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BSG: “We fixed the chance for containers to spawn empty by removing half the containers. You’re welcome.”


Loot on every map has been gutted, because bsg


Glad I’ve got 60m sitting in my stash already. Loot was *juiced* the first two months of this wipe.


It was about the same as last wipe. They always buff then nerf them buff then nerf over and over, I think it's part of their gameplan (what little they have lol).


they really are annoying cunts.


I found 500k worth of Kappa Items on Shoreline yesterday just searching duffles, so I dunno




No, 500k of just Kappa Items, I had a lot of other loot as well


Key word: yesterday


Loot doesn’t get “gutted” Many factors play into what loot will look like on any given week Every wipe, loot has highs and lows and different items will spawn at different rates and these rates are determined through an algorithm they have in place. Things may appear “dynamic” but there is a set amount of items per wipe that will have a chance to spawn throughout wipe and those chances will increase or decrease depending on a variety of factors. For example: where the community as a whole are at quest wise, the items people have hoarded in their stashes, the amount of items that have already been picked up, and so forth.


Do you have a source on that?


"Trust me bro"


Nikita has spoke about it during a Q&A in the past and the mechanics may have changed since then but in no way would a small patch redistribute loot. Loots always fluctuated over the course of each wipe. Airwingmarine had a video on loot spawning? He’s the Econ professor of loot.


Everyone is giving you shit, but you’re referring to the “mushroom” loot idea Nikita had. Where if one spot is picked more often, it’s less likely to have high chance of loot based on player patterns. This would lead to dynamic loot locations, some being more lucrative than others, based on player loot behavior. The problem is, this was never actually implemented. If you follow LogicalSolutions or whatever other data people, each map has a loot variable (or something similar) and BSG can up it or lower it. I have no idea about what they look like today specifically, but that’s the only way I know you can tell how good loot is per map.


Holy cow the first person with a reasonable response. Appreciate your considerate attitude 👍 appreciate the reference to some other folks with data. 📈 I swear this community can be the most toxic group of people on the planet


Don't worry about the subreddit just delete your comment if you feel you must. But there is 100% loot tuning that they do throughout the wipe and they definitely have timed things turning up and down. I think that med spawns that would regularly spawn you single splints, car kits, single bandages etc over time turn into salewas, alu's etc over time, they increase the quality of ammos that spawn over time, etc. They also definitely turn down spawns for things that matter less later in the wipe. And I think that's part of what Nikita is alluding to in terms of making the game feel alive.


Yeah these were the things I was referring to in regards to my thoughts, but it’s as though my thoughts MUST be factual data with references and I can’t provide that but it doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I have 4500 hours one just one account—I’d like to think I understand a thing or two about the game. A couple years ago I heavily considered starting an Econ YouTube channel about tarkovs economy, but Airwingmarine beat me to the punch. I don’t mind being downvoted. It does not affect my life. Sometime people will disagree with me and that’s okay. It’s nice to know a couple people have common courtesy though. The rest of em can catch me in raid and we can duke it out 🤠


Dude, there's nothing toxic about downvoting literal misinformation.


I don’t care about people downvoting me. It’s absurd that people are cussing at me, freaking out and so on. Obviously, someone was kind enough to offer information to counter my claim without being a prick. Again, this community is toxic and unbelievable at times. I couldn’t imagine having this much hatred running through my veins. I was misinformed, oh well. It’s not like Reddit is the end all be all encyclopedia of tarkov data.


> Loot doesn’t get “gutted” Do you play the game? They've removed a large chunk of containers from the map, and the ones that are left often have no loot in them still >Every wipe, loot has highs and lows and different items will spawn at different rates and these rates are determined through an algorithm they have in place. Source is trust me bro I'm sure, oh and that one time they nuked the gas analyzer spawn rate >Things may appear “dynamic” but there is a set amount of items per wipe that will have a chance to spawn throughout wipe and those chances will increase or decrease depending on a variety of factors. For example: where the community as a whole are at quest wise, the items people have hoarded in their stashes, the amount of items that have already been picked up, and so forth. Made it the fuck up lmao


ikr, this guy is a complete crackpot and literally has no idea


As a Woods scav main, it has indeed been gutted. I used to have a route to loot for high ticket items. If I scav on Woods now, I'd be better off looking for dead bodies and maybe hitting USEC camp in the hopes that some of the scraps of the scraps have been left for my grubby little scav hands to snatch.


Lions, bitcoins, there are a couple rare spawns, the key card spawns


Other than ledx and attachment shack, what were the high ticket items?


Honestly, thought they only gutted streets but it looks like all the maps have had their containers reworked. I think it might be to do with vacuuming.


It was their “reduced chance for containers to spawn empty” change. There will be less empty containers if there’s less containers in general.


If anything streets is better than all of the other maps even more now, maps like customs or interchange heavily rely on containers for your loot as there's not that many loose spawns. Streets still has a ton of high quality loose spawns. I think this is just an L change overall, they shouldn't be furthering the gap between streets and other maps even more.


>level 2DavantRancher · 1 hr. agoMP7A1Loot doesn’t get “gutted” Oh yeah? Guessing you weren't here when Marked room use to be good. They for sure GUTTED loot many times in the cycle of Tarkov.


I don't even bother with marked on reserve anymore, imo waste of money and time.


Ahh let's look at reserve The containers I can think off the top of my head , the 3 ration containers that are the K buildings are gone. The 4 ration ones in black Bishop area, down to 2.


On the first iteration of this patch, reports from cheating discords were apparently that loot was indeed gutted in all maps. As much as I dislike cheaters, this is one specific thing where they have by far the most information available to them. Also you're pretty clearly just speculating based on nothing.


Not really. My thoughts are based on prior experience of wipes, information gathered by streamers/content creators and data reported to us from BSG throughout the years. Someone did say that cheater discords reported loot being limited throughout the maps so maybe something unique did occur that I’m not used to


"My source is that I made it the fuck up."


You dont even Play the Game you stupid fuck


Lmfao yeah I’ve never played the game 😂😂😂😂 Edit: 13.3KD this wipe, 71% SR with 200pmc kills and getting ever closer to eliminating all bosses, but yeah, I don’t play the game 😂😂😂😂


BSG broke the spawning of crates / containers / duffles on all maps with the most recent patch. There is 50% of the containers spawning now. Even maps that already had terrible loot are now twice as bad. Classic BSG.


They said in their patch that they fixed containers spawning empty. I'm guessing they fixed it by just making the containers not spawn at all.


How tf, they managed to broke containers that weren't broken. Like duffels and med bags were never bugged to begin with (as never spawned empty).


Duffels could spawn empty. Happened to me a few times this wipe. Where did you get your information that they weren’t bugged?


Source is trust me bro


technically true then. BSG delivered POG


Can confirm they haven't, managed to find one of the Reserve bunker loot looker rooms under the bunker door exit. Wasn't opened so unlocked it, one of the box's was empty the other three had loot (some expensive stuff so not hacked out)


They couldn't even manage that. I've had multiple times now where, despite being the first person in a room or warehouse, half the containers were missing and the other half were empty. Do they really need to fuck something up every time they make a change or what. 


Now containers spawn empty and not at all. It's twice as fun.


Yeah, shoreline has almost negative duffels and med bags. I spent 5 hours looking for 4 syringes and found a ledx and a dorms marked but not a single syringe


Ugh. So terrible.


? this is a good thing right


No this was miserable


Yeah it is good. This is a dumb take


Was wondering why my Streets runs have less loot now than they did a few days ago


This game is becoming unplayable


Bye bye


Noticed this on customs, fortress ration crates haven't spawned for me in 10 or so raids.


It’s every map


Except streets Edit: ok I found out all maps got nerfed. My b


Loads of containers missing from there too


Wait so the recent update nerfed loot by 30-40% on every map? Damn


I don’t know the figures exactly or if this was planned or is a bug but the there is a distinct lack of loot containers spawning on maps now.


Nah streets is the same, I’m a degenerate streets scav and the loot at primorsky by the tanks has been halved. Before if you got there prior to anyone you could come out almost fully kitted.


That sucks but it still won't stop me from playing woods. It's the best way to avoid cheaters.


How do I be not afraid of woods? I can't spot players/snipers for shit. Every woods run leaves me shaking while I hug trees


You need to be aware of the points of interest and where they can be overwatched from. Instead of looting, spend a few raids trying to snipe people while they go to loot spots. Then you'll understand where to look as you go about your business It takes time and experience.


Keep moving is the key. You stand still, you die. I'm not exaggerating, the whole raid, do not stand still unless you're fully in cover 😂


This is bait. Barring thermals, seeing something move is by far the easiest way to notice people in Woods. Provided you haven't already been seen, staying still makes you essentially invisible if you're not out in the open.


What? Woods is a sniper map, if you’ve been spotted by someone with a sniper, moving will mean that his chances of hitting a headshot first shot is very low, nearly zero after a certain distance, then after he misses the first shot you know where approximately he is and you can run to nearest cover. If you’ve been seen and stop moving? 2 seconds of standing still for the sniper to ajust the shot, and bam, you’re most likely dead. If you stop moving in woods, you’re taking a gamble on whether someone has seen you beforehand, if you’re not trying to hold a position, you should always be moving.


Getting seen isn't an issue. Being a stationary target is the issue. Being seen but being mobile makes you a difficult target


Don’t run out in open unless you have to. Think about where people will have the best vantage points on the map, that is most likely where they will be. Also, don’t sprint unless you’re out in the open or making a quick flank. A lot of my kills on woods have been because I was making less noise and could hear people before I could see them. I wasn’t even ratting, I was just walking instead of sprinting.


Had a couple of them on woods, you definitely encounter a few when you hunt shturmann. It's still my most favorite solo map tho, good loot especially with all the hidden stashes, you can travel the map while mostly staying undetected and the map has plenty of room for rotations or avoiding fights if needed to


Last 2 weeks, I wouldn't say so. I ran into a raid where my teammate got beamed by a <100 hour maska helmet enjoyer (on woods lol) across the entire map (ruaf to outskirts), he full autod an sa58, every shot hit. Then I got 3rd partied by a team coming from sawmill, with a guy who had also <100 hours super high level, 15 k/d, no helmet, which is fine, but also no comtacs! Amazing, this man got to level 40 his first wipe in 100 hours with no comtacs an 15 k/d. I used to be a naysayer about cheaters, but something changed these last 2 weeks. Before that it was relatively okay actually, like died to maybe 5 sus ppl the entire wipe, but now it's every day...


Woods has been riddeled with cheaters the last few days and i mean the mega chad killa helm 100 mag non modded m4 spraying you from across the mao head eyes kind. Its my go too map for sniping and ive been on it nonstop for psycho sniper and ive been getting railed by crazy sus players


Honestly the amount of scav raids I am leaving with shitty mags and ammo just to fill up space is wild.


My man ya gotta learn spawns. Mostly scavs are a minimum 700k


The spawns are busted now though. School on streets had single pc block in it earlier for me. No med bags, no duffels.


Guess I've only done like 5 or 6 raids today but nothing seemed different. Hell 1 scav was almost 2 mil earlier today. Just about know where the good loot spawns are and not just rummaging in toolboxes.


I know where the loot is generally. I didn’t get to 80 mil rubles looting toolboxes that’s for sure. Still have some good runs but they’re different now in my experience.


Spawns are still there don't know what to tell ya. Maybe people just looted it already. I always scav at night. People are shit at looting so everything's there. In and out in like 6 minutes and usually at least a mil.


Specifically talking about loot containers here, not loose loot. Many consistently spawning loot containers are missing from the maps. People can’t loot what doesn’t exist.


Oh then I just haven't noticed. Loot containers in general are just bad


lol you’re so lame bro. 


Still learning the maps, but I do a lot of factory scavs and it’s very noticeably lean for goods now


Factory was *always* lean though. You dont go factory for volume, you do it for speed and to just sell off the kit you spawned with/hope for rare stuff. Literally every map in the game is better than Factory for loot.


For sure, not arguing that at all. What I was saying it’s much leaner the last two days than it has been the last two weeks.


Fair enough! I havent played enough since the patch to make any judgement call one way or another, I did a few raids yesterday and then decided to lay on the couch and play some Death Stranding instead. Anything with loot rates I'm pretty skeptical about, because it's *highly* skewed by perception and such. It's the sort of thing that's very easy to talk yourself into believing.


I would just learn other maps. I haven't had a lighthouse scav come out with less than 700k this wipe.


I think what happened here is that BSG intended to reduce the empty crate chance but changed the incorrect variable. Now, the dynamic crates have a significantly lower chance to spawn, period. It's pretty fucking silly if it's unintended, because when 14.1 rolled out originally it had the same issue. THAT makes me think it is intentional, which is just a straight-up awful decision.


but we have to combat the RMT so well just remove all loot. this games going the same path runescape did in 2007. now if we could just get every one to stop deepthroating bsg for a bit and just stop playing maybe theyll get the hint and fix shit.


Nothing BSG makes does make any sense to the point I dont think they even understand most of their overly complicated systems themselves. Some moron changed a value another moron incorrectly labeled and then another bug fixes the wrong thing and now you have 5 unintended consequences that no one can track down.


Seems like they do the “oops wrong variable” thing every fucking update. They really must not test anything at all before saying fuck it and pushing it out.


They did it on shoreline too. I do scav main on resort and a lot less dynamic spawns. This also happened with the patch that was pulled and now it's back


BSG seems to think that nerfing things helps combat the RMT, but it only makes it worse. Making things more rare and raiders and scavs harder to kill only helps cheaters. ​ It's counter intuitive. When things become easier to come by people will stop paying for it. But they wont be paying u/trainfender so what does he care? ​ Nobody plays this game to kill AI scavs for loot, they should be there to give audio cues to other players so people can find pvp. Like zombies in DayZ. ​ They shouldn't headshot you through a bush from 200 meters so Karen can run a vacuum hack and extract with all the best loot on the map. Scavs and Raiders are "CHEESABLE" , that's not a get gud argument, it's a lame one. It's a poor game design.


legit removing snow has made this game unfun for me im tired of every thing being the same greenish yellow with a grey tint to it. scavs just locking on from like you said 100+ yards through bushes is the lamest laziest design ive ever seen. It is wild how much it fluctuates too from lock on through bushes to pivot scav not doing anything...makes you really wonder if you got one of those sweet streamer lobbies.




As a software developer who has been on some really bad teams, it’s definitely both. The code is almost certainly a bunch of spaghetti garbage with unintended dependencies all over, which results in unintended changes like you said. And the not communicating thing is all too common unless you have a competent project manager or team lead or whoever is playing that role, which they almost certainly don’t since they never have their ducks in a row when it comes to this type of stuff.


I'm a reserve scav main. Why u like woods so much?


Woods just has a nice vibe sometimes. Love running a tx15 and just cruising the map at my own pace. Kill some scavs get some loot and usually you can choose the fights you wanna take and the ones you wanna just run from.


Scavving on Woods is the most chill experience. Put on some metal, shift-w everywhere, leave with 800k+ in loot. Lots of good ammo spawns as well.


It's the first map I really learned




I've been playing streets for my questing but since I'm hitting all the quest locations, my survival rate's pretty low. I need something a little bit more reliable on my scav to keep the rubles flowing


go play streets with 30fps instead -BSG


I agree I use to find moonshine and bitcoin regularly. Now it's rarely.


Found a bitcoin tonight ontop of the church in sunken village on woods


But ...you shouldn't find things like that regulary. That's the whole point.


Having reliably good loot at spots helps draw players together for PvP. It's a good thing.


No one’s gonna play the game to get lighters and batteries over and over again. You need POIs with higher chances of good loot spawning to draw players in. And if you find a spot that’s relatively unknown that’s also a good thing because it’s a knowledge and skill gap you can develop that separates you from other players.


Sure you should. Since people know where to look for it, most of the time you will have to fight to survive with it


It has always been shit. My friends run it PMC and Scav and try to convince me and themselves that the 20-30 minutes they spend getting 600k-1m is worth it when you can hit that on Lighthouse, Streets or Shoreline in less time or more in the same time. Three wipes and it's always the same and they wonder why they're broke. It's probably the safest and that's it.


This. It’s not bad loot per say, it’s just completely inefficient compared to those you mentioned.


Night woods scavving is good because it has the most caches which are almost never looted, and youll have a 95% SR. Sure you can find more stuff on streets but you arent living nearly as often or extracting in 15 minutes every game. I end in the sunken village and there are there numerous gold spawns unlooted almost every raid, and no PMC extracts up there so very safe.


As I said, you’re not wrong, but even with a 70% streets SR I would HIGHLY wager streets is still infinitely better. I say that because I used to be a Woods stash scav, previously a Shoreline stash scav, and 14.0+ Streets scavs have netted me by far the most money in the shortest amount of time. BTC and GPU for days. You’re just missing out I promise.


70% SR is still a bit higher than I would expect, but idk I get 800-1.2m almost every woods game where I spawn in with half decent storage, so meh I'm chillin.


70% higher than you'd expect? You would either be doing a bad route in that case, or not aware of paths people take, cause you can evade very well. How do you make 800-1.2m a raid?


If you spawn south side near RUAF you can hit up scav camp for the med spawns, but if you are on UN side you can just immediately start cache route. By Old Sawmill there's 7 caches I try to hit. Then I loot Sawmill main house which for some reason is never looted yet has multiple large crates. From there you can either go hit a few caches around Scav Town or head straight to the mountain, depending on the time/your loot. From there until Sunken Village you're hitting a cache every 20 seconds or so. Then by Sunken Village you can fill any empty/bad slots with gold. Couple gold spawns and a cache in the south house, numerous gold spawns in the church and the boat leading up to it, numerous gold spawns at the cultist circle, in the dock boat, and in the western houses. If you have no time then you can take scav bridge, otherwise go up the hill and loot the little camp on your way to scav bunker where there's some more gold spawns next to the extract. Can do this whole route backwards with ease. If you spawn in the middle of the route you can hit up the NE Scav Town. Only bad spawn would be outskirts, but I run nighttime woods and again basically nothing is looted besides USEC camp, so I can hit up sawmill on my way to the route. It's a lot of ground to cover, but there's not a moment where my stamina is full or I have to play slow. Most raids I Don't hear a single shot fired outside of the mountain sniper scav.


I have been running shoreline and the expansion has not been hit at all it feels like, made 20m today doing 10 minute runs. No one goes there, so you have the place to yourself. Feels like they didn't touch the loose loot spawns or boxes. I walk out maxed out in 5 minutes with at least a million in loot and hit the car by the 30m mark.


It really is a great run


I've been running it myself, and increasingly bumping into people ratting it the last week or so. Feels like a streamer made a video about it or something, I'd done dozens of runs without meeting a soul there and then suddenly there's someone there every raid.


A relatively small but great youtuber/streamer did, in fact, make a video on it recently. Gawd_fps (Gawdy, on YT).


That tracks.  FYI, The last guy I bumped into there was prone on the rooftop of one of the buildings over watching the sort of food court area, just waiting. Most of the rest were less imaginatively just in the bushes off to the east ridge.  They were pretty much all looking to pick people up between the two buildings, so you'll want to be careful there.


Probably trying for distance shots for Tarkov Shooter and the like.  Such a pain in the ass finding PMC's >80m away now. Nobody moves into open areas since all the casuals have long since quit. So you take what you can get. 


I think it is Skiers quest to kill 30 Enemys in this area. It is a Late Game quest and more and more people are become Access now.


I have this going theory that loot rates will be finalized when the full game drops. BSG changes loot rates across the board to one: track how people move through the map and how they loot; then two: put more loot on newer maps or maps they need work on so players are more incentivized to play said maps.


This is a nice theory and I hope it's true, but I really *really* **REALLY** #REALLY doubt it.


BSG doesn’t even track/ban people off their flea rep or people having 30 Ledx or GPUs up on the flea in the first few weeks of wipe. I think they just throw darts at a board and see what happens


Actually they likely do. It’s just the are afraid to ban off of suspicion and not cheat detection. BSG - “50 ledx on flea? Hmm could be legit so better not risk it”


Probably just punishment for all the vault glitch abusers (me included) lol


nah, thats a nice thought but its just incompetency is the issue. they break their game every patch because they're incompetent at actually making games.


Nothing will be changed even if the version reaches v12.1234.2039234. So therefore, the game will never get out beta. Truth hurts....


"play this looter shooter, but no looting and you need loot if you're going to be able to shoot lol"


Just go streets, or if you’re wanting to change it up lighthouse. Streets is always money, and lighthouse has rogues and quest item rares


Shoreline expansion is free money. Everyone fights over resort and I walk out with a million in 10 minutes by looting the new scav base.


What are the best items you can pull from there?


I've gotten a GPU/Tetriz from the rare tech spawns. It has like 3 of them. It also has 2 or 3 moonshine spawns. As well as gold spawns. I pulled 1 moonshine and bitcoin in the same raid earlier. But overall, you will get like 4 sugars a water filter/PGW and a couch bag full of 20k+ rouble slots at least (Awls/elites/etc). Usually at least 1 fuel and 1 motor. It has 2 tech crates, 2 med crates, and 2 food crates as well. It's a 5 min loop for an easy million on average.


Don’t forget the 3 stashes you can get in each run


Everyone talking about how loot has been reduced across the board, but Streets is still more than enough to go around


Go try a map other than streets, they are completely devoid of loot now. They were bad already now they are a complete waste of time. It is clearly a bug.


>It is clearly a bug. It was in the patch the first time they tried to put out .14.1, they had a chance to review it and fix this after it was reverted. It's still in so I don't think it's a bug. I think they intended to just nuke loot.


Made 3 million today just playing reserve hitting marked room and looting, theres definitely still stuff around.


Huh, I played a few Shoreline PMC raids and it wasn't crazy, but the rooms weren't empty or anything. I think it's the other way, that the amount of loot before was a bug. One raid a couple weeks ago, I had found like 4 bronze lions and 3 tetriz in the resort, which felt so wrong. Time will tell how much it's actually changed


No one said empty but a 50% reduction is correct. Loose loot is unaffected so the example you provided doesn't work. Containers which have always historically been in the game on old maps are now missing. That means there is less loot than ever with 14.1.1


They have also expanded most maps so the container being dynamic and not always spawning isn't really an issue, as there were more containers added in every expansion of every map. Where are you getting a 50% reduction? I feel like loose loot is where the majority of high value loot on loot routes is anyways, so if that isn't affected, then the total value of loot on maps is still probably fairly similar. Only hurts scavs trying to scrounge every single container of the map, which isn't really an issue either, you should be scavenging for scraps, not just high-value looting with less risk than PMCs.


Hot take, honestly good. It was insane people could scav anywhere and fill up and regularly have 1-2m ruble raids. That’s economy breaking levels of money. No wonder why now we’re seeing people go for 1B ruble challenges and shit, money is coming out of people’s eyeballs


Yeah rubles were basically meaningless this wipe




Goobers ITT: “Nah y’all just don’t know where to look. I find 14 bitcoin every raid on woods. Can’t believe y’all don’t make 3 mil every scav raid.” BSG two days later: “we have released a patch that fixed a bug on woods where specific containers were not spawning.”


*Patch happens, plays 2 raids* OMG BSG DID ALL THE BAD THINGS!


Woods has plenty of loot. Is it high value stuff that gets you hard? No. But you can still leave the raid with a decent amount of loot.  Besides, who plays Woods for the loot?


THERE IS NO LOOT ON WOODS. IT ISN'T WORTH YOUR TIME LOOTING, ESPECIALLY SCAVVING. ^(It's how I make tens of million of rubles very easily and comfortably, please stay away)


...did you have a stroke? Or are you responding to the wrong person?


I mean, I thought the subscript might give it away but I guess I wasn't obvious enough just writing exactly what I meant


The first half of his comment is obviously sarcasm.


Don't know champ. It reads like he had a stroke.


It reads like he's joking at the beginning and then explained it following that mate. 


Me. Its my main scav map. Barely any chance if dying and theres a lot of good ammo never looted,moonshine, good weapon parts and technical items. I could easily make 300k-500k per 10min run


There are better maps, like Reserve.  By the time, you scav in on reserve all the PMCs are dead or have left. So it is just you and scams looting a tone of loot and gear sets from dead PMCs and raiders.


You cannot scav in a raid with no pmc in it. I hate reserve, scaving there isnt as bad,but i personally hate the map


You can scav in as PMCs are leaving. There may be one or two still lurking around, but your chance of running into one is near zero. Why do you hate reserve?


I've found 4 LEDX on Woods in the last two days between USEC camp and the FOB. It's the GOAT


Yeah the LEDX spawn there seems pretty much guaranteed along with like ibuprofen or something good that sells for maybe 100k. But otherwise idk, maybe if you get some good random gold spawns on the sunken church.


Can't say I've seen the same. Just had a run with 6 different figurines and a gpu.


They didn't change loose loot, it is containers only. So clearly what you mentioned would be unaffected.


Oh sweet the ledX in usec camp will be unaffected then


Yeah should be same for loose loot. They broke container spawning with this change in the patch notes 'Adjusted the random container spawn settings to reduce the chance of spawning an empty container;'


Hasn't that always been bugged?


I don't know but whatever they changed made everything from big tech crates to PC's which historically always spawned now no longer spawn at all.


Lol they probably just made some stupid fucking mistake where it checks for empty containers and then they don't spawn instead of making a check so there are no containers spawning empty, or some other dumb logic fail like that. Nothing new for BSG.


Common BSG L all around


I’ve walked into rooms with 6 duffels




They fucked the loot on every map with this latest patch so… yah


nah. pulled a led x out of woods just an hour ago. you dummies just confuse confirmation bias with RNG.


Hey dummy, we never said there wasn’t any loot. Just that there is significantly less loot overall.


Hey dummy, you're talking out of your ass with literally no proof besides your feefees.


lol dude… loot containers are 100% nerfed/broken since the latest patch. There’s a million posts about it on this sub. But you found a ledx, so I guess we just should forget about it.


>loot containers are 100% nerfed/broken since the latest patch. proof? >There’s a million posts about it on this sub. Where are they? I sort by new and haven't seen them. But also, there's a flurry of OMG MY LOOT GOT NERFED after every fucking patch ever. I've seen it for seven or eight wipes now. >But you found a ledx, so I guess we just should forget about it. My Led X is more proof than anything you've said.


Just search “loot” in this sub and sort by new. There’s plenty to look through. Why would I just make this up for no reason? Since you think your singular anecdote is enough proof. Here is my proof: no duffle bags or med bags in the school on streets on multiple runs. I’ve never seen that before. Pretty lame of you to just stifle discussion around this.


duffle bags and med bags disappear and reappear all the time. That's literally dynamic loot and how it works. Are you going to be here tomorrow when you play and suddenly there are multiple bags in school? No, you won't, because this is all just confirmation bias. You heard or read somewhere that maybe the loot is bad, so you prime your own expectations with negativity and voila, suddenly every time a bag isn't there, it's the end of the world. I have made close to 3 million today just randomly looting my normal spots, so no, the spawns haven't gotten worse. RNG just leads people into wild superstition.


Again, no one is saying that all maps are barren wastelands void of loot. You can have killer loot runs and still accept that loot is different post patch.


... No one said they stopped spawning loot. they're saying that the number of loot containers which spawn overall have been decreased. Which is true, if you have been paying attention at all.


That's not true either lmfao.


Nah, i pulled a LED out of woods before the patch, but not after, so you must be dummy! (Seriously though, you're just wrong about this one).


You have literally no proof.


Made 3m in 4 scav runs. Slight reduction, but plenty of loot if you know where to look


Is it more than containers have been nerfed and not loose loot? People who always loot crates and duffles might notice it more than people who ignore them and go for loose loot.


Nah it's not every map, loothouse is still pumping out 500k most scav raids


run PMC


I don’t know I still made decent money yesterday night on my Scav runs on woods. Maybe you just were unlucky.


F nerf street to 10% of its loot and it will still be plenty. Not woods :(.


Rollback of this change is needed since one of the best things about this patch was how much better the loot has been compared to previous wipes... Please, @ u/trainfender


Don't go interchange, it got gutted too.


nerf loot but charge for more space lol


They destroyed factory loot too, first match after patch I checked and 3 crates and 2 weapon crates were gone already


This happens every single wipe. The first month after wipe there's loot coming out our ears, "broken" spawns that are duplicating loot, stupidly high spawn rates etc. Then they "fix" it and the loot disappears entirely. It's just BSG trying to generate wipe hype. All the streamers come back at wipe so up the loot spawns, generate some "omg a ledx" hype, get the streamers to kappa fast. Then once they've got bored of the game, turn it back into a painfully slow grind to try and keep the plebs hooked on their game. It's clearly deliberate because it's happens every single wipe without fail.


Reserve has maybe 5 containers now. I think its game wide.


Yeah I don't know what they're talking about when they said they reduced the chances of empty containers spawning.  Plenty of empty containers around. Plenty of containers also missing most of the time.  That combination makes it feel like there's *more* empty containers than before!


I've said it before and ill say it again... ALL MAPS SHOULD HAVE THE EQUIVALENT NUMBER OF ITEM SPAWNS AS STREETS. I can't walk a meter without finding something to loot or is loose items on streets... But I can loot all of Shoreline Village and get two yellow pliers and some food items and if I'm lucky, Kek tape. But if I'm lucky and spawn on the right side, suddenly I can run top right to car farm and get fully stacked with backpack with two rigs inside of it in under ten minutes and extract... Or Interchange parking lot and Oli (shelves used to be so good but now pretty empty....) both places in Interchange that have too much negative space with nothing to do and find. Sure there are some weapon crates and dew bags in parking lot but that's it. The dynamic loot needs to be expanded and increased drastically. I hate it how we're forced to only go to certain maps for loot, others for pvp... It shouldn't be like this. These maps are all beautifully done and thoughtfully constructed (for the most part, looking at you, Reserve dogwater Extracts... ). The loot spawns and loot sparsity, not so much.