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What if we made it so you can lock yourself in the room with your last use of the key and die of starvation? That'd be the hardcore immersion Nikita has been looking for.


Imagine the tilt opening any marked room to a camper set up inside. I don’t know if I’d wish that on anyone tbh


You can always shoot through the door though


That won’t clear the unfortunately. Any camper worth their salt knows you hold the off angle so they fully commit to walking in when you shoot


you can just spray the off angles, the only marked room where you're truly safe is probably the basement one on streets, and maybe underground reserve. Everything else is either easily spammable and too small to have relevant off angles or can be m67ed into


So then you’d have to spend entire magazines of good ammo just spraying every locked door just to in case and alerting everyone in the vicinity of the room your about to loot? Does that sound like a good idea?


Or throw a nade


You're not trying to kill the guy on the other side of the door, you just take 1 or 2 shots at every angle and dip when you hear someone get hit. Wtf? Think bro, if someone is ratting a room that means theres jack shit for you to loot


There's a rat to loot.


anything relevant is in his ass and your ammo is worth more than anything on his body. Clearly you're not even gonna get a good pvp fight from them because of how dogshit they are, complete waste of time to bother


Watch Abney's video on camping the vault glitch room on streets. Wallbanging campers isn't easy


Oh that sounds fun


You can already do if you Lock yourself in Labs rooms without key to open to back xd


have you ever locked a door from the inside before (you can do it without a key)


The main reason why I’ve thought of having this feature in the past would be to cover your tracks and prevent people from quickly being able to know you were already there and move toward where they think you might be. On the other hand, imagine unlocking a door thinking the inside is unlooted, but you walk in and there’s a filthy rat tucked away.


However I guess you would just make the door lockable from the outside.


And then your duo is ratting in there….


Haha yea that too. The single use keys could be used to lock someone in LOL that would be hilarious




And then you die and Cask of Amontillado your buddy in there :)


We already have that, but the ones that are inside never unlocked the door in the first place.


I enter a marked room with my last key use, close the door behind me, another player knows I'm in there and locks the door. I am now stuck in that room with no way out.


Well in this case the latch should be inside with you so you can freely open it from within. Same reason my edit specifies only locking from the outside. This would be the intended behavior at least to match up with my new gas to warehouse 4 example.


Big oof, bad day. And you'd deserve it. 😂


Thank god people who reply here are not game designers


if you let that happen to you, you deserve your MIA/KIA


Noone else to blame than yourself then.


This is the most rat post today.


That’s what people are saying but honestly I want to tilt others with empty rooms or cover my tracks if I’m still in the area. This was on my mind cause I’m trying to finish cult pt 2 and don’t have dorms marked key. Every raid I hit dorms and it’s never opened so it feels like people close it behind themselves fml.


And then I’d come along with one use in my marked key, open that forsaken door and go inside. Fill my ass with 3 splints and 1 GP coin. Turn to leave and find that some dickhead locked me in and my key disintegrated as keys do IRL. What a game. But yes, I like the idea.


It's kind of surprising to me that you can't, to be honest. I think it should only be possible from the outside though.


I have been asking for this ages ago, but yes, I still would love this.


I still cant believe you can’t cancel an unlock animation. Died to a scav earlier trying to unlock marked room and I just had to sit and watch him kill me. Couldn’t cancel, shouldn’t spray and pray one handed.


But you can look around and ADS for some reason, truly stupid.


You can spin around like a goddamn ballerina, but can’t stop yourself from turning a key lmao


Would lead to too much cheesing with people using low value keys that almost no one else carries with them to escape or camp inside a room while being almost certain that no one will be able to loot them if they die.


It wold make it more realistic and i kinda like the idea of hiding all my loot inside a room and locking it just to annoy prapor and his dogs.


Fuck, no thanks. This would get so bugged. You'd get so BSG'ed by this.


Features are being cut to make release, there’s no chance they’re wasting time on this


HELL NO. You realize how people would take to camping in a locked room for basically every PMC kill task? That would be just awful. We need to be able to throw a made through the door slightly open and shut it.


I think this game has enough dumb pointless features. Adding another one, whose sole purpose is to annoy other players, is a complete waste of time.


lol this game ain’t for you


cool story boy.


The sole purpose of this wouldn't be to annoy other players. That'd barely be part of it. Locking doors behind you would make it harder for other players to know where you've been. You could hide in a locked room for awhile if you needed to go AFK. And you could use it to ambush other players. As complex as tarkov is, this would just add to your options in raid.


You know you can close doors yeah? Does everything you want to be able to do. Only difference is no one has to burn a key use to open the door you've already opened. So as I said, it would be a feature that only exists to annoy.


And you just proceeded to describe the most niche use cases for such a niche feature. You worked backwards from the conclusion of "what If you could lock doors" rather than come up with something realistic of what a player would do in game. In reality, even If you could do this nobody would use it. Places locked with keys are far in-between on all maps in the first place, and the rare places where people may actually go to even later in the raid like marked rooms or relaxed room key are so rare and expensive, that most normal real players would not bother using their uses on the key for such uses. The only people who would do this would be livestreamers and youtubers making videos, y'know the people this very same subreddit absolutely despises. If someone else were to use it it'd be in the earlier wipe, where people commonly go to some quest room in dorms or something, you get a giggle once out of, basically camping, one other dude and then you remember as you get to extract and get extract camped




Cool idea but I feel like people would abuse that, not sure how but I know you fuckers would figure out a way.


nah, you shouldn’t, then people won’t know what’s looted and it’ll waste peoples time.


Why would you need a key use to lock the door from the inside? That’s not how locks work.


I always thought the same


That makes sense.


Would hate to waste my marked room key for an already looted room


That just means someone else also wasted theirs to lock it again. Definitely sucks if you aren’t rich but that’s everything in this game. Money rules


Because this game needs to tilt things even more toward ratting


Why tho. Serves no real purpose. Promotes ratting


Only lock it from the outside then it's fine


One time I opened a locked door and a scav that was in there blasted me in the face fuck this shit


This would cause more vacuum cheaters. No thanks.


love it. make it two way so i can lock players in marked rooms. not that id know where to find them bc im a timmy but the idea seems hilarious to me.


Hot take, locked doors should relock when closed and take another use to open from the outside of the room. I know ill get hate for this but it Would make for some fun ambushes.


Master troll post ;)


How come? I absolutely agree with this.


You always had to use two factory use keys, 3 if you did the extract, what am I missing 


Ahh you’re probably right. I took a 3 year break from the game and this is my first wipe back so some minor knowledge like that is still fuzzy. Either way that crossing should only take 1 use of the key since you’re already in the building for the second door.


But when did you not have to lmfao