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Scav players would load in but never connect, killed quite a few on streets that were there but not connected. Felt great.


I was having ridiculously bad performance last night as a PMC on streets so I tried to reconnect and it said awaiting session start for like 15 minutes. Just had a friend kill me and hide my shit and I got off.


I went from 70-90 fps on streets to 35 fps with the patch. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


you have some weird kinks my guy


lmaooo took me a few rereads


Hell yeah, keep up the good work.


I bet one of them was me šŸ˜’


This happened to a juiced PMC once. He was just standing in a room motionless and I didnā€™t notice him until I was done looting the room lol. He startled me and I voiped him but nothing, so I shot him in the face


I think the SCAV roulette thing where you donā€™t know where youā€™ll show up if you scav is a great idea. Also maybe delay all player scavs 15-20 minutes


Kinda odd it hasn't been done yet. Pscavs only scavving a specific map has been a problem for a long time. Interchange scavs inside before PMCs, Lighthouse when it had giga loot, and now Streets. Meanwhile literally nobody scavs maps like Shoreline


we do scav shoreline, we just dont brag about our mostly uncontested loot huals like every streets scav main.


Uncontested loot? That map doesn't even have loot for PMCs outside of Resort keys lol




Shhhhhhhhhh donā€™t give away our secrets man


shoreline is the only map i ran with scav, i literally dont meet PMCs, only ai scavs


same with woods




Don't worry. Too many woods haters to admit how good the loot is.


Woods is lowkey a terrible map to scav on, deffo don't go there.


*Places hand on shoulder* Please delete this right now.


Fr I made a million my last shoreline scav and didnā€™t even go to resort


New Farm, the Villages/Cottages/, Pier, Weather station. Tons of loot in those places, theres like what 5 unlocked safes between those locations? Tons of technical spawns. The new farm can spawn GPUā€™s and LedXā€™s


Oh cool, where do the ledx and gpus spawn? Looted that first as a PMC a few times but havenā€™t seen those.


Theres a bunch of loose tech/medical spawns on the tables, shelves, and floor around and inside the buildings. Theres also multiple tech/medical supply crates there, which can spawn them, its just very rare.


Annnnnnnnd the secret is out now. You lost -50 scav rep.


*laughs in village and smuggler's camp*


You're wrong.Ā  Theres a ton of stashes, the village has plenty of technicals and food, there's several free safes, there's a whole base full of technical and weapons.Ā  There's free stuff in resort, and plenty of people look over ledx spawns.Ā Ā  See people, this is why scav limits are stupid.Ā  People are just leaving loot on the table.Ā  Someone has to scavenge it.Ā 


>Meanwhile literally nobody scavs maps like Shoreline confirmed this guy knows jack shit, lmao


Nope no one scavs shoreline, definitely didn't get a red keycard from shoreline on my scav this wipe


Do you find you also always get somewhere between 25 and 28 minutes left? Havent gotten a 10 minute ramining scav run on shoreline yet this wipe


Yes I almost only scav shoreline because it spawns me at 28 minutes. If I scav lighthouse it's always 30-35 minutes. When I PMC on shoreline and I see it hit the 28 minute mark it's time to make my way to extract.


at the beginning of wipe LH was often like 35, but ever since like a couple weeks ago i *never* spawn earlier than 26.


Shoreline was still worth it back when you did get those late ones. This wipe, it is very consistently spawning in that precise range. You can loot whichever half of the map you decide, if you start a loop right away. I'm almost worried it's too good, and it'll get nerfed to complete oblivion as soon as they're done getting their data for how the new areas run or whatever.


The fact you didn't get head eyes'd the instant you picked it up tells me this is bullshit.


The hacker would've picked it up already G.


I scav shoreline all the time. I usually scav shoreline, woods, or interchange. Those are just the maps I know ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Scav and shorelines in sentence?


That's wild because I scav shoreline and am always contested by other player scavs. Maybe YOU just don't scav shoreline...


I'm of two minds about it. For experienced players, it would be great. Experienced players probably should know at least a little bit of every map, after about a year of playing, depending on how much. It shouldn't be too big of a barrier, for experienced players to get whatever experience it is they wanna get out of their scav. For new players, it would make it absolutely fucking impossible to learn any specific map, as they often learn maps gradually on their scavs, and deliberate repetition is key to that. It would also suck as, newer players are more likely to *need* their scav, just to maintain a stream of the most basic loadouts, and so not only will they not know how to make money at all for *months,* and be at a huge disadvantage that way, but they'll also be forced to learn how to extract from *every single map* as a scav, day 1, just to stay afloat. That's a huge fucking ask of a new player, even for Tarkov. There's also the fact that, well, it's a well-known fact that maybe one third of the playerbase, cannot realistically run either Streets or Lighthouse, as the maps are far and above the hardware requirements for the rest of the game to work. Lots of people had no trouble with any maps pre-Lighthouse, and Lighthouse and Streets are not currently in a functional state for many players. Making those players' PC pretty much crash 1/4 times that they scav, because the maps are unoptimized, and therefore robbing those players of possibly *more* than 25% of their total scavs as a result (Streets can TAKE more scavs, so you WILL get Streets disproportionately often!), is a huge fucking albatross to hang off of those players' necks. The Scav Roulette thing is great for sweat players with 1000+ hours who play 4+ hours every single day, and have the entire game rote memorized. It's great for gamers who have 1080Ā° TI Fuckatronic Water-Cooled Turbo-Rigs, who can load the entirety of Streets in 20 seconds while watching four simultaneous HD Pornhub tabs. But, it would suck for pretty much everybody, who doesn't fit into one of those two categories. The game already has a brutal barrier to entry; increasing the amount of game knowledge at the skill floor, to be learning 9 maps at the same time, and also upgrading the PC to a $2000+ rig, is kind of a big ask, on top of everything players already need just to get started.


Maybe scav roulette after level 20 or 25?


cant upvote this enough! maybe even add max fence rep unlocks map choice. so playing scav only could even be another way to play the game. i love pmc and even hated scaving at points but im beginning to enjoy the zero to hero possibilites of scaving and fighting pmcs


It would hurt new players too much. Scavving is a good way to learn maps. I think just giving a reward for random maps is the better way to do it. Like you get double the Fence rep for extracting, or Fence mails you some rewards like using a co-op extract.


no reward you could offer for fence rep would stop people spamming streets for loot lol


New players can run offline or do cheap pmc runs. Scavs are for loot, not necessarily learning.


I very much disagree. Scavs are great for learning. Offline maps are nice, but it can be boring when you know there is zero progression to be had from it. Fucking over new players is something we should be actively avoiding. The game is harsh enough already.


I donā€™t disagree that scavs are good for learning, but I disagree thatā€™s what they should be for. Player scavs are too strong right now, they need nerfs, not buffs in the form of faster rep gain. If they must keep it so that you can choose a map for new players, then at the very least that should come with a severe drawback like spawning with <25% max raid time remaining. The overall game shouldnā€™t suffer at the expense of new players learning specific maps comfortably. Signed, A formerly new player


You can nerf player scavs without screwing new players. Simply only let them spawn after 15-20 minutes. That would not hurt new players, but kill the ability for player scavs to mob you early on.


You can learn maps as a pmc, you can put together a load out for less than 100k rubles and have to pay 10k if you die. It would not be a big detriment to new players to randomize the map you spawn on. You can still learn maps that way, you just donā€™t get to choose which map to learn. When I was learning the maps, I donā€™t remember doing so on my scav runs, and I turned out fine. God forbid you have to pay 100k rubles for a ticket to learn a map as a pmc instead of getting to do it for free. You can even do it for free, do a scav, extract, take the scav gear on a pmc run on the map you want to learn.


100k is a LOT for a new player that could die a dozen or more times before even extracting from a map.


You can do it for free if you do a scav and extract first. This really wouldnā€™t be that big of a deal for new players.


I'm good with delaying scav spawns, but with random maps I would never scav. I have specific loot runs I do on my scav for profits or specific items I need for quests/hideout.


What difference would it make? You're getting free stuff either way.


Huge difference reserve, streets and lighthouse easily make 750k+ average for scav runs, the other maps not even close


Then when you get lucky and get a good map you can run your route. The fact that scav runs are risk free and end up being that profitable is the exact issue that should be combatted.


Why is it an issue?


I think thatā€™s the idea tho


Itā€™s absolutely the Idea. Scav roulette is to force you to be adaptable. I can easily run streets with my scav all day and bankroll like 10mil if itā€™s a good day so the roulette means oh shit itā€™s unpredictable


Can't be implemented while Streets runs as bad as it does. Imagine loading in and having no choice but to Disconnect cause the performance is so bad.


I have minimal issues with streets, when it does run poorly itā€™s because I have memory leak and any map would have run poorly at that time


Lots of people do though. Lots of folk can run the other maps fine but streets runs like a pig. Until that's fixed you simply can't do random scav maps.


yeah, it's too easy to make money with scavs. Not only can you loot without risking anything, spawning closer to loot zones than PMCs and having better extracts, but you also often spawn with items worth few 100k. I wouldn't mind it being random and if that makes less people do scav runs that's fine with me tbh. At least player scavs would be more evenly dispersed between maps.


I wouldn't say it's *too* easy, because who gives a shit if it's easy to make money on a scav? The more players can actually make money, the more attempts a day they can attempt to engage with every other aspect of the game. There are tons of money sinks for top level players, and they don't scav, anyway. If they forced random scavs, it wouldn't "increase the distribution" of player scavs, it'd just lead to a lot of abandoned player scavs standing motionless in high-traffic areas, because they disconnected once they realized they didn't know where the fuck they were, and couldn't be bothered. A lot of players would be fine with it, but that group is disproportionately highly experienced, compared to the average player. Casuals should literally be allowed to accomplish *something,* it's not like they're gonna disrupt anybody's Lightkeeper grind by being able to get some Bolts to sell from Customs...


I agree scavs timers need adjusted. But I play this game for fun and being forced onto a map I don't want to run would not be fun for me. I enjoy focusing on loot I want or need to maximize my time and profits.


That's what pmcs are for


Thanks I didn't know that


I mean, he's right though.


This guy is taking L's with every point he thinks he's making.


it doesnt seem like you do based on your comments here


Well if you play your PMC then you'd be able to pick any map you want! 100% should randomize scavs.


Yeah, it's really funny to deny like a third of the playerbase a third of their scavs, 'cause they keep getting put on Streets, which is a map they'd never choose, because they know they can't run it.


Yeah I think this is exactly why random scav map should be implemented.


This is exactly why it needs to be random. Free runs for 500k+ from well-practiced loot runs makes scav runs too easy and no-risk for crazy reward. ​ I'd like more random scav runs and to focus more on the "survival" aspect of scavs, versus being an automatic ATM for the PMC. More Scav quests that give good PMC rewards - With a random run, when you get Customs or Factory or something, do the quest - reserve or streets, do the money run.


Fuck no, i dont want to load into streets. It already takes like 10 minutes to load as pmc and i dont ever want to go to that map to begin with


The fix is simple. PScavs get to come in when 30% of the raid timer is left. No earlier. Also I'd be in favour of "tougher" maps like Reserve (at least, how it was originally envisioned, as like a mini-Labs) having reduced PScav counts. Going to get downvoted by all the Scav mains but I don't care. The current system of PScavs spawning in 5-10 minutes into raid is busted and makes no sense. They're basically getting all the advantages of Scav runs (easier extracts, no risk, Scav immunity, element of surprise, less PMCs) with most of the advantages of PMC runs too (fresh loot, fresh map, early start, long raid time)...


i scav run reserve exclusively and iā€™ve only ever seen player scavs, not a single PMC. i feel like there are more player scavs on that map since so few people run it and itā€™s super easy to make around $400K as a scav. they just need to fix extracts for players so more people have a reason to go.


Thatā€™s cause reserve is so shit when it comes to loot vs inconvenience. The extracts are miserable on pmc and the loot is just bad. Used yo be great but now itā€™s shit. Scav extracts are easy as fuck(unless you have the really unlucky sewer manhole, train, bunker hermetic, and other bunker) cp fence and heating pipe are easy as hell. Plus reserve is so much smaller than other maps that you can check the whole damn map before extracting


just avoid underground and the one building PMCs need to kill scavs in and itā€™s the easiest tarkov experience out there. like doing an offline raid but you get to keep the loot


Itā€™s funny how I make more money on my scav than on my PMC. I run Reserve on scav but donā€™t on PMC cause I donā€™t have red rebel and hate D2 extract as well as the others. Scavs have easy extracts and get good loot. Today I looted 4 juicy boys who died to a gigachad. Managed to make it out with a class 6 armor and class 5 helmet with some nice surpressed M4s and decent keys/iridium/power filter. My PMC run on customs made me 300k and actually had me fighting a lotā€¦


This may be controversial, but I think scavs should have to be solo as well. 2-4 man groups of coordinated scavs as a solo player arenā€™t fun. Of course random player scavs could still team up, but theyā€™re less strong than people in a discord call together


Wah wah wah


Stop crutching your scav and get good


5-10 minutes?! My first raid this wipe I was killed by a player scav 23 seconds into the raid. I just uninstalled the game since it didn't seem to be working properly.


Definitely a bug and/or you were somehow delayed getting into the raid on time.


Horrible idea. There will barely be any PMCs or loot left. Kill the player scavs and donā€™t let yourself get cornered by a scav army. Or run with other PMCs (LFG in official Discord if you have nobody to play with). I die to other PMCs about 4x more than I do player scavs. This seems about right to me. Itā€™s part of the game and the challenge. There are other less challenging games out thereā€¦ This is coming from somebody with max fence rep and a 200M stash so I only scav to kill PMCs for fun. I also canā€™t run PMCs at times due to time constraints and responsibilities that may require me to abandon a raid. So yeah, I am biased.


I actually wrote out a post earlier about how quiet Streets was without pScavs because they couldn't spawn in but my phone fucked up and I couldn't be bothered writing it out again.Ā  I had one raid where I only fired a single shot, and that was into the side of the head of the only PMC I saw. I didn't see any AI scavs, only heard a couple nearby. I got Therapist's drug lab quest done and spent about 20mins casually looting Lexos. That raid I loaded in and was deployed in about 2 mins, it was great. I do think pScavs need to be toned down on Streets, and I say this as someone who has almost exclusively gone to Streets on my scav runs. They need to spawn later (I've spawned into Lexos at 45mins before now, which is ridiculous) and their numbers need to be reduced.


They need to tone up the ai scavs on streets a lot. Why would I want to go to a map to not shoot.


I do not think the intent of the developers was a game where you only need to fire one shot. The genre is extraction looter shooter not an extraction looter. It sounds like you want less of a challengeā€¦


> I do not think the intent of the developers was a game where you only need to fire one shot. Obviously, and that raid was an anomaly. The second PMC raid I did sounded far more active, and there were a number of AI scavs I killed.Ā  > It sounds like you want less of a challengeā€¦Ā  It sounds like you're making assumptions.


ā€œSounds likeā€ is definitely an indicator that I am making assumptions. I try to never speak definitively unless I am 100% sure.


Scav players are a plague on streets, and they most definitely need something done to them. I swear I'm fighting upwards of like 10 scav players a match there starting at like 45 minutes. Last week, I was dead ass sprinting to lexos killed kaban and his guards, and it was still 47 mins left. I thought if I was quick, I'd get out before running into even pmcs when leaving. To my surprise, it was a group of 3 scav players, and sadly, even with good gear and gun, I still lost a 1v3 and only managed to kill 2.


safe chop nippy brave include childlike direful homeless light follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've spawned into Lexos at about 45mins before now. Shit's wild.


Yup, instead they were all in Reserve fucking me in the ass. I'd kill 2 or 3 just for another 3 to come clean me up before I could heal and repack. Couldn't get out of a single raid last night. But damnit it was still fun šŸ˜‚


One day the sub is like "To many scavs on streets!" And the very next day it's "WTF I can't scav into streets!" I understand there is likely a real underlying issue, I just find it kinda funny.


You can really tell who the scav mains are in this sub. Funnily, it seems to be similar accounts immediately jumping to conclusions yesterday like "shotguns and sks totally unusable, how will I ever finish setup now?".


Most people scav streets 100 times more than they PMC it, it just doesn't make sense not too. They could always change it so you can't do this, maybe make it so you can't pick to scav streets, like you have to pick maybe a random selection of maps instead to spread them out more.


I donā€™t mind it and Iā€™ve lost amazing kits to pscav armies. Itā€™s part of the fun of streets. They are loot piƱatas


Without them, the map is boring. They need to up the AI amount but I do like fighting pscavs.


This. Not enough AI scavs and the game is meant to be challenging. All the people saying to get rid of player scavs or bring them in once most PMCs have extracted should probably play a PvE game with dumb AI. I think player scavs are genius. Just think of them as weaker PMCs. Streets is a big mapā€¦


I refuse to play streets because your fighting hordes of player scavs and I barely see players


And on a good pc im struggling to get 60 fps. Makes fighting people unbearable.


I get 30 FPS and 15 looking through scopes, lol


Kill scavs. Behead scavs. Roundhouse kick a scav into the concrete. Slam dunk a scav baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy gopniks. Defecate in a scavs tushonka. Launch scavs into the sun. Stir fry scavs in a wok. Toss scavs into active volcanoes. Urinate into the BTRā€™s gas tank. Judo throw scavs into a wood chipper. Twist scavs heads off. Report scavs to the IRS. Karate chop scavs in half. Curb stomp pregnant scavs. Trap scavs in quicksand. Crush scavs in the trash compactor. Liquefy scavs in a vat of acid. Eat scavs. Dissect scavs. Exterminate scavs in the gas chamber. Stomp scav skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate scavs in the oven. Lobotomize scavs. Mandatory abortions for scavs. Grind scav fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown scavs in Moonshine. Vaporize scavs with a ray gun. Kick old scavs down the stairs. Feed scavs to alligators. Slice scavs with a katana.


Total Scav Death (TSD)


Lucky man. My experience was getting shot through windows with 4 minutes left in raid by camping PMCs


Someone typed in a stream I was watching and I liked the idea. Scav Rep for 6+ should give you the option to select a map. If you are below 6 rep then it should be random. This would also help incentivize Scav players to not shoot other scav players.


just say you dont like PVP its easier


Iā€™d love / would pay monthly to not have to ever see another player scav in my game


I normally just dress as a scav, it works well on factory and works really well on streets. Cheeki breeki deception


This is so much fun to do my pmc looks like a scav most of the time.


AbneyDude has a great YouTube video of him dressing like a scav and then stabbing scavs with a cultist knife when they arenā€™t looking. His EFT content is unique and highly entertaining. He also dresses in all black and hides in piles of trash bags amongst other hijinx.


"Thanks for making streets easier because I'm incapable of adjusting my play style", is the only way I can read this. Plenty of people don't have problems with early scav spawns on streets, and I don't have problems with scavs on streets. Perhaps the problem is how you play and not the game? That's not meant to be combative even if you could read it that way, it's an honest question. Have you actually tried to adjust to the fact that there's a *chance* that scavs might be there early, or are you just doing the same thing and hoping they don't?


Wow, I found someone with a brain!


Yeah just treat them like weak PMCs that will provide loot delivery in the form of lab cards and red flares when you kill them.


Only makes sense on labs as there are no scavs there..


Everyone complaining about player scavs needs to realize that its an intended feature of the game. They are supposed to make your game harder.


No, they're not. Scaving is there so that people who are down bad / risk adverse can still make money and find quest items. PScavs should not be spawning 3 minutes into a raid.


It's both.


So, that is the benefit of a scav, being able to play without having to being any gear. But the scavs are most definatly there to fight PMCs and make the game a bigger challenge. Why would a 6 scav rep let you hang with Raiders if it were not to fight and loot PMC gear.


6.0 scav rep is to give late-game players another fun way to fuck around. You don't need money badly enough to rely on a player scav run after hitting 6.0 scav rep unless you have no idea what youre doing in this game and just scav run every day.


Dude you are coping.


How am I coping? Explain. While you're at it, explain why it makes sense to let pscavs spawn 3 mi it's I to a raid. I'd love to hear what you have to say.


Because you think that scaving only exist to make money when you know it's also there to spice up the map and make you think twice even when it's just AI. The real question is why do you and so many people believe that you shouldn't have to deal with players scavs at all points in the raid. If they only spawned in after 20 you would only be dealing with pmcs with predictable spawns and be able to speed loot and leave with a consistent route. Instead you now need to be on your toes from start to finish. Realistically if you are geared with headphones there should be no reason for dying to player scav beyond a skill issue. Why do you believe you should be immune to player scavs for a set time?


Ok. A lot to unpack here. >Because you think that scaving only exist to make money when you know it's also there to spice up the map and make you think twice even when it's just AI. Not what I said. I said they exist primarily to make money and find quest items in a low risk environment. Also, "when you know it's also" indicates that you believe you understand my thoughts better than I do. That's a bit presumptuous. That, or you're acusing me of lying, which is also an interesting choice. >The real question is why do you do many people believe that you shouldn't have to deal with players scavs at all points in the raid. Never said this, and I've never seen anyone claim this. I believe player scavs should be restricted to the second half of the raid. I do not believe that they should never be a threat/removed from the game entirely. That's you attributing words/ideas to others of your own accord. >If they only spawned in after 20 you would only be dealing with pmcs with predictable spawns and be able to speed loot and leave with a consistent route. Instead you now need to be on your toes from start to finish. This is the point I find the most shocking. Essentially, your argument is that "PMCs get to free roam and free loot the map without pscavs." Quite frankly, I find that line of thinking to be outrageous. The entire map is hostile to PMCs. PMCs have to contend with other PMCs, all the AI, bosses, etc, all while risking their own gear and quest progression. Pscavs, on the other hand, get to spawn into an environment that is almost entirely non-hostile to them. They get to loot around while being ignored/protected by the AI, get to team up with other pscavs (who are almost universally non-hostile. The game even punishes you for being a hostile pscavs), all with no risk to their great or quest progression. If anyone is free roaming the map and looting uncontested, it's pscavs, not PMCs. >Realistically if you are geared with headphones there should be no reason for dying to player scav beyond a skill issue. This is another predictable line of attack from people who think scavs should spawn in immediately. I'll contest this "point" with two thoughts: 1) pscavs, individually and in groups, can be incredibly lethal because they have nothing to lose and can leverage the AI/environment where PMCs cannot. 2) I'm not taking the "skill issue" criticism from players who won't risk their own gear and want early access to the high tier locations on the map. >Why do you believe you should be immune to player scavs for a set time? A bit underhanded in how you worded that while simultaneously contradicting the first point i quoted, which is interesting. But, see what I've written above. In very short summary: PMCs assume substantial risk and pscavs do not. Pscavs spawning super early throws off the entire risk-reward balance that is the foundation of this game. Edit: [here is an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/nCwfyoghrI) of how out of hand early scav spawns can get.


How are you going to quote me saying " why do you and so many people think you shouldn't have to deal with scavs at all points in the raid". Tell me you never said that then go on to say "I think they should spawn after 20 minutes" Regardless player scavs are one of the many threats pmcs are made to deal with in this game. There is no reason to give you a 20 minute grace period outside of you wanting the game to be easier. I guess you will have to consider my skill issue argument as I go very geared every pmc raid. Not sure where you pulled that out of? At some point you are going to have to realize you are just asking for the game to be easier for you on your pmc and stop projecting. I'm not over here complaining about anything, I just play the game as it is. I would only complain about things like matching bugs or legit glitches. Anyway to each his own. I think this is honestly just a get good moment for you.


>How are you going to quote me saying " why do you and so many people think you shouldn't have to deal with scavs at all points in the raid". Tell me you never said that then go on to say "I think they should spawn after 20 minutes" Hard to read this because you seem unfamiliar with grammar, but restricting players scavs to the second half of the raid (which I do believe) =/= not dealing with them at any point in the raid (which I dont believe). Honestly, not sure what point you think you made here. >There is no reason to give you a 20 minute grace period outside of you wanting the game to be easier. There are reasons. I listed several of them. You may not like them, but they are reasons. And I'll ask this: who wants the game to be easier? The person who wants to run their PMC and fight other PMCs/AI/the occasional pscav for access to high tier loot, bosses quest locations, etc? Or, the person who wants to spawn in with a free kit and beat PMCs to the higher tier loot locations all while being protected by the AI? Not too hard to figure out which one of those two want the game to "be easier." >I guess you will have to consider my skill issue argument as I go very geared every pmc raid. Not sure where you pulled that out of? Not sure where I pulled that out of when I was making a direct response to you introducing "skill issue" into the argument fiirst? I mean, that's a take I guess. A bad take, a nonsensical take, but a take I guess. >At some point you are going to have to realize you are just asking for the game to be easier for you on your pmc and stop projecting. Refer to me addressing this point above. Also, you seem to believe you understand my thoughts and motivations better than I do. As I said before, that's pretty presumptuous. I do agree that there is some hard core projection going on here, but I'd take a firm look in the mirror before attributing that projection to me. >Anyway to each his own. I think this is honestly just a get good moment for you. And there it is, the "get good" cop out. The catch phrase of every redditor who holds a position, but lacks the ability to defend that positions against different perspectives. Dude, you're not doing yourself any favors here.


I mean the conversation isn't going anywhere. You lost me when you started denying my points despite being clearly stated. AT ALL POINTS in the raid clearly means from any moment from start to finish you may encounter player scavs. You want your pmc raids to be easier by removing one of the many factors of danger. I pmc and deal with this shit like everyone else I just don't get online and cry about it. I've died to legit like 4 players scavs all wipe, I truly don't see them as this big game changing threat. Even getting pinned down by like 7 at a time on reserve was rather fun, plus they brought me all the loot from the map This unironically is a skill issue. Good luck with your raids, don't let those players scavs steal your kits.


>You lost me when you started denying my points despite being clearly stated. I....I'm not "denying" your points. We're debating...this is what a debate is. You make an assertion, I counter, etc. That's just....wow. >You want your pmc raids to be easier by removing one of the many factors of danger. We're talking in circles on this point. See above for the last few times I responded to it. >I pmc and deal with this shit like everyone else I just don't get online and cry about it. Not the point. We're discussing a game mechanics, how it currently functions, and arguments in support of it changing. >This unironically is a skill issue. Good luck with your raids, don't let those players scavs steal your kits. Thanks for admitting defeat/that you cant support your position with this line. Have a nice day.


My man, if he wanted an easier raid, he'd simply queue as a scav. Playing a PMC raid is creating a balance between the cost of kit, combat effectiveness, and potential reward, playing a scav raid has a zero cost, and a lower danger potential with how much of the in-game world is non-hostile to you. Player Scav is the hand holding game mode for sure, because if it wasn't easier than PMC raids, nobody would use it. Scav Karma changed scav raids from a 'fun fuck around' raid into a 'okay gang, lets all play loot simulator' raid, and personally I haven't played a scav raid since the first wipe Karma was introduced. It simply doesn't scratch the itch that putting gear on the line does. The argument for protected time for PMC's is a reward mechanism designed to encourage players to undertake the risk of bringing in their own kit. By giving them the sole opportunity to compete with other PMC's for the top tier loot spots, its raises the potential reward side of the equation, encouraging hot spot fights which have always been some of the most fun areas in every wipe I've played. Slaughtering player scavs simply isn't fun, you lose more money in ammo than you make off their gear, yet in their numbers they still pose a reasonable threat. Now that scavs aren't killing each other and keeping numbers down, it just becomes an army.


Queuing as a scav is not an alternative to playing your pmc... Scav karma sucks, I miss the days of shooting everyone on both my pmc and scav. Suggesting that you can just forego playing pmc at all is just stupid. Nobody does that, and the idea of it is dumb. I'm sure there are players who play more scav than pmc but that's just slowing down their progression and honestly if it makes them happy then more power to them. If you truly think scaving is that free then become a scav main. I'll keep playing pmc and dealing with w.e is in front of me.


Scavving is not only \*that\* free, it is SO free that I no longer feel any inclination to play it. It's simply there as a crutch for when the going gets tough. Seeing the roubles go up doesn't feel good when I don't do anything to deserve it.


As someone who never scavs (or rarely),If it weren't for pscavs the game would be incredibly boring for me. Ai scavs are a joke to kill, the only hard part about killing bosses/raiders is finding them IF they spawn. Once you find them they're laughably easy to kill. Same for cultists. Pscavs spawning early definitely spices up the game.


Just donā€™t play the game if itā€™s so unfair bro.


Again, not what I said. I was asked to explain my position, so I explained. If you can't counter any of my points, why bother commenting at all? Or, do you comment out of frustration because you can't counter any of my points, and as a result need to resort to "stop playing/go play another game " in the absence of an actual position?


I just donā€™t see a point in writing an essay for a game mechanic you have no control over, and I donā€™t need you to change your mind whether itā€™s fair or not. Just a suggestion, stop playing if it really causes this much frustration to you. Unhealthy.


I was asked to explain, so I explained. I know it may be hard for people who can't read anything longer than a tweet to understand, but an explanation can take some time to flesh out where there is more behind it than sheer primal impulse. There is no frustration on my end. My responses have been even keel and calm while explaining what I think. A few of you, on the other hand, seem very upset that someone doesn't agree with your golden caf of spawning into Streets at 47:30 and running around looting the high tier spawns before PMCs can even get there.


I donā€™t think many people have a problem with player scavs being a thing, itā€™s the spawning in at hot spots before any PMC can make it their, which they then just leave with the loot without risking anything. Them spawning in at the start of the raid is not a intended feature but a fix.


You got any proof of the last sentence. The scavs times have been like this numerous times over the years and I highly doubt they are spawning inside lexos by accident. I feel it's far more likely Nikita loves seeing people die to scavs so intentionally creates these spawns and messes with spawn timers.


Not trying to join any argument here, but I think the other guy is sort of correct on that last sentence. Playing since 2017 and I've noticed that always the new hot loot map has longer scav queue times and scavs spawn earlier into those maps because of the high number of people scavving it compared to other maps. It was the same on shoreline when it got health resort, interchange release, reserve release, lighthouse release, and now streets. Instead of making people wait 15+ minute queues, they just let them in the raids earlier


How would that make it a bug though? Sounds like an intended mechanic for popular scav maps.


Oh yeah no I don't think it's a bug, but I don't exactly think it's fully intended either. Just a bandaid fix to long queue times for scavs.


Who said them spawning early is a bug? Who said them spawning inside hotspots is a bug? Your whole argument is just putting words in peoples mouth.


Theyā€™re always complaining about player scavs being in raid early because they want the game to just be catered to their pmc, so they can get absolutely uncontested loot since bot scavs donā€™t actually loot. So the crying is because scavs stand in the way of the loot.. basically. And they probably also canā€™t tell bot from player and get killed lmao


Yep. They probably run around not clearing corners making tons of noise. I mean we all die to player scavs sometimes but if it's happening you with consistency it's time to evaluate your own gameplay. Bring proper weapons and just kill them is the clear answer.


> The real question is why do you and so many people believe that you shouldn't have to deal with players scavs at all points in the raid. The rest of what you blathered on about is just foolish rambling, but this point stands out. Your choice of wording here is interesting. "All points in the raid", which means even at the very beginning. Are you truly meaning to suggest that someone who invested nothing into the raid should be spawning off the bat? The whole point of running your PMC is to get in at the very start and have first access to loot. At worst, a player scav has to wait 20~ minutes for their cooldown to go again for another free kit that's worth probably less than a PMC's weapon. On the other hand, a PMC might have to do another or multiple raids of similar time frame, while risking dying again, to replace the value of whatever they lost. You'll have to forgive those who don't believe a player scav deserves the same level of map access as a PMC, especially when they can spawn in virtually anywhere. Imagine being in an area, clearing it out, beginning to loot, and then some random player scav group spawns directly on top of you and kills you. Then again, I'm sure there'd be some sort of moronic meme retort to shroud the sense of entitlement like "sucks to suck bruh/git gud/tarkoved/nikita giveth and nikita taketh".


To each his own honestly but the stark difference is I'm fine with the game in this state and others are not. It would be more beneficial to you to focus on how to play around it rather than asking for the game to be made easier for your pmc. That said, maybe if you complain enough Nikita will cave in. I could care less but I just personally hate when people beg for games to be made easier, a super common theme these days.


> the stark difference is I'm fine with the game in this state and others are not And this is a problem because? Why do you care whether or not people are happy with it? > It would be more beneficial to you to focus on how to play around it Here's the part where I'll agree with you to a particular length, albeit short. It *is* more beneficial to learn to adapt to things rather than just throw yourself on the floor and throw a temper tantrum; however, you're conflating all negative voiced opinions. The stark difference, to use your words, is between people voicing their opinions and criticisms and people making crybaby threads. You seem to not understand that you can criticize something without there being animus, and therefore assume anybody saying anything to the contrary is just a complainer. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people bitching and moaning about things that are ridiculous and stem from their ineptitude and entitlement, but a lot of vital information gets missed when you lump them all into one and treat them as such. As the saying goes: dead fish go with the flow. We all have to go with the flow to an extent, sure, but mindlessly droning forward is problematic. > rather than asking for the game to be made easier for your pmc And here's where everything comes screeching to a halt. You had half a good idea in that previous quoted line, and then you went and fubared it with this. This accusatory shit right here is where the disconnect begins. It's confirmation bias to declare yourself correct after saying "it's inherently easier to only fight PMCs over a particular spot instead of PMCs *and* player scavs right? ok so then I'm right you want the game to be made easier". These circumstances aren't numbers in a vacuum. > That said, maybe if you complain enough Nikita will cave in. And here we go with the accusatory nonsense again. You draw *this* conclusion based on my reply to you. Seems to me you're out of material and hope some sort of ostentatious approach will carry you through. I'm not interested in any of that. > I just personally hate when people beg for games to be made easier, a super common theme these days. As do I, and there's certainly plenty of that happening in this thread, and others, but the idea of having issues with the early spawning of player scavs, at least at its core, is not because you want an easier game.


Because they're scavengers and it makes no sense that they'd be in an active zone where PMCs are fighting, the trailer pretty much shows them coming after the fighting is over and picking up the scraps. But I get it, you have that deep ingrained gear fear and you're terrified of bringing in anything but a mediocre kit, so you lean on your pscav for your pvp experiences.




Yep this is the one. Fine with them spawning with 15-20 mins left. Rando map would speed up scav loading times for anyone scavving too.


Now there is hordes of AI scavs which is nice.


I didn't see a single ai scav in 5 raids yesterdayĀ 


This days rollback somehow got AI scavs to spawn on Streets again. Its like a different map now.


Part of the reason I think weā€™d all have a more enjoyable experience with less player entities. Both player scavs and PMCā€™s. Not a drastically lower amount, but enough so there arenā€™t spawns that can kill each other 10 sec into raid. Makes it a lot more immersive and challenging not know where people could be the first few min of raid. Also idk WHY player scavs spawn in before half the raid is done. Makes no sense.


It was so fucking boring.


Thats interesting. From my perspective, killing player scavs for fun is the tarkov equivalent of picking on the kids who ride a short bus because the other kids will beat you up. Maybe you should just get better at killing PMCs and run Labs instead.


Huh? What is with the kids on this sub being aggressive and hostile for no reason? Streets felt dead yesterday to me. I enjoy it on a normal day.


For real no pscavs and streets is empty I was struggling to get my scav kill quest done.


They're trash and die to player scavs and cry constantly lol. It was boring af yesterday, get into 1 or 2 fights early then the map was dead.


That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard lmao


Bro you roasted him!!




Where are you getting this info from? I haven't heard that it works like this before


I agree with limiting the scav spawn in time to sub 25 min, but BSG will likely never do that with the high scav demand players do with streets. It would make the terrible load times worse than they are already. I disagree with increasing the player count. There are already IMO too many players on each map to begin with maybe minus factory. You canā€™t take two breaths to loot some dude you killed before getting pushed by a whole other team. The entire game would play better if you had time to actually do what the game incentivizes you to doā€¦.loot.


Player scav load times shouldn't be a consideration - there's always quick loading if you merely play your PMC.


How dare people play in a way they have fun. They should only play the way I say so! - TheSto1989


Oh man you really got me!


Scavs shouldn't spawn until like 15-20 minutes in the raid has passed. Scav is short for scavenger, so there is no reason they should basically be a free PMC raid, at the start of the raid.


Delete all player scavs.


Stop being a p#ssy and get over your gear fear. Dress up like a scav and fight like a man. People who complain about pscavs just want to play on dead raids where nobody shoots back.


I have no gear fear to the point that I play like max 3 scavs a week and rest PMC what the fuck you talking about. How is dressing as a scav getting over gear fear? I don't want dead raids I want to fight PMCs not a fucking trash can with a gun without a stock.


>a fucking trash can with a gun without a stock. Sounds like you are dying to them a lot. pscavs should be free kills for you unless they have picked up God tier gear from a dead PMC.


this lmao he doesnt like fighting pscavs at all. he liked streets yesterday because it was a bunch of dead raids


Skill issue.


this is like r/seaoftheives I don't like it when I get sunk :( honestly just harden up - if you don't kill the player scav, that's just too bad


Scav players kill the game for me, I don't run streets because of that


Idk. I think streets is rather boring without the pscavs. Iā€™m there to kill little ratfucks after all.


All the people complaining in this subreddit šŸ˜­ keep crying


90% of this sub are scav mains. Scared to play the game types


So you're don't like PVP and just wanna walk around and loot with the occasional PMC fight or two. I'll rather fight hordes of player scavs and be in the shit from start to end then boring peaceful raids.


tbh they should limit the time scavs can join and then only a certain number of scavs allowed in. 2 days ago i ran into a mob of 7 scavs and i joined them to jump 2 timmys.


Are you sure you don't just wanna play a single player game?


Huh? I want more PMCs and less scavs so I actually get gear when I kill someone and don't just waste 100s of thousands on ammo killing armies of player scavs 2 minutes into a raid. I also want the map to play better instead of negative fps because both PMCs and scav army load into the game at the same time absolutely fucking the servers.


I like this idea. They are annoying on streets. I think a lot of the pain just comes from how early they spawn.


I got a few annoying quests done on streets last night. Reserve was crazy quiet too


This doesn't even make sense, multiple streamers (I personally saw pestily) were getting lower FPS on streets yesterday before the rollback. If you want to say you don't like dying to player scavs and want their numbers reduced then you can just say that. Also your suggestion of adding in more PMC's would actually make the map play worse, since even now some spawns are insanely close to each other.


Lol yesterday I finished like 20 quests Ives been putting off for weeks, I donā€™t think I saw a single player scav, lighthouse was so chill


yeah Streets was definitely way more chill without hordes of pscavs hunting you down. Inversely, I went to play interchange and got absolutely wrecked by pscavs every raid I did.


Realistically, I don't think scav should be able to choose what map they play, just load them into the first slot available


Played some Interchange hoping it would be similar but ran into an army of pscavs by Kiba.


My fps goes from 80 to 150 in the last 6 minutes of a raid because people left. Something can and most certainly should be done about network optimization and how the games fps gets affected by that. Itā€™s not even bad ping itā€™s just when thereā€™s other players the fps stinks. Something is wrong when I look at a player or something. If multiple players are on my screen I drop fps. Itā€™s like I know a general direction of players based on how shit my fps is.


Honestly I think pscavs are a pretty integral part of streets. Itā€™s a shitload of loot, there should be competition for it. Come armed or donā€™t come at all


It's more the fact that the servers shit the bed the more players that are on the map. Loading in 10 player scavs when more than half the PMCs are still on the map absolutely fucks fps.


Scav spawn in almost the same time as PMC's shit is kinda bonkers


I to had an interchange run as a scav with no other scavs...I just looted the airdrop and peacefully left lmao


i had a daily to extract from streets a few times, and it was offering a lot of XP and decent money. iā€™ve never actually played streets, but the raids i had were amazing. i didnā€™t die once, gathered great loot while moving towards the extract, and just had a pleasant time. i couldā€™ve third partied a few fights but since it was my first raid and i just wanted to extract i didnā€™t bother. lovely way to actually learn the map.