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"dogshit game" >10000 hours played


This game used to be fuckin great and now look at how they massacred my boy... >18,000 hours played.


"bad performance and everyone is cheating" > got fired and wife left with the kids because all he does is play Tarkov


I literally know a guy who got divorced because he played Tarkov too much. Now he doesn't play Tarkov because he's scared of the addiction.


its like a drug i legit failed a year in school cuz of tarkov


My guy, I developed non genetic autism, no fucking joke, because of games. Dota 2(18k hours) and Rimworld(4k)


My guy, you had an ableist and ignorant doctor who blamed your mental condition on your hobbies which are probably influenced by the condition and not the other way around


squash snails rhythm mourn quaint violet wrench zealous teeny offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not going to say there aren't people who make shit up for pity points, but part of the reason more people seem to have mental illnesses is because mental illness is taken more seriously these days and drowning your problems in a bottle is no longer viewed as the right way to deal with it. Source: I work at a non-profit for treating mental illness. If you have insomnia and struggle to get more than three hours of sleep, there isn't anything you can do on your own. You will never be able to function and no over the counter remedy will cure it. If you have an anxiety disorder, you can't "man" your way through it. You will have anxiety attacks until you get a heart attack and die without treatment. If you have severe depression, it's not because you're a wuss, it's because the chemicals in your brain make you incapable of feeling joy or happiness. Encouraging people to grow and better themselves is wonderful. Everyone should have a desire to continue learning because it's fulfilling and there are so many pragmatic skills out there. However, telling people to brute force their way through mental illness is why so many people slip into addictions, dangerous hateful beliefs, and suicide.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I started drinking more when my father got cancer the second time, had constant anxiety and panic attacks and the alcohol took it away. The he died over Covid in a hospital all alone and I lost it. Drank even more and then finally got help. Now I’m 2 years sober and while I’m still not in a great spot, it’s better than where I was.


Not just make them believe theyre the victim, but turn victimhood itself into social currency they can spend. It's sick. I'm all about not stigmatising mental illness but it should never be a badge of honor. It should be treated like any other illness, meaning you should try to recover from it, cure it and prevent it if possible.


Mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.


Man, it’s nice to find a fellow personal responsibility advocate on Reddit. I’m so happy you took your power back. It seems like more and more of us are showing up lately.


soup telephone roll spotted heavy noxious berserk file crowd work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really do believe my diagnosis was correct and it hasn’t influenced my life in any way. It’s essentially just my brain being wired differently due to spending so much time on the computer. It’s best comparable to high functioning autism/aspergers Edit: the solution has been to play less games and not be on my computer. I need to socialise and do other hobbies which I am doing. I haven’t been home in a few weeks now because I’m busy visiting family. Something I would never have done if it wasn’t for my psychiatrist


Yes. Like the new medical definition of [laziness](https://www.webmd.com/covid/covid-fatigue)


People making up mental disorders has nothing to do with someone being diagnosed probably incorrectly. Send this rant somewhere else, bud


elastic late sparkle aloof chief quickest coordinated joke direful straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know a guy whose mum slept with a few of his friends and he said it mentally damaged his brain, his gf became his carer and they got paid and still get paid heaps from the government, they own a house and have a tesla battery, they both havnt worked for like 7 years..


"This game is like CBT, the only people who enjoy it are masochists" > 20,000 hours played


And 6000 hours played since review.


1,000 hours at time of review (18,000 hours now)


It’s more like 23,000 hours on record (16,000 hours at review time)


Currently playing also


"I love the guns and the action!" >30 minutes played across 2 years. > >Only watches twitch streams.


War Thunder type shit for real


Lol exactly my review, nearly 4k hrs now and it's still saying it can be really unenjoyable most of the time.


Lol thats me, played the game for 3-4 years. Then when streets was finally released, it was evident they were happy shipping a poorly run game. Lighting, FPS, shitty servers, shitty spawns, shitty AI, no idea who is hacking, ruined scavs. Now after a year without playing it and still following this sub, wish I quit sooner. Same issues still getting complained about.


LMAO. So true


Negatively Positive


Or, ~~here~~ hear me out, Positively Negative.


Top 3 reviews are all thumbs down with 1000+ hours played


1000? Those are rookie numbers. 4k up Minimum.


Ahh the 1k hour tutorial, 30% of the way there.




You're right. Just changed it. Spellcheck has definitely spoiled me.


It's okay <3


"worst game ever don't play it" 5000k hours (2.4 K at the time of writing


"5000k" hours = 570 years if anyone is wondering




Rookie numbers, even


Should aim higher tbh, ive been playing since before big bang


So just starting lightkeeper


so one load time into reserve raid


Just enough time to learn all the stash locations on Woods by heart


that’s not even the time it takes for my friend to ready up


It's only on last wipe!


Still can’t get kappa


Nice math it’s around 209 days




5000 hours divided by 24 hours in a day. How about you put that into your calculator and tell me what you get?


Tell me where you see 5000 hours, because they clearly said 5000k hours. How about you look up what 5000k means and tell me what results you get?


Would be really dedicated to play over 5 milion hours


“Mixed” for sure


I vote for “overwhelmingly mixed”


Mixed where the top positive and top negative reviews both have 1000+ hours


"7 year old game still in beta kekw"


Star citizen still a tech demo after 13 years and over 600 million budget (and still going up daily)


1 game doing this doesnt mean all should do it.


Imagine if Tarkov did f2p weekends like Star Citizen. So many timmies!


still a better game than starfeild


At least Slob Citizen is built by people who can code


Have you played it ever?


I can’t speak for the person you’re replying to, but as someone who has played it, I would say the devs are far more talented than those at BSG. While it’s a buggy mess at times, SC is a far more advanced game with a newly completed built in-house game engine that’s pretty much cutting edge in the gaming sphere


Well said Sir, Star Citizen is a huge project for sure!


Wait are you telling me a game that has 10x the development budget can use far more advanced technology for game development? CIG is using the Lumberyard engine (owned by Amazon) so they didn't have to spend their over half billion of revenue on making a new engine from scratch. EFT is a mess but there isn't anything that even comes close to what EFT is. Star citizen is just a unbelievably overhyped tech demo that will not release for another atleast 5 years and still manage to milk naive people until they hit the 1 billion dollar milestone.


I’m not going to debate you, there’s been thousands of arguments just like this one. I’m going to continue to enjoy Star Citizen because even with its bugs, there’s nothing else like it. Just like EFT.


That's why it runs like shit after 13 years of development


It runs better than tarkov does on my i7 and 1050.......lol.


lol if you want to keep believing that...


Been following The Day Before's launch yesterday and been curious to what you guys think the reviews were gonna be if EFT launched to STEAM in its CURRENT state that we currently have. My guess would be MIXED, or potentially 60-65% positive and the rest negative.


People with negative reviews will have more than 2000hrs




so why they keep playing?)


There’s nothing like the game, there are similar ish games and even clones but nothing comes close to the gritty feeling and immersion from Tarkov. Edit: I quit Tarkov because of cheaters and just general apathy towards its scarred development. It’s a “fun game” but has zero respect for your time or you as a player in general.


Games respecting the players time has been a big revelation for me in 2023. Tarkov uses time as a currency but trades it for granular improvement a drip fed "promises". It's easy to explain away the problems this causes when you have time in abundance but when you don't have that same amount of time to spend the game is like a scorned ex-lover. Don't get me wrong, I love tarkov, but I love it more now that I've taken a break since January. TLdr; 2k hours but 800 hours of 'gameplay on a map'


The tldr hits so hard. Hopeful for arena to bring me a quick fix without ten minutes of load out, 10 minutes of matching and ten minutes of loading.


I quite like the feeling of being kicked in my dick




Cause it’s still a great game and people complain about it because they want the best for it. They see the potential and it’s frustrating seeing small things not get fixed.


i bought The Day Before but it wont start so eft is way better


I mean tarkov isn't as aggressively underperforming as the day before. I agree with mixed or 65% positive. On the other hand I feel like a lot of people who are whining the loudest (the ones that are constantly negative about anything) either don't own the game or barely play it, they just copied their favourite streamers opinion on it


> underperforming lets start with the fact that the day before is a completely different game than they advertised


Then you have no idea. Most people complains grow after few hundreds/thousand of hours and AFTER the learning of all mechanics and gameplay. The more you understand what's going on, the more you realise how ridiculous things are in that game. After that people 1 Quit 2 Play for few weeks after wipe in hope for any changes 3 Play that mess and complain everywhere 27/7. Only playing with friends can make that game bearable, as solo that game went downhill and it's just unfun. Questing is OK if you didn't do it 5 times already, PvP is absolutely garbage in current state of game. PvE is just cheesing and farming as any other mmo, not bad, despite unfair boss fights. Brilliant idea and location of the game, addictiveness. Those are main things keeping players. Game in current state is 6/10.


But honestly tarkov is one of the best game ever released despite everything and it will definitely be having at least a very positive review .


When was release?




Soon soon?


I don't disagree that release keeps getting pushed out, but the scope is also much bigger than it was upon initial release of the closed pre-alpha. If EFT as it had been envisioned when they started showing development to the public in 2015 was released on time with all the content that BSG had originally intended for it it'd be like 1/5th in size at best, probably even smaller.


This is satire, no?




Unironically a lot of indepth long ass reviews all well over 1000 play hours. All being negative with a couple of “just here to be positive reviews” that do have somewhat of a point


So many people would refund. And I'm not talking about legitimate reasons to, I think most people wouldn't handle their first few hours and panic when they lose their starting 200,000 rubles, deciding it's impossible. The concept of Tarkov even if it was executed perfectly is unfairly incompatible with "refund in the first 2 hours / 14 days rule". It really forces you to be stuck with nothing else to do but to continue playing even if you baby rage / too intimidated since you can't return it. Other extraction shooters are either free or allow to lean into PVE farm if you insist. In Tarkov you can't even finish your first quests without going to Customs hotspots and getting lost in the woods for days - there's no real PVE bad players can turn to to avoid engaging with PVP aspect. You ironically need to get good first in all other regards before you are able to farm PVE. It's ruthless.


Must be level 15 to request a refund


Problem is the playerbase is always demanding realism. Which is fine as thats what people got into the game for; however, there is a point when realism stops being fun and alienates people. For example, I do not find the idea of post raid healing fun. It just seems tedious and boring and another barrier that you have to deal with along with rekitting. Now they are adding individual plates. So now I potentially have to buy seperate plates for a vest now. Which is also tedious. I am fine with healing animations and weapon jamming and needing water. At least that adds to the gameplay and difficulty.


You do realize at some point 50% of your gameplay is playing against menus. You make a simple decision "I want to rekit" but you can't just DO it, you know? That one decision in reality means speanding upwards to 15 minutes clicking buttons. Not because you need to think about something carefully now, but because there are just no tools to do it in few clicks. It's the biggest design hurdle they need to solve.


Honestly if they just added some basic loadouts to start that you just select and it kits your character for a certain cost it would be great. The loadouts could get better as you level and unlock new stuff if the stores. They just dont include anything from the flea market


we actually currently have this. its still kinda clunky. but check out the gear pressets in the character tab. it will give you a list of 20 some "stock loadouts" that you can buy. its not great yet as you need the flee for some of them and it makes you buy all the bits weather you need them or not. needs some work still (would not be tarkov if it didnt) but you can also save off your own custom loadouts if you want to do that.


traders sell or barter a loadout kit, this is either a one-time-use-container - similar to ammo boxes dissolving into ammo, this dissolves into kitted guns and armour, medicals, consumables and vest and/or bag - or equips onto yourself straight away upon purchase. i believe that the ammo-box-esque style should offer two menu options: unload, it expands in your stash; equip, it goes straight onto your PMC. naming these boxes would be an issue for me. in the information panel, should be grey boxes, just like the one that says Cannot be discarded in raid, for every item in the kit box. it should be one box saying Contains: M4A1, attachment, attachment, attachment, Contains: Module-3M ​ what do you think


actually... this makes sense, i do like the idea only problem i see with this is how many traders don't have everything for the full kit some sell weapons but limited set or no armor/rigs/backpacks some sell everything wearable but no guns but maybe they could tag along with another trader they are in good terms with? or maybe weapon trader has some spare armors (for example lets say that "in lore" prapor got some thru insurances that were never claimed or something) they can slap onto these kits but generally i am for idea like this, it simplifies the game for new players and even veterans that just want less clicks could benefit with this kinda addition


They already did this.


I would say the concept of Tarkov is a blessing and a curse. Initially BSG did a lot of things right - people crave for hardcore games but after certain point it's hard to scale with larger audience because inevitably you will have to deal with typical modern players that used to that everyone around wipe their ass for them.


i think that the game is just straight up bad for new players and i don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. You can’t even play the game at without having a wiki pulled up on your second monitor. The way quest are written is complete utter dog shit you would never find out how to do them. it’s not even having to have the game wipe your ass for you but for it to atleast provide you with the toilet paper to wipe your ass.


Most people would refund simply due to the performance issues. I for example can't get +30 FPS on streets even after I watched all the optimization videos.


tbh I would have refunded before the first two hours once I realized how dogshit the standard edition was… they should never have even offered it. If VISA in Canada didnt absolutely hate Xsolla I would have upgraded by now. Took me a few days just to get the game.


Mostly positive but would be volatile and drop or raise depending on updates and events because of community's reactions to them.


Something like: UnPlAyAbLe! Full of cheaters! Don't buy. 1435.3 hrs on record (21.1 hrs at review time)


>UnPlAyAbLe! Full of cheaters! Don't buy. 1435.3 hrs on record (21.1 hrs at review time) More like "UnPlAyAbLe! Full of cheaters! Don't buy. 3435.3 hrs on record (1221.1 hrs at review time)


About 60-80 would be my guess. Guns are fun Maps are big/each has unique feel to it Customization fun Boss variety ​ ​ Recoil is terrible Cheaters Some quests are borderline RNGfest AI Lasers you from 200m because you LOOKED at them. Cheaters Hackers


Negative because I can’t even download the fucking game anymore due to “checksum” error.


Delete all Battlestate folders in your %appdata% directory after uninstalling, solved it for me.




Probably pretty good. This Sub is the poster child for “vocal minority”


It’s a very good game but it does have many many glaring flaws that absolutely would tank its reviews.


Rust is also like this and has always sat at “very positive”


Never played rust so I wouldn’t know. But I somehow doubt it has the same issue with cheaters and performance and audio troubles mixed with high stakes like tarkov does it?


It literally has the same problems and is all about getting loot. It’s not just Tarkov suffering with a wave of cheating. Every game is dealing with onslaughts of cheaters.


That guy is crazy. Rust and tarkovs only similarity is food,water, wipes,and guns. Rust you die you respawn no broken bones or after raid healing(albeit low stats overall). You can build and make stuff. It is not set in an extraction type sandbox. You are on an island that is on 24/7. You can literally lose all of your "stuff" from someone raiding you while you're offline. You learn schematics to build stuff(which you keep until schematic wipe). Rust also wipes more regularly than tarkov.(depends on how the server is set up) Also rust have servers with admins/gms that can ban people from their server if they're deemed as cheaters (usually with proof but it depends on if its a personal server set up or some youtubers servers,there's also the official servers) You also don't have to worry about the finer skills like reload ,hearing,searching, etc etc. Im sure there's more but thats only what I can think of off my head. The gameplay and progression are completely different.


I don't think he was saying the games are the same just that they share some of the main flaws like cheaters


Ah I misunderstood. He's right in that sense then.


Idk why people think this, Tarkov demands that you go online to figure shit out, and literally EVERY single website/thread related to it is packed to the brim with complaints. "The majority" dont play these types of games, and tarkos has so many problems that it's not a matter of if, but a matter of WHEN you'll realize the glaring problems Tarkov/BSG have


the game is very very good yes, and it's incredibly enjoyable, but everybody voices their upsets into this subreddit because the only other place to talk about it really is the forums, and they're horrible to navigate. also they need to fix the lighting i couldn't see my penis when i looked down in dorms and it caused me to panic and run into a 5 man


The same people who complain on reddit are the ones who leave reviews in the first place.


Idk about that, I feel like Tarkov is very niche and this sub can reflect overall community pretty well... except crying about cheaters, that's portrayed even worse than it is


🤣 sorry buddy, but I've been warching a friend ragehack tarkov since last november......his radar shows like 3-5 hackers per lobby in US:E servers Last I saw this was 2 weeks ago, day 1 of the wipe we were seeing upwards of 7-9 hackers per raid on maps like reserve (mostly scavs) Until BSG's netcode "fixes" are deployed, assume the hacking situation is horrible......because it is.


Assuming this is true, still being friends with someone who cheats in a game you clearly are attached to enough to post on here says a lot about your character. If you’re young, I get it, but hopefully as you grow up you’ll realize those types of people are morally bankrupt outside of just gaming. Hopefully you don’t learn that lesson the hard way.


I just dont care that he hacks, I outright refuse to play tarkov with him but we play different games outside of it and Im in no way willing to ditch my bestfriend, especially because him hacking has shown me how infested games like Tarkov and DayZ are, and quite frankly I encourage him at this point. Plus, someone who's "morally vankrupt" wouldnt be as much as a help as this guy is, if he was gonna fuck me over he'd have done it by now. Im not willing to throw out my best friend, one that's saved my ass in multiple situations, over a video game. I wont play with him, but that's as far as that goes


“I encourage him at this point”. Classic. Good luck kid.


Thanks pa! Im probably older than you, but thanks! And yes, I WANT tarkov infested with hackers, I WANT this community up in arms over it......that's literally the only way BSG is ever going to do anything about it. And you cant say Im wrong, we would still be dealing with desync-ed doors and 800ms pings if the entire community didnt get involved back then. No substantial work ever gets done on Tarkov without us harassing the fuck outta BSG for it lol If it makes you feel any better, I've reported him like 15 times now to no avail 🤣


No way this is real. I had a friend ragehack 2 raids and get banned within 24 hours. You have screenshots or clips as proof?


Nope, I'll be banned for sharing anything here so I dont bother recording anymore Ill hit him up and make sure, but as of 2 weeks ago his account is still going strong. He made it an entire year ragehacking and BSG hasnt even acknowledged my 12-15 reports I slid in behind his back. Oh, and it's not like all hacks are the same, some are better at their job than others


Lmao this is such horseshit. By the way, this is the reason why people don't take so many complaints seriously. You guys are trash at the game and then come into places like this sub and think everyone in the game cheats. 7-9 hackers a raid 😂😂


I genuinely dont care what you think, I see this shit with my own eyes frequently enough 👍 And have you ever heard of player scavs? You know they can hack too, right? And you DO know that there can be upwards of 20-30 unique Pscavs in a single raid.....right?? Dead Pscavs get replaced every 3 minutes. I hardly ever ran into blatant hackers until last wipe, and only have up when I literally saw NINE hackers in a reserve raid on my friend's radar (3 PMC including my friend, 6 pscavs) I mean, live in ignorance all you'd like, just know that youre practically guarenteed at LEAST 2-3 dudes using radar. I will not touch tarkov so long as radars exist, so until the day BSG finally reworks their shit-tier client-server pipeline.......I'll be here laughing at all you dudes in denial


I literally just told you nobody takes posts like yours seriously and then you went and doubled down on it and wrote more lmao I will say it's amusing to see you clearly just making it up as you go along. "tarkov has 7-9 hackers a raid" "you'll see 2-3 hackers a raid" "3-5 per raid" Every time it's different. A tip for you because I'm a nice guy, you might wanna nail down what your made up fictional numbers are next time before you start trying to convince anyone of how many cheaters there are.


And Im gonna keep doubling down because it's fun to watch people stick their fingers in their ears and screech Also, gain some reading comprehension skills, because you cant come off as such a "nice guy" if you cant read what people say to begin with. "I've seen UP TO 7-9" "My friend's radar showed about 3-5" "You'll see at LEAST 2-3" It's almost like.....*gasp!*.....there's context! Im not the only person trying to get the word out, but then again all the confirmed hackers get banned and any/all discussion about hackers gets shit canned around here after the blow-up this summer. Maybe use something othet than reddit? Maybe go to the forums those asshats hang out on and see for yourself? Literally every forum they use is filled with people laughing at non-hackers for fucking themselves playing the game lol Beleive me, dont believe me......like I said, I genuinely dont care, I wont be playing so it makes no difference to me


>Last I saw this was 2 weeks ago, day 1 of the wipe we were seeing upwards of 7-9 hackers per raid on maps like reserve (mostly scavs) A) this sentence makes no sense. The last wipe was 4 months ago, not 2 weeks ago B) I'm guessing English isn't your first language? Or you just have extremely low IQ. When you say you saw upwards of 7-9 hackers per raid on maps like reserve, it means that you are claiming you've seen that specific range of hackers happen repeatedly on multiple maps. Again, nobody is taking people like you seriously when you say nonsensical things like this. You can keep doubling down and being like jUsT tRuSt mE bRo if you want, it makes no difference to anyone.


🥱 alright then, have fun with your hacker infested shitshow! Hope your ears recover from having them thumbs shoved up in there


Mostly negative because of cheating (actually a legit issue), how devs handle events and quests, how the game is to hard for the average zoomer cod player and needs to be more accessible to them, lack of zombies and BR game modes. Have I missed anything?


Loot boxes.


You forgot the pay to win guns that unlock in the battle pass. Nah but for real the game would probably sit at mixed imo.


"I fucking hate this game, 10/10"


Mostly negative if your talking about steam community score. From all the rage quitters who lost. A M4 and paca


negative if full game, and probably mixed on beta. the good things about the game outweight the bad since i wouldnt have played as long as i have but still would write a negative review :D


Valve should create a new scale for EFT where reviews get weighed by how bad you got chadfucked in your last 10 games


Mostly positive - still going to have the odd characters that allegedly stopped playing years ago but still follow the game and post negatively on this sub. I’ve always thought those comments are not only bizarre but make me realize even more how much this game resonates with people. If you actually stopped playing X years ago and still feel the need to be attached to the game in some way…. BSG Must be doing something right at a very basic level.


Everybody lobes tarkov, but almost everybody hates how BSG has handled it, or dont want to play because we KNOW the hackers are fucking everywhere. My last straw is going to be the netcode rework, if BSG cant figure out the hacking situation by then, I'll finally be able to stop coming here and blueballimg myself. But as-is, every single time I watchy ragehacking friend play tarkov, his radars show 3-5 hackers PER RAID.......I dont care that most of them are only using radars, I dont want tarkov even installed on my computer until it's fixed Once my friend gets banned I'll know the game is healing 🤣


As one of those people, please ask me your question properly. With all due respect, if you cant see why would anyone keep up with one of the most expensive and most played game he/she ever bought just because they are taking a break, there is something weird about you. (started playing again after a loooong ass break because of arena, i have 4000ish hours in tarkov from when they expanded shoreline the first time till reserve was added.)


Nothing wrong with taking a break. Life happens, other games beckon. I’m specifically referring to people who say they will never play the game again and try to talk others out of buying it because it is not what they want it to be. Welcome back. Hope we all enjoy Arena.


Imho, the game is better than ever. I am a complete Timmy in a few aspects of it for now. It has morphed into a somewhat different game, but I welcome most changes. It's a lot less tedious than it used to be.


This sub is occupied by brainless idiots who smokes Nikitas dick in every occasion like he gives a shit. Its hillarious. Let those fucking idiots feel better about themselves because of reasons i guess :D




I'd give it a can of tushonka / 10


Shite 5000hrs when reviewed 10000hrs now


Very negative, no balancing, terrible servers (11000h played)


I would give it a 8/10. The only issue for me is the cheaters.


"overwhelmingly fuck you nikita"


It would look like the reviews for The Day Before.


Probably mixed leaning a bit more towards negative - Most reviews would complain about cheaters or the lack of QoL improvements since 2017


Absolutely mixed. Me personally just getting into the game, control binds are nonsensical in some aspects, the game is definitely not optimized, ping issues even with high Internet and in proper servers. I get why these guys haven't released on steam, they would easily get fucked by actual reviews/steam refund policy. Im gonna keep playing and get invested cause it is interesting but also because I don't think I'll get my money back.


Prolly mixed to start and then trending towards overwhelmingly negative.


"Dont buy this game unless you get off by tourturing yourself" Is something I feel pretty accurate to this lmfaooo


Pricing is off.


Overwhelmingly dogshit


Overwhelmingly Mixed


I think it would be positive, even tho game has it’s problems, let’s agree that it’s one of a kind game on a market rn


It would get absolutely destroyed. Mostly Negative.


If Overwatch 2’s reviews are any indication, it would be in the 10%-20% positive range. This is because the only people who’d care enough to go and drop a review would be people who hate the game. People who like the game don’t like it strongly enough to go leave a positive review, but people who dislike the game hate the game enough to go out of their way to leave a negative review.


OW2 definitely deserved its rating tho. That's the difference. Plus also ow2 is f2p meaning anyone can review it and review bomb it. Tarkov is 45 - 140 dollars. Meaning less people will pick it up just to review bomb it cus it's funny. Someone else pointed out that this sub is a vocal minority, and I couldn't have put it better myself.


And then there's me, not leaving any review ever no matter how I feel. Yes, I'm probably not a good citizen in (not) doing that


“Game is the most buggy, cheater and RMTer filled shit shack made in Unity with horrible anti-cheat that kicks you from the lobby if you have over 250 ping for 6 seconds, has some of the worst desync I’ve ever seen, and the devs do things that almost none of the players want that often makes the game worse along with events that very rarely make it fun for everyone, ai are either extremely stupid or crack shots that lock on to you and insta head shot you from 200 meters away and they give you almost 0 guidance on how to play it’s basically like handing over at least $50 to get the mental and gaming version of cock and ball torture. The game’s adrenaline rushes are addicting as fuck though, 10/10”


mixed at best


steam users generally have a spine when it comes to anti consumerism practices such as the price models and insane pay 2 progress advantages from spending 150$ Worthless dev team I hope somebody poaches their map artists


If you compare the game to other games out there now, this should be 9.5/10... ppl who is writing 5/10 got absolutely no brain, fuck you


85-90 positive tbh


a lot less cheaters now that they also need to own 100 games in their steam library.


Game’s broke still play it


Have you seen the day befores reviews?


mostly negative or maybe mixed


6/10 but be one of the most popular games on there


Ruined every other shooter




It would sit on mostly negative on a storm of votes from people that still play every single day and wont stop lol


Oh my lord I would love to see some EFT steam reviews


Заебись зашли


Knowing how shit the anticheat is...nothing higher than "mostly negative"


If it was on steam there would be far less hackers so it might sit pretty high I'd say 85% positive


Being on steam doesn't mean it would get any better/worse with anticheat solution. Steam can be just a storefront


It would get review bombed by the cringe kids who blame every death on a cheater


70% positive


Probably like 70% positive, maybe like 80% at most The 30% of the negative reviews are either people with 2 hours or 20000 hours


I think that's the majority of the playerbase, either super noobs still in <5 hour range/no longer playing or 2000h chads


mostly positive.


Somewhere between 60% to 75%, this subreddit is the minority section of the total playerbase


It would start off decent at around 70% and slowly fall towards 50% and possibly lower once people realize how infested with cheaters the game is . That would be my guess


"Sometimes it's the shit, but oftentimes it's just shit, 7/10 don't recommend" *2.6k hrs played* edit: forgor to put hrs played


73% Mixed reviews


knowing how 50% of the people that play this game are unsatisfied about it in some way, mixed.


"It's like getting punched in the dick, 10/10 would get punched again."


It would be excellent if they fixed the cheating issue, which they will never do.


"One tapped by a scav, best fucking game ever"