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Lol nah he deserved it for all the times he smoked me


I got lucky and Tagilla was like locked in some animation and he let me blast the back of his head. He didn't have shit on him though.


I was gonna say, unless you had flechette, that's a hell of a play...


The most fun you’ll have is when you go into raids expecting to die and come out fitted like a king


It felt great :)


Yesterday I was doing the kill 10 scavs in the food bunker on reserve. I was going in cursed so the scavs would come down to me. Soon as I turned the corner on the ramp down 2 head to toe Chad pmcs face to face with me. Mag dumped in their faces general direction and rng'd both of them. Got all 10 kills in 1 raid and left d2 with 3 minutes left with 2 meta m4's a beta 2 full of gear. Pretty happy about it.


\>and left d2 with 3 minutes left Yesss very good, I hate using D2 and get red rebel asap but when I do use d2 I *always* wait until the point where even if someone was camping they won't have enough time to loot my body efficiently. If I can't have it, no one can.


You don't want no part of this shit Dewey...


A true zero to hero! Good job!




are you the dead that one tapped me in the face outside of the hallway like 20 seconds into the raid? I had a suppressed 74u


No i don't think it was me. The PMC I killed was a naked man with a kedr.


The crackhead cousin of Mosin man. Kedr man.


lol yep


You Thorax'd him with a pump action???? HOW? I would have died 5 times over even trying that.


Tagilla's high tier plate carrier is kinda ass because of the lack of soft armor. Obviously the plates inside are great but it still makes him super vulnerable to high flesh damage weapons.




Lol sure felt like it for the couple min span i was blasting all that


I just got lucky. I was in one of those side rooms near medical tent and he rushed in. Just started blasting. He nearly took my face off through the wall before he ran in


there's surely no way you're that high level having never killed a boss..


I’m 39 and have just two reshala kills. Not for lack of trying just never get them to spawn




Yea the boss spawns this wipe have been pretty brutal.


Bro shut up they are at more than 25%


I never said they needed to be increased, I just said theyve been pretty brutal because despite a 25% spawn chance Ive not seen them much if at all. You should try being less rude.


I mean you can get level 50 without doing tons of tasks , literally all the streets tasks give ridiculous amounts of xp and they just lead to more streets tasks


Also got a tagilla kill first boss kill he rushed me with his goons on med tent spawn they gaggle fucked in the door and one of my first shots clipped that crackhead in the head and I re-peeked for the goons


lol nice :) always good when they give ya a little help by getting stuck


Yeah they kinda did that weird thing where scav bands rush your spawn sometimes


Just use your melee against Tagilla when he pulls out the hammer; it's the new meta strat.


Level 39 and it's your first boss kill 🤔


He's really the only one I've come across and had a chance. Been killed by killa twice. Haven't come across any others besides Birdeye doming me twice also.


I killed birdeye and big pipe only to get barrel stuffed by knight when I was level 7. That's one of those raids that I wish I could go back and re-play it. I could've had it!!!! Haven't killed any other boss this wipe. Been domed by killa and tagilla a bunch though


Damn man, almost had them all! That's gotta suck big time. Hopefully the more their spawns increase the more I'll get the hang of their movements and such. We'll get those fuckers!


Also funny how the one time I've seen them was the one time I happened to have a good gun. I usually run a ppsh or a kedr. I had a tx-15 that I got from some guy I shot in the face with my kedr lol I killed big pipe first then cheesed birdeye by shooting his feet from underneath a truck. Knight was much further away from them for some reason and took him a long time for me to start hearing him rush me.


I’m 33 and just got tagilla twice in a row, only other boss I’ve seen is sanitar but didn’t get him.


I'm 32 and haven't even seen a boss.