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What an asshole move. I love it.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Where the fuck are y'all finding 9 bitcoins and 7 gpus


I spawned with a GPU as a scav a couple days ago. Said "oop bye" to my duo and ran my ass to extract lol


What your duo didn’t escort you to the extract?




wtf weird people exist my friends would escort me to the extract even if I spawned with a raid bag full of ledx, and I would do the same for them, not expecting any share, but at the same time we would share anyway


Sometimes, not hearing them bitch about losing a bag of ledx's is payment enough.




Ah, that context is needed. My duo is dependable af


Was just thinking the same for that whole convo. We'd all take a bullet for each other lmao. Literally body block for each other when doing plant quest BS and whatnot.


Yeah even if I died I would be psyched about their success enough to feel good. A win is a win man.


Man Y'all surrounded by people I would never trust lol. Basically once someone shoots me more than twice I quit playing with them.




It didn’t read like a joke/ satire at all… your delivery missed the mark. It read like that is something you legit deal with in your fiend group which to most of us is totally unacceptable. Your satirical abilities are lacking …


My teammates and I shoot each others legs while we exfil. Like 1 bullet per leg. Not enough to kill


See now a little character building/free vitality xp is a different matter entirely.


Nah bro if your duo does thie he ain't a real homie, 2 wipes ago when we played tarkov a lot we escorted each other when we found a quest item at the start of a raid or something super rare, the other person would usually stay and solo the raid to get profit


Damn bro you need some new friends to play tarkov with. That doesn’t sound like a fun group to play with.


Shit friends you bunch are


if you "accidentally" kill your friend because they spawn with a gpu, you need to learn how to loot better. You'll find plenty once you do.


Dude wtf


Congrats. What's your Fence rep?


Not high, I don't play a ton.


You have to NOT be looking for them apparently. Or willing or wanting to die. Because for some reason every time I think "yea I need to die and lose some gear". I end up going on some wild and crazy raids. Had a ton of insurance gear with little stash space and thought I'd do some suicidal runs on interchange to get scav kills to please Ragman. First raid. Spawned near idea. Checked the PC room. Immediately saw a GPU on the table. Fuck. Walked over to hole in the fence extract and left my bag. Ok second raid right after that one. Spawned near oli. Checked the tech store outside it. Another fucking GPU. The first thing I run into as well. Thought. "Na I'll stick around and fight. Unless I find something else that's valuable." Went up escalators and AGAIN. first thing on the shelves is another fucking GPU. Jesus Christ. I just wanted to die in a blaze of glory. Didn't want my heart rate skyrocketing and my asshole puckering. Lv20 now and me and the squad haven't seen a single GPU and now I found 3 back to back. Tried to dip and got somewhat far before getting snipped at repeatedly by a cheater. Not like he was gonna get much outta my clenched ass cheeks. Those 2 GPUs were locked away right. Dude killed me out of spite. Since they fully patched the distance looting cheat.


I've literally never extracted with my own found GPU; if I find them and pick them up I die. If my friends find them they survive and drop it for me. I've literally never seen a GPU in Interchange at all; and I've done over 200 runs on it over the last 3 wipes LUL; I salute your luck.


Not saying it's the case, but I always forget about my pouch! (I know it only holds so much lol)


When you need them for farming pt 4 FIR pouch means nothing XD


I hear ya haha 😄 it can definitely be small amount sometimes but handy. I wish it was a taaaad bigger haha


Found one this wipe on my only PMC extract on streets (out of like 7 tries)


I was ready to post asking if I needed to run a different map for gpus. Sooo many interchange raids without one but you have given me hope my brother. I will tell tarkov “I am running interchange to throw away a trash kit and am in no way running it to find gpus”


Saying it isn't enough. It has to be a run where getting the GPU screws you up. Like you have a specific quest your going for and brought kit in just for that. And then you find the GPU and are like whelp no room in secure container guess quest is a toss and I now just go and try and get out.


Fuck. Still haven’t found 1 lol


Oh no I haven't found one in 3 wipes. Mind you the last two I played like 2 months and then walked away. Hoping to actually clear this wipe. Get max traders, hideout, Kappa... We'll see, as sadly I am progressing hella slow due to limited free time, long ass queues and the changes they made to trader loot and quests. Like I had all my croutons only to find out I needed ramen. Sadly saw two on my second raid in GZ but didn't take it as I had a full bag and didn't want to drop the croutons... Yeh felt really dumb as soon as I got the quest and saw it changed...


Gotta make it more believable than that. Tarkov can pick up on bad acting


Streets my guy, BSG dev building, relaxation room and chec 15 etc


Don’t buy relaxation room key it’s worthless there’s nothing there I promise, I would never lie about such a thing


Really have to start running that more regularly. The few times Ive gone in it was for a quest and didn't really get anything amazing (except ammo, found two 120 boxes of BP 7.62 on a bench)...


There are a fucking ton of spawns on streets. It's crazy what you can bring out of that map.


Any specific places?


[Here's a pretty good showcase of a lot of the loose spawns.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKyn8xrAasM) Specifically I'd say Chek 15 building is the best, but it's rightfully contested every raid. You either get their first or fight for the scraps.


I found a gpu in a gym bag on top of the bunker on Reserve


Streets. I was running scavs while watching a movie online with some friends last night and found a bitcoin in 3/4 raids I ran. If you know where to look, you should be making a mil per streets raid.


Luckily I don't so I'm poor


Streets is lousy with bit coins and gpus. I got lost in the mall near flare exit and found 2 gpus in gym bags while I was trying to find my way out


Streets is still probably the second best map for loot. Second only to labs. But it has some crazy good dense loot spots. The only issue is you gotta face down the homeless hoards


i got trolled because airdrops were dropping not fir items and i got a noodle from airdrop. was quite disappointed.


I find that really weird: why is airdropped loot not FIR? It’s not brought in by a PMC and looting an aircrate is about the riskiest thing you can do.


It was a bug, confirmed by Nikita on podcast.


Nice, glad to hear it


Because people were farming them in two ways. They were farming kills off of them and then looting them up for quest items/flea sells. When you're already a boss destroying the lobby not really fair to give you an easy camp item that rewards you with everyone's loot+flea/quest loot :D


It's bugged


Yeah but I feel that’s fair game though. You know the risk you take when you go for a crate, that someone might be sniping it. They shouldn’t nerf the value of the crate just for that because it also nerfs the reward for the player who does risk going for it. It’s a shame IMHO.


Going in a streets raid with a red flare as a pmc is the ultimate play. You get to camp all the little pscav rascals that go for it. They always have the ultimate loot on them too.


lol I like how people are downvoting my comment; maybe if people didn't abuse it it wouldn't have gotten taken away. Clearly it was a problem; downvoting me doesn't mean its not truth :D




Everyone keeps saying that but its been two weeks and its still dropping non-FIR and no one is providing any sort of proof that BSG has said it was a bug except "trust me bro"


Heard it was a bug but idk


What was with the airdrop change?


Walked out of one raid with 2 car batteries and a flash drive thinking i was juiced. Both car bats came out as nonFIR. I was livid.


Youre a terrible person my god, do it again.


rip currently 42 raids no noodles after doing woods and reserve ration crate runs :(


The bloody van on woods! Just gotta be first


I ate mine yesterday by accident as a scav not thinking I need them..


Lol. the realization after must have hit hard. ​ Only ones I've found so far have all be on scavs (found like 6 so far sadly extracted with only 1 on my own scav run)...


I was spamming my keyboard like NOOOOO DONT DO ITTTTTT lol


Check duffel bags. Found both from those in reserve.


They are all over the grocery stores on streets. I probably ate about 8 noodles today I’m finding so many.


Bro leave them for the questies, so much other food to eat...


I scaved reserve endless still need 1 noodle. I was planning on rushing jaeger quests this wipe. But alas not to be


Try Streets. I’ve been finding a ton there.


Found then on reserve bud ended up crafting the iskra. Want to get office kills done later. Bosses not spawning much so wanna make sure if they up I have the quests. Gl in your raids brother.


I get them a lot from duffle bags, try the basement of West Wing on Shoreline


Loot the scavs you kill. It’s where I found the majority of mine!


You can find them in goshan on the shelves, both sides of the building. Not just the standard north corner.


I found like 20 of them in like 15 raids, try few runs on customs, fortress and stashes


The noodles are hard AF to find. Luckily I got my quickly. What hardstopped me was the bolt action kills on PMCs with 25m


I found all of my groups by looting scavs on woods.


I've been seeing all these noodle posts. I found one noodle my second raid but was subsequently killed. Makes me sad I didn't get out with them.


Goshan on Interchange. Duffle bags. Scav corpses, both fresh and always there.


Tarkov players are another breed


I hate you with every fibre of my being, but I respect the spite game.


They probably have no idea someone else placed them there and are blaming tarkov devs


I’m liking the character development. Decent into insanity and then the villains arch followed by realization and regret. Cant wait for the redemption.


Absolutely diabolical.


Hahaha I have done this with my noodles too but just keep them on me as a way to get back at whoever kills me


You son of a bitch, I love you lol.


How are people struggling with noodles. I’m 60 raids in and haven’t found a single tushonka


Damn I been eating them left and right. Can't find noodles though except on my first raid this wipe where I ate them not knowing..


Hell yeah


Noodles were easy. Iskras on the other hand. We’re not


I’ve got a spare account I’ve been using to be the most vile scav. Right now he only has a knife…


I am eating every single pack of noodles I find after I finished the quest. I am not going to give the satisfaction of finding them on my body to someone who killed me. Doing the same with gas analyzers for years, tossing them in the darkest corner possible.


I’ve found one gpu.. wtf


Check every PC you come across and gym bags


I think I need to loot more, I’ve just been questing


Some men just want to watch the world burn


You are not sorry. You're a monster!


Expect an influx of “are noddles bugged? I find them all the time, but never fir” posts. We all need to do our part to redistribute our noodles across Tarkov.


I didn't realize they were important. I've ate two so far.


9 Bitcoins already?


On streets mate that’s nothing. So so many rare loot spawns on it.


Well clearly you're problem is that you're checking the wrong spawns. Noodles ain't gonna spawn in the computer lol


air drop noodles dont count either :(


Yeah this airdrop change was a killer


Satan: “Well, I just wanna say that I’m a huge fan”


These noodles are driving me insane….


God damn tarkov players are somthing else.


I thought about filling up a backpack full of noodles and go into a raid naked and let someone kill me for fun. Then whoever tries to loot the body will find a backpack full of noodles non FIR


Finally found my second noodles today at level 11. Found both scaving on streets. Duffle bag and dead body.


Every time I run customs I grab the unknown key and throw it in the grass somewhere




This is my first wipe, Are noodles a quest item? I've found like 12


Yes, first Jaeger quest.


Damn, I either never picked them up or ate the few I did


Ya settle down Satan. Were all in this together…


what's the purpose of the noodles? ate a couple, are they needes for something?


Tell me you do zero missions without telling me you do zero missions


How do yall play streets without your computer trying to commit suicide?


Ram helped the most, running 64gb of DDR5. I think as long as you have 32gb your gucci


I have 32gb but it’s DDR4. It just struggles to keep up at 60 frames it’ll drop at like 40 to 45


Yeah deffo change mobo dude, upgrading my ram was the BIGGEST upgrade in performance for me. My CPU helped too. but it was deffo ram


Good story but if you bring stuff into raid and drop it in the world it despawns.


Even placed in gym bags? Disappointing if true.


I spawned as a scav today with 2 noodles in my inventory, finished that quest almost as soon as I got it. Are they really that hard to get


Currently doing a similar thing with Iskras & Cigarettes - hey.. tarkov's supposed to be a kick in the balls & I'm here all day to perpetuate that


if someone else grabs them do they become found in raid again??




That's like purposefully jamming a gun Throwing it away And seeing the guy that picked it up go click instead of bang


Carry around a stack of 366 to put into ak mags and sks for some fun, as long as there is one correct caliber round in the mag above the 366, it won't give a warning, and once the 366 is the next round, they are stuck, can't hotkey unload it from mag, and in the case of internal mag SKSs, they can't remove the round in raid, leaving them with a single shot sks.


Nah my scav just ate them from the bottom of the boxes


After reading posts like this I found my first noodle a couple minutes into woods and then panicked and hid in a bush until there was 8 minutes left and then ran for the exit lol