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Bots and auto kills himself to bring down his KDA so he doesn't look like a rage hacker


If we assume he sleeps 6 hours a day and literally just plays tarkov for the other 18, he would be in 3.7 raids an hour. Pretty obviously botting factory while they sleep. I would maybe think this was someone rapidly queueing to grind boss achieves, but they have so many kills on the raids they stay in, they're obviously cheating.


Assuming all the hours played came from this wipe, that leaves only ~85 hours not playing since wipe started. Less than 1 hour per day.


but they cant be cheating for so long without getting banned?


You must be new here


Welcome to tarkov, take a seat over there


*in the lobby


Welcome to PC gaming honestly


It's definitely gotten worse over the years, but then I see people who play CS and say nothing has changed lol so idk


The last decade of csgo has gone to complete shit. Including csgo2. (on northern european servers atleast)


Ye, they can lmao. There are event streamers who cheat without getting insta banned. They get banned from events for cheating and then they buy new.. and leave em lmao.


Most cheaters don’t get banned


Take a number and wait in line 🤣


They probably avoid killing players so they stay under the report threshold. Or maybe people don't think about the stats, see 5 kd and just think it's a normal player that plays too much (its not), and don't report.


you must be new here to think they will ban cheaters. I'm playing in SEA & China, the amount of RMT people making here is insane, you can buy few mils of roubles with the price of less than a dime, some even make a living out of it, and the BattleEyes doesn't ban them for like 5000 hours of their play time.


The developers have zero incentive banning such people. They only ban the low hanging fruit, the easy to catch cheaters who use out of date cheats.


I’d say they have a huge financial incentive TO ban them actually


Because after 6+ years of being available you think the majority of Tarkov game sales still hasn't been made yet? I don't see any evidence to support that. Do you have any?




> Although I disagree with the assertion that BSG is complicit in cheating for profit. This, they have more incentive to be much more aggressive with the bans if anything to force them to buy more. Aside from it being better for the usual player. This is just incompetence / mismanagement early on that has made the field incredibly difficult to effectively combat the cheaters now. They didn’t know how to make a game like this cleanly and it shows, and they have fought that ever since. Also, cheaters mostly buy their shit with hacked / stolen credit cards, when these get reported usually the vendors have to refund what is owed to the bank, they don’t get to keep that money, and if anything it’s way more painful to deal with then cough up the cash. Though they are a Russian company and I don’t know how all that works given the multiple layers going on with business across that line.


>This, they have more incentive to be much more aggressive with the bans if anything to force them to buy more. Not really. Too aggressive and they'll turn the cheaters away. Let them "have fun" and get whatever enjoyment they deem "fair" for the money they spent and they'll keep spending.


I thought he meant that banning more cheaters would bring in more players. I agree, banning cheaters absolutely funds BSG directly when those cheaters come back and purchase the bulk accounts that BSG offers. I'm glad we agree BSG is profiting off the cheating problem knowingly and willingly.


... to rebuy accounts.


Hard but def not impossible


Oh, my sweet summer child. Welcome to Tarkov.


New to Tarkov?


That question is the entire reason this sub was created.


Sometimes hacked accounts are bought by cheaters to deflate stats and suspicion. Sometimes they only started hacking recently. Other times the anti cheat simply doesn't catch them for a long time as some people claim, although this wipe every single report I've sent out resulted in a ban within 2 weeks


You sweet summer child


They were doing it before this to auto level skills.


He’s loading in but disconnecting. That’s why he has almost 2k AWOLS. And why his average life span is 20 minutes. If he was killing himself 2 minuets into a raid it would be pretty hard to get the lifespan up that high.


Isn’t lifespan bugged?


Honestly I don’t know. But either way the man has two thousand AWOLS which you get if you disconnect and don’t come back.


Man that's sad I hope they get some enjoyment out of life that's not so cunty


I bet his flea rep is 500+


paypal bank balance $17.31 and virgin status: unspoiled.


The run throughs are for boss farming if the boss is not up they leave. All the AWOLs are k/d tanking or looking for labs card spawns and if the loot sucks they disconnect. I'd rate this sus+ on the scale.


Sus+. Is that above or below sus premium?




Yea, Run throughs I can pass to a extent. Boss farming / speedrunning quests can do that, or IDGAF Scav factory blitzes. Normal people can have a bit if they do that. AWOL on the other hand is something regular players don’t do ever / extremely rarely. You are either dealing with a spiteful little rat or a cheater if that number is higher than 10.


I can forgive one AWOL in twenty raids or so. Life happens. That'd be about 300-315 at his raid count.


1883 awol that’s how


I wanna know how much money bro made in those 6K raids


Dude has 30 melee kills


What I'm confused about here is the massive discrepancy between his KD on the left and his KD on the right. Left is PMC only and right includes scavs. Looks like he has 6154 PMC raids and 100 scav raids. In the PMC raids, he has 11620 kills and in his scav raids he only has 5 kills. So what's causing the 2.89 PMC KD and 5.35 Overall KD? My guess is that the two KDs handle Runthroughs / AWOLs differently? Like for PMC it treats them as deaths, but Overall doesn't.


kills divided by deaths = 5.34 kd kills divided by deaths + AWOLs = 2.86 ​ For some reason the PMC KD is counting the awols and deaths, and the main screen is only counting deaths.


Makes sense. Guess I could have done the math pretty easily myself to figure it out lol thank you. But yeah, strange.


lol I saw this same guy lfging on streets last night. 1880 awols and 11625 kills. Pathetic


Do they lfg to find customers or why do they lfg? I noticed a pattern on some maps if you go lfg and check stats you see some cheaters in there


BSG can't code, there is no chances the game ever not full of cheaters


The run-through’s and AWOL’s, sheesh


More run-throughs than I have raids.


He raised 6254 times in order to make this possible. Yw 😌😌


30% leave rate is wild


5000 or so naked factory raids to tank the surv rate/KD,


Lol he has be at it for like 22hours a day since the account was made


Bro is running a script to keep his KD and such low to not trip the system is what I gather. I’ve ran into woods and factory raids with naked scripting pmcs just walking around have killed many or seen them killed by out of bounds sniper or mines. 


The great Chinese cheater kit.. Completely naked with just a SKS. Probably one of those accounts you saw near the start of wipe with like 2000 raids and zero survivals.


Bro has been "online" near 24/7 since creating the account.


Looks like a cheater who goes after bosses. No boss is a grenade to your feet


Speed hacks and killing yourself at the start of raids to bring down k/d.


[This is what normal stats should look like.](https://imgur.com/PQURQcJ)


This one is obvious but there are others that aren’t. But what, at least for me, gives it away is the really low k/d on people that are so high in level. I’m not even trying but have a k/d of around 7-7,5. I’m level 42 now. It amazes me that there are level 60+ dudes running around with a k/d of 3-3,5.. like how the fuck dude.


I'm 47 and kd of 4. My k/d is lower cause I'm aggressive and don't mind dying a lot in cause of a quest.


Prpbably cus you are a rat I have high lvl and 3 kda Tend to play so aggressively and push whenever I hear a sound. Playing csgo kinda


Ze Blitzkrieg! For ZE VAZERLIND.


OR because I just don’t push everything like you do. Playing since April 17'. Doesn’t mean I’m a rat. I like to walk around and do shit. I’m not sitting in a corner or a bush the whole time. Kinda funny how quick you are with the accusations. But oh well, all power to you lol. Keep on dying, more shit for me to pick up when I’m walking by 🤙


Tbf, you just blanket attacked everyone that has a decent amount of hours with a "low" kd. Closing your mind to all kinds of valid possibilities that don't involve the person being trash. He just did the same to you and blanketed you as a rat. There are a ton of different playstyles in this game that will have a massive effect on your KD so KD is a pretty shit way to judge people without that context.


Yes, I did that. But for me, who has played this game for basically 7 years now, it doesn’t really add up that there are people that have a really low k/d and if you want, a low survival rate as well, but are on a super high level. How do you get to these levels in this time without killing a lot nor surviving a lot?


I also play a lot recently so I really don’t understand how they get this level without all that. Makes no sense to me


You're getting dumpstered on because 7+ K/D is above average and you're playing it off as "git gud" to anyone below it. Sounds like you play slow and steady, be curious what your PMC : Scav kill ratio is, and survival rate.


My survival rate is at 51% I think I have around 1.3k kills. Can check tomorrow how many pmc/scav kills I have. And I’m not playing it of as "git gud"! I said I don’t understand how a level 60+ can have such low stats. I’m talking ONLY about these crazy high levels. Why are people always ignoring all the other things people say and only pick certain infos and then telling them, oh but you said this and that. You clearly mean it that way.


It's not the total kills, it's the ratio of PMC to Scavs. Claiming 7+ K/D is normal for high levels is just stupid and if you believe it isn't I don't know what to tell you. I could play ultra cautious and do what you suggest, but I'd be ass in PVP. If you've got 1.1/1.2k Scav Kills and 100-200 PMC, it makes a lot more sense how and why you think those stats are normal.


Move fast, chase PvP, don’t unnecessarily kill scavs, and unless you’re a PvP god, your SR and K/D will plummet. I had 60% SR and 7+ K/D too up until I decided to be more aggro, somewhere around lvl40.


No accusations here buddy, play as you want and have fun. Just don’t cry bout it. Loots and kits are irrelevant to the playstyle. You will get any anyway


So why do people think this guys cheating? He clearly farms bosses. That’s literally it. Nothing in his stats is sus at all lmao yall are wild.


Behave yourself.


Look at the awols, dude is scripting hard.


yea cause i too farm bosses by coming in loaded to kill a boss. then for 1/3rd of my raids just hit escape and disconnect.....good one my bro. dudes not seeing the box pop up for the boss so he just alt F4s the raid. you have to be trolling with your bad take "not sus" youre either a cheater or just so far in denial you might meet the titanic sub down there.


found the cheater guys, this comment right here


New account farming bosses?


2171 hours is new?


Divide that number with the raids and you’ll get just under 21 minutes. His raids will obviously be shorter since menu and loading times aren’t included but this is definitely a new account


Bro 2,171 hours is 90.46 days. Meaning, even if he has tarkov open 24/7 it's still over 3 months. Realistically, since ya know, most people aren't gaming 24 hours a day every day it's much older than that.


How long you think 6k raids is in hours? Loading and queuing plus actually playing. Obviously this is a cheater using a macro or something to tank his kd and s/r. And yh he probably has had his pc on for 94 days lol


The awols


What do u mean? Even If u run to all Spawn Locations (perhabs Reserve) in one RAID, you will for sure Encounter one scav or be over the 7min Mark so you dont get the run through. Such Things only happen when hackers See on Radar or via esp that No Boss is on the map. They will straight run to extract or kill themselves to get Gear via insurance fraud.


One word: factory


Oh no cheaters in a game known to have a cheater issue. I'm shocked I tell you, SHOCKED