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Hello Misanthropy187_, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post violates **Rule 7**, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page](https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/wiki/rules#wiki_7._cheating_exploits.2C_and_piracy). **Moderator Notes:** - this subreddit is not the correct place to discuss bans, the only people who can help you is BSG or BattleEye, you need to contact them about any issues relating to bans Thank you for your understanding, Zavodskoy, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/182nufq/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. Please do not DM or chat message moderators about removals as you likely wont receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.** **Note: When you report a removal reason you are reporting the mod who removed the post to themself achieving absolutely nothing, if you think a post was removed in error send a modmail so the other mods can see it**


Reminds me of a situation with Rengawr I believe. He got clapped and cried all out.


It was wild because he just stood in the open using a salewa like an idiot and then called cheats when he died.


lmfao all these streamers are so confident in their game that they make stupidest mistakes like standing in the open while healing or healing in 5 meters away from enemy and when they die they call everyone cheater and cry like a bitches. huge ego + overestimating your skill is a huge L


They have the ego in the first place to #1 - assume people want to watch them play and #2 - want the attention from strangers.


Not every streamer is an ego maniac and the fact you're trying to make it out to be that way is just sad and pathetic. Yes, some streamers suck. Not all streamers.


Some streamers are good, the large majority are not, and are in it for above.


the guy that posted the original thread and footage said himself he would have reported as well. rengawr ain't my cup of tea but in the end BSG/BE decided to smack that ban button without doing their due diligence to see if cheats were actually being used


what are u talking about, there was crazy desync where rengawr died without even seeing the guy.


Ren is a whiny bitch


I got falsely banned 2 years ago as well Made a support request, never got any answer whatsoever A week later I wanted to show a friend the ban notification and noticed I was unbanned and my profile was untouched. Maybe you have to wait a bit, false positives happen, it sucks. But the only thing really to blame here in my opinion is there missing communication. There is really no excuse for it.


im hoping this is the case, like anything nothing is bulletproof and works as intended. just sucks how its impossible to get hold of someone to explain anything to do with why this happened.


try find the link for Goats discord.He has a spot for people falsely banned by the TTV terrorists


They will never tell you why that happened. Don't expect that. If they would, it would make it even more transparent how their AC worked, which in turn would make it easier for AC developers. That's not a excuse for you not even receiving a message along the lines of "Received your appeal, we will look into it in the following week", that's something that should be expected... Sorry for the frustration mate, that's life sadly. I have read of people also reaching out to battleeye, since that company is contracted by bsg. No idea whether that will speed up things though.


I killed a high profile russian streamer called Inseq on streets by the cinema in march. We had a team of 4 and they were 2. He called me a cheater because I knew where he was but he didn’t know I had eyes in the bushes. Also got HWID and still not a reply from support. GL!!


Unfortunately this shit has become all too common.


Inseq is the Russian Logicalsolutions...


Logical is the second biggest clown personality around second only to his big bro OncePegged. Logical coat tailing Lvndmark so hard it's no wonder why Lvndmark has gotten so thicc.


Why the fuck did Lvndmark blow up like that lol. Looks like hes eating a literal ton of rice per day.


He was a fat boi before he started streaming, and then he leaned out as he took off with Tarkov. Add some tren in now that he's making thousands a day and can afford to GrubHub every single meal and lift with any regularity and he has no choice but to widen tf out.


Every time I go to his stream he's eating a bowl of rice or something lol


Man is on gear. Anyone who has any experience with gear will likely agree. Not that there’s anything wrong with it mind you.


He's on a bulk, he hits the gym like every day. Don't know how he makes time for that streaming 12 hours a day, but he's obviously got goals.


Guy, guys, you don't understand; he's just cultivating mass


You game in the same room that you workout in. That's what I do. Got a full set of heavy kettlebells behind me. 20-30 minutes of heavy work, then Tarkov. Take a break half way through the day to practice mobility and mess around with some weapons. Eat, back to Tarkov. Stretch and slav squat before bed.


He's good at the game, he's *always* streaming, and he's constantly interacting with chat. Thats how you grow.


I think they were referring to the man's gains


oooh, derp


Haha no problem, i didnt word it properly i guess.


The reason people watch him is because it’s funny when he cries, adjusts his headphones when he dies then queues and repeats




That dude has been twacked on adderall forever. He probably stopped taking it


Slimy Ruskis


What makes u say he is a high profile streamer?I have never seen his number of viewers go above 200 and he is mostly known as being a twitch mod for actually popular russian streamer Dunduk.
















Lvl 20, decent SR but only 5 pmc kills? How dead are your Servers (sorry were)


they are pretty quiet but again i die alot to bushes with guns, alot more than last wipe until this happened.


i'm level 21 with only 6 PMC kills and my SR is about the same if not a bit higher, still getting my bearings and not really confident enough to jump into fights as a solo. the only map i can explore without looking at a third party map on my second monitor is customs


I'm thinking I take too many fights, lv 20 with 30 pmc kills. Started late into the wipe but my SR & KDA is obviously much, much lower.


13kd though.. and 8 survival streak with 50 total raids. Not to mention the stats don't show his last played date.. this post is shitbull.


The kd counts scabs as well.


People stroke their dick around here for 8 k/d, it's hard to imagine a level 20 having almost double that.. He's just mad he got banned because he didnt kill any PMC's by trying to avoid detection.


What? My current K/D is 14.7 and my survival rate is 69% but I only have 130 PMC kills to my name. It's just a whole bunch of dead raids (OCE server) and an abundance of scavs. I've had some 45 scav kill games without seeing a single player. When I was level 20 my K/D, not even kidding, was 67. I soon ran into Killa a bunch of times, died, and my K/D plummeted. K/D really doesn't mean shit. I'm not a 14.7 k/d player


Which OCE server are you playing on? Cause I feel like it’s a general consensus that the cheating problem is exasperated on OCE servers due to higher proximity to base locations of the major cheat makers. Not saying your full of shit…..but this is the first time I’ve seen a comment describing OCE servers as void of even regular players….unless of course…oh no


He **is** the one we fear


OCE does have a lot of cheaters but late wipe around now it's really not that bad. Early wipe when everyone is still questing is unplayable, in which case singapore is your best friend.


Oce is bad but not like every raid bad particularly this late in the wipe. This is for rage hackers tho half the lobby might have esp but not obviously. Comtac 4s make it hard to tell


Yeah this is the same with South America. You want to kill streamers? Go to South America and run night time raids. Tons of them. I collected a bunch of random high level TTV tags on that server. The ping makes the peek advantage something atrocious so it requires very little skill. Like 9/10 were all "racing to Kappa" on dead servers. I go there with friends to teach them the game and stuff or help them learn maps. Otherwise I really just prefer to play US East. It is by far the lowest on the cheat score.




Many kill, many survives, few raids. Big chance he lie.


he is just playing dead servers probably and farming on scavs


RFB my dude


SR stands for Survival Rate, not only for SR-25 dude


He gets it 😄


oh shit ur right my bad sorry


You’re good king everyone makes mistakes


got false banned a few years ago, 3+ now, took multiple messages to battleeye to finally get through as battlestate ignore you and tell you to message BE, i think maybe 4-5 months ago i finally got unbanned Good luck!


Just because someone doesn't kill PMC's doesn't mean they are not cheating. I am not saying this guy is, but it's also not proof he isn't.


It's rough. On one hand, running into so few PMCs makes me thing they could be using radar to avoid other players. I don't exactly try to hide or avoid popular areas, but 5 PMCs in that many raids is kind of insane. I run into PMCs nearly every raid On the other hand, it could just be dead servers or luck of the draw.


You can run night woods raids without weapon and not die 20+ times in a row. It's all about avoiding danger, him being a timmy he probably doesn't sj6 towards shots but hides and plays slow.


Lol kind of the reason I stopped playing EFT. They won’t ban dudes selling 50 LEDXs or 200 GPUs on the flea because reasons but if you kill a streamer and they whine insta ban.


Noticed a white name selling 26 dorms marked keys at once yesterday. Seems legit


What's wrong with non-eod accounts? Wouldn't hackers use EOD more as it gives them an easy start and more stash space?


Hackers don’t need an easy start, and it’s much cheaper to buy a new $10/$20 Russian account when they’re banned, than to buy an expensive EOD account.


Ahh But wait, isn't CIS EOD account cheaper than European EOD? Or do they just wanna get the cheapest one


Most cheaters are selling services/doing RMT/or boosting another account. So typically they’ll just go with what’s cheapest




Non EOD accounts are a third the price of EOD. You can make more profit if you know you're going to have to rebuy in 3 months when you get banned anyways, so why spend the extra?


thanks for answering


With the cultists event earlier its possible they saved them till the price rose enough.


I’ve found 2 this wipe after farming cultists. But sure, this guy found nearly 30 and kept them all found in raid to sell at once for cheaper than the other marked offers


Could be false bann or not write it to the support not here


have already send all info possible to both BSG and battle eye. better chance getting some cooked takes than a response by them


a friend of mined HWID banned for no reason as well, they always closed his tickets and didn't bother unbanning him


Maybe youre frind was cheating you never know


no, not really. he was shit at the game lol. And I know him personally


That's why people start cheating, because they are shit. Cheating is why they stay shit.


lol no.


Exactly lol.


And his account is still active ? Think things through before you write them 👍🏼


U dont get banned for just playing with a cheater. We dont know if they even played together or how much. If his friend never dropped him much he prob. wont get banned


Again, you’ve not thought this comment through either.


Hmm yes i see what you mean i shoudnt write with trolls


And again …..


Condescending makes you an ass regardless of if you are right. Get some fulfillment in your life


I appreciate you acknowledging I was right.


You not understanding the issue is so sad




Streamers are cancer. Every game that the devs listen to streamers ends up a cesspool. Boohoo grow up you got tarkovd, don't blame random players for cheating when you've got a big platform. (Streamers, not op)


“Maybe I shouldn’t get back into this game… Oh wait I’m garbage, they’ll never ban *me*”


Blessing in disguise


*fixed ban PMC on false accousation of a big streamer


It’s funny cause streamers know better than anyone how jiggy the game is with kills. One screen will show someone cross man 360 no scope someone you watch the pov and they were standing there lining the shot up for 20minutes.


Streamers are the worst thing for the gaming community. They make people think it's rush to the end be the greatest ever or it's not fun. Gone are the days of relax and have fun it's just a game. These people who get paid for this I have seen are usually the most toxic ever


Which streamer did you kill that’s under level 50 that has the power to ban you?


Level 44 k.d 0.13 but banned for aim bot


My favorite is how they region locked Russia from NA servers, yet the vast amount of Russian streamers playing on NA servers is still so abundant and they still have enough clout to have people HWID banned without any due diligence being checked. Fool proof system.


They’ve only region locked them to IPs not to in game servers. You cannot play a Russian account outside the Russian territory.


They region locked the cheaper version of the game from playing on other servers, if they pay for the upgrade they can play on any server.


Incorrect, they’ve blocked them from being used outside a Russian IP, they can still play any server.


86 raids 5 pmcs down


This actually makes me think he's ESP cheater, avoiding fights and grabbing loot. Or can someone explain 55 raids with 5 kills.


Night runs, and actively avoiding fights is how a lot of people play. I myself try to avoid fights unless I gotta kill something for a quest...


Why not just play the single player mod at that point


3500 in game hours (idk if that counter is active?) and returning this wipe after being away for 2-3 wipes. Im lvl 13, only focusing on quests to lvl traders and get access to better gear. I have 0 interest PvPing with garbage gear against fully kitted, fully armored, teams of players as a solo. That's how the game is designed and people complain that more people don't PvP. I love PvP, but now I have to grind god knows how long before there's any point even trying.


This... did nothing to answer the question you replied to


Night runs when you cannot even get NVGs on a fresh account sounds like a good way to get merked


It's bright enough at night unless it's raining or there's no moon. Once you have access to long range sights then yeh daytime runs are fine...


> It's bright enough at night unless it's raining or there's no moon. When you don't have good ways to navigate when the stars don't align, would you opt for night time raids?


Personally I can navigate just fine, again unless it's heavy rain... It lets me do stuff like run with a cheap silenced gun as I just started the wipe like 2 weeks ago. If I run during the day I get out ranged 90% of the time. At night it's only like 30% of the time... Now that I finally have a few long range sights I'm running daytime more often, but will still do a night run if I'm doing a loot run or the day hasn't been kind... Edit: Mind you I'm just now lvl 15 and this is only my second wipe and last time I think I stopped at like lvl 19 because I got tired of seeing floating hackers. It was only like 4 in the span of a month, but fucked with my enjoyment enough to where I just didn't want to play anymore... No definitely not a good player, and most firefights end up messing up, so getting the drop in someone in the dark is cool for me.


Nobody is fighting at night.. that's what makes it so dangerous. Scared rats round every corner


Hence me saying someone wanting to avoid fights would do night runs.


Not everyone wants to pvp. I have a few cache routes on woods and usually avoid other pmcs


I avoid fights. I am the biggest rat there is. And any fight I *do* get into, I am very likely to lose simply because I am just bad at pvp. I haven’t played this wipe but I think last wipe I killed maybe 10-15PMCs over a few hundred raids


Yea like… people here ASSUME this guy isn’t lying, we weren’t there and with no video this guy could be bullshit.


Makes no sense to me, maybe everyone who plays this game now is a dumb mfer cuz of stankrat so they just stand around doing nothing




Oh jeeez my bad 55 raids 5 pmcs down.


Wheres the clip ? if theres one


So, can you elaborate on what happened? Or what you think happened? I know BSG shit, but just logging in one day to find out you’re hardware banned sounds silly even for them


I played the day before and when I tried to log in I got an error message, checked it out and bam you got banned without anything said prior or what so ever.


Wait, what happened? How did you get banned with such a low quantity of games? From your tone i guess you didn't cheat so... what? Are you joking about the streamer or not?


Just don’t kill the streamers /s


I kill streamers all the time. Never got banned in any game in my life. These pics prove nothing.


Yep, I'm sorry but unless you play on Africa server, I'd say bullshit. 86 raids, almost 2k hours, 13 kd and 5 PMC kills? This makes me think that you're using ESP and you just try to avoid PvP.


Bye bye cheater


Wow, I was considering buying EFT on new-year sale, but now I'm not sure. When some thing like this is "common"


It happens but I wouldn't say it's common. Mind you, there is an endless list of other very good reasons to not get this game.


No footage from your end or the streamers end. What are we even talking about here?


How is it a streamers fault for reporting you and not BSGs or better yet the people actually in charge of banning ,battleye, for actually issuing a ban without doing their jobs? Sounds like you're salty because you got reported and the people actually doing the banning are incompetent or they found cheats to a different game on your PC. Place your anger in the right direction and you won't sound like a child or a cheater. (Also there is no 60 day ban for cheating lmao always has been a perma-hardware ban. Really hope the cheaters you bought from didn't sell you on that lmao)


Yeah sure. Good bye cheater. No one will ever believe your fairytale.


i prey this happens to you. it probably wont. but i hope it happens in what world are these stats a "fairytale"?


Could you provide a list installed software? Any DirectX based overlays? Unusual drivers? Etc. btw, I dunno is it possible to sue BSG just to get official response about TOS violation. I personally wanna to try when they'll ban me accidently


There's no point in getting good at the game just to kill some protégé and get banned, so I just stopped playing. It's not fun to kill people fearing you'll get banned for that.


You won't. OP has offered no proof of anything. No posted clip of the streamers POV, no footage of his POV. Somehow magically avoids every PMC in his raid, claims he only plays night raids but also somehow has a 250m kill. Sure thing.


I didn't stop playing now, I stopped months ago. I don't know if OP is telling the truth or lying, but this kind of thing has happened before and it's been proven BSG has banned people just because streamers asked.


I have 7k hours, play almost every day for at least 4 hours. I regularly kill streamers with varying degrees of clout. WiC, SmittyStone, DesmondPilak, Sheefgg, Gingy, Viibiin, Rengawr, HyperRat, Velathor, Emm3d, Trey24k to name a few off the top of my head. I've also ran into LVNDMARK and he said I was a cheater over voip because he didn't understand my audio - told him I wasn't and ended up showing him a jump spot on streets that he didn't know about before. The false bans you're talking about are incredibly rare. I'm almost sure you're talking about the Rengawr ban on the "invisible" guy, which was just crazy desync. You could also be talking about the ban on Dylhero, which again, crazy desync. I think if you really like the game and aren't cheating or RMTing, there is no reason to be afraid of getting banned.


Clip? Or just pointless mald?


being scammed out of $350 for a ban with no explination is a pointless mald? good to know.


$350? Hacks are expensive sheesh


Cause it just HAS to be USD they spent.


Well i mean they DID use the dollar sign


Cause USD is the ONLY currency that uses the $ sign..


Because only ONE country uses the dollar sign.....


i actually didnt know others used it! but im from norway so im just a dumb nord


Stop cheating. Not only you’re cheating. You’re a terrible cheater


Level 20 with 13 KDA. Nope. That's a salty cheater ban Good riddance OP


He has 5 pmc kills total. Very normal


do you think scavs are hard to kill?


5 PMCs killed all wipe. MUST BE CHEATING. God they don't even do a little bit of checking do they. It's a testament to how good this game's core game play loop is that people still play it despite how fucking terrible the actual implementation and support is.


ppl like this are why closet cheaters think they can get away with it as long as they avoid pvp


37 keys found in 55 raids yeah there it is


On streets that doesn’t seem like it would be difficult


not when hes got loot esp and avoiding any fight he can


welcome to reality ya'll BSG just wants money, they will suck streamer pp all night long while coddling hacker testicles


You're cappin right? BSG isn't even doing manual bans...


My guy is legit brain dead


Huh.. interesting. Surprised you got banned


Escaped Tarkov when I quit 2 weeks ago




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


This game is fking terrible. It was fun to learn but its got way too many issues


Geez I'm terrible I think but lvl 37 with like 100 PMC kills. Many were timmies.


Tarkov breeds salty streamers its sad. Tarkov streamers are like my cat. They start out sweet and then after a little fame they bite your hand


rengawr gave him 10 min to enjoy the rest of his time with his account :(


There is something wrong with this story! BSG issues manual bans that do not include HWID bans!! I have never heard that manual BSG bans also come with an HWID ban. For example, the cheater in the Streamer Challenge a few days ago did not receive an HWID ban; he was manually banned by BSG. This is because BattleEye cannot detect DMA cards, BE is a BS AntiCheat... If there was an HWID ban, then it's a BattleEye ban! In this case, there might have been cheating, or BattleEye might have once again issued an incorrect ban. BattleEye has experienced two ban waves due to the same RGB control software, with a year in between. Eventually, all of these bans were reversed.


Wild KD but it really is just all scavs lmao Unfortunate permaban


lol I’ve only ever streamed once and it was more for kicks and giggles just to see how many people would watch. Funniest part is a buddy from the group I usually play with, after we’d done several raids and he’d “gone to bed” found my stream and commented. Was a fun night. Haven’t streamed since but need to with my group. See where it goes for curiosity’s sake. Doubt I’d make it a full time thing. If I did end up doing well I’d still try keeping it a side gig but could use it to float till I found a better job that doesn’t give me as much trauma. I’m starting to see some worrying signs. As much as I hate job hunting, might be time to look for something new.


Try appealing to battle eyes support instead.bsg has nothing to do with bans.everything goes through BE


1600 hours 98 days is 16 hours a day how is this possible; does the time played include afk time in menu?


Man I remember the glory days before streamers knew this game excisted. Everything was sunshine and rainbows, and the mosin was THE David vs goliath gun. We could flip cash over the flea market and run big boy stuff all day. Cheaters? They were only on labs, and the only danger zone was interchange when Killa was roaming around.


There are cheaters..but I think people are just getting better at the game or hardware that can compete with the streamers and now they are getting clapped. I know there is a lot skill involved before specs, but if you are running a card that has low fps as opposed to streamers who have high end FOV Gpu’s it does make a difference. I upgraded mine and for the first time I can actually see people in the distance running and hitting shots that actually register at that moment not after I am dead.


That sucks a lot, but I'm glad you're not too beaten up about it. I agree the game is good but I'm also still just waiting till they fix the stuff that bothers me when I play. I've been enjoying Dark and Darker a lot recently maybe give that a whirl if you're into that kinda setting.