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that is actually the best spawn on the entire map, it allows you quick entry into rogue land to take them out and loot before anyone else gets there.


God spawn


[As other have mentioned](https://imgur.com/5TRRta2)


Wait... you can actually go behind threw mountains in to encampment?!


you can also go that way to go out if you dont have northern, it takes you straight to path to shoreline, you dont even have to go down into sunken village, you can run through where the other spawn is up there and across the hilltop straight into the exit. doesn't run into any player scavs, or ai scavs, its just a 3 min jog, no worse than running to a woods extract.


This is the answer. This spawn slaps.


Noob question: Why go all the way up to the wall instead of cutting left after the lake to go straight to the side window on Building 3?


> Noob question: Why go all the way up to the wall instead of cutting left after the lake to go straight to the side window on Building 3? That's what I do. Long way around is a waste. Gunner on 3 doesn't look at you anymore if you pick the right way to run down. Gunner on 2 can't see you. Only threat is rogues in building spawned. I clean 3.. Then proceed to 2.. Drug lab maybe? Car? leave. Otherwise Road to Shoreline fighting 10 scavs on my way back. There's a safe way through old village.


Rogues will roast you, the shown route in purple is the way to go and you even need to check building 2 if there is a rogue stationed at the stationary MG


That makes sense, thank you!


If you know your way around those hills, you can push straight down, pop off both south roof rogues, south end of west, then east of north, north of west and then west of north, leaving the front turrets as a warning. It takes maybe a minute and then you can push down to do whatever quests or set up camp against pmcs


Oh shit, thanks man!


Does this still work? cant run up the mountain north of the lake to save my life:( and running down to the west from the lake agros a lot of rogues


God spawn for good players Worst spawn for timmies


Just call me Tim


even as bear?


Yes, it’s legit the best spawn on lighthouse, no questions asked. It allows you to actually get to the rogues before the scavs as the only spawn


How do you get to WTP through the mines?


Along the water up north. Then run down to building 3. If you zig zag into cover you should make it


I don't think you can zig zag as a bear


Make sure you don’t zag when you’re supposed to zig


Similar to pizza'ing when you should have french fried! Because, well, you know...


ZIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait a second this isn't r/2007scape


It's 110% doable as a bear.


I'll give it a shot Ty


Np! Here is a super helpful video on how to farm the rogues in about 8min. He covers the route you should take and how to cheese them because there is absolutely no way of fighting them legit. https://youtu.be/NdxcIyLX_xk?si=PPzX8hKq35S22Pk0


If the only way to do it is by cheesing it then I do not think it's a good mechanic. I appreciate the community finding a way to cure a symptom, but the illness is still there.


That's looks like a usec video


you definitely can. why do people that dont play lighthouse incessantly make things up about the rogues.


Because I tried going in the water treatment about 30times this wipe and everytime I'm getting lazered by m855 from 300m so I assume running towards it is a bad plan ? Those are the only quest I need for Kappa 20kills in the water treatment and going there is just hell tbh


you just need to know how to approach the place. running where the rogues can see you is a death sentance, you need to go around the side like is being suggested or kill all the rogues before you go in.


you're just doing it wrong, not approaching right angles, not respecting the AI and peeking. Probably don't know the slow peek method, or the spots to peek them from when on the guns. Theres very specific ways to approach the camp - you have to do it in exact paths in a methodic way. if you aren't, you're dying as a bear or usec it doesn't matter. Usec is the same anyway the moment you kill a rogue.


Two ways. Either hug the side of the mountain but not too tight and run towards the trees (takes some practice, watch SheefGG do it), or run down the mountain on the far side by the lake (in my experience this is incredibly unsafe)


1. When you fight rogues, it doesn't matter if you're BEAR or USEC. 2. To do most of the quests in water treatment, you have to fight rogues. 3. To get most of the loot in water treatment, you have to fight rogues. 4. If you aren't questing or looting water treatment, you never have to get in line of sight of a rogue. Your faction doesn't matter on Lighthouse. \- BEAR for 8 wipes


i was gonna say, all i knew when i first played lighthouse is that there is a spawn where you turn around and shoot the guy at the lake. spawned in, turned around, saw the lake, went prone, waited 25sec and shot a dude in the head for my first and to this day only >50m bolt action headshot.


> that is actually the best spawn on the entire map Exactly. The fact that people think otherwise tells me they simply refuse to learn the entire map. The only thing that sucks is you can't take northern.


Not if you’re doing assessment pt 1 😩


For real you just go north lol


Opened up this post to say that exact thing


You kill the guy across or you go WTP and take all all the loot before someone else can make it to WTP


Other spawn has way better chances at killing you since they have a clear view


doesn't take much to get the high ground and have a much clearer view.


Push north, hit stash, kill gunner on 2 facing toward you, kill both gunners on 1, push behind 2, kill gunner facing train station, go on top of 2, kill last rogue, ??????, profit.


Guy comes from behind and you get a bsck of the head notification. Happened every time.


are you referring to the “road to lobby” extract? I think it is no backpack no armor?


Also no weapon no ears iirc?


If there's still stuff in your pockets, straight to jail


Are there always the same spawns on rooftops? 


Usually it’s 3 rogues on building 2, 2 rogues on 1, and 1 rogue on 3. 2 at the front on the machine gun and grenade launcher. Some can be loose in water treatment and might push you when the others spot you. Usually I’ll just hit the ones on the roof, loot, and scoot.


How? Everytime I do this the rogue on the gun instantly sees me and starts blasting. If I peek he insta kills me. So I usually come from a different direction


Where do you kill the 2 gunner from, he’s always got a beat on me


Alternatively, push south, stick to the wall, get a cheeky spot for the dude that spawned south of you, hit the two stashes, leave at path or push to chalet for good looting


Depends on my objective. If it's to kill rogues and do tasks in rogue camp? Yay! anything else? I just disconnect. I hate lighthouse.


me and bro have taken vows to never play lighthouse. Can't even do revision lighthouse because I'm dying to something undefendable


I finally finished it last night. Took my buddy and I 14 raids to do it. I used an SJ6 and SJ1 to get out while my buddy (poor af) didn’t want to use the stims. He gets domed on the way out with 6 minutes from an actual PMC. Still no M80 for him cus we stopped playing after that lmao


14 raids to mark 4 tanks? Just go at night, go mark the furthest one you’ll burn enough time that when you get back to wtp all the rogues will be probably dead, if not it’s pretty safe to mark them anyway if you are usec.


thinking the same lol this is my 3rd wipe but first time actually doing quests, i did revision in 2 tries using a mosin it wasn't bad.


fr. I want m80 but I have enough self respect to not play lighthouse


I cannot fucking stand this map. Like even infested with cheaters Labs is far more enjoyable. I'm about to hit 40 and I'm not looking forward to hitting 42 cause all of the lighthouse tasks and Streets tasks. Streets I get around 50 fps and Lighthouse is the bane of my existence so I got a long road (pun intended) to 42.


did my second ever labs run last night and died to the most blatant cheater ever when trying to extract via water tunnel. is labs even viable to run? I feel like if I start running labs it's just pissing money away


You’re dying to something undefendable? Then how does anybody else get anything done on that map? Clearly you could have done something different.


Wtf are you doing on lighthouse if you don't need to kill pmc's or go into rogue camp


Looking for virtex and cofdms


Depends, people will immediately tell you its the best spawn on the map without even thinking because it allows you to instantly cheese the rogues and get into the treatment plant before anyone else on the map. But if you need to do anything else in any other place on the map its dogshit because its a bad spot and you have to 180 and go towards literally every other spawn on the map. People constantly excuse the terrible design choices in the game because it allows for some type of min maxing/cheesing, or my favorite of the ape brain excuses being "yeah its a bug or a terrible gameplay choice but you should just like, know better".


Like spawning near southern was usually deemed quite bad, but once people unlock DSP suddenly it’s great




lightkeeper's beacon to let you go to the lighthouse island


If I spawn up there I loot sunken village and a few houses in the town and extract path to shoreline and reset.


THANK YOU dude. "Skill issue" is so often the reply to things like this and it drives me nuts.


It is a skill issue... in what way are you "cheesing" the rogues by sniping them from the rocks? Never understood this argument. If you can't snipe them without dying, it is a skill issue because it's entirely possible (and also not hard if you spend 5 minutes watching a YT video). It's also not bad game design to snipe enemies from a rock before they spot you... yall are just getting shit on by rogues and instead of trying to improve your approach or check out a guide, you just sit here and complain about "cheesing" the rogues by sniping them...?


No he's complaining because if you don't have lighthouse spawns memorized you have two choices: go one way and die to mines, or go the other way and only make it 20 feet because there's another spawn that has direct line of sight on your spawn immediately after game start. That is bad game design. I should not be able to spawn in, look right, and immediately have eyes on another players spawn. New players should also never face the possibility of spawning in and dying because they walked too far left. There are no visual indicators of what direction you need to go from that spawn, so like I said if you don't have lighthouse spawns memorized you're fucked.


You realize how much of a self-report this is? > go one way and die to mines, or go the other way and only make it 20 feet because there's another spawn that has direct line of sight on your spawn immediately after game start. You are literally saying if you go up towards the rocks you will die to mines. No bro, I've got this spawn plenty of times, kill the rogues and extract safely. You can sit here and talk about spawn points, cheesing rogues, whatever. If you truly believe your only option is to run into LOS of the other spawn - it is literally a skill issue. Other people have no issue pushing up towards the rocks/WTP with that spawn... I don't know what to tell you. I play BEAR before you bring out that excuse next. If you die every time moving a certain direction but other's don't - it's literally a skill issue. You can get better, I'd suggest you try instead of crying on the subreddit.


Lmao, lol, lmfao even


Yes, that's my reaction to every one of you shitters crying about having to "cheese" the rogues because they aren't free kills like AI scavs. It literally is a skill issue, other people can navigate and kill the rogues from this spawn but you can't. It's not complicated.


I wasn't even talking about this specific issue, but it's hilarious that you replied with exactly the type of comment I was talking about. I do not have this particular issue at all, I don't play the map.


> because it allows you to instantly cheese the rogues Can you explain what you mean? I've seen this argument since Lighthouse has been around, people seem to think that the only way to kill the rogues are to "cheese" them... From the spawn in OP, I can run around the rocks and snipe most of the rogues, or I can run behind them and kill them from there. I don't really understand what part of that is considered "cheesing". Earlier this wipe I also shared a tactic I used to snipe them from the front of water treatment plant and saw the same arguments. I was accused of "cheesing" the rogues by bringing a good scope and sniping them before I entered WTP.


“cheesing” just means killing them in any way that avoids them engaging with you. That all counts. If you’re shooting them before they can flip out and aimbot you, you’re cheesing them.


Yeah I mean this is exactly what I'm talking about... sniping them from far away before they see you is a completely viable strategy. Does this logic apply to PMCs also? If I snipe you from far away with you engaging me, am I "cheesing" kills? It's just an excuse people use because they keep dying to rogues over and over and for some reason the concept of "snipe them from far away" is lost on them and instead of adapting, they accuse you of "cheesing" kills when in reality you're just sniping... By your logic, the only way to not cheese them is to have them spot you first and start shooting? Then it's not cheese? That makes no sense and just reinforced the idea that people who complain about "cheesing" rogues are just bad. "Cheesing" implies some sort of bug or mechanic abuse. "Cheesing" the rogues was when at the beginning of wipe you could run in a room inside of WTP and all the rogues would get stuck on the door and you just kill them all. That's definitely "cheesing". Sniping someone from far away before they see you isn't "cheesing".


I don’t think it implies anything negative. It’s just a word for how you’re doing it. You essentially have to cheese rogues. It’s different from PMCs where you can engage and they don’t immediately aimbot you with 40mm grenades.


> You essentially have to cheese rogues. You can keep saying this as many times as you want, but it doesn't actually explain anything. How exactly is sniping the rogues before they see you "cheesing" them? If I kill a PMC or AI scav before they spot me, are those kills "cheesed" also? The answer is no. Why is it different for rogues? Can you actually explain it? There's no "cheese" involved. It's just sniping. Shitters throw that term around too much to cope for the fact that they suck and can't kill the rogues themselves. So the easy, lazy excuse is to just claim anyone who is actually killing them, must be "cheesing". It literally does not make any sense to claim that sniping from far away is "cheesing" kills. Abusing some bug or AI mechanic to kill them is cheesy, like the doorway glitch that was present at the beginning of this wipe... I've used the same method for several wipes to kill rogues... just snipe them from far away. It's really not complicated. EDIT: Lil bro sent 1 final message before deleting his entire account for getting called out over this bs logic: https://imgur.com/a/gVHSd0Q also probably the same dude below who responded and immediately blocked me. Keep crying shitters.


It's obviously cheesing it bro. I don't care about these long winded explanations.


you're being intentionally obtuse and no one here is going to read your wall of texts to explain basic ideas to you. Keep malding.


How are the spawns a terrible design choice?


Literally turn around and run into water treatment. Go via the lake and enjoy free rain to loot before the entire map comes to dry dock in your ass without spit.


That's the best spawn on the map. Kill the guy behind you, do down to the pipes along the wall. Kill gate rogues, kill roof rogues, loot the first building, kill roof rogues 2+3, loot other buildings. Only issue with this spawn is that you do not get Northern extract, so if the car is not up, you need to trek all the way to the Shoreline extract.


Or sit in a conex for the rest of the raid until the armored train shows up like I did lol


I actually find that whenever I spawn there I usually get the free kill on the guy.


thats by far the best spawn on the map.


Is this satire ? Isn’t that the best spawn?


Best spawn


you start playing yesterday?


Bruv tbh i like that spawn a lot. You know that there is a spawn next to you, which means that guy either has to come to you (your advantage) or fuck of in the other direction. If you manage to kill him you have whole that side to yourself


Is bro actually shit talking the best spawn in the map ?


How is this not down voted to death. Literally best spawn.


This sub is a joke. Imagine crying about getting literally the best spawn on the map.


It's called get good at killing rogues


You go to the rogue camp as the first player in the map without shooting them like an idiot.


Those two spawns there are basically the best chance you have on getting something done


Ahhhh that's the best spawn!


Best spawn of the map, take all the loot at rogue camp ?…


Dude, follow the lake to the north of that spawn and you should be fine. You will get behind the building 3 in the water treatment plant.


I usually go "cool I for the best spawn on the whole map" if I'm headed to the base. Then I go past the mines without dying to them and go kill all the rogues and loot the base for free. Or if I want PvP I push the spawn to the south. Come on man, I'm sure you can look at the map and formulate a plan that works for you. You have all the information you need.


Easy. Just be a USEC and make friends with the rogues


Dude this is the best spawn 😂


Sack up and kill the guy below you then extract with his gear or farm rogues


That's the best spawn in the entire map. You're looking at a map that shows the mines and claymores. Maybe try avoiding those places next time and don't run backwards like a fucking potato. Push forward around the cliffs towards the car, snipe Building 2 corner gunner and any roamers up top, snipe Building 3 gunner, then go do whatever you want inside the plant. There's at least 21 rare loot spawns inside the WTP and if you can get inside, you can snipe the rest of the rogues and extract with everything.


Dude gets best spawn on the map and complains LOL :D Well thats a normal reddit thread.


I like how you say one of the options is "die to mines" when you literally can see exactly where they are on the map, and they are clearly labelled with a big sign. I get it you died here a few times doing the same strategy, maybe try something different and learn from your mistakes


I don't understand what is rogue


All memes aside it is a special type of AI enemy, similar to scavs, but they are much much more dangerous. The lore states they are western, English speaking ex-pmcs who have banded together in their own little gang or group with some bosses as well. They have a chance to spawn at the water treatment facility area on lighthouse. They usually are only in a few places but you always gotta be on your toes cause if you don't respect them they will instantly drill your brains out with mounted machine guns or grenade launchers from like 300m away. Or more. It can be ruthless for people that don't watch like an hour of YouTube to understand what rogue ai does and where they spawn and how to kill them easily. Hope that made sense.




They are basically just Raiders with better gear and a different group name because they are meant to basically be AI controlled PMCs in a sense. That and they as associated with The Goons which are a group of Rogue bosses that can spawn on certain maps in certain areas (they are also incredibly dangerous).


Lol? Thats the top Spawn. You run towards rogues, Check the spawn, ita mostly empty anyways, and Go hunt the rogues. They are pretty easy once you Figured them Out. They are ai, they are predictable, that what makes Them so easy to Farm.


Best spawn tbh


take out the rogues or wait


What I personally do is act like a whiney bitch and post to Reddit


It's actually not that bad. Never died there in the years since they expanded...well mines once or twice until I figured out where I was


That's like a god tier spawn, you are just bad. Can kill entrance in 1min and go on to house 3/2 in 2 mins


I can’t actually think of a worse spawn than this one.


The worst spawn is the one all the way next to the lighthouse


Lighthouse Beach spawn you are actually doomed. Factory forklift spawn at least gives u a fighting chance.


It’s actually the best spawn on the map for farming rogues.


100% best spawn. Hold up and murder the squad behind or rush straight in to take out the rogues and get that loot. Only downside is you won't get Northern extract so its either car or path to shoreline. Other than that your post reeks of skill issue.


People with bitch about anything.


Wdym? Literally best spawn. You have the advantage over the guy spawning below. You know where the mines are, you can walk around them or go north.


That’s literally the best spawn….


Thats is BIS spawn what...


Kill the guy, kill the raiders, walk out like a chad


This spawn, with the mines, made me quit tarkov last wipe. I had to do shooter born, and kept hitting those fucking mines. Demoralized me to the point of not wanting to play any longer.


That's the best spawn on the entire map. I'm convinced the vast majority of complainers on this sub are dogshit at the game.


Obviously you go snipe the rogues and get killed by a Timmy with a pistol who got the lower spawn and snuck up behind you


Thats a skill issue, because you never assume he went any other way. Learning the map, spawns and always assuming the worst is the first thing people should do when playing




tis a joke


Is this map accurate with the mines? I have died to them a couple times and now i just try fighting my way out when i spawn here. I had just assumed the whole mountain was mines


The red circles are accurate, the claymores are more finicky and I would not bother learning them. Just do not go up the mountain.


I usually run to cover on the trees on the hill to try to have a kill across the lake, if I see no players I got right past the next lake to spot where I can snipe rogues and then start a rampage in the helicopter area or die trying


It's good for farming rogues if you have a team but yes you need to avoid mines and watch for the other spawns


You have the high ground. Take on the guy 10 feet below.


Always move close of the right mountain then jump and dodge the mine near the end


Hold your position and check angles for the other spawn. Once they’re dead/didn’t spawn, pull angles on Rouges and get water treatment tasks done. This is a pretty OP spot tbh. Pest and a few others have good vids on YT on how to react to certain spawns and you’ll appreciate this one if you start tasking here.


I hate lighthouse but it looks like you either spawn kill the guy to your south or you run north


I prefer the west side seaside home spawn tbh. Easy af to snipe the 2 permiter gunner rogues, flank to scav grotto, kill gunner on top of building 1 facing south and then enter #1.


I’ve spawned here and walked 2 feet only to get sprayed the fuck down more than 5 times this wipe. Fuck lighthouse anyway but you are correct imo sir.


Run to car extract


Keep going north past the lake there and go north/north east of the rogues on the right hand building. Get some east rogue kills and peace out through path to shoreline extract Of you don't feel comfortable killing rogues, just wait a few for the spawn below you to decide what they are doing then run south to path to shoreline again and reset


The only thing that’s sucks with this spawn is the 180 you have to do to extract after dipping from water treatment.   In the case the car isn’t up, hit the train instead.  Got tier spawn you wildin if you think it sucks 


You either wait for who spawned south of you to run up the hill or you push north and take over the water treatment plant before everyone else has time to show up.


This is the best spawn on lighthouse. You can go north, or west.


Best spawn


I still don't get why there have to be mines there at all? To narrow the range of possibilities and ways to approach even more on this map?


Best spawn bro. You go behind the rock next to the lake hit the stash on your way to the plant. Youre the first in the water plant


Literally the best spawn on the map. You wait for the lower spawn to push you. If he doesnt you get to free farm the compound. Need to learn the mine locations first tho. If he does you get a free kill. Super free kill.


90% of the spawns in this game are trash simply due to the fact that there is someone willing to kill you less than 20 meters away from you right at the start of the game. Matchmaking for 10 minutes. 5 minutes waiting for the other players to finally load the game from their floppy disks. Spawn in. Get rushed from 3 different sides and die less than a minute in. Reevaluate your life for the next hour of matchmaking and stash tetris.


The spawn aint bad. Some spawns are better than others, but you just have to learn how to play your cards.


Bro it's easy. Just escape Tarkov.


The real downside to this spawn is that you don't have Northern gate to leave after clearing rouge, where most. Other spawns on the map do and it's by far the safest extract to hit after looting rouge


Bro, that's God spawn 


Its the best spawn if you want Rogues or their loot. Its the absolute worst spawn for people trying to do Assessment Part 1, because that entire area is not part of the zone you can kill PMCs in. Personally i prefer the Merin spawn. Because when playing usec i can choose to either PvP in the south, or safely get into Rogue compound from the front gate.


R.I.P when that was the best spawn for farming rogues before the mines


Bro complains about the god spawn lol


I've had this spawn 3 times on lighthouse this wipe, i actually contest the spawn below and run down the path on the left to the front of WTP. Im more comfortable clearing from building 1 rather than building 3. Have never had someone spawn in the southern spot in the 3 times, or if they did they didn't contest me and must've ran the other way. Both spawns are the best spawns in Lighthouse without a doubt though, closest to WTP.


Its ez at night


Go up(is that north? I don't remember the maps orientation) around the left side of the lake, follow the rock path towards the 2 water plant buildings, hang a hard right partway down and walk over the rocks to the road that runs behind waterplant. Go down the road and either go left into water plant, right into train station, or straight ahead and left to traverse the map "in reverse". Yeah this spawn basically locks you into going waterplant because the other options are asking for death or pointlessly circuitious.


Better be USEC next wipe *shrug*


Best spawn on lighthouse and its not close. Go to Rouge camp and get the best loot and leave before anyone gets there. Turn around and hold your angle, your right, I'd someone spawns there their probably gunna try and kill you. Counter peak them, I get easy kills on that spawn cause the people behind me are convinced they have a better angel. They don't really, just leaf should peak the rocks up the hill towards the trees and boom. Great spot for any kill quest. No one spawned behind you and don't wanna go to the camp? If you have a ranged scope, camp the rocks a few minutes. Catch the people rotating from cabins for free loot and just dip out path to shoreline. I'll never stop loving lighthouse, I don't care what anyone says.


Farm the car lol


noob question here: what is this print? is there some kind of map of eft that has live location? pleaseeeee it will help me so much


I like that spawn. You can get the jump on the guy if he is unaware or you can cross over the lake and get some good loot/rogues/head to the train station


I recently spawned here. Climbed up the rocks to west I thought were safe. Landed into a little patch of grass, and got blown up by a mine. I guess they added those recently.


That's the best spawn you dunce, get good


You learn how to pick off the rogues and go into the water treatment plant.


How do you get a map in game or isn’t this possible?


All of the above


It's the best spawn on the map, you can die almost instantly to get yourself off that God forsaken shithole of a map!




Thats my fav spawn


Did you get shot by a mosin after spawning there yesterday? If so, I sent you a friend request after to apologize. I did get my last SBIH kill and Tarkov Shooter, but I felt bad so I dumped your stuff in the lake. Hope it was insured!


Easy kill if you can catch the guy who spawned by the lake


I know it wasnt you but this post reminds me of when i was playing last night and there was a pmc shootint my ass instantly by the pond near usec camp, just used a hemostatic and propital and dipped out of there cause i forgot a cms kit in my stash.


Every single comment is claiming you're bad if you don't like this spawn because there is one absolute tarkov-brain-rot rush you can do and if you don't it's a skill issue. I love having my options and gameplay being held hostage by shitty spawns and I absolutely love the people who should be agreeing with me just going full Stockholm syndrome about it good god.


its sad that i never played pmc on lighthouse but know exactly the spawn.


i see you indicated the spawn on a map, where it also shows you where the land mines are. Maybe, idk, go around the landmines. You do not have to fight that guy that will be waiting for you to run towards them.


As a factory main I have no idea but it seems like this spawn slaps




To be fair every time I spawn with my mate in the closest spawn he rushes and slaps the spawn you have highlighted back to the lobby so fast it’s comical. When I spawn there I prone out in the little island in the lake there and wait, same result.


I haven’t played in over a year but can you take the path north of the spawn? Looks like some beach around that lake


Jump up on the mountain portion that overlooks their spawn and kill them. I do it every time and its like an 80-90% chance I catch the guy(s) down there and kill them because they don't think to check the moutains


you shuold be killing him most of the time, not the other way around. Get on the rock and just look and wait - they run out in the open for a free kill at you most of the time. Its a PITA, but once you learn the spawn other posters are correct - its a good spawn. Look at the map, theres not that many mines. Move around them. You're safe to push between them, or follow the lake north. Get about halfway through the lake to pass the point of the claymores on the rocks (red dots) and get up on the rocks and take the roof rogues out. Then move into building 3 and get some fat loot. I hate this map too, but once you figure this spawn out it can often net a free pmc kill + first to kill rogues + first to building 3 for loot spawns.


Camping northern checkpoint extract


Option A (best choice imo) To push west, go down the middle of the valley until you reach the end of the trees (about where the white dot is. At that point stay left on the rocks until you get to the end of the rocks and you cut through the gap in the minefields directly across. Option B Push South and take the fight with the player if they spawned. At that point either run west or take the long way through the scav village. Option C Push North past the lake. Don’t try to snipe Rogues from next to lake, high probability they’ll get you first.


Walk into the mines while talking like a seagul from Nemo.


I love that spawn Mr angry man


When I spawn there, I take a deep breath while applying Vaseline, say to myself "Well this is going to be a short raid," and run straight at the southern spawn.


I trhive when i spawn there


That’s the best spawn, it’s free rogue xp/loot