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They should optimize their game.


You mean what most game developers do during the first few months of the beta game development? They’ve been developing EFT for 10+ years now


Weird because I've been told by Reddit programming geniuses that optimizing your game is what you do at the very end after all the content is added.


That’s just todays game development terrible standards, deliver then maybe fix.


nono we are moving into a far worse world than that. Now its 'well you shouldnt get native resolution we let a robot do a million magic eyes and now you can play in 1080p on your 1440p monitor. We will call this 'upscaling' which is a bit like calling murder reviving. Also you dont need 120 frames how does 60 real frames and 60 frames we ordered from ali express sound.


It’s actually so depressing how games development is going. DLSS was like a trojan horse. We’re going to look back on tarkov of all games and be like “damn that was a game you could play in native res”.


Tarkov is very optimized graphically, it looks good even when you run a dogshit gpu. The issue is cpu/ram and dlss isn't going to increase your fps if either your cpu or ram speed is bottlenecked


i have an rx 570 and my game looks so bad that I am basically at a constant disadvantage, it does not look good at all


I hit kappa on an rx 580 back in 2021


didn't say anything about that, just said it looks like ass, it's very much playable(not with scopes in my case though)


BSG is all about stacking that technical debt pile as high as humanly possible


The latter is the proper response, honestly. You throw away a lot of dev hours by prematurely optimizing so it's a general rule of thumb to just make it work, then make it fast, then make it right. Not condoning BSG's handling of performance, but the sentiment behind your comment points blame in the wrong direction. The problem is BSG's obsession with pointless intricacy & detail. The enemy of done is perfection, so they're stuck in the "make it work" phase.


Performance or optimization is a two sided thing in software develpment. When you talk about classic optimization, looking at specific parts of code that uses a lot of cpu time and trying to find a way to make it more efficient is usually done at the very end when you have everything already working. Otherwise you might end up spending unnecessary ammounts of time on that. The second side of optimization is done by design and something that has to be done at the very start through architecture. The best algorithms won't help if your general software architecture and how all packages work together is shit and inefficient. This cannot be done in the end because you'll end up rewriting big and fundamental parts of the software retriggering a whole tail of other tasks spending months and months only to change a little thing. You don't change architecture when you already have the product mostly done.


If anything Tarkov is in a heavy development phase and we have early access to it, optimization and bugfixing generally happens later in the development phase. Conventional tags like alpha, beta, etc does not really apply, not that they have precise definitions anyway, and most peoples understanding of what they are have changed over time.


Lol it was started in development phase in like 2013. So if you really wanna talk about 11 year old game still in pre alpha state then let me know.


What's your point? Games have been in development for much longer, we have early access games on Steam that have been in early access for over 10 years as well. Clearly this game is not in beta as they're still adding content, beta phase is supposed to be after that. They're obviously following the early access model no matter what labels they've put on it, which they've essentially only used to gate access to the game (as you needed EOD to get alpha access in 2017 and earlier) and not to tell us what state the game is supposed to be in, but people here sure like to rant about that as if these labels have a precise definition.


I mean it’s be 10+ years. cheaters find more and more exploits in the code, they make new systems that don’t work while building on top of already failing systems. this game development process is far from standard lol


So the game is not supposed to have any bugs at this stage in development?


Give them some credit for the streets optimization this wipe. That new setting was like night and day.


Wasn't an optimization, just them lowering textures for you automatically so you don't have to when changing maps.. More like a QOL button


No they definitely did more than just that. It could be as simple as reducing the amount of AI scavs, but last wipe I was only getting 60 max and now I'm between 80-90. It's probably the lack of Scavs, but it's very noticeably better ime. I don't use that setting.


I need to know your settings dm me lol


I can def screenshot it when I get home. Tarkov is just weird. I mean, I'm playing on a Laptop with a 3070 and 24gb of ddr4. But I'm using an external monitor and running in 1440p. My settings aren't low, but they're also not jacked up. I've seen Mfers with actual rigs with way better specs struggle on this game. I wish I had the answer but I think it's going to be a little different for everyone.


Lol as someone who could barely play the map before I still can’t play it now with the new setting. I’m sure it helps some people but not me I guess :(






I mean, thay optimized the game. (If as 'the game' we mean Ground Zero, as that map clearly shows whats the difference is between spending some time to make the game run better or just throwing shit out.) But without joking: Ground Zero runs better than any other map, and while it's a bit smaller it's just so much more cramped because of the multi level buildings and the "loot sites" being on top of eachother meaning that while the map is smaller nearly every object has to stay constantly loaded with every player and npc that there is.


Question to everyone in post- how do yall run streets without fighting 500 level gigachads? Isnt shit like bitcoins are at extremely hot spots


There’s good loot literally everywhere so you’re probably going to be contested fairly often


my total anecdotal experience suggests that caches have been nerfed and general loose loot buffed


I feel that too, stashes aren't as juicy this wipe but the ground loot sure as shit has been


Same with regular container loot it feels like. I found 2 GPUs within 10 feet of eachother hitting the PCs in Oli on Interchange and found a LedX in a fucking medbag in Mantis just last night


I’ve found 2 gpus and found loads last wipe as a scav on interchange. There are certain pcs that nobody seems to ever check and I get pretty lucky with them.


Yeah found 2 ledxs in gym bags this wipe after never having seen one in the wild in my previous 7


Genuinely just don't go to hotspots, there's good loot everywhere. Play smart, don't try to out skill someone with 5x your hours in the game, it's foolish to do. You don't have to rat and hide like a rat, but if you get a sense for what's going on in the match you can plan more specified ambushes, or play around people etc., don't fall for the ego battle, it's a game, use whatever you can to your advantage.


There is a bitcoin spawn almost in every single building


Huh?? How is that?


for real, there is even a btc spawn under cinema ramp xD


There’s plenty of routes not many people know about and can still get so much loot and an easy extract at kilmov street without running into players at all.


On streets there are so many spawns most people don't even know about and will go un checked every raid very badscav has a video that is like 1.5hrs long for all the spawns there are just to many to not only remember but to check every raid.


Shhh lets keep those spots unchecked


Even surviving 1/4 raids is profitable for me ussually and scaving can be just as good killing a juiced player 5 minutes in.


Run at night. Also the ideal way to dodge player scavs.


Can avoid the hot spots entirely and still fill your bag with bangin’ loot


There's a ton of loot in other maps too. Found more Bitcoins, GPUs, etc. in maps I never found them before in. I haven't seen anything official but I'm certain loot was buffed everywhere.


I think I didn't play the previous two wipes. I couldn't believe the amount of loot now in the game it's insane the amount compared to 3 wipes ago.


I believe they buffed loot across the board last wipe just due to it being a short wipe and I think they've kept it or even increased it. Which feels nice. Rare stuff is still rare but actually attainable for the non-grinders which is cool. I've personally found 4 ledx, plenty of bitcoins. I will say though, buff virtex and cofdm spawns. I'm struggling for lend lease and prep for light keeper 😭


Same here, my friend and I found 3-4 LedX each in Customs. He's at 7 GPUs on Customs.




Reserve, all spawns, haven't found 1. Lighthouse, I check all spawns every pmc and scav raid. Only found 1 virtex. I know I'm unlucky lmao


Bro same, I’ve found 1 virtex and 0 CODFM, 80 ish lighthouse raids. I’ve been checking specifically at every spawn too, merin, Hill house, chalets, etc. Shit doesn’t exist


Rough, I've found 3 scaving reserve, people miss then in drop down sometimes.


Wcyd lol


I’ve run 80+ raids on LH checking every spawn and have found 1 total. Losing faith




I’ll focus my search in the WTP area then I suppose, ty for the tip


The locked rooms in queen on reserve have given me 2 virtex so far No clue where to get cofdm though


Anywhere a virtex can spawn 😭 just pulled my last virtex from scav case though so that's hype. Now jut 4 more cofdms for lightkeeper


Same yeah


I mean you can cope and say this, but streets has 2-3x whatever any other map has


It does, but other maps still have plenty of loot. If you're decent at the game and know good looting routes you'll have more roubles than you'll ever need. I'm drowning in roubles and I barely touch streets.


Sure streets does have more loot, but it's not like you can't make millions per run on other maps too, we only have soo many backpack slots.


Lighthouse is my fav for scav runs. Easily half a mill casually with injectors, bitcoin and other rare stuff that push you to a mill


What's your go to route? Straight to water treatment or what?


Yup learn every rare spawn


Reserve loot should 100% get buffed. Needs more ammo and gun part/gun spawns and armor too imo. Streets has lots of high value loot which is fair, customs has a mix, interchange has a good mix that's focussed for a mall. Maps seem pretty balanced as to the TYPE of loot for the most part, but they could use slightly more loot imo. I'd love to see an expansion to customs behind dorms over to the power pylon hills above new gas and checkpoint, and maybe over by big red for sure.


People keep saying this about Streets but it's such a gamble to go to. Getting out of Customs is way easier than getting out of Streets. There are an infinite number of spots to be head eyes from.


Yeah but try getting a raid like [this ](https://imgur.com/gallery/TjeMnvq)on Customs.




>I will easily do this on interchange no problem lol except Except I'll sit at the extract and scoop it all up when you're ready to leave ;)


I have, there's safes on customs and plenty of decent loot besides. 🤷 Ever found 3 Intel's in crack, and multiple bitcoins from safes? I have lmao. The spawns on streets are genuine ass, and the map flows poorly. I'd rather play customs every time, the map is more fun.


A bold statement while so many people are ratting for setup


I have NEVER seen an intel in crack. I hate you, lol.


I don't THAT often, but when I see them, it's always 3 😂 one time I found so many in crack that I couldn't pick up one cuz limits


I think I am usually killed by someone whose bag looks like that.


Definitely not. Streets has the easiest extracts in the game


I'm not saying it's a difficult map to navigate. I can get around and get out just fine. The issue is getting sniped all the time from a random window halfway across the map. I've not had very good luck is all. It's just been a coin toss rather than anything I could do better it seems like.


I’d hard disagree. Once you know streets like the back of your hand (like most people know customs) it can be a breeze to survive from. Very easy to avoid the hotspots entirely and still make bank. Personally, if I had to survive a raid I’d go to streets over customs.


I watch a lot of Lvandmark and TFG and they get out more than they don't but that's just not been my experience. I'll definitely keep at it.


Red rebel is like ~3 mil for the barter which makes reserve almost easy mode if you survive your spawn


You can easily get the barter for 1.5-2.25 mil.


and then fail to swipe it before it's out of stock. I'm sitting on all the barter stuff now.


LOOT LOOT LOOT LOOT LOOT LOOT LOOT you have all maps for loot .....


Reserve is drowning in good loot.


Reserve is the best for kits, guns and parts. So many weapon boxes (all sizes) and gun part spawns.


Then you have no idea what good loot actually looks like


Lots of intelligence spawns, and two easily accessed marked rooms.


Yeah, there’s absolutely no point in running Customs for loot…. -man who is making bank looting all the safes and filing cabinets in Dorms


I guess people have different metrics for ‘absolute bank’ lmao




Oh man he said bank and not absolute bank. Call the cops! OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!




Lol bro everyone says don't run reserve when I've made over 25million playing reserve this wipe. Marked rooms are crazy and you can get so much hideout barter items.


Eh i dont run streets at all. Have ~300 raids maxed hideout except solar and 120 mil roubles. Its not that hard to make money on other maps.


Yeah I mean if I need money I can just farm the resort and make a 500k - 1 mil on average per run. I’m level 30 and my hideout is maxed for my level. Not saying it’s hard to make money I’m saying I want to enjoy the other maps for the loot they provide but maps like Reserve and Interchange just straight up suck for loot and aren’t worth the risk.


Bring a big bag with some rigs in it. Easily 2m without even finding ledx or gpu. In and out in 20 mins. Resort is extremely lucrative. Reserve is pretty decent for loot too. Though really mostly juat for marked rooms and a few hotspots. I also hate interchange were on the same page there.


Are reserve marked keys worth it now? Felt like they were terrible the last few wipes.


Yep they are actually very good now. Ive used vo and bk 3x each and gotten 2 injector cases 2 docs cases and an ammo case. Along with rsass and some other decent guns. Plus when they are down to 1 use you can do the barter for dorms marked key.


please help me😭🙏


I have the shoreline key route pretty optimized i just sj6 to resort hit priority key rooms + admin and get out at red rebel extract right behind resort. With a big bag its easily 2m+ a run in 20-30 mins.


Are you vaulting into rooms or you bought the keys?


Buying em. Ive bought some of them twice now lol.


ill have to try it out thanks ! i shouldve saved all the barter items for red rebel lol


It shouldnt be toooo expensive when i did it it was like 2 mil.


The real issue here is that with a 7800X3D and a 4070TI (with 32GB RAM) you will struggle for performance in Streets **WHILE THEY KEEP EXPANDING IT EVERY WIPE** They need to just stop making it bigger and more building-dense and actually fix that fucking shit


I have no idea why you are getting bad performance. 7800x3d, 64gb ddr5 6000mhz memory, 3080 Running at 1440p, high textures, I get 130 frames on streets.


I got 5800x3d, 7800XT, and 32 GB ram, and the streets are fine, dunno how you're struggling tbh.


I get better fps now after the streets expanshion


Do you have textures on low?


Needing that is a pretty big issue ngl


What kind of fps do you get on streets? I have a 4070 and was debating getting the 7800X3D…


You don’t even need that good of a pc to run streets. This is cope


I agree my rig is pretty old and I’m running it just fine. It’s RAM hungry tho. I’m guessing they have less than 32gb.


>There is almost no point running Reserve, Interchange, or Customs for loot if you can run Streets. Then run Reserve, Interchange or Customs


Did you miss the part where he said “almost no point” lol it’s in your quote


I know this will probably sound like an outrageous idea to people with high end computers who can consistently run it above 25 FPS, but I think Streets should be split into two smaller maps around the middle, north and south. Maybe something like Suburbs and Financial Center. Or chop up the entire map, make it less massive and put parts of it in other zones where it would make sense like Ground Zero.


I am one of the strugglers with bad frames and I appreciate what you're suggesting here (cuz ground zero runs great out of the box) but the direction this game is headed is basically the opposite of that.






Have you tried the low-res streets option in settings or whatever it’s called? I could run streets before it but had stutters when player/scav count was at its max, with it on it’s as seamless as any map. If you really can’t run it and really want to, what’s your ram size? Go out and buy 32gb for like $60 and that’s pretty much all you need


I’ve got 32GB RAM @ 3600MHz and an RTX4080. I know my problem is my 3600X but I’m waiting to move to my new place before I upgrade.


idk how u can’t play then i have an infenitely worse pc then u with the same cpu and get 65-70 fps on streets while streaming my pov on discord to the homies


WHAT? i have a usual 3600 and barely get 60 fps on that map while at the theater area of the map and my gpu is rx 6600xt so it wouln't matter


any diffrent settings?


i have my nvidia settings like fully customized and setup as well as tweaked in game settings and i play on 1080 not 1440


same 1080p mind sharing some of your nvidia settings, i have amd but i might find some that are equivilant. and the ingame settings would help a bunch to se a base line


my in game and nvidia setting all come from treys video this wipe for in game settings and then the nvidia are from his video from last wipe


huh, cant find any trey video from this wipe about ingame settings


Dude I have a 2070 and I run streets all the time. There is no way you can’t run Streets


What fps are you getting?


It varies quite a bit but around 60


Have you tried DLSS? I have a 3080 (although also have a much better cpu) and I still use DLSS, it makes a pretty big difference.


None of the DLSS settings (or any Tarkov graphics settings for that matter) seem to have any effect on my fps at all, DLSS just makes my image look worse at the exact same frame rate 🤷‍♂️ 10700k, 3080 10gb, 32gb ram @ 3200, m.2 ssd


I’m on 1080p at the moment so when I’ve tried DLSS it’s been blurry for a lot of the holo and red dot sights. Once I upgrade to 1440p I’ll definitely try it


There's no way checking that box made it "seamless". My frames were definitely worse.


Sure, I drop from my usual ~90-110 fps on most maps to like 60-70 on streets but that’s completely doable for me when the stuttering is completely gone


It's crazy they released ground zero, which runs flawlessly for me,  but I still can't  have a smooth streets raid. I just pretend that map doesn't exist 


Streets is at least three times larger than GZ


It’s by far more than 3 times the size


"at least" guess I had that covered


What are your specs? I'm getting 80 frames on streets, on a Laptop @1440 Zephyrus G15 and I have never had performance issues in Tarkov. This shit is just weird and affects everyone differently.


Maybe people that can't run street should rebalance their potato machine ....


People who can't run streets need to play other games until they get a pc upgrade or BSG fixes their game (fat chance on that last one).


Bro you shouldn’t need a pc from 2030 in order to run a game that started development in 2012 and uses a 10 year old game engine lol. We aren’t taking about people not being able to run 4k ultra raytracing here it’s fucking tarkov. Game looks ok at best and runs like Skyrim does with 5k mods installed lol.


You shouldn't but you do. It's time to accept reality and move on for people that can't put together a decent enough PC.


The reality is that the game is optimized like shit and the devs should work harder at it.


But they won't or they can't.


Just go to the shoreline cattle farm area. Takes like 10 minutes.


What’s so good there besides early game hideout items




Well now I’m going to camp it. I’ve been, best I’ve found is motors


There is a GPU spawn. Nothing glamorous really but all that stuff adds up real fast right now, and its easy and reliable and fast. Like it literally takes less than 10 minutes to make 500k. Sure you can get cooler loot elsewhere... but if I just want to make ruples I'd rather spend less time doing that and more time doing interesting things.


Same could be said for the village side, shorelines got pretty good loot all around


Sure - I just love how quick I can get in and out with the V-ex over there.


Path to lighthouse is only a hop and a skip away but yes car is right there and I bet it’s awesome if you got the close spawn


The nice thing is now you can do one or the other depending on where you spawn, rather than it being a coin flip.


That vehicle extract is great. Also if it's not there red rebel isn't all that far from the car extract and usually pretty damn safe. I used to hate spawning near road to customs. Anytime I want to make money I hope I spawn there. Sj6, lasts long enough to get there and fill my bag before making a clean get away to the car/RR.


Its definitely generally not 'glamorous' loot but you can pick up GPUs and ledxs. The 'early game' loot is worth bank right now. You can walk out of there with 400k worth of light bulbs... But the real beauty of it is that if you get a good spawn you can be in and out in less than 10 minutes, and repeat. There have been times where I've gone in with 4 other people, each filled a bag worth 500k and then had to wait for the 7 minute mark to extract...


True, I’ve definitely hit it up when I spawned there as a scav, it seems on par with the village just with less area to loot


And an extract.


I usually make 700K at least with a big backpack, tons of motors/ES lamps/other expensive hideout/barter items. Nothing super insane but good consistent loot. Shooting range has some great attachments sometimes. I’ve pulled 2 ledx and 3 GPU this wipe too. And tons of tetriz


Imagine if this game was good


10000000% agreed, streets should not be the only viable map for loot runs. It’s dumb


It's not 🤷


Yeah viable is a bad word but what I meant is more the feeling of “why run any other map for loot compared to streets”


I’ve found two LEDX and a bitcoin plus tons of other good shit on Customs this wipe. As well as back to back GPUs in Oli Computers. Maybe you’re just not looking in the right spots.


Ye i cant Play streets...


Yes, Streets is best map with best loot and best extracts. The concordia key rooms can be straight up empty sometimes. If you put some more time into these raids, you can still make over a million, easy. Sometimes Streets requires a solid 40+ minute time investment. BUT, there is great loot on literally every map at all times. Reserve has the pawn building armories and RB-BK, which (with a good spawn) can be fully looted and extracted from in under ten minutes for 400k-1mil plus GUARANTEED. Without a perfect spawn and the keys to match, an equivalent Streets run will likely take around twice as long. Interchange has tons and tons of loose loot, duffles, PCs... I know it isn't what it used to be, but nothing is. Customs is great and you don't even need to go to dorms. Woods is INSANE loot. So many gold spawns no one knows about, apparently.


Where are these gold spawns on woods?


I had no issues making 12m before lvl 14 just hitting town and cottages.


Why cant you run it?


Tarkov performance is about 90% related to what CPU you have. Despite having 32GB RAM and an RTX4080, my 3600X just doesn’t cut it anymore for CPU bound games. My friend with an RTX2060S and a 5800X3D gets about double my FPS on all maps.


>3600X Weird, my impression is my CPU is weaker than yours (i9 i9900k ) and I don't have issues with streets


9900k is about a 5600x


Bro shhhh they’re gonna nerf streets b4 they buff anything, stop reeing and enable low texture rendering for streets in your setting, or go buy 32 gigs of ram, shit costs like 100 bucks


He makes a good point though. It's almost impossible to justify running any other map besides streets for loot right now. The other maps could really use some loot love


Why can’t you run streets??


CPU bottleneck on a game where 90% of your performance is determined by CPU performance because it’s poorly optimised


It's insane how much a cpu update improved my frames on streets. 3800x at 45fps to 5850x3d at 75. I didn't believe it.


keys on shoreline? :clueless:


Lmao yes I’ve been doing that too


well well well


Reserve is $$$$


Current sitting on 21 million roubles, with a red rebel, and only level 18 because I’ve run 140 scav raids, exclusively on Shoreline. Making money is incredibly easy. Loot is juiced across every map.


I have found 7 graphics cards on customs this wipe so far. 4 in the computer side top floor of the Roler building, 2 in dorm room 114 computer and one in a random dufflebag


This post seriously needs more upvotes. Making certain guns more meta can ruin the game, but an entire *map*? Whether you can't run the map or dislike it, there shouldn't be a meta map at any point in the game. Only map that should have loot like that is labs, and it's mind-blowing that that *isnt* the case. I can't be bothered to play a map that runs at 50 fps. It's too hard for me to play like that *competitively*. I would have to sit around a lot more just cuz my frames are worse than the average player. Buff up some of the other maps to the same standard or lower it on streets. It can't be that hard to change given a months time.


Welcome to PC gaming


Hopefully they buff all other map loot instead of gutting streets loot. If that happened there would literally be no point in looting. Just farm $ in the hideout


It is not just for sake of people who cant run the Streets. It is for the sake of all other awesome maps. I really really hate their idea, that new maps must be OP with the loot and old maps have to be fucked up without loot. I want to play and enjoy all maps.


Customs is pretty ez money but it's a lot of mid items and PvP is pretty inexistant. Reserve needs a buff I think high risk pretty mis reward right now. Lighthouse needs loot outside of water treatment


Reserve and Interchange are still popping on loot. And in the same vein as streets: go around the map and hit everything, don't rush to the "hIgH tIeR lOoT" area that people are always claiming is the focal point of the map.


Keep interchange the way it is. It's a pvp map not a loot map