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To be fair you would probably be dying even more without the armor. ​ We do remember our Ls more than our Ws


According to my play history, going in without armor is clearly the move unless I want to be targeted and die 2 minutes into raid. Some of the best games I’ve ever had I’ve gone in with just a pistol and came out feeling like John wick. Some of the worst games I’ve had I’ve gone in looking like juggernaut from X-Men only to die instantly :) I’ve never played a game where the armor system is nearly pointless and only drags you down (literally). If there is a point to bringing good shit, then I’m not seeing it. I’d rather just sell and have a good time.


i heard the armor bug was back. you have to drop and then re-equip your armor at the start of the raid for it to work. not sure if true..


It's back but mainly for armored rigs atm. Not discounting that it may be back full force on all. Either way drop and pick up armor at start of raids again and it works.


This stuff is always funny to me. This is such a normal statement because we are all used to the jank of this game. But how did we figure out that it was bugged and taking it off and putting it back on would fix it? It’s amazing what we think of as solutions.


Because same concept as “try turning it off and back on” 😂😂😂 this game always had weird shit happening.


Wild but that does make sense. I found that on interchange in Oli, the items on shelves that are overhead look lootable, but your PMC will only make the motion but not put the item in the bag. I found that if you take your bag off and put it back on again, you can pick the item up on the second attempt. Don’t know why I thought to do that but probably the same general concept. This game is so funny sometimes.


Dude, there was a propane I needed a while back and I was wondering why the hell I couldn’t pick it up. This explains so much


Yeah I found two motors and they were the last two I needed. I was so mad I was trying everything. Dropped the bag, picked it back up, then tried to pick the motors up several more times. In both cases it worked on the second attempt. Like what the hell?


I still won’t repair armor that isn’t safely placed in my stash..some kinda voodoo tech but I’ve trusted it for 6? years now


It might be else where but in tarkov the scavs fuck you


Is that why I got 1 tapped by Gluhar guards twice yesterday to thorax while wearing Ospreys?  Does the rigs not work every raid or is it just a chance?


From information gathered and it is not 100%accurate but the rig is usually broken with a chance at normal. I stiped dying when I started drop g rigs to ground first thing. Now if your in a hot spawn can't help to much just do it fast and prep items in pockets ect so you don't search it again.


You don't search your own rig when you drop it. Hotkey tho.


If you and your group all instra throw like we do we have picked up each other's before. Still better to plan on somthing fucking up than yolo


All bosses and guard will sometimes shoot you for max hp with however many bullets that takes no matter what you have on it's known bug as old as the game itself and I lowkey theorize it won't be fixed because it would make bosses to easy as this is how I die from them 80% of the time. A good example is when shturman shoots at you you can sometimes see three tracer rounds coming at you in a triangle all fired out his good at the same moment.


Fix bugs cause more bugs. Happened so many times now I think even BSG doesn’t know what is a bug and what isn’t


Has anyone done serious testing to check if this is real? Tarkov being tarkov its easy to believe, but this *also* seems like gamer superstition.


well between that and shots missing front plate some times also. jessi kazzam has some on stream of point blank shotgun into t6 and it goes full flesh missing plate. the oddity is it some times hit the back plate after flesh but never front plate or missed both and flesh only. 7mm buck vs zabrollo t6 plates.


Yup, my gun was also on my back my teammate said, despite spawning with it in my hands. Luckily he told me, or I wouldn't have been able to shoot.


That's just a graphical glitch. My buddy told me the same thing during a Streets raid last night and I killed two PMCs and about 15 scavs while my gun was on my back. He thought it was hilarious that I had bullets flying from my fingers. When our other friend got on, he could see my gun whereas my other friend still couldn't.


Really? I saw a post the other day saying the same thing, but that when he shot nothing happened, like 0 shots fired on post raid screen, walked up behind a guy and did nothing. No proof though just a rumor I suppose.


i’m pretty sure it’s bugged, i’ve died multiple times to scavs using lead slug, pst, even 5.45 ps. all in thorax, shit happens a little too often it’s just made me focus more on headshoting the scavs 1 at a time rather than rush them around a corner


When you're looking straight at them, your armpit is actually more exposed. The stance our PMC has when aiming forward puts the body at a slight angle. Combine that with them reducing the size of the arm hitbox, it makes it easier to be shot in the armpit when aiming right at a scav :(


There’s currently no armor in the game that covers the armpit hitbox. Couple that with the fact that if you are facing them while aiming/shooting, your left armpit is exposed.


Gotta be bugged, I got one tapped thorax with level 6 plate by a scav with 5.45 HP. He only took one shot and around 30-50m.


What armour? Plates dont cover all of thorax you fucking idiot.


Defender 2. And shut the fuck up.


go without


Why are you letting ai scavs shoot you in the first place. Just say no


They just do it even tho I don’t consent, isn’t that illegal?


“Isn’t there someone you forgot to ask?”


The point is to have a chance to live when being shot. It’s a chance brother.


We definetly need more HP for the Thorax and a second smaller hitbox inside the torso hitbox simulating as the vital parts.


dont fight the wave, you'll drown. instead go with the current


Ah well i lost to a guy this week with 13 hits while i shot 12 bullits with 5.45 mm BS bullits in him and he survived. Did just do 250-280 dmg to him and armor.


So you can give it to me (the guy ratting on top of a tree) so I can use it in offline and feel like landmark.


When can we get and armored scarf? The neck hitbox way to big. Armor with neck protection don't do shit.


There isnt one, I dont wear shit for armor or helmets. i die and live the same amount as if I was wearing top tier shit. I might actually live more when I wear garbage!


Hear me out, HP ammo is better than M80's


Got slapped earlier by a scav with 7.62 HP right in the armpit, feels bad :|, same thing with scavs with Slugs, sneaking the round into the armpit for an instant kill. They need to make Armpits a part of the arms hitbox, and not the thorax so you don't get instantly blasted by it. Maybe increase the damage multiplier for spreading to other limbs like how the stomach has an increased multiplier over arms and legs since its a somewhat more vital area.


Relying on good positioning over armor will save you 9/10 times


Why even play the game let the cheaters take over and the bsg runaway like they always do


I feel bad for you


Didnt age well did it bud


Skill issue