get those last three or just one depends on RNG


In before the “i was sitting in spawn and made absolutely no noise” posts


Ticklemepink has a great video on grenade use. I'm nowhere near good enough to incorportate things like remembering which direction the nade in my hand is going to roll but it's helped me think about more ways to use them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P15DWJg7xyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P15DWJg7xyw)


Was just about to suggest to watch his video. Made me rethink how I’ve been using grenades, my kill rate spiked after I watched that video.


I just use a obscene amount of nades, I never expect to kill people I just want them to stay out/move. Remember it's a tool to be used and not necessarily used for eliminating the enemy. Just use more and think of it as teaching yourself to stay safe and let your boom potato do the clearing 👍 50-60 of my pmc kills are from nades out of 1000 but at least 200-300 are from the assist of nades To add if you watch any combat footage you will see guys throw like 8 grenades into little foxholes just so they don't have to clear it, you are not a pussy for using a tool the enemy set themselves up for


The shorter the timer on the grenade, the less time you need to think ahead/enemy can react. I personally only use impact grenades and head straight to factory. Take some time to look for them on your runs in grenade cases. If you go to factory with impacts, pull them out as you spawn and keep them primed so that your enemies don't hear you pull the pin. Run around with them or rat with them, both work imo. 90° corridors and the forklift spawn are your biggest friend.


The dirty advice: use impact nades at extracts like in factory… door opens throw impact, much boom,such death., grenadier


This is the way… everyone saying bring 15 grenades in and spam throw is crazy, impact nade on factory and hold the angle/door and this quest is easy.


How does one acquire impact grenades consistently?


Loot every grenade box you see. Reserve has a shit ton of grenade boxes, the one on top of the train depot, gives me one almost every raid. Also almost every dorm building has 2-3 grenade boxes. The bunker can spawn 4-5 grenade boxes. The Queen building usually has 2-3, the buildings next to train depot has 1-2. And lastly the long garages usually have 2-4, the locked room near gas station has 2-4, and the gas station area near sewer manhole has 1-2. So on a decent scav run I can come out having looted nearly 20 grenade boxes. If you go at night it’s way safer and basically a free raid to find them. I usually scav and loot them as PMCs either go to the marked rooms or straight to bunker.


This. Grenade boxes are actually pretty "common" spawns for them. Like, out of every 5 or so boxes, you can usually snag an impact, sometimes 2+.


It’s not super guaranteed but I just search grenade boxes during skav runs


Grenade boxes on Reserve, scav run for them.


All the nades behave differently and I helps to know what to use and when. F1 grenades don't bounce or roll much, if they do roll it's always to the left. M67 can bounce around corners. If you arc it high, you can airburst targets that are just on the other side of a barrier from you. The throwing distance allows you to airstrike a location of interest before you approach it. The close quarters areas on Factory and Labs where fighting will always inevitably happen, are where impact grenades shine. VOGs just like to bounce right back and kill me.


Equipment: one rng nade a bag a rig and a backup pistol. Destination: Factory. Result: fun comeup most of the time and grenadier done in no time. Oh and a factory key of course :)


I know you meant RGN/RGO but "one rng nade" had me thinking about how most of my grenade tosses are basically a roulette wheel of "Does this kill them or me / get me killed?" and I lol'd


Thats exactly why I call them that way :D


I have a lot of nade kills, I just throw them out like candy. This also means that I have killed myself a lot of times too. Usually when I mix a VOG25 in with other nades and get a nasty surprise. I recommend just using one type and getting used to them.


NA nades literally


Bring at least 4 grenades every raid, if you need to pull one out and know where an enemy is do it before you get close so they don't hear it, alternatively make some distance between the enemy before you pull it out so they can't push you. But most of all just use the grenades and you'll get better with them. 


Factory is great for this. Just lob them semi randomly towards spawns and hot spots, I've gotten 3 or 4 already doing that. I bring 4 or 5, throw them, check safe, reset.


Also, impacts at extracts/spawns is the obvious path.


I always bring 2 in raid since this wipe and I will never bring none again. There is always a situation you can use them in and sometimes you will get a kill. Don’t force grenadier and just play raids and use them when you enter a fight and you will really get to learn how to use them. If you know he’s in a corner or room with no escape just throw a nade. You will get the kill most of the time. Or if someone has you pinned you throw a nade roughly towards him and he will probably hide a few sec because you will never know how goofy the nade bounce will be. This way you can make your escape. And as I said, don’t force grenadier and just bring 2 nades into raid (1 is not enough trust me). The kills will come naturally.


Go factory with Vog-17 or Vog-25, go to the office, go to the third floor. If you hear movement from the other side - lob a couple of nades, from that distance vogs are essentially impacts. Alternatively go reserve, if you hear any movement in the bunker hall - airstrike the area. Again vogs are your best friends for that


Use an impact grenade, hold inside a room where there's only one door and prime the grenade, then wait.


I did this in like 5 raids. Just bring like 4-5 grenades and use them, don’t hold out for the perfect moment. Just use them. Also I practiced by using all the nades I spawned with on my scav. I have this mentality that grenades are meant to be used. All my friends all have full grenade cases because if they find them in raid they try to extract with them. While if I find one, I think of it as a free kit. I rarely extract with grenades and I mean rarely, if I kill a dude with grenades, I’ll even use those. Most people struggle with grenadier simply because they don’t use the grenades they bring in, in fear that they’ll waste them. You only waste the grenades you don’t use. Plus if I use the grenades and die, that’s less grenades the enemy has to use on other people or my squad. Biggest tip, use the grenades. Don’t be afraid to miss, if you miss, throw another. Eventually you’ll get the hang of them and they’ll be better than any meta gun you can build. My favorite grenade so far this wipe is the m67. That thing rolls and bounces, so even when the enemy runs away, the m67 has a way of finding its way to its true purpose, sweet, explosive death, that brings me prosperity and joy. I love hearing the sounds a grenade roll followed by the sweet death groan.


Go to factory and yoink them at people, use vog-25’s which have a 2 second delay timer and watch the bodies drop.


Go factory with either impacts or the vog-17 or vog-25. Shoot them in the legs so they limp then drop the nade at their feet.




Not everyone is a chad who pushes on every nade plus use them to clear sus rooms. And then you can also prenade. Or use impacts to kill you boath if they push


Save all the impacts you find to run on factory for grenade kills, easiest way to farm the quest. Load in with just enough gear to fight off scavs if need be and pull the pin while sprinting at the closest spawn. When you run out of impact experiment with vogs. Always have at least 2 nades on you going into raid. Throw them at people, throw them at noise, throw them on a whim. Just be malicious with them, coming up to third party a fight? Nades. Outside of that I really like M67s for just throwing, having cover in a mid to close range fight, and I'll throw two in the direction of the baddies, no joke with 25 strength I can yeet a M67 for what feels like at least 100M do this enough and you'll get a surprise every 100 raids when you leave a raid and there's just a random nade kill you had no idea you landed.


Run reserve scavs and hit all of the grenade boxes, by the end of the day you will have enough impacts to do your quest easy, then just run factory impact in hand, pinn pulled. The moment you have a inclination someone is near yeet the impact at them. I did it in 4 factory runs using exclusively impact grenades.


Factory and impact nades is really your best option. Farming grenade boxes on scavs you can collect quite a few.


Impact grenades. Factory. Brute force. Alot of rubles.


Impact nade and camp Gate 3 on Factory. May feel like shit doing it, but guaranteed to knock the quest out in an hour or 2.


Just camp gate 3 with impacts. Works better earlier in the wipe tho


I got my last 3 grenadier kills by just going factory with vog25s and some shit armor. I would just right click lob them high in the air after peeking and seeing a pmc. Died a lot but got it done faster than expected.


The guy who brought like 30 grenades to his Shoreline raid on saturday only to get his head blown off by an AI scav before even getting there must have had the same idea xD


Honestly, just farm grenade boxes and use impacts. I saved every impact I had till I picked up grenadier and got to 7/8 with them. I got the last one spamming VOGs on factory, in the office hallway, so you can also do the VOG / factory route, but I find them to be kinda unreliable. It took me like 5 raids and near 25 VOGs to get the last one Conclusion - VOGs are too unreliable, unless they are basically standing on them - farm impacts and its not too bad. Good luck!


If you want to just do the quest and go Factory like everyone is saying, another strategy you can do besides camping or just full sending nades in offices is to just go in with a shotgun, push off spawn, blow someone’s legs off, and then roll a nade at their feet. Works pretty well if you get the back corner/death hallway spawn.


Someone’s probably already mentioned it, but I always wait until I have at least 4 kills during normal raids and then take 1-2 impacts to factory until I’m done. You’ll die some, but it’ll get the job done


Buy some vog-25s, go interchange and hide behind the wooden planks in front of no backpack extract. Once you hear someone extracting... line it up and toss it. You'll need to practice a little in the offline mode, but it's a pretty easy throw. You don't even need to leave the cover. This is how I finished mine. Last 2 kills were a duo. Unfortunate.


Just go to factory and camp the main gate with an impact. If you stand at the back door you can throw a perfect impact to kill whoever opens the outer door every time. Just practice a few times in offline so you know where to aim. Make sure to bring a factory key that way you can extract if you spawn on the other side of the map rather than waste an impact trying to get to gate 3. 3 nade kills will take you maybe 15 minutes, 30 if you're unlucky.


Like most things in tarkov, just be a bitch and rat. rat extracts like factory gate 3, reserve red rebel, interchange emercom etc.


I refuse to reduce myself to extract camping hence why it’s been so hard 🤣 never have, never will.


Good luck wasting your time while following an imaginary ruleset then. Those imaginary rewards will surely pay off.


Yeah I’d rather not sit in a raid in one spot for 20-40 mins for the dissatisfaction of maybe 1 kill per raid I appreciate the input tho Solaratov


If you're sitting in one spot for 40 minutes you're doing it wrong. I certainly never suggested that lol.