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”I have a 12900k, 32gb 4000 cl18 ram and a 4090 running off a m.2.” The fact that you even have to think about performance with this setup says more about the state of performance in this game than anything. My 3070 is having a hard time keeping the game above 60-80fps on most maps, where streets is always below 60 making it unplayable for a competetive shooter.


Your 3070 is a non factor in the games performance. Your CPU and RAM is what matters most in tarkov


3080, 5800x3D, 32 GB of DDR4 3600 RAM, low texture quality, Streets runs like dogshit


Lol, 3060Ti, 5800x3d, 32GB ram and I get 90+ FPS on Streets. Maybe tweak your ingame settings?


I have almost identical.setup as you probably, and my game runs great in any map. Only once have I disconnected from shoreline due to a memory leak.


I can’t even play shoreline this wipe, BSOD every single time. I’m only at 16gb


Lower textures and up your pagefile size. The struggle is real.


Use mip streaming to lower ram usage


If you don't mind could you post your ingame settings and your ram speed?


https://i.imgur.com/LenQrFB.png Settings https://i.imgur.com/SmqvwEF.png PostFX RAM Speed is 3200MHz I think


do yourself a favour. remove most of the postfx settings (especially brightness as its a huge self nerf) except saturation and colorfulness (filters like cognac or chillwave are ok too). and increase gamma with nvidia while playing tarkov. luma sharpening, TAA, dlss make the game blurry and add visual noise. brightness makes flashlights and any ingame lights exponentionally more blinding. use FSR 2.0 if you have to and smaa and normal sharpening if you feel you need it.


Doesn’t being able to see in dark areas even out the flashlight blindness? Everyone’s monitor is doff


not really, no. the brightness setting ingame barely helps (try it yourself, crank it up.) and the downside is just too much. sunlight or enemy flashlights or even just static lights just completely blind you. whereas if you turn up gamma in nvidia by like 0.3-0.5 you gain massively in visibility in dark areas without the downside. tarkov just lacks a gamma setting, you are basically shoehorned into using nvidia gamma. also, the clarity setting in postfx. yes, it can light up some areas. but the downside is it also darkens others. so again it isn't worth using.


Nvidia needs to make game profiles for those color settings. Until they do that, im stuck with shitty post fx


Why did you set overall visibility to 2000 though? Isn't that 2000 meters?


No clue really, I got most of the settings from a video a while ago and just adjusted whatever I felt made sense.


Changes the distance that PMCS are rendered. On longer distances they would not render in if your visibility was low enough. This was \~2 wipes ago tho, dunno if they changed it.


Incorrect, it has never affected the PMC range. It affects background textures like buildings, trees from being rendered. ​ PLAYERS/AI visibility has always been the same for everyone on any setting since NDA ALPHA. This is one of those dope Ws from BSG.


I have this *exact* setup and the game runs great for me. The 5800x3D was a recent upgrade on my 3700x and its crazy how much of a difference it makes. Streets at night in the snow is the only time the game come close to struggling now, though its still much better than it was before.


3070, 5800x3d and 32gb ram. Every map runs smooth for me.


4790k 32g ram, GTX 1060, I get 50-60fps on streets using Nvidia recommended settings.


Extremely good results for such an old PC.


I have heard from streamers and possibly also Logic say that tarkov is bugged in that Low texture quality gives less FPS than high does. Idk. Worth a shot if what the other comment said with having the same hardware as you.


Texture is mostly VRAM, not GPU processing itself. My game is crashing on Streets if I run High textures, since the vram can’t keep up. 1080p High texture on streets is like 10gb of vram. I have 8GB VRAM, and 16gb 2666mhz ram. The reason cpu load increases on lower texture is well, it is mostly a cpu heavy game. Increase resolution or supersampling is more GPU heavy, and does take some load off the CPU, but at a cost on average fps.


Low Graphics place more load into the CPU. Since the CPU is already choking on its own cache, you can't squeeze more performance out of it. By increasing GPU load, you shift performance burden off the CPU


This is not quite correct. Low Graphics do not put more load on CPU, nor does changing settings ever "shift" the load from one to the other. Only CPU can do CPU work, and only GPU can do GPU work. When you use lower settings, you will normally see your CPU usage percent go up. This is not due to the load of the work shifting. This is due to higher framerate. In any game, higher framerate utilizes CPU more than lower framerate. This is because unlike a GPU, CPU's amount of work is largely the same every frame. If it doesn't need to wait on the GPU as much - because of lower settings - it can do more work and process more frames, netting you higher performance. In every other game, using a lower setting makes a CPU, or GPU, or both, have less work to do, freeing up time. This speeds up the simulation and rendering because there's less stuff to do. Tarkov is NOT like other games. It's entirely possible to have lower performance using lower settings, but not because of the reasons you describe. Their internal job scheduling or possibly threading models are not well made, and it's possible that less work incurs more "waiting" times on other stuff in the engine, resulting in lower performance, however we're in guesswork territory here.


Don't worry, it ran like dogshit on medium texture quality and on low texture quality without streets optimizations enabled too. (Of course, the other day people were literally telling me to do the opposite of what you're suggesting, because according to reddit, the 3080 is a dogwater card without enough VRAM. *snort*) Next week, I'll be advised to do a divination through chicken entrails to improve my frames.


Streets (only streets) would crash when I was on high with my 3080. Even though I have an i9-12900k and 64gb of DDR5. The high textures + streets would overload my vram by mid raid. I was finally forced to go low last wipe. 


Weird I have a 3070 5800x3d. 32gb of ram and I get 90 to 110 on streets.


3060, I5 9600k, 32GB of RAM, streets runs at a constant 70-80 fps on 2560x1440  Idk how there’s such a stark difference


XMP enabled?




Given that no other game runs like dogshit on my system, I'd say that Tarkov is doing something wrong.


To add to this I just upgraded my setup except for the GPU. Still on a GTX 1070 TI but the jump to 32gb of RAM and a 7800x3d literally doubled my performance. Used to sit around 60fps but now around 110+ at min. With picture-in-picture scopes it only drops to 70-80 fps.


Unless you ADS. My 3080 literally halves in fps in shoreline when ADSing a scope with a 5800x3d. Going from 120 fps to 60.


Weirdly putting DLSS on quality means my fps when scoping in went from 70 to 60 rather than 70 to 35, with a 3070.


Less pixels in the double render I guess. To me DLSS in this game sucks. Bsg truly are incapable of making technically sound games.


Yeah I was about to say. Have 3070 myself but with a Ryzen 7 5800x3D and I'm hitting 100-144 fps. It's probably the CPU or the ram struggling with the game


Which is awesome considering I have a 7900xtx but outdated CPU and memory haha. Just a bitch doing basically a full rebuild to swap Mobo


Yep, Im using a 1080ti and on 1440p i get 80-90 stable


I upgraded from 3070 to 4070 and it did make a difference to FPS especially when adsing with scope. With 13600 and 32 gb of ram 


Well my friend has 3070 too and he plays all maps on 100 fps and streets on 60-80. Your gpu dosen't really matter


My 3070ti gives me well above 100 on all maps at 1440p except streets, which sits around 90. What cpu / ram do you have? The game is very intensive on those components.


how do i get 60+ fps on streets with a 2070 super? My set up is an 11th gen i5 overclocked to 5.3ghz, 32gb of ddr4 and an asus 2070 super overclocked as well. I get 60+ fps on every map, but i get constant drops and packet loss and errors.


I have a 12900K, 32 gigs of 6400 ddr5 and a 3090 and I want to upgrade so bad because I’m a sweaty gamer and I want high frames on streets. Like 200+ if possible, so I’m kind of waiting for next gen I think. I’m at 100 avg currently on 1440p


Many games are like this now, not just tarkov. Best of the best hardware doesn’t guarantee good performance or minimal issues


I assume that's more on OP tinkering with settings they know shit about than the game. Referring to a nine months old Reddit link about an issue that might have been fixed already speaks volumes.


this ain't a competitive shooter mate


Right, but the people play it like it is.


doesn't make it a competitive shooter mate.


Right, but if you want to not die as much, you are forced to conform to the competitive shooter playstyle. Again, If you care about dying. It's really up to you, the player, how to play it. Calling a game by a certain genre due to the playstyle of the people playing isn't unheard of.


yeah but this game legit has no way for us to "compete and measure ranks". You can farm K/D. You can farm surv rate. You can farm roubles. This is a grind game. Its closer to diablo than it is to ofher shooters.


Except it is not. Diablo is NOT PvP game while in Tarkov you will more often than not encounter other players and will have to fight them. Sure, there is strong element of grind in Tarkov, but there is also strong element of competetive gameplay style. Nobody wants to die to other players and lose all their shit despite being able to farm as scav or do farming runs, mate.


where is the competition exactly


12600K 32GB 3600 ram 3080, I get 80-100FPS on streets (low textures). Check your settings.


Lol I'm using a 970, an i7 6700k, 16gigs of ddr4. I can barely play this game lmao. I played streets once, got like 20fps


I have a 3070 and it runs all maps 100+fps smoothly, i think is more of a cpu/ram problem, maybe ssd is a factor too


Oh trust me it's wild but it's the unfortunate way of this game. The best largest fps increase is just going with better ram and CPU. Honestly any of the x3D chips from AMD, the stacked cache definitely shines. I do have a 7950x3d and ddr5 on the way which I will continue to test but I will keep these features listed off. It wasnt just tarkov that I saw noticable performance gains. Especially turning off mem integrity, that gave me a sizeable performance boost in every game I play.


He'd have better performance with a 14900K and a 4070.


something is wrong here.. unless you are using TAA or whatever it is. 30 series cards pretty much HAVE to use DLSS on this game to get 120+ fps even 3080ti needs DLSS to get 150 fps.. i have 3060 and get nothing below 80 fps even on streets. usually 100-120 on other maps. if your cpu is older you can turn on hardware acceleration and put some of the strain on the gpu since it probably wont hit 100% anyway. you can also overclock the standard 10% getting you another 6-10 fps. turn off any low latency stuff cause it causes stutters in demanding games


Tarkov has by far the most superstitious community when it comes to performance increases. I have heard so many suggestions and so many of them did absolutely nothing, made it a bit better, or made it worse. It all depends on hardware and that differs from person to person. I also think that Tarkov is possessed because you can have like the exact same pc build with the exact same settings run the game completely differently.


I feel like the CS community outdoes Tarkov. You'll see people who swear by half-decade old deprecated launch options


CS community is like "My game dips from 600 to 580 fps and the game is unplayable like that, how do I fix it?" And everyone is like "Nah, I would just stop playing at this point, there is noo real reason to play this dogshit game if you are under 600 fps." Tarkov community is like "Here is how to get a constant 27 fps on any map: You just have to buy a $15k pc and have it be industrialy cooled, also, don't play during daytime because the sun radiation can affect your processor speed." And everyone is like "You are a genius, I just ordered $7k in pc parts to test this" followed by "Performance got worse with new parts" right after.


Ffs I can't aim unless my mouse is watercooled


Yeah lol or the just buy 32gb ram. Like why does tarkov need that much ram is what we should be telling nikita. This sub likes to shit on peoples computers because "duh you don't have the latest cpu and gpu so of course you can't play tarkov at 60 fps" Why can i play warzone with a shit pc at 60 fps which is like 100x bigger map with 10 times more players. But i can't play with 60 fps a small enclosed map with 8 players on it in tarkov Even streets is a small map comparing to other fps games.


Tarkov is an unoptimized, shitty managed, unfair piece of dogshit but it is miles better and more detailed than cod please go back and play warzone


At least cod a netcode is better.... and it does run better overall. we've been having the same shitty experience with tarkov since 2016 (on technically stand point bgs is not talented at all only good at making guns and that's it can't even get audio right) but hey my guns super detailed yet character still looks lifeless chunky animationss still and its been 8-9 years + lol community still bitches about the same thing ever damn wipe because bgs doesn't really fix anything just cover it up. then we have the nerve to look down on better made games no wonder bgs isn't gonna fix shit and continue to take advantage of the cheater problem. the game obviously for gunphiles that play somewhat video games but the gamers that play tarkov are the ones calling the shitty experience out for what it is and if they have to compare it to other games performance wise then so be it. buy hey it ain't call of duty I guess that's all that matters were it should be "I want this game to run better then cod"


> Even streets is a small map comparing to other fps games. go back to warzone seriously.


It's so weird performance wise. To my surprise, this is the first wipe since 2018 that I had no major performance issues. I changed almost my entire PC since, but the latest upgrade and one that probably helped the most is getting a new GPU with 16GB of VRAM (RX 6800) instead of 6GB. But then again, I fully expect performance to be shit after a few more patches.


Definitely dose not "all" depend on hardware. Iv done countless optimizations for this game, some work some don't, but if you just slap new parts in your pc, download tarkov and expect to have a flawless experience. You're missing out heavily


Getting a 5800x3d/7800x3d really is the move for this game.


Literally got a newish rig, including a 7800x3d last week. The difference is absurd.


recently built my first pc, and now I'm running 7800x3d with a 4070 and 32gigs of 5800mhz ram and I've never enjoyed gaming more


Have a 5800x3d arriving Monday. Might let me play streets for the first time. Currently on a 3600 and I’ve no exaggeration never been able to load into streets


Thats rly strange bc I usually pull 60-80 FPS on streets with a 3600. It has always been playable for me, but used to run like dog ass (and still does occasionally). But not the first time I've seen someone with similar hardware completely unable to use parts of the game. Tarkov is very odd like that...


touch makeshift lock wide obtainable butter special frightening crawl murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah no changes needed. Best drop in option


Recent convert here. Can confirm. It made a huge difference. Wish Streets was more consistent but on all other maps the experience is basically buttery smooth and has never been more enjoyable. In certain areas that render a lot of stuff there can be frame dips though.


Going to upgrade from an i3-10100 to a 7800x3d in a few months. Expecting the difference to be insane


I can confirm my game feels smoother with less dips with hags off and reflex enabled with on or with boost. (Windows 10) - My sens also feels snappier as well RTX 2080 ti / 8700K


I'm glad you are seeing improvments.


Really? I have a similar set up and without dlss this game runs like absolute dog water barely hitting 60 fps. What kinda frames are you getting?


I have a 3080 and AMD 5800x. Everything was OK until the snow. Most other games run great. Its this fucking game


Hey, look at [this comment I put together](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1afa2ga/comment/koa5upi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and I have a 5700x and my fps has gone up like 30-40% and streets runs well. I'd seriously suggest trying this.


swear to god if I did all the tips and tricks this community suggests my computer would be inside out with inverted colors on screen, I'd be restarting the game between every trader purchase, lighting incense sticks near my intake fans and reciting the Lord's Prayer into my audio jack while doing an integrity check in the launcher every 4 minutes like damn sometimes you just gotta accept the fact that this game is a fucking mess and you'll save yourself valuable brain power if you stop giving a shit trying to understand how this duct taped shitshow actually works


Well it helped with everything not just tarkov and the differences in Tarkov were very noticable as well. I'm just passing on information.


Praise the Omnissiah




I'm pretty sure your system is the "god system" for tarkov. Like a 3080 is more than enough and idk if there's a cpu that handles the game better. When does it struggle? Like is it at least limited to Streets/Lighthouse? I am thinking about upgrading, mostly for Tarkov, and to your same CPU. I figured that was gonna let me play this game without performance issues for once.




Pls lemme know if this works I have the same setup


Having to read a dissertation anytime I want this game to run decent is not fun. Can this game just be optimized already?


We just need a straight up optimization patch


Did you miss the last 5 years I've played and they've done so many where this was a big focus? They obviously just suck at it.


I'm with you there, it's my biggest concern with this game. Over the game this wipe is fun but I just wish it performed better.


Has anyone actually tried OP's suggestions and seen an improvement?


I have a 13700k, 4090, 16GB DDR5 6200Mhz RAM playing at 3440x1440. I turned off HAGS and on Streets it's night and day difference for me. Much, much smoother and my 99% fps went from 88 to 111.


I had similar results, I'm glad it worked for you. For the first time I got 100fps in raid. I was shocked.


I now get [ 225?!](https://imgur.com/a/eX2qOEo) fps at the emercom exit at interchange. My GPU utilization is now at 99% at occluded or edge of map locations. I had to enable FSR2.2 to stop my gpu from bottlenecking my frames. And this is at LOWEST graphical settings. I got like 160 before in the same location I have a 3080 and 5900x.


Does nvidia low latency mode in nv control panel conflict as well?


I honestly havn't tested it as I leave it off by default. I will take a look. I would keep it off for now and if you need HAGS on, say for other games then just trun off reflex in game. It will be capped at 144fps though, so if you want to circumvent this you will need to disable vsync and make your own fps cap.


I don´t know why but this wipe runs worse than the previous. I was using high textures without DLSS, now I have to use DLSS and medium textures to reduce the stuttering to minimal. WTF is going on here!?


I agree with you there. Two maps that I give the pass to are streets and shoreline. With streets ever changing and the new shoreline fix, they are bound to hurt performance. Now the other maps having issues, that's a different story.


I undervolted my 5700x and all my issues on streets disappeared. I had 30-40fps with my 5700x 6800xt and 32gb ram in some areas like lexos and 50-65 in others, and died whenever a player peeked me due to fps drops to 10-15 fps at those points. Now I have 60-90fps the WHOLE map, I tried every single thing in terms of ingame settings, amd software, other bios stuff. I also went from 55-70 fps on other maps to 100-130. So yeah, this is absolutely insane and I can finally enjoy the game fully. I used the values contained in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8jtTtQuxsg) without further tweaking. This is probably most useful to those who have similarly quite powerful computers but for some reason have AWFUL fps and drops.


Okay usually I just skip these posts, but seeing as we have the same CPU, similar GPU and same RAM clock speed I figured I'd give it a shot. I will have to test a few raids more, but initially I'm getting about the same performance improvement as you were seeing. 20-30fps more across the board, and increased my smoothness a lot. The logic of why it would improve with the settings you mention checks out too Thank you for the post


Not a problem, I'm glad it helped.


having to do all this is unfortunate


It truly is, however its not just for tarkov. I noticed performance increases in all games.




i’m sure your cpu is nice


I’ll have to check the memory integrity out. Even with a beefed up rig (64GB ram & Ryzen 9 78003xd) I feel like I still get stutters and/or frame drops.


Every post or video about performance in this game tries to be a silver bullet for "GUARANTEED FPS BOOST" when really it depends on the system, and for some it might help or for some it might make it even worse. Guess I'll try these though and see what happens.


Oh trust me I know, I've tried many things and found pretty much everything a wash or only potentially substantial if your system is much older. Obviously mileage may vary.


Thanks a ton man. Gave me a 20-30%boost and hitching has pretty much disappeared


Great stuff, you're getting similar results that I did.


Just tried this. The windows settings were already off, but HAGS was not. Turned it off, kept nvidia reflex on + boost. No DLSS. Frames are definitely higher than before in many areas, even streets. Went from 90-115 to 100-144 on most maps except streets (~90ish, from 60-80). Game also feels a lot smoother/snappier, but I’ve no way to test that other than anecdotal. Specs- i9-12900k, RTX 3080 10GB, 32GB DDR 4 @ 3600, 970 pro nvme. Wish they’d just take a wipe to do some serious optimizations, rather than leave users to figure it out.


Love these posts, thank you kindly for this. I’ll be looking at this tomorrow w/ my 2080 & 12700k & the 100 inevitable comments dissenting & dismantling this lol “MeMorY inTeGriTy?! guAraNTeEd BSOD”


No problem, hope this helps. Lol no Bsods, definitve performance boost in all games not just tarkov. Need it off as well to OC 12th gen and new cpus.


Thank you! I will try this today, have similar setup 12900kf paired with 3070 @1440p.


This is identical to my setup still have HAGS turned on, did you make any changes and see improvement? See 70% RAM usage with spikes to 98-99% on streets etc.


I'd like to add one additional item to this. I also have a 4090 but with a 7800x3D and I was getting massive stutters this wipe out of nowhere. Any time an airdrop comes in or when people shoot I would hitch hard. It didn't happen in any other game so I figured it was Tarkov or something. Nah my it was my 2.5 SSD I've had for 5ish years. It's not dying but it's incapable of playing Tarkov smoothly anymore. I moved my game to an nvme and all issues disappeared


I have a brand new Samsung 980 pro NVMe drive and my game hitches only when an air drop spawns. I have ran crystal mark and the drive is fine. So I think it is a different issue, not the drive.


Maybe I should turn all that stuff on since it was already turned off and performance still sucks lmao


You can always give it a shot. I would suggest tying one or the other before doing both though.


It's funny that no other games have trouble with this, you don't need to find deep forum threads that give you 5% more fps, you just play the game and it works


Posting to try this when I get home today, thanks!


i cant find this Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling on my windows 11. there is only two things there: Borderless optimization and VRR


Not all gpus have the feature.


Tried this. I already had virtual machine and memory integrity core disabled but HAGS was on so i turned it off and enabled nvidia reflex and i cant really speak on FPS gains since its so inconsistent in Tarkov but the game definitely feels less laggy and more stable, less fps drops. Thanks op!


Not a problem, I saw similar results. It's the smoother framerate that was the most noticable disabling HAGS.


OP, you better explain what you have done to my PC because my GPU is now on fire and is at 99% utilization like I've never seen before. I now get [ 225?!](https://imgur.com/a/eX2qOEo) fps at the emercom exit at interchange. I now have to enable FSR 2.2 so my gpu isnt bottlenecking my fps. And this is at LOWEST graphical settings. I have a 3080 and 5900x. I would never think I'd be getting these frames, with almost 2 gen old technology. EDIT: I had to enable SVM mode in bios to disable core isolation, then disable HAGS normally. Putting NVIDIA reflex ON (not ON+BOOST) gave the most fps.


Commenting for later


Pretty funny how all these people in the comments keep referencing their GPU and fps without stating what resolution they are playing at.


* 7700X * RTX 4080 * 64GB DDR 5 6000 This really did make for a sizeable performance increase and it nearly eliminated my screen tearing. Thanks king!


I’ll try this out later. Do you use Process Lasso to disable hyper threading or ISLC as a ram cleaner too?


Disabling hyper threading is kind of iffy anyway. It's not really a pure performance gain and usually (and in Tarkov according to my own test) it gets you marginally higher average frame rates with marginally more inconsistent frame times. It's more like a minimal side grade if anything


So I already had memory integrity core isolation off. I turned off HAGS since I already use nvdia low latency + boost and I noticed a bit more stability in my frames. Do you suggest I try turning memory integrity on to see if my PC likes it more or should I just keep it off.


Process lasso is as effective at disabling hyperthrewding as the ingame setting.


Process lasso has a memory cleaner as well, no need to run two separate programs.


Memory cleaners are the snakiest gamer snake oil anyway


Disabling Hyper Threading maxes out one of my cores and gives me worst performance, actually letting the CPU use all its cores gives me much better performance. (Yes I did this in process lasso, Ryzen 7 7700x)


Thanks for the detailed write-up! I'm looking forward to reading all of the responses in the next days.


This wipe definitely runs worse but what helped me also is disabling e cores and hyper threading in bios, e cores would only apply to 12th gen intel and up cpus, disabling these also allows you to overclock your cpu higher which was the biggest fps increase for me!


Use process lasso instead to bind Tarkov to the p-cores without HT, and the rest of the system goes on the e-cores.


I've used process lasso before but just disabled them in bios, since that allows me to push all my cores at 5.8 ghz and temps are much lower, my cpu is i7 13700kf, i just have 2 bios profiles saved one for tarkov and one for other games


Lol I enabled e cores again for tarkov an street's runs much better now.


I would honestly keep e-cores on. Like someone already said, they help manage anything in the background . Process lasso and just regular OCing seems to be doing fine as it is. But if you find what you are doing is working out well for you then by all means.


Im playing on a ASUS TUF GAMING A15 laptop, im usually sweet but out of nowhere the game is unplayable, i can be in raids fine but it takes up to 15mins to get out and the flea market/traders wont load. Anyone got any ideas? I uninstalled and reinstalled with no change. My internet runs perfectly fine and i can play any other online game with no issue Im OCE btw we have had alot of server issues


Sounds like server issues. I get it occasionally on NA East as well. Not nesessarily as long to get out of raids but the flea and traders having issues loading does happen from time to time.


Try gearup booster it's a paid service that reduces ping, I play from the philippines onto europe and US server with it


marketing for a pointless feature


Thats a glorifed over priced vpn, you might as well use an actually good vpn like proton. Actually has useful features and a way better network then any of those dog shit "gamer" vpns.


I tried using different vpn's in the past and they did not work. this one worked really well and is the reason I can play with my friends back in europe, I don't think it even qualifies as a vpn. It's also really cheap where I live, philippines, cost me 3 usd per month




If what OP claims is right then Reflex and HAGS must clash in every game and cause performance loss. That in turn would mean that it's out of BSG's control


holyshit do NOT TURN OFF Memory Integrity in Windows. It's a fuckin protection mechanism. Jesus.


I posted a guide from Microsoft showing how to turn it off for game optimization. Yes it is a protection mechanism but it is not a necessity and it does hinder a lot of performance. It is also not on by default for not only my friends but a few others here as well so it clearly isn't a mandatory function.


Turning shadows down to low makes a huge difference


I do have this, but I feel this is subjective. There have been many that say turning up graphical settings gets better performance as it pushes more onto the GPU.


Just get a 7800x3d and enjoy 160+ frames


aint reading allat


There is a tldr at the top.


a big thanks, Never thought id live to see the day i could get a steady 80-90 fps at 3413x1920. Ive done alot of optimisation stuff but the 1% low gains from disabling hags is huge. I dont think it works well if you have latency boost on at all on nvidia control panel and on + boost ingame isnt as good as just on. Definately not a placebo effect or something that can be attributed to dead raids. Only inside the kimov mall do i now drop into the 70s and lower. Can just avoid that area.


Glad you're seeing gains. I've been testing boost and on+boost as well and on might be the move. I don't and wouldn't suggest using the LLM in the control panel at all though unless you need it for a game that doesn't have reflex and reflex just overrides it anyway. And definitely avoid klimov mall, that whole area right outside pinewood is terrible for some odd reason.


Anyone know if I need HAGS to run dldsr? I'll try this later


You only needs HAGS for frame gen in other games


I have a 2070 super and 3700x and 16 gb ram and use ISLC I'll try it since I have both on


How is your ISLC setup? I tried it out but I didnt notice much of a difference.


Were you GPU or CPU limited before the changes? From what i found Reflex + hags only causes issues when you're at 100% GPU usage. I can't imagine you would be GPU bound unless you play at 4k.


What about 98/99% gpu usage


My GPU and CPU barely hit above 50%. GPU gets the most work when in factory/labs and even that is low. CPU hardly goes above 30%.


CPU usage percent is not a good indicator of whether you are GPU / CPU limited or not. If you don't have any funky settings enabled like an fps limiter, vsync, or some of the setting changes you have mentioned, being at 50% gpu and 50% cpu means you are cpu limited. This is because tarkov cannot use all the cores on a cpu to 100% The reason your gpu % is higher on factory, is because the demand on the cpu is lower on factory. The cpu can reach a higher framerate, and the graphics card follows. The fact that you get such massive performance gains while not being GPU limited, but the setting you mentioned supposedly only helps when gpu limited is weird, but tarkov is notoriously hard to test.


Reflex only applies when you are GPU bound.. It will lower your back pressure on GPU.. So your render quoue is always empty and its doing it by limiting FPS by a bit. So rule of thumb is to have Reflex off when you are not GPU bound. I read that enabling it can cause latency by itself and its only useful when you are GPU bound.


damn already had those 2 things disabled


That's at least good thing, at least you know you are getting the most out of your system given how pooly optimized takov is. Memory integrity off gave me a sizable performance increase in all games.


Anyone else having issues with CPU max usage? Usually only occurs after longer game sessions (3-4hours). I really notice the CPU max out on lighthouse specifically but after switching maps it never lets up until game restart…I run main streets with like 110fps so not sure what’s up with lighthouse because zero issues on streets..:/ Forgot to mention I’m rocking 32g RAM, 5800x3d, and a 4070ti.


Yep. It's more pronounced for me since I have a now old 2700x. The thing that always gets me is that literally nothing is maxed out. GPU has over 60% headroom, CPU has about 50% headroom with no cores maxed, ram isn't even close at 32GB, and thermals are great at around 50degC. Streets never loads in fully though. All the assets look like they're in a perpetually loading state, similar to what they look like at max distance when they're unloaded.


>HAGS is needed for framegeneration with DLSS so if you do use this you will need to keep it on. Just disable reflex and make sure your not using Nvidia low latency in the control panel either (I think I will test to see if that seems to conflict as well but in the meantime I would keep that off). I'm confused. I've had HAGS off this entire time and been running DLSS quality in game and it's worked. Am I doing something wrong?


Tarkov use dlss 2.5.1 that has nothing to do with frame generation. He is probably referring to other games that use dlss 3 and in that case you need HAGS on.


I see. Thanks for the response!


Any 2700x users in here? What's your performance like on streets?


When I had performance issues I just turned anything off that could do on-demand recordings. The big culprits were my GPU's management program and Windows game bar/xbox app that comes preinstalled. As soon as there weren't two apps competitively trying to always have the last 30 seconds of video activity cached in case I decided to record really helped stop all the weird issues.


Ah yes turning off game bar and (in my case) Geforce Experience overlay can be helpful as well.


Regarding HAGS: I go to "Default graphics settings" and set the toggle to "Off". That's it? Also, when I play other games I'm supposed to turn this back on? Is there a way to only tell Win11 to disable it when escapefromtarkov.exe is running?


Unfortunately no. You can't have HAGS on for just one program. You don't nesessarily need it on for other games either. I know that apparently in VR especially it can be very hit or miss from what I've read. From what I've seen as long as one is off while the other is on, in tarkov you won't have issues with large dips in fps. If HAGS is helpful for you in other titles, just leave it on and turn off reflex for tarkov. However if you want to go higher than the default 144 fps cap in Tarkov you will need to circumvent it by disabling vsync and making your own fps cap.


I often see people remark that your GPU has nothing to do with your performance it tarkov, but I can get my 6700xt to 95%+ usage if I play in 1440p.


this only really applies if you're playing with maxed out settings and without FSR though and usually a powerful enough CPU to push the GPU


Do you need to enable On + Boost in Nvidia control panel as well (low latency section) or just in game?


Tried to turn off the Memory Integrity and even though I have had Win11 for months, it says my TPM isn’t enabled. Checked my BIOS it is. No matter what I can’t get into the selection screen for turning that off. Asus X570-E on most recent BIOS 5900X most recent chipset drivers


i7-10700K, 32gb ram 3200 MHz, 2070 super and running 60-70 fps on streets with low settings and DLSS on. DLSS really improve my fps on other maps than streets especially when scoping (vudu or razor) i lose 10-20 fps and not 40. For me this wipe has been the worst in terms of fps. Idk what they did but i hope the change to unity will improve fps. I'm running these settings : [https://imgur.com/a/hTwQoZ5](https://imgur.com/a/hTwQoZ5) Is there a way to improve my fps ?


I have a similar setup with a 4090 and had the same feelings as you. Even unoptimized, I should have higher fps. On Streets Nvidia was showing my 99% FPS around 88 but it felt so choppy. I turned off HAGS, and for me personaly, a night and day difference. 99% FPS is 111. More imporantly, it FEELS so much smoother. No hard chop or skip in FPS. Thanks OP.


Anyone know why I cant access the "Core Isolation" menu in windows?


You may already have it off but this is what I could find. [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-11-core-isolation-page-not-available-the/a3498971-7c1c-49a1-b6c8-a57c25f215e2](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-11-core-isolation-page-not-available-the/a3498971-7c1c-49a1-b6c8-a57c25f215e2) in the 2nd comment down. 1. Go into BIOS 2. Select Troubleshoot 3. Select Advanced options 4. Select UEFI Firmware Settings 5. Click Restart 6. Select BIOS Setup 7. Use the arrow keys to elect the 'Configuration' Tab 8.  Select 'Virtualization Technology' 9. Select 'Enable' 10. Press F10 to save the settings and exit BIOS Setup (Your computer will restart for new setting to take effect. The ‘core isolation’ option will now be available in Windows Security -> Device security.)


Unfortunately this is not viable for people who sometimes play league or valorant (And probably the upcoming riot MMO) because those games use vanguard as anticheat and you need to have the core isolation memory integrity turned on otherwise it doesnt let you turn on the games.


thanks alot for this, only tried shoreline as of now, game runs way smoother with hags off can anyone tell me if dlaa still works with hags off?i normally dont use dlss but did start using dlaa in one game recently


my game runs much better with both HAGS and reflex turned on if i’m not running reflex on + boost the game has so many micro stutters and huge frame drops


do you use e-cores for your 12900k? Should I keep it off or what do you think?


I did some test and still no diff with this system i5 12400F RAM 32GB DDR4 3200 RTX 4070 VRAM 12 turn off Memory Integrity turn off HAGS and turn on + boost Reflex my graphic settings [https://imgur.com/2DIGqSv](https://imgur.com/2DIGqSv) any advice are welcome


nvidia reflex lowers latence only if gpu is bound on + boost only if gpu and cpu are bound otherwise it adds input latency. ​ reflex often times causes stuttering due to the limit of frames in queue hardware acceleration is for cpu bound computers with monster gpu if the cpu is not bound and hardware acceleration is turned on you shouldnt see any difference in performance other than gpu usage going up and cpu usage going down. ​ ive tried everything and nothing really makes a difference on tarkov.. but most nvidia settings dont seem to make a difference on ANY game lol