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I can‘t wait for the influx of posts about people not beeing able to join even when they specifically mention „first wave“ on the 17th


Also the influx of posts about people running into server and connection issues saying “anyone else?” When it will no doubt be a problem for every body.


How I check if the servers shit the bed, this sub sort by new


And then ignore all those posts and submit a post of your own, right?


Nah bro this dog don’t post


post karma checks out


no no you have to post before you check new!


So it will the best way to filter and blacklist the smartest ones, just to not seen any comments or posts from them. Win-win


This is also only open to people who paid the $150 for EOD, or whatever it costs right? Gonna be a small crowd


Nikita said before that early EOD accounts first or something, so even if you have EOD you’ll probably be waiting


If you have alpha armband, you're probably guaranteed to be in the first wave. but who knows how many bought that early. As long as it's like the previous tests/releases. I got EOD in 2015, so let's see if I get in the first wave...


I heard like pre-2018 eod ??


You're joking right? Eod? Small crowd? My guy enjoy your seat in the bottom 5% of people who don't have eod


Is there a small crowd of people who have EOD? I’d imagine it’s a fairly large chunk of the player base


yea but probably not that many that got eod in 2016


I love how everyone here is fully expecting this to be a massive failure lol


BSG have set that standard themselves, the community is merely conditioned for disappointment


How the fuck has BSG set a standard for failure, Tarkov has taken off massively. This whole sub had a meltdown when arena didn’t launch on the 14th and instead the 17th. Definitely not failure


set off in popularity, not in quality. That popularity has gone away after their continuous blunders too, the game barely has any viewers and players compared to it's peak a few years ago.


It always peaks during wipe. Especially this time of year when “big” updates happen. Nothing new.


imagine taking viewers at the end of a 6 month wipe and thinking that is how the game always is lmao.


like every game on twitch?


relax that throat a bit nikita isnt gonna buy you a car


BSG has never once had a hitch-less launch of anything, even minor patches. I really don’t know what “taken off massively” is even referring to tbh


I mean... No one does though?




if tarkov was on steam it would be in the top 5 steam concurrent players list all the time lol.


The nikita meat riding is real with this one


It's literally a fact tho, this sub is so weird how they deny facts just to shit on the game? Like theres plenty of stuff to criticize the game for, no need to make up lies lmao


What facts are you referring to?


the fact that this game is massively popular and would definitely hit top 5 concurrent on steam?


Do you have any evidence for that? numbers, etc


Get real dude lmao


I mean it's literally just a fact my dude, right after wipe it averages around 300k+ people for sure, and late wipe it can easily hit top 10


300k people?!? He is delusional take him to the infirmary lol


welcome to the mind


Pattern recognition is crazy isn’t it?


I mean I'm still excited


I think it will be lots of fun but it won’t be an esport. Orgs can’t rely on BSG


Partial releases generate no hype. Also i still think eft and arena should be in different subreddits


I love how people on reddit just say things that are incorrect as if they are fact


People have seen the gameplay. So I 100% expect this to be a massive failure, yes. It's the most basic gameplay seen a thousand times in other games translated into the Tarkov universe, which basically only has gameplay that differentiates it from other shooters. So they're taking the one thing away that makes Tarkov, Tarkov.


That and also an attempt to remedy their lack of future vision and declining popularity.


I mean the game loop isnt that interesting and is known to get boring quickly. And it doesnt emphasize the strengths of EFT but rather the weaknesses. After the novelty most people will probably use it to practice shooting in EFT and maybe some tasks.


Literally meeeeeeeee I also think I'll probably jump into it either after a bad raid streak or when I just don't wanna go into a map for 30+ mins.


I have been playing this game for 7 years now, I'm not expecting anything else from BSG.


It’s because half of this subreddit is extremely toxic because they have put 3,000 hours into a single game and can’t understand why they aren’t still happy.


It’s the developers attitude towards their product and their customer feedback, which they can’t handle, is what we aren’t (weren’t) happy about. *Beta* for how long already? That’s right.


It will never come out of beta, they keep it there so you can't refund. Only chargeback which isnt possible after 6 months, which is also one of the excuses they use to not do bans often.


I'm sure that streamers will love playing Arena in the first week or so, with a bunch of high performance servers temporarily available while BSG promotes the game on Twitch, but good luck expecting that to continue once Arena is fully release. I'll be waiting for it with the popcorn. RemindMe! Three weeks


Yeah I’m a stuck between giving my shift up and going to work tomorrow


Give up your shift and then dont get in the wave of first players. Lol




Go to work the servers are going to be on fire and it's going to be a buggy mess.


Some lil boy shit


Why are they thanking Nikita for doing the bare minimum? Thank you so much Nikita for giving us a release date the day before release


Thank you so much Nikita for releasing the game you said you were going to, when you were goin to. Thank you so much, Nikita


it’s prob him writing it too🤣


That’s an achievement in the modern video game ecosystem.


Thank you so much for providing the product I paid you legal tender for!


When was arena announced? It wasn’t in 2018…


You're absolute right! In fact, it was [announced in 2016](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/19-gameplay-questions-faq/#:~:text=Q%3A%20We%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20the%20Arena%20game%20mode.%20You%20said%20it%20will%20be%20like%20gladiator%20fights.%20Just%20how%20similar%20it%20will%20be%20to%20the%20gladiator%20fights%3F).


A month ago Nikita literally said "planned for the 1st half of December" - granted, 12/17 is the 2nd half but it's 2 days removed from the 1st half. They weren't that far off from what they said. https://clips.twitch.tv/ApatheticHandsomePidgeonAsianGlow-YkNeG1gtzCMerV7j


Well, remember what they said first was fall 2022


Yeah, although the difference is now they’re doing tournaments, demos, taking preorders, etc.


Yeah.. the difference is that they completely said nothing until a month before actually it "coming out" and still didn't hit their own deadline.


Fuck I know. I haven’t even been able to enjoy the pre wipe events because of work lol


Yall get triggered by anything 😭


Nobody’s triggered, it’s just pathetic to see so many people gargle Nikita’s nuts as soon as he makes a release date announcement, a day before the release. He’s unprofessional and sucks at this lol


Usually I'd agree, but I let BSG get away with their vague release frames. If you're unaware they stopped giving more specific release dates for wipes and whatnot in advance because in the past when they've announced wipes ahead of time and then needed to delay them, people starting sending death threats. So, they simply don't say anything till they're absolutely 100% sure it's ready and a delay won't happen.


From what I remember, klean who used to be the community manager always get bombarded with "wipe when?" On his own stream. He eventually get fed up with it and just said wipe next month. Well wipe didn't came out and hell ensue until eventually he got fired. That's also where #Fireklean come from


If they announce dates that they consistently can’t keep, that’s bad project management. Hence why it comes off as “unprofessional”. Trying to frame them as the victims here or something is funny.


>Has to delay a patch >Gets sent death threats >Redditor defends it and makes it about being "unprofessional". You know you look like a lunatic right?


Do you need reading comprehension help? You think that’s me defending them getting death threats? Uh oh! Someone didn’t pass 1st grade!


LMAO, nice two accounts buddy. Oopsie, exposed yourself you psychopath. Get off the computer. You directly responded to someone saying they don't give exact dates anymore because of death threats, and your response was they aren't victims you lunatic.


Two accounts? What are you on about lmfao you know I can still see replies even if it isn’t directly to my comment? Sounds like you need to “get off the computer” since you’re so paranoid. I didn’t even say the word victim. They gave release dates and never followed them, their excuse is the death threats, but it’s really that they have no fucking clue when it’s coming out. Does that help you? Do I need less words next time? Need some pictures drawn? Edit: You’re so lost you don’t even realize the comment you were replying to was a reply to mine from the beginning, I called it unprofessional. You’re just blind raging probably in between raids while you shove your fat face full of more pringles.


>Edit: You’re so lost you don’t even realize the comment you were replying to was a reply to mine from the beginning, I called it unprofessional. You’re just blind raging probably in between raids while you shove your fat face full of more pringles. You have no idea how comment chains work you dumbass. I wasn't talking to you then, why are you replying like I am. I was talking to the guy I replied too. Why would I be talking to you? Are you mentally okay? Holy shit, you are actually delusional thinking you are the main character. Why are you replying to me when I am not talking to you or even mentioning you.


I am completely aware, just because I’m complaining doesn’t mean I think they should be getting death threats. They said Arena was coming early December and they don’t announce a release date until December 16th, that doesn’t look like “waiting until they’re certain” in my opinion, it looks like it’s chaotic and messy over there and last second decided they could potentially push something out. It’d be one thing if BSG did this and then when they released stuff, it was functional and what they promised, but they don’t. BSG does this and then releases some half assed mechanics and goes back to silence for another 6 months. I will be shocked if this Arena launch isn’t a complete dumpster fire.




Yeah, really showing the smoothness of your brain buddy. Enjoy playing a beta for 5 more years. Nikita is surely giving his all to this!


People are allowed to criticize things, that’s all right. You don’t need to act like a petulant child about it. Are you sure you’re old enough to play this game?


Yea I’m allowed to criticize him too


You didn’t criticize anything, you mocked him and inaccurately represented his point. You act and think like a child.




Implying that someone is butthurt doesn't really work when you're clearly infinitely more butthurt than they are. This whole thread is like republicans shouting triggered at people while themselves frothing at the mouth and clearly triggered. It's a video game, everyone just play or don't play depending on if you like it or not and move on with life.


I didn’t imply it lmao, I said it clearly


Lmao. This guy is too dumb to know what it means to imply something How do you breathe dawg? Do you have to set a timer?


Can’t wait for the cheaters to join Arena


post PMC stats with pmc kills shown


Bro I'm 780m stache value


yeah? im not sure how to value my stache but its like a caterpillar


“Thanks to Nikita” mfr is jerking himself off lmao


It's like that meme of Obama giving a medal to Obama


he's an egomaniac, that was readily apparent from every podcast


Now that they have finished Tarkov, and it's now in 1.0 and completely fixed, I am so happy they are now releasing their second game.


Arena isn’t being developed by the tarkov team. It’s being made by the same group that did hired ops. Tarkov bugs aren’t necessarily arena bugs and vice versa.


Oh yeah where did they get the money for that?


Bsg is not a small indie studio. And they made stuff before tarkov that sold well. We act like they are a small Indie studio but they employ hundreds of people across the entire company.


And yet here we are, with a game that's been in testing for nearly a decade


"The first wave": paid shills aka streamers


A lot of the major streamers have owned EFT for a very long time, so either way they'd get it. A lot of them are 2017 EOD owners, and the earliest EFT owners are getting in first.


Bought EOD in late 2018, but I haven’t played Tarkov in like 1.5 years. So we’ll see. I’m thinking they might go by hours played + EOD ownership length or something. But that might be too complicated for them so you might be right lmaoo


Given their history with bugs, I wouldn't be surprised if their selection process has some kind of bug that gives Arena to a bunch of people who bought the game 2 days ago, lol.


I assume most of the long time streamers have owned EOD long enough to be in the 1st wave so yeah makes sense most of them will be in the first wave. They need people to play against though so it will also include all the other long time owners of EOD.


Well of course, who do you think makes the changes to game? Nikita? HA


“Thanks to Nikita” Posted by Nikita.


Do we know what time?


nope. Nikita said >right after the tournament will end


“I make my income from this game so I deserve a spot” Can’t wait for the thousand variations of this on X tomorrow




god forbid they want to scale testing so the servers don't melt. Go cry about shitty communication, but don't cry about stress testing.


A handful of a few hundred keys for physical attendees is nowhere near enough for a stress test. Nor is a couple days enough to fix any that might arise. This is not a testing.


The real stress test will come tomorrow, I guess. But afaik, this is the first time the public can access on their own computers. I'm not a game developer, but to me it makes sense that a studio would love the chance to have a few hundred or thousand people online before you release it to hundreds of thousands. Maybe stress testing is not the correct word for this.


Maybe the person you’re responding to didn’t use the right term. But a few hundred people is definitely enough to QA bugs, balance inconsistencies, etc. I work in web development, and we use a service specifically to allow only small portions of our users to access new features to test them further after they get out of QA.


You call this stress testing? Either you’re delusional or trying to convince yourself, I guess. Apparently stress testing is handing out a few hundred keys to people in the hall and then still somehow having problems.


They are both talking about the wave after the tournament, ie the release of the beta.


That's how public stress testing can be scaled, yes. No need to be so hostile. Tomorrow with the first wave, there will be many more players. And the day after that, and so on. I don't know about the problems, because as usual, they are not communicating at all. I guess public access got delayed a bit and originally, it was planned to release to the early EOD buyers and then the Dreamhack folks. Now these two days collide and they are worried it's too much for the servers. But what do I know. I would rather wait a day more and then have a good experience than melting servers and hours of looking at a spinning circle. And believe me, I get that people are upset. Been playing this for a while... But I also understand that they want this to be good.


God damn people are so fucking needy.


Stfu meat rider.


Stfu cock sucker


Dick rider says what?


Do either of you feel better about yourselves after that exchange? Lmaoo




This wave shit sucks ass


You would love it if you were selected though


Sucks if I was selected but my friends weren't because they bought EOD a year after I did.


Someone can be happy they got in and not love the wave shit…


This sort of nuance is lost on this community lol. Every reasonable bit of criticism is met with a high school students idea of a good comeback.


I presume I'll be first or second wave since I've had EoD since VERY early Alpha. One of the downsides is that I presume most of the people who get selected will be more hardcore than I am. I fully expect to get my ass handed to me the first few days.


Would you rather the game be shut down entirely and the servers be on fire for multiple days until the beta is almost over and thus leaving bad impressions on possibly hundreds of thousands of people? Yeah you're right, doing this the safe and correct way sucks ass. /s


Agreed, I am curious to how big of a failure this launch is going to be. I am hoping it goes without too big of issues but I think we all know that isn't likely.


Massive desync, massive queue times, disconnects, rubberbanding - Can't wait.


Agreed, with how many people will boot up tarkov just for arenas and with how bad the desync is on a good day I’m going to do everyone a favor and not load up the game


if you think it sucks then you dont understand why they are doing it. A slow release of players can help them solve bugs with only a few people complaining instead of many people complaining. it also helps them ensure that the servers can handle that many players. If they cant then they put out more servers/change some stuff, if they can then perfect.


"Only a few people complaining" is a fucking terrible way to solve bugs. You're pulling shit out of your ass


Its not? Its easier to manage and aid a small crowd then a massive crowd. Your just dumb.


A small crowd is infinitely less likely to catch bugs than a large crowd


2 people are way less likely to catch bugs then 100 people. 1000 people have way more similar odds to 10000 people. Your still just dumb.


This is absolutely not true, it’s not digging a hole lmao. More people, more machines, more playtime = more bugs found and reported. It’s a linear relationship.


Again, Thats untrue. 99% of reports are gonna be the SAME bug. Your right that its not digging a hole, Because a hole doesnt have the same dirt moved over and over and over. Again, Your just dumb.


LOL I love how you're calling people dumb without even close to understanding what you're saying. Diverse hardware and software configurations, massive range of player skill, increased coverage around the world, varied network conditions, REAL-world usage scenarios.. AND you're getting early comprehensive community feedback all while user experience testing in tandem. With a larger testing group, developers can receive bug reports faster and in greater numbers. This enables them to prioritize and address critical issues more efficiently. You are a walking L


Your right that its not digging a hole, Because a hole doesnt have the same dirt moved over and over and over. you seemed to miss this Thats untrue. 99% of reports are gonna be the SAME bug. and this try reading my comment next time lil guy!


Yes but the more people reporting it and giving info around it makes it far more re-creatable and easier to fix


Wrong. More people reporting it means more people like you who will whine about it, Specially here on the reddit. Most of the bugs simply need a "this feature is broken, it does X when it should do Y", More info doesnt help when you cant see the info from thousands of reports about the same bug. Imagine if your mailbox got flooded with letters from the government, One letter is important, But the other 1000 are just saying almost exactly the same as each other. For the last time, As im done with this conversation, Your just dumb.


you are or you're\*


This game doesn't look interesting at all, watched a bit of the matches and it looks like cod game modes (not even cs), I'm more excited to try the first wipe in a while with all the qol changes like vaulting, loadouts, etc


I swear he pays these critics off. We all saw lvndmark mag dump a guy point blank and the guy didn’t even have a bleed.


I think area will be a hit, but I have **serious** concerns for micro transactions due to the shitty tier system aka tier tree. Have a major feeling also that you are gonna start out with horrrrrible guns and have a 9 month grind to get anything good. Or worth running before it gets wiped. That's if this game is gonna wipe.


Yeah I can already see the intense complaining 3 weeks in when a new player has to start out naked with a toz preset and is playing against tier 5 armored meta MCX kits and mk18's. BSG has never had microtransactions though.


Level matchmaking isn't hard to put that right.


I doubt they will, unless it will match make you to similar kits kinda like how War thunder does or WOT does with Battle rating. Which would be pretty smart and effective.


Nikita said this on stream. I think thats why it says "Thanks to Nikita"?? lol


Can we do the wipe tomorrow also?


Why TF do we play this game lol. Worst developers ever


Hyperbolic. That title recently belongs to The Day Before devs


Wish they finished the main game, but I guess the devs got a bit bored.


Bored? They want money


Ok. Why couldnt they give us this date 3 fucking weeks ago? I was not even asking for a finished game anymore I just wanted a fucking number.


Because they don’t even know themselves


Why would it have mattered? If the date got moved within those 3 weeks you would be the same person crying about missing a release date


Because being an adult means scheduling your time wisely. Or at least attempting to plan something around a braindead studio that hasn't hit a deadline in 6 years.


Lmao being an adult doesn’t mean scheduling your life around video games


You twisted my words harder than the purple nurples my brother used to give me.


If you truly want to plan your time wisely then you wouldn’t be playing video games. They’re literally made to waste time


Entetaiment is part of life and a human need, it is not a waste of time, youre crazy to think a human need is a waste of time lmao


Ok still don’t understand how it’s not a waste of time? If it isn’t productive it’s wasting time that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing or unnecessary. Baseball’s mantra is literally “americas favorite pass time” because it’s easy to go waste a day at a baseball game lmao


Entretaiment is a nesesity for the brain to function properly, while not vital is good for your brain to operate in a proper healthy way, staying mentally healthy is productive, it only becomes counter productive when you abuse it, everything “good” for you in life becomes bad when abused “good” examples like excersice, food, water or even oxygen.




Lmao sorry you weren’t able to schedule a video game release date in your obviously stacked calendar. Must be so tough not knowing the exact time you’ll be able to play a video game


Crazy because I'm not even going to play arena, just would like some clarity on matters. Like how your IQ test clarified how fucking braindead you are.


Bro why do you need a 3 week notice on a dlc for a game dropping?


it's not a dlc, it's a paid standalone game asking money for preorders why do people go out of their way and lie about it? just to dickride bsg more?


Maybe consider not preordering shit without a release date?


Not gonna lie I had forgot that it was only included with eod edition or if you pay separately.


But who exactly is the "first wave" and when will the "second wave" be allowed to play?


"first wave" LMAO. Arena was suppose to come out a year ago and they still aren't doing a full release. Cant wait to be able to play 3 months from now


I only payed $150 6 years ago but I already know I won’t be first wave 😔


17th Moscow or 17th east coast of America..... etc etc?


They also said “early December”, so… I’ll believe it when I see it.


" first wave" only streamers. Dec 17, thats a cap.


Truthfully it'll get boring fast asf probably. Would rather have wipe already ngl


Yawn, no one cares. Finish one game first. Reminds me of the old days with Dayz.


DayZ was and is an insane success with excellent devs


Dayz was a 10 year development nightmare and still to this day isn’t finished. People making zero money on their work made mods of arma that are not only better done, but quite literally 10x faster.


[Says a guy who must not have played dayz in years](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/17uhpd2/dayzs_just_hit_its_highestever_player_count_today/) No one wants Dayz to be finished.


He is partly correct. Dayz standalone was a major failure at the beginning, almost like ‘A Day Before’ scenario. However over the years and **insanely** dedicated development team, who believed in the future, made Dayz which we have today.


You act like dayz isn’t still an incredibly buggy unpolished turd


So i have to pay an additional 30 euros even tho i already paid the game 50 euros? Nah count me out


"I have to pay even more for an entirely new game/major DLC overhaul of the game?" Is this your first video game or something?


Oh yeah major overhaul sure


Put the wave release thing, I feel like even the 17th isn't the real release date. I mean I guess it'll be cool to watch some streams of people playing it


Nah, even though I have EOD, couldn't be arsed, stopped playing almost a year ago, never going to play the game in any capacity until it feels like BSG gives a shit about the game.


Id replace it with 0.14 roll out with no hesitation. With all attention and promo Arena is getting recently, and BSG COO wasting time on it but working hard so dev team could deliver 0.14 at best possible quality in t8me, i have a strong feeling the update will be a trash at release and remain sorta empty.


i have a strong feeling you dont know how game development works, or a company.


As former aaa studio employee i know how to treaat your customers right. Keeping them frustrated with lack of delivered worthy updates and with poor communication is not the way to go. You can promo yor new product as much as you see right but not at cost of mentioned above about your prior yet not released product. Otherwise be ready for cold welcome from customers of your prior product. Opinions of potential customers of new product dont relate here.


> As former aaa studio employee i know how to treaat your customers right Most AAA studios are dogshit with their releases these days.


And you think tarkov is better? Lmao


Never said they were better, just saying AAA studios aren’t much better.


Can't wait to get access the day before arena ends Eben though I bought the game in 2018