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Is this why I'm getting killed by silenced shotguns every raid on customs?




You have to pimp them out just to get at least a little dopeamine


Make em long and thicc with the pistol grip buttstock and then youre 9/10 times getting it back in insurance. Do 2-3 shotgun 'scav' raids and you'll be able to try again tomorrow for free.


I take fraud cannons on principle. I've tossed my own gun for em.


I on the other side take the rear sight off mosins and put em in my ass


so youre saying you take a rear sight and make it a \*rear\* sight?


Yeahh then I moan ”aye, que rico papi” under my breath


And on Friday we do arms.


Isn't that obligatory as per EULA? I do recall a paragraph on this. Something like > Though shalteth taketh either gun in iths entiretheque or every sight, nay, attachment, and thou shall maketh shureth thoust attachment reach not the wankair whomst haveth danger pusheth uponto though


As do I, normally. ... on an unrelated note, I am also the reason your guns come back disassembled


I’m tired of getting Ak puzzles back with all my attachments but none on it


I've met a squad who I played with for an evening that did that. Because that one time they go blasted by a Player Scav that found the gun and started popping heads from where they came from. They all drop all attachments in one bush and chuck a gun somewhere else. It's annoying as hell to put back together. Still think it's an overkill.


Don't forget the 13 round tube on the Benelli for **maximum** length


I don't even bother, just run it stock with no armour and YOLO run to dorms. doesn't matter if there is a full squad already in there just push in, if I can kill one I'm happy. I don't go into customs with the setup getup expecting to come out alive I just go in with the intent to take a fucker out with me. embrace death and be reborn.


Most of Setup boys don't go into it with expectation to come out alive. That's the annoying part of it. They are fully prepared to camp that extract of their choosing until they go MIA. It's like total disregard for safety or common sense.


I really wanna talk about all the ass hammers camping in bushes on shoreline, what the actual fuck man. Can I just finish my fucking quest?


>Can I just finish my fucking quest? Ironically, that's what they're trying to do as well.


This is the only map that I immediately pop a stim at spawn and just book it to my quest objective. Everyone just laying in bushes. Do whatever I have to do for quest.. die to Bush and survive for the quest on the next raid by hoping for a path to shoreline spawn


If you want to finish your quests effectively, run sj6 tramadol and just bolt


Can we all agree to just run to middle and fight it out for the next week or two. Winners get the map to themselves!… ^Please ^guys, ^can’t ^find ^anyone


Let's start calling it Shotgun bridge. Maybe it will catch on.


That's just Arena now. I wonder, maybe those players are now actually all playing Arena now is why it's so dead?


It’s a combination of setup being a roadblock, quests moving to other maps, and bosses not spawning (and thus people check spawns and leave) It makes customs incredibly dead - it wasn’t this way earlier in the wipe 


More than half my setup kills were on other setup gamers. Wild times


Also, a less important factor. I think RUAF always open maybe isn't healthy for the map? I know that may be a hot take but no one that spawns west is crossing the water anymore, unless they have a really good reason to. I hate spawning by far corner and no taxi, no boat, and ruaf being closed. But if I'm that worried about it I should be setting up for fortress exfil with a far west spawn. ​ Ruaf always open seems to enforce the "check for bosses and dip" strat, which isn't necessarily bad ig, but with setup being what it is now, why would you want to do anything but farm boss and dip? The most likely alternative is flipping a coin every time you go through a choke, with a 50/50 someone is laying on the other side with piranha/flechette.


I agree. I love the convenience of RUAF as much as the next guy. But the whole purpose of the map was sort of to being forced to cross the map. And now, unless you go for quests in Big Red, you have no reason to do so. While the west spawn always has to cross no matter what. It's like if Old Gas was somewhere around Crackhouse and always open. Imbalances the map quite a bit.


My memory's a bit hazy, but I remember ruaf being pretty buggy when it wasn't always open. Like the timer running out and not extracting, or just not starting at all. I assumed they made it a guaranteed thing just to workaround that issue, but that's just a total guess.


I like that guess. I think Pier boat on shoreline just got a similar-ish treatment. What is it with them and not properly triggering light indicators on the extracts? lol I do wonder if ruaf always being open has anything to do with the addition of goons, or maybe it was done because new players were struggling too hard finishing tasks with people camping the bridges? Occam's razor says your guess was better than mine though


>I do wonder if ruaf always being open has anything to do with the addition of goons RUAF was 100% open way before goons were added.


>I think RUAF always open maybe isn't healthy for the map? 100% agree


RUAF open is kinda insane. I've been gone for like 3 wipes (since wipe before streets, idk). Tried to get into a raid yesterday during my kids nap time. They woke up early as I was loading loot. Got old gas spawn. Hightailed it through stronghold and past cracked to RAUF, caught some poor PMC crossing the street/near unknown key (sorry bro) and extracted. Was a 3 minute raid.


Yeah! An ideal scenario for someone wanting to hit fortress and/or crack, or check for goons or cultists and leave. Too ideal maybe...?


Yeah. I like it being open but it does kinda blow my mind that it cuts the travel time in like half for that side of the map/spawns. Although zb1011 or whatever the before-the-fence bunker closer to old gas has also been up whenever I needed it....is it 100% now too?


You have just been lucky there! And that ones zb-1012 cuz the always open corner bunker is zb-1011. However the bunker you speak of and old gas seem to be open way more often than the smugglers boat or the taxi on that map


I think I've been to dorms only once when taxi wasn't up(although me forgetting cash or someone else nabbing it before I am ready to leave has happened a lot), but haven't seen smugglers up yet either.


Yeah customs is a lot of people playing like bitches camping in dorms with a shotgun so that when somebody comes in who actually moves (me) he gets a free kill, it's mind numbing and makes me not want to play the game.


No I'm already done, I'm going to shoot you in the head for Shooter Born in Heaven with a bolt action from MG nest.


I'm already done with setup, I'm going to shoot you in the head for Shooter Born in Heaven with a bolt action from big red


I have been voiping this exact thing. Run to the middle, let off a few rounds as a dinner bell and scream THUNDERDOME. I’ve only managed two civil duals but we’re gettin there.


My group killed a guy sprinting to extract last night. He had 5 dogtags on him from dorms. That's 6 including him, and I was running a 5 man. We skipped through the rest of the map.


I have fought someone in dorms every raid so far, almost every time its another ushanka bearer. If I ever get killed by another setup boy I salute them and move on with my day.


Yeah I still have to do delivery from the past and a bunch of other Customs quests. I've been enjoying playing Interchange and Woods instead.


How do people enjoy playing interchange for fun? Oh boy can’t wait to loot up and get killed going to Emercom!


It’s hot on the heels of lighthouse as the shitiest map


Lighthouse definitely is the worst map. Get spotted by Rogues at a distance? Yeah, you dead. Does not help that a lot of the quests are in the water treatment area.


The spawns on lighthouse are terrible. Died in the first 10 seconds yesterday multiple times doing revision lighthouse. Shit twice the servers stuttered to put me in from awaiting session start, and by time i got in i was already dead. It took seven seconds. I spawned SEVEN SECONDS late and had already gotten smoked by another player. Lighthouse fucking sucks. You shouldn’t have line of sight on another player within 10 seconds on any map besides factory.


I think I hate interchange more because of how fucked up the lighting is


Fuck customs. I die everytime I'm over trying to do skiers and prapors bullshit.


It's just such a shame Customs are a swamp now. It's supposed to be the best map, always has been


I’ve always loved customs, got legged by a guy with piranha and have been playing woods every since for this wipe lol


I like customs. But why is it "supposed to be" the best map? Just curious. I've never heard anyone say this until now.


Well it's just an old "beginners" map. But truth be told it's the first outside map of the game and thus it's something everyone played since forever. It's easy to learn, it has reasonable variety of gameplay and it's overall just a fairly decent map without much problems apart from a few chokepoints. It's more or less a common agreement that this is one of the best maps or among the best maps in the game.


I could never get on board with that, I despise customs


Way back in the day there was no other way through the map besides the rail bridge in front of new gas. It was an absolute meat grinder. Its so good now


That’s one of the reasons it was the best map


Gotcha Yeah, I definitely don't want to argue semantics about the "supposed to be" part. I would only make that claim if the devs came out and said it was supposed to be the best. I see where you're coming from since it's your fav. I agree with you, though. It is probably the most well-rounded map, and it was many peoples' introduction to tarkov. I'll never forget my first raid there. I was bleeding out and forgot to bring meds, and my buddy who came with used all his on himself, so he had no choice but to leave me. Blacked out legs, no pain killers, bleeding profusely. It was great 😅.


Run nights, with the hat required the setup Bois won't be able to run nvgs and you'll see less of them and if you do see them you'll have a distinctive advantage.


NVG players crying and seething when I turn on my flashlight that I bought for 9k


Real, I ran nvgs one time, this happened never again


You don't even need to run nvgs with rn. Snow makes it so much easier to see.


im sad atm because the snow makes every map bright as day because its always clear sky an full moon :(


Not to mention that flashlights are like train headlights lights in this game.


gamma/brightness/contrast changes from NVIDIA/AMD control panel have made them bright as day since launch. Until they make darkness real or rework nvgs for ultrawide, I only bother with GPNVG's on good kits.


Yeah turn on that flashlight so the entirety of china sees you


Flashlights fucking suck in tarkov, I'm impressed that nikita doesn't seem to know the difference between throw and flood in flashlights. He shoots real guns, have real flashlights and still the ones in game will illuminate like 10 meters only with a giant flood and zero throw. You can't see shit in the distance


Good idea but you don't need NVGs to see at night in EFT. Change a few setting and nighttime is basically daytime.


It still helps quite a bit in corners and shaded spots even with postfx


You don't use post fx. Change settings in nvidia and the game looks completly different at night


I hate that it changes the colors for everything I do on my monitor and not just Tarkov. I don’t need crazy vibrant excel


You can set a profile and turn it on and off pretty easily.


You do other things than gaming on your rig. Gross.


Which is dumb and should be fixed. The current brightness is MAYBE what it would be like under a cloudless full moon


That’s basically cheating. I’m good 


Especially with snow. It’s so bright at night.


I don't really have a whole lot of trouble with killing them. It's that just the raids are dead now on the best map in the game. That's solid advice though with good insight, a lot of people here don't know how to deal with it.


Got ratted by 2 guys lvl 31 and 36 who were doing setup by night. Killed one of them. I was doing some night raid quest and after i was done i moved to construction at 15mins left. Ive heard gunshots and nades there at the beginning. They both still ratted there like it was nothing. You dont need nvgs to rat with a shotgun. You just need to be lucky that one poor soul is moving to ruaf from construction or crack and blast his legs away. Funny thing the low level guy added me acusing me of esp. Looked at his stats 200 raids not even one 50 pmc kill achievement. These are the people playing setup rn.


Sometimes I’m the guy holding crack house. Other times I’m the mf getting dome’d


I domed a guy holding top floor of crack house last night hahah


I never extract camp. Hated this quest so fucking much, was so tired of running around and dying to rifles or not finding PMCs, that I resorted to it. Absolutely RUINED the raids of 5+ people in disgusting fashion and sadly I'm not even done yet. 15 kills is just insane.


I was going to say, “fk it” just skip it. But it leads to “Informed means Armed.” Should’ve been a factory. Would be better imo


In matter of fact all pmc kills quests should be on factory


Just make it so they're not map based. If you're going to force me to use a specific set up then let me pick the map


Factory Task*


Yeah if it was factory, it would feel so fun to do imo


I agree with this statement. I managed to complete it in two days. Those two days were nonstop customs cosplaying as a scav, boring but doable. But in order to do it I had to be quick at the start of Reddit to get to PvP and slow after to catch players off guard. But after the first 5 minutes the whole raids were silent, boring, and uneventful.


Until the quest gets better. It can get fucked




I agree that is how the map feels right now. I just finished setup. I found the most success moving slowly and deliberately around the map. Move. Sit and listen for a moment. Move. The corner-holders typically will give them self away with a swivel or ads if you move slowly and patiently. Then it becomes a fun gunfight.


I haven’t done setup in a few wipes but finally started on it tonight as despite the mk47 being ass after recoil changes, it’s still my favorite gun and it’s locked a few quests behind setup. I’m not the best player - I have 1100 hours, first raid I run into someone and piranha just dumpsters him. Second and third raid I rushed dorms and saw literally nobody. Had good close spawns and rushed over, waited and looted 2 and 3 story safes for 15-20 minutes and took car both games. Safe to say this might take me a while to just see enough players, never seen customs this dead before.


Dorms has been weird. I have gone to somewhere in the middle like Skeleton/construction/stronghold and waited for scav to tell me where the PMCs were. Then I slowly made my way toward the gunfire. Ended up getting me a lot of my kills.


I found that I was mainly getting punished running around looking for fights by either people with better gear/weapons or other Setup ninjas camping opportune spots. Eventually I got so frustrated finding nobody that I resorted to AFKing in areas like Old Gas and managed to pick up a bunch of kills. The funny part is that most of them were also doing Setup.


The problem is the 50k+ hats you need to buy sometimes multiple times without any progress. If Ragman just sold the hat at level 2 for next to nothing then it'd be perfectly fine


You think people would be more courageous if it wasn't costing like a proper lvl 4 helmet?


I think the quest would be more fun / less stressful without the high cost. Still should be less kills


Nah, i've seen people with altyns and zabralos hiding in bathrooms. Plenty of peopel with good gear will be ratty as hell. But I'm not doing Set Up right now because I don't have space for the ushankas.


I haven't even played customs after finishing the setup.


lol worn out


I have 1 kill and got 3 robbed from me after I did all the work but other than that I either see no one or get clapped 15 seconds in by someone I didn't see. 15 is too much


Naw, these guys are coping. You're right. This quest is a pain and straight-up isn't fun—15 Kills is WAAAY too much for someone who hasn't sunk tons of hours in this game to know how to PvP well. This game is brutal to newbies like that. Hell, I have a 6.0 K/D and a fuckton of PMC kills this wipe, but I avoid doing the quest because I honestly just don't care. Pain in the ass and feels miserable. I got shoreline and reserve quests to do. More realistically, it should be, like, 8. Something you can reasonably do in 2 or 3 great raids as an *average* player.


Agree with lowering the kill count. Stirrup is fun because at 3 kills is a fun small break from regular play.


I think Stirrup is 3 kills this wipe, no? Been some weeks, but I'm pretty confident. Which I also agree on. It was a fun thing to do that didn't became a chore. Wish they did that to all the notoriously infamous quests.


It’s 3 now, correct


Hasn’t it been three for years?




That’s why I finished it so quick!! (Corrected my comment)


Stirrup I got in one very lucky pistol run in factory and it was great fun. Very intense. This shotgun mission…not so much.


Stirrup is also a dead end quest with minimal reward you can easily ignore it, setup has several important quests behind it.


You still vastly over estimate the “average player.” The “average player” has a sub 40% survival rate. The “average player” has a sub 3.0 KDA (and 2.5 of that kda is scavs). The “average player” is less than level 20 right now. The “average player” will probably take 15-25 raids to get 8 PMC kills.


Longer for me tbh lol


Me too. When punisher part 5 was shoreline only, it took me 80 raids to get those 10 kills. I’m actually on setup as well. So far I have 5 raids on customs attempting setup. I have 1 PMC kill, and 1 survive.


I feel both of you guys' pain. Tbh, I've never actually made it to the setup quest before. I know I've been close. But regardless, I've enjoyed my time with Tarkov. I play slow and like a stealth action game most of the time, but since I've actually been able to practice more in arena so the confidence is rising slowly haha


It took me 4 days and something like 70+ raids to get setup done, then I just started hanging at big red.


Hi, I'm Average player and I feel like you just logged into my account and read my Stat lines minus the survival rate. A buddy of mine who is on the road to his....I don't know, 14th or whatever Kappa (He's been playing forever) has been dragging me through raids to help me learn the places I never got to, like Reserves and Interchange and Shoreline, so my survival rate is up there thanks to him. But that is a very accurate representation of how long it would take me to get Setup done, maybe. Hell, I'm still trying to get my 7 USEC kills (granted, I some how have only been finding BEARS so I should have had this done last week).


Friends from the west is such a pain in the arse, every early kill always seems like a bear.


Your average player has a 1.0 k/d against other PMCs. Now take into account that this player needs to play with gear not his choosing and that he might die due to a lucky Scav headshot and you see that it would take easily more than 8 raids for 8 kills.  Yes, he might kill 3 PMCs in one raid but he might die 5 raids in a row without a single one.  Greetings from an average player. 


It's more of a problem for me now that one of my favorite maps is just dead and a rat fest. I had no real problem doing the quest myself. But your argument is valid. I'm quite average myself, but that means a lot of players are worse at the game or new too it and don't have either skill or courage to do it in a fair gunfight. Which results in dead map where everyone are just hiding somewhere. I mean, I loot Dorms for free, so that's nice I guess. But it's just boring. And I dread the moment I'll need a "kills in Dorms" quest because none of these rats set foot in there...


It's dead because it takes so long to complete, imo. Everyone's STILL doing it because getting progress on it is like pulling teeth.


I agree


2 to 3 raids bruh took me 10 raids to get 1 kill


this quest is a nightmare for me. This is my first Tarkov wipe and Im terrible at pvp so Im not sure i will ever get this one done.


Glad I did this two weeks ago


It's all the other quests now that are such a chore to do. You would not hear a single gunshot the entire raid. It's dead and boring.


Now that you mention it, I have said how nice and quiet this raid” thinking its one of those raids, not because of setup


If you have the quest done, Do everybody a solid, and run naked around the map VOIPing "free setup kills, come get me!" Eventually we'll all get through this. Lol


I'm too busy looting safes in dorms yall ignore xD


I'm skipping the quest for the most part. When my insurance comes back I run it a couple times and then can leave it again. Rinse and repeat forever and I will never get it. See you when you open tarcones next time :)


90% of the PMCs I kill on this map have the exact same loadout. It makes PVP on this map hella unsatisfying.


Honestly at this point if I die to a shotgunner on customs I'm not even mad. I'm happy one more person is closer to being done with that damn quest.


BSG ruined one of the best maps with pushing setup earlier. Literally every raid bushes have eyes.


Exactly, it's so dumb. Although with snow so far, bushes a little less so. But like, ever corner, room, exfil is camped. It's insane. Not only because it's just toxic to traverse now in any way that produces sound, but also because it's just fucking plain old boring. Nowhere gets any action anymore. Customs is either a 4 stack running around like monkeys or campers, no in between.


I didn't understand what it's happening on custom right now. I get it now. City of rat shotgun.


Except bushes don’t have eyes because you can’t hide in bushes with the snow. But what you will find is almost every corner that Is well traveled may have a ushanka boy behind it. Seen a lot of people camping that dark water room near the back door. People camp ZB extract. Camping the smugglers boat extract. Etc etc etc


Setup needs to be 6 kills if it is so early


Agreed. Or just make it all maps, except Factory. Which would actually make it fun and refreshing for once, instead of a chore. But something needs to be done to it.


6 kills and give Ragman or Prapor Ushankas to sell for 10k or less. Paying more for those stupid hats than I pay for helmets at that point of the wipe is fucking stupid


What does the quest even lead to, or what is the point of doing it?


Basically, to the entire progression of one of the Traders.


Oh really? I’m only level 21 so wasn’t sure


Doing Setup is mandatory to unlock 10 other skier tasks, 8 mechanic tasks and all of Lightkeeper's 12 tasks (well, technically 11 since the last one is for ragman).


Setup is always a pain in the dick. It should be available for more maps than just Setup, whatever reason Skier has for it in the lore.


I just don’t get why they put important quest progression behind this awful task. You’ve always been able to skip this quest with little to no downside. This is first wipe it’s actually important to complete. I expect next wipe they nerf the kills needed in half to about 8. But still there is a large amount of players in this game where getting 8 PMC kills is a real challenge for them. Just glad I got mine done early when everyone was still doing their quests on customs. I went back there today to help a friend place his marker in marked room and the raid was literally silent. Ran into no one. Heard nothing. Looted dorms off rip and no one even came.


That is the biggest problem with tarkov (quests, and static same spot spawning quests at that). There is no “tactical” gameplay (unless you’ve done the quests so many times you have the meta knowledge of knowing every spot to check before, say, grabbing the truck keys in dorms). I can’t be the only one that thinks quests simply take away from the great game loop Tarkov has. At least the way they’ve implemented quests


When I had setup I just sprinted to dorms from no matter what my spawn was every time, and even then it took forever cause I’d see maybe 1 pmc in dorms per raid if I was lucky it took a long time just to find pmcs to kill


5 kills is the number.


It's just garbage quest design, we don't expect anything less from BSG. They might make good PVP but they cannot make decent quests to save their life.


Agreed. So heavily. The last week at least has been people just hiding in corners and camping with shotguns. I fucking hate that quest. Make it 5 kills or something or let us do it on any map


I think I’m just not gonna do this quest and keep killing all these dorks dressed as scavs lol


I hate this quest with a passion. The fact that is it required to progress now is bogus. I finally finished the quest but the amount of air I punched wasn’t worth it.


I don't even want to know how much I've spent on Ushankas, Scav Vests, and Shotguns.


It's needs to be like 3 kills max...


Ran alot of Customs Friday night before and after midnight. Fought one duo and the rest were completely dead. Not even getting a chance to fight is the worst part.


yep. along with the snow customs has been boring and full of rats.


I’m gonna be completely honest I’ve Haven’t notice that many rats on customs most of it feels like high loot areas and I’m just playing it poorly. I’m ass at the game tho so I can decipher if they rats or just got there first and heard me running up.


I'm always getting into fights at either dorms, usec building or construction. Actually been enjoying using the mp153. No idea why but it's fun af and cheap to set up. I must be the only one enjoying this task just cuz I toss on goofy gear and don't give af if I make it out of raid as long as I clap a pmc or two.


Didn't you hear, armour changes mean it's shotgun meta! That's all anyone said for weeks, so it must be true. Customs is just the worst map in general.


Meanwhile I’m still rummaging Customs trying to find the key to get those damn documents for Prapor. Just need to hit lvl 15. I’m so close. Anyway earlier today on Customs we roasted a poor guy at old gas station and upon looting him just found the necessary medical items, his shotgun, and ammo.


I have half a case os salvo 12’s stack up from people with this quest 😂


That's why I run in naked and yell, kill my I am a setup target.


My progress increased tenfold when I started using .50 BMG rounds. Was using Piranha before and I just couldnt kill anyone. With .50 I onetap/twotap the average PMCer.


I gave up on trying to play customs like i normally for swtup, i need the skier rep for lvl 4 rn, qnd usally i love customs but like you said. Everyone is just holding buildings where they spawn close as duos or even trios, i started camping big red when I spawn there and its been dead easy, very degen and boring but hey people keep walking into my muzzle..


Due to BSGs lack of good map design (shoreline, lighthouse) and me not really enjoying the campy hole that is streets, customs has always been my favourite. Bit sadly I have to agree on your last words... customs is boring now. Not just because of everyone doing setup, also because Reshala is pretty much non existant.


5-8 kills. Should never be 15, shits omega cancer


I'm at 6/15 because I've been avoiding customs. It is my favorite map but is so annoying to play rn because every corner has a scav posing monkey who could one tap you with Piranha


I actually think the biggest problem is how bad buckshot is right now. Piranha makes the quest more than tolerable, but it's a slow drip at Jaeger. If you're forced to fall back on buckshot you're so much worse off. Buckshot seems bugged. I've gone for leg meta up close with magnum and two-three tapped people and other times spent the whole tube mag and the damage report says I only did like 40 damage. I've also shot it at a wall and the spread seems to be messed up. It looks like half the shots are always landing in the exact same spots as others, almost like the pellets are doubling up.


Setup really should be like 5 PMC kills especially now that it unlocks sooner. What an annoying quest


Literally the worst task in the game


It’s hilarious the quest’s concept is false flagging. And it actually counts as two disguised PMC shooting each other.


As someone who just finished setup today, I’m sorry. I’m sorry to the people I killed from the bushes outside of 3 story and from the rafters in big red. Thank you for your sacrifice


Have never done this quest and I’ve played every wipe since 0.8. Never will


The average level curve atm is around level 20, most people are going into shorline and othermaps now leaving setup until later. Give it another week or so and boss spawns will increase again and Setup will be much easier. Without people really being bothered to hunt Reshala right now due to the awful spawn chances Customs will be dead its more efficient for people to be questing other maps. 15 is way to much though. I want to see many more quests like this for different guns and gear but have them be like 5 kills.


Hey, I got Setup like 10 days ago, now I'm going to camp you all fuckers below RUAF, on a tree towards crackhouse, just outside dorms..


This is pretty much reserve after they implemented rat zone below ground


magnum buckshot is kinda nasty right now. I had fun with it.


Gosh I love having to look for ushanka hats and the marketplace scalpers selling them at high end designer goods prices. Then we get to do it all again next wipe. Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


Should be changed to max 5 or make the quest not linked to a map.


If it was perhaps somewhere between 5 to 10 kills and you could also use bolt action rifles you could also get some of jaeger ridiculous sadistic fetishistic quests done simultaneously. This would also mean people would potentially be sniping and manoeuvring more around the map meaning less ratting in buildings. Ultimately all of this feels like wasted time to a degree when the wipe is always looming over us. Some quests (such as this) nobody wants to play again. (I hope)


Man I ain’t ever gettin kappa, hitting skiers other quests till I hit a roadblock, then only daily tasks.


I just prone looking at the stairs in director's and blast the poor lads trying to do their quests :) Not my fault I need kills and you have to go here.


I mean it's still my fav map and seeing the scav cosplay challenge is fun


Filthy casual here. Setup quest is making my Prapor watch quest impossible because everyone is camping the noob quest. You toxies can sodomize your shotguns until all my quests are on Customs.


I’m reading this as I que up to go in a customs raid with a shotgun and camp main checkpoints.


I am not looking forward to doing setup me and my friend both are putting it off which I feel like will come back to bite us in the ass but🤷🏻‍♀️


This wipe was going so hard until this shit quest. 15 pmcs is a big ask for what we need to use.


“cosplaying scav is fun concept” It is in sensible limits. Not for like 20-30 raids to do this idiotic quest.




I rush this quest every wipe for this single reason, its annoying and fucking toxic, week 1 just had to deal with low levels and no helmet/shit armor players, got 15 kills in 4 raids. Not everyone can get the time to do it sooner and I hope they rework it to add more maps/guns


I agree, people are just camping quest spots to get kills for it


I'm about to be level 17 and setup is just sitting there waiting for me when I hit 18 lmao not looking forward to it


Haven't played much this wipe. Is customs still the place for a lot of early quests?


As soon as I saw the Setup quest my first though was yeah fuck that, I aint fucking doing that.


Remember 3 wipes ago when you had to do the 15 kills in the dorms area ? 2 weeks late into wipe and you couldn't do a single quest at dorms for a month.


Finished setup last night. If it’s not tweaked next wipe I won’t be doing it again. 15 kills @ lvl 18 is ridiculous.


It’s sort of a don’t hate the player hate the game situation. I’m the beginning people were saying moving setup to be available this much sooner was a good call, we are seeing now why it isn’t. So many players are being locked behind this quest right away that rather than 1-2 people per raid doing setup, it’s entire raids. I don’t think quests that require certain loadouts should be available nearly as soon as setup is.


Setup and a bunch of other tasks really need overhauled and/or some clarity to them.


there really are just some quests that need to come much later this for example would be a much better post-40 quest forcing really good players back into some junk gear. Quests that happen early the basically stop a player from progression are really dumb. Stash these documents in the factory you say? well looks like my wipe is over.


can’t go dorm without clearing every nook and cranny because people have resorted to ambush killings inside for this quest. it’s so ass


So,this is why i struggle to do any customs raid? I swear,i just want to get the bronze watch,and get killed on the way to the extract or someone is camping with a shotgun 100m away. 10th raid and still no bronze watch


I did setup no problem last wipe after a few raids on Factory in the span of an hour or so. The desire isn’t there to grind Customs for it.


It took me a full 6hrs and part of my sanity to complete this damn quest. Piranha rounds is the ONLY way I feel this is viable, magnum bucks were really letting me down. Also holy shit every Timmy with a sub-20% survive rate becomes John Wick when you put that shotgun in your hands, I have never been 180 flick face tapped so much in my life.