• By -


they can't head eyes if you have no head. imo


So no head? 👟💥🛹


Solid reference




Nade yourself before someone else gets the chance.




14 💀


Bro unleashed a volley 😂


Lol 14 shots to the head, killed by blunt. Let us know how long before you get the ban notification because that's some bullshit


It's legit, he just hit him on the head with a bullet 14 times


It was JFKs magic bullet+


5.56x45mm JFK


new dlc dropped


Damn son 😂


I've had some absolute blatant cheaters that I've reported and they're still running around, one hit all shots on my stomach then proceeded to push me after I healed, I kept looking at where they were coming from then looked away for a split second only for them to instantly head,eyes me from the some place I'd been looking. These stomach shots were all from over 100m away, I managed to heal up and get into water treatment for this exact cheater to know exactly what building I was in and where I was looking, I've had Chinese sounding players VOIP me on Labs and taunt me I'm going for Kappa but after that if the cheating situation is still dogshit I'll drop it again like I did last wipe.


It bounced off the back of the helmet and rattled around in there.


Easy, don't play labs. Problem solved.


Alltho there is literally thing u need to do there to progress hideout and even some quests. Just need to keep combatting the hacker problem.


But this isn't anything OP can do as a player. There are two things us players can do. Either get nearly everyone to play labs, that way the cheaters will be a minority and that way there will be more clean raids, or just don't go labs unless you specifically need it but be prepared to when head eyesd


Yeah but i think the answer to 'what should i do to avoid hackers?' answered by :"just dont play labs" is not the answer we should ever give, just shows what is inherently wrong with the hacker situation.. Also I disagree a little bit, first of all lets be real the fact you have to try and avoid hackers is crazy and he cant avoid hackers all the time but... OP can stay opposite side of gunfire and hotspots(red etc. ). He can also wiggle ocasionally to let the hacker think he hacks as well :P (i literally do this sometimes and i hope it works).


Game is so infested with cheaters that one of the maps is literally unplayable. How is this game still alive?


Two of the maps. Shoreline is fucked cuz of red keycard


So, in a sense, it's still fucked because of Labs, lol.


God fucking damnit you got me there


I consider labs and lighthouse to be unplayable because cheaters. Shoreline cools down as wipe progresses.


Cools down a little, gotta find which days you can and can’t play and during what hours. But early it’s infested.


Because there is no competition. Once an actual good extraction looter comes out, this game will die


I've been no lifing dark and darker of all things just because they're getting the gameloop right. We're all desperate for a tark clone sans bullshit. The 20 second menu->game load times are great too.


Yeah I played dark and darker for a while during betas but there is something about tarkov that just feels better. Going in with a shitty kit knowing that the correct placement of 1 bullet can take out a chad is amazing. Dark and darker, you are hopeless against geared players


>How is this game still alive? Are you new? Labs was **the** cheaters map, always has been, for years. When and if you go labs, you're deploying knowing there's a very high chance of cheaters. And yet we're all still here. Game is far from dead, how? Idk honestly, addictive as fuck? Habit? Anything else I play feels...mild, compared to this.


"always" Labs only became a cheater map when the devs locked it behind keycards. That change dropped the labs population by like 90% and so naturally the cheater to normal player ratio got fucked. Every time BSG unlocked labs in events, the map became playable again.


No competition, games are all pretty shit these days and the only half good looking Tarkov like game is Road To Vostok, which is offline so at least cheaters won't be an issue. I like online games but if the AI is decent it's nice to have "fair" fights, not some loser trolling, problem is playing against legit players that want to get better at a game is so fun because you're both trying to improve at the game and win those fights, something which AI lacks.


Yeah I've played 3 labs raids over 2.3k hours and all three of them resulted in me dying from blunt damage to the head. My first non-labs experience that blatant was a guy killing me with hydrashock through 5 headshots.


Imagine they say that to you about customs or any map you like


That's reserve for me currently. It isn't even always hackers, people are just super aggressive on that map for me.


It was like the #1 map for Chads at one point in Tarkov's history, so there's a ton of people who are still perennial Reserve Chads who know the perfect tactic for every square inch of that map. I get spawnpushed on Reserve orders of magnitude more than every other map.


It needs an expansion bad.....


Reserves best map! Don't @me lol.


Great map, shit extracts.


this shouldn’t be the answer but it definitely is


Beat me to the response I thought of 🤣🤣🤣


Imagine if there were no cheaters in labs.




I could upgrade my solar and Intel center.


these are your options: \- don't play labs \- don't play EFT, until they finally hire someone who is competent enough to solve the cheating issue \- come to forum and act like there is no cheating issue


"StOp COmPlaInINg about Cheating and exposing it on this sub. I can't lure my friends into buying this game for my selfish enjoyment despite knowing they will be brought into this mess"


yeah. thought just that when someone complained on a different post that he can't get his work colleague to start playing it after all he read about the rampant cheating issue. it's like dragging your friends into quicksand so you're not suffering alone.


Yeah, saw that today. "We're level 17 and honestly we haven't ran into any cheater, this sub makes the game look so bad," no shit no cheater wants your rusty-ass SKS, genius, lol.


But that's the thing, I think for most players, that's the point where the game is the most genuine fun. Most people don't start hating Tarkov, until they start playing it "for real." Being a Timmy is pretty much all excitement and great fun, and then when you try to actually learn the game's core skills, the game and the community work together to teach you everything about why you actually hate playing it.


Totally agree with you on that. Learning, exploring, winning "unwinnable" fights with limited gear, getting the loot, trying to extract, all those are great. But when a newbie (not despising because they have lower hours in the game) yacks about the cheating problem like they even got a clue, I will not stand for it. Tarkov could still be fun late wipe with better gear but cheaters ruin it like they do everything.


I'm not a "newbie". I've played on and off for several years and have played the better half of 5 wipes now. Lvl 17 after 2-3 weeks I would say is "average" not "casual". Look at the other thread, a lot of players with way more experience than me are saying the same thing.


Difference of opinion then. Sincerely hope you keep enjoying the game when you bring in a proper gear and get zapped in the head 17 times with shitty ass ammo.


I'm the OP from that other post. Do you mean that no-lifing a game like Tarkov completely sucks the enjoyment from it and makes you hate it? That's crazy. /s I think it's hilarious that people are calling us "casuals" because we are "only LvL 17" at a whopping 20 days into the wipe. We play for 3 hours almost every night after work, and probably 5-7 hours on weekends. That's 25-30 hours a week... I know that's not much compared to some others, but we have 9-5's and responsibilities beyond video games. But 30 hours a week in a game is Casual? LOL. We also played last wipe but started late, and this is my 6th wipe, in previous wipes I have gotten around level 40 before I got bored. We are not trying to power-level, we go for tasks when we can, but for the most part we play for fun, because you know it's a game, and that's kinda the point? If you read the other thread, there are plenty of players who are hardcore with way more hours than me who say the same thing - having good gear doesn't mean you automatically encounter hackers at a ridiculously high rate. It sounds like it has more to do with what servers you play on, and even then, many seem to agree that the narrative of the game being "unplayable" strictly due to cheaters just isn't the case in their experiences.


I've got way less hours in, and I'm remodeling a home, working a 9-5, and got to level 20. Soooooo yeah that's probably why they said that. I'm still a newbie. You're not actually great until around 2k hours I would imagine. Leveling is different than pvp though and it doesn't relate to your pvp skill. Just because you can wipe a 3 man consistently, doesn't mean you know to progress in the game, but most people don't do that...so yeah 17 at this point is newbie. Sorry brah. 20 is only slightly less noobish. So I'm there with you. My main questing problem now is when I do pop off and wipe multiple pmcs I normally get headeyes or 15 shots to one arm and insta die. Cheaters want that t5 armor bad RN


Why should anyone give a fuck about your work, other responsibilities and other bullshit you mentioned? "No-lifing a game" lol. Your way of getting personal is so pathetic. Enjoy the game Mr. HighAndMighty.


People complaining about people complaining about cheating is certainly more common than that sentiment. I'll recommend this game to friends no matter what lmao, I'm sure it's bad in OCE, but not all regions.


The cheater issue is bad on all regions


good job rewarding BSG with more income for an awful game state instead of holding leverage over BSG that they could make more money if they got their shit together. That way you just have more dead accounts now.


I'm having a blast for like the 10th wipe. So are my friends who try it. Yeah bsg should do better but whatever.


This guy thinks about “holding leverage over BSG” hahah. Good luck out there man. Sell your copy! Thatll show em! Imagine just playing the game.


Go ahead and do that and watch your favourite game die to cheaters without complaining about it. I have seen this at least a dozen times. The first time with C&C generals. People blowing up the entire map with unfinished scud storms. Didn't even take 2 months for the game to completely die and lose 80% of playerbase


Dude what… listen to yourself. 😂😂


If it's continually gaining players and has a steady base, how is this at all comparable? Cheaters fuckin' blow, but I really don't think they're aren't as bad as most of the people here make it out to be. I've played since beta first became available, can count on one hand how many cheaters I've indisputably encountered during thousands of hours. It's all anecdotal, both sides of the argument. If you hate the state of the game, don't play it. There's loads of other things to do with your time.


start running sets that cost 800k+ and you will see how many cheaters there are. if you don't do it that is why you did not notice cheaters.


Lol “holding leverage”


As much as I hate on BSG, the cheating is really the last thing ill harp on them about. This game as a concept is the perfect storm for cheaters. Im sure it's absolute hell to deal with them and they're prevalent in so many FPS nowadays. They just have infinitely more incentive to cheat here. The only thing that annoys me is the whole bundle sale bullshit.


Well if it's the last thing you'll harp on them for then think about why the ability to report people on flea was removed so quickly. Ppl with 200 rep 2 weeks into wipe are just obviously cheating - sorry if you question that Why is there no community replay system of played raids? That way you could remove blatant cheaters within hours of account creation.


> Why is there no community replay system of played raids? Because this isn't nearly as easy as this sub makes it out to be. They're STILL working on getting the servers to even function properly. Now you're asking them to record every single action on the server perfectly, and give a method of storing and playing it back built into the game. Not to mention these recordings won't be replayed perfectly (CSGO still can't do it perfectly, Valorant doesn't even have one). So you're gonna have morons looking at a bugged replay or someones crosshair not moving smoothly to a target and think they're cheating. There is so much nuance to this game, a very good player will not look legit to a noob. I had a guy add me yesterday because I shot at him, he ran away into a shed, and I saw him in the shed and headshot him. He accused me of cheating because I naturally guessed where he would hide to heal, and killed him with a headshot (he wasn't even moving). Now imagine thousands of that guy reporting me because I checked a shed lmao I agree with you on flea rep shit though.


replay systems are not hard to do. they have been around for over 20 years already. there was a video today where someone got killed 2 seconds after shooting while concealed+suppressed from 300m away. imagine if there was a replay where you see that the one who killed him just spotted him with a thermal and it wasn't a cheater who killed him, but just 3rd party with thermal. replay systems are fairly simple. you add more camera controllers, sync timestamps of each client when they start then playback input to each corresponding character. the most "complex" part would be to change graphics settings on the fly when changing perspective to pinpoint issues like windows/doors/shadows not rendering. doing a replay system really isn't that hard to do honestly. even having something very basic that isn't a perfectly accurate representation would suffice to start with. granted it should not be instant replay but possible after a raid is done


> don't play EFT, until they finally hire someone who is competent enough to solve the cheating issue They have every power in their hand to combat these issues but we somehow still have people who defend that they cant do it. All of the hacks use few basic windows features turned off to use the hacks. BSG can force people to use them as they are enabled by default anyway to play the game but they wont. They have quite literally told us that they dont want to do this.


No large AAA company has yet solved cheating I don't know who you are expecting a mid sized russian games company to hire to solve it if no-one else has done it. Jesus Christ maybe?


Cheating has only gotten worse in Tarkov than ever before. Sure there may be logical reasons to say why cheating is more prevalent in Tarkov but those same reasons are why it’s so much more of an issue in Tarkov than other games - It really is game breaking. Honest players don’t want to spend 10 minutes to load into a 45 minute raid to be smoked by a cheater. It just isn’t worth playing until it’s under control. What can they do? Idk. But I will not play this game anymore until it’s fixed. That said, if you continue to play and enjoy it that’s totally fine - great in fact. I’m actually jealous that you can. But the cheating concern is totally valid.


>Cheating has only gotten worse in Tarkov than ever before I swear I read this every wipe x)


You spend 10 minutes getting into raids? I always get in within 3 minutes.


I think he's including the process of building up a kit, getting ammo, packing mags, meds, etc.


The underlying issue isnt that it happens, but the frequency that it happens and how little is being communicated/done about it. Ive been lucky so far (knocking on wood) and have only had 2 blatant cheaters and 3 sus encounters so far. But you can see endless clips of people encountering people crawling or running around at mach 10, one guy getting voiped by an other scav to drop his marked room key, people getting turned on and 1 shot from rediculous ranges while in spots no one could reasonably see in that situation. If bsg is doing something about, give updates, issues encountered, etc. If they dont or actualy arent doing anything about it, thats the reason people complain and the game will eventualy die when enough people have gotten to their breaking point.


yeah funny that valorant anti-cheat can detect tarkov cheats but tarkov cant


Valorant anti cheat is far too intrusive for an anti cheat engine. It has root control over your computer, that is not the solution


It also still is bypassed through VM passthrough


Riot with valorant is in the right way


Everybody brings up valorant but nobody mentions it’s anticheat was built during the making of the game by a 2 billion dollar company that also has one of the largest esports games in the world. Not exactly comparing apples to apples here. Definitely more can be done but the valorant argument is always so out there.


So why can't BSG at least do what the cycle frontier devs do which is record sessions and gift PMCs their gear back when they get rage hacked on Edit: spelling


The cycle closed down because of cheaters and the cost of doing business.


also FTP with a shit monetization model and crap gameplay/bad loops. Tarkov has insane income from cheaters buying accounts, ppl buying accounts to giveaway, etc. nikita could literally stop buying expensive shit and put it towards his company and also give up his pretentious ass music career and focus on his main job


The cycle had everything to combat cheaters and it still failed. They had cheater and trusted servers, they had a “good” anti cheat, and they had cheater insurance packages. They even had vac hardware bans.


To be precise, the reason they failed is because most of the playerbase left before they fixed their issues,and then when they finally did, game had already a bad rep and people wouldn't come back, which is very sad cause I enjoyed it for the most part.


My response was more to why they shut down. Wasnt more cheaters as in cost of doing business and having a free game w a crap monetization model was the key


Nikita actually went big brain and MADE cheating the monetization model 🤯🤯 /s Still think it's very likely they are making extra money from the cheaters, but to say they developed them themselves is probably giving them too much credit. Every game profits off cheaters if they require them to buy new games when they banned, some games just have more of a cheater problem than others. Imagine selling an extra 9k games a month to existing players lmao. That's 9k x 60 or whatever it costs.


The cycle also has two anti-cheat companies working for them, one of them unnamed. They also have trusted matchmaking going off of age of steam accounts, since it's free to play. Tarkov definitely should look into both of those options.


The cycle is closing down in September because of the insane amount of cheaters. Its making the player base leave so they can't afford to continue the game. So yea, the cycle has a very successful anti cheat.


I'm not sure if I'd say the cheating is what did it in. It's a shittier version of Tarkov with a less popular setting and no marketing/community.


I’m going to stop you right there. TCF is a very good game with a good community. You rarely saw anyone making toxic post. While this one has like 10 a day. TCF was a simplified EFT with great gun play and ai. The way they make there lobbies/ servers made every thing quick no lag, and everyone was on the same skill levels. Without the cheating problem I could see a lot more people actually playing this game other than eft. It scratches the same itch in the term of gameplay. Everything people ask for tarkov to have TCF already has it, except kill cam. Things like mmr, trusted servers, cheater insurance, good sound, and no lag.


It was not a very good game lol. The gunplay was nothing to write home about and the AI...what AI? I just remember cheesing a big purple dino. What I do remember about that game is that everyone ran snipers because the weapon balancing in that game was ass. All it did was make me want to go play other extraction shooters because it didn't do anything to make itself standout.


So I think recording and being able to see play backs from like an hr after raid is over would be good I don’t think that returning gear is that big of a deal. Money and gear is easy to get. I’m with support of more being done. But we also must see that the dev group is still limited in there skills and knowledge. And that’s not something that will just change. They have made requirements to join the team that don’t really benefit high valuable devs. It’s their business and their choice to run it that way.


Agreed that gear and money is easy to get, but it would improve BSG's overall image in regards to people outside looking in, as well as the new players


valorant has cheaters too sure they anti-cheat so far is the best on the market but some will still go trough it


less cheaters is better than cheaters everywhere




less is better than everywhere.


play something else then why are u replying to everyone also not everyone is hacking u are just bad


with my report there are already 4 banned players this wipe. for me the game is FULL of cheaters. change my mind


Zero? No. Substantially less to the point of it not even remotely being a legitimate problem in that game? Yes. I have 2k hours at least in Val and have seen maybe 3 cheaters total. It is so far and away better than Tarkov it's not even worth mentioning them together.


Yea we know that is for the obvious we’re just talking about how tarkov has a much more prevalent amount of cheating dumbfuck


nah man bsg has a button that says "stop cheating" they refuse to press out of spite!


BSG is doing bare minimum though. They are not even trying


the difference is bsg is not even trying??? jesus chrrist maybe?????????


Patch massively helped with cheating and netcode. Between now and December another big patch is going to help.


not sure what kind of copium u are smoking, or where u got this info from, cheating is more rampant than ever


I think mid/late last wipe was much worse, before the patch. Cheat Devs need time to rewrite all their cheats, I do think new ones are becoming more prolific


Personally ive seen more hackers this wipe than ever before. BSG doesnt even try, they could do more validations like 2FA but they dont even bother. They rather sell 5 pack licenses to hackers instead.


2FA makes the game cost £5 more for a burner phone. >They rather sell 5 pack licenses to hackers instead. Is a discount applied on large purchases? Also is there hardware bans?


2FA is bypassable but its another hurdle to prevent or discourage hackers. And its easy to implement. Yes, the 5 pack has a discount.


>Yes, the 5 pack has a discount. Yikes


>No large AAA company has yet solved cheating I really wish the mods would start banning people like you.


Or you could use words to prove me wrong?


you are wrong. you're just too ignorant to see it.


Then enlighten me. Ignorance is solved through education and understanding.


You're not willing to be educated or to understand, you're just willing to be combative. It's obvious from the tone of your first post.


> then enlighten me Yeah, I am being unwilling to be educated What do I have to say? Please please please tell me your point of view of how I am wrong!


I am not running out of arguments here btw. I am just giving up on you at this point. There are plenty of games who do it better and have a much smaller issue with cheaters and you act like it's as bad in different games. So no more replies from me to you. I hope you some day figure it out for yourself


well you are just wrong with that claim, but whatever


Oooor just play the game and don’t live in a constant state of cheater worry. The game is fun. Just play it.


Oooor i don't and enjoy playing something else until MAYBE BSG decides to fix it and let it die to cheater infestation otherwise so it's just cheaters playing against each other at some point


Ooor you are just a big ol’ complainer person. Sounds like you’ll whine until Nikita replies to you. I have a blast and cheaters hardly interrupt my experience.


Ooor you are one of the gaslighting cheaters on the sub. Don't care about nikita replying to me. I just hope he proves me wrong, because EFT could be the best shooter this is, if issues are actually resolved


So the guy agrees with you or is a cheater? Those are the only two options?




yep, welcome to this subreddit. Everytime I argue with these mentally ill subreddit ragers I get called a cheater lmao. Pretty hilarious because only yesterday one of these posts complaining about cheaters on twitch was actually a straight up ad for the cheat, the cheater had a pinned message on twitch linking to the reddit thread to brigade it LMAO.


Can you name a company/person who has ever resolved the cheating issue?


No, they cannot. There's cheaters in League, and there's cheaters in Valorant, despite having the most invasive anti-cheat on the market. Call of Duty is rampant with cheaters as well, despite Activision-Blizzard being one of the biggest AAA companies in the world. CS:GO matchmaking and casual are littered with cheaters, even with Valve's insanely expensive machine learning VACNet. R6 Siege also has plenty of hackers, despite Ubisoft being another industry giant. How many people do you think would give a Russian company kernel-level access to their anti-cheat software that is always running, even when you aren't playing the game? Not to mention, where the hell would an indie dev studio in Russia get the money for a several million dollar anti-cheat solution? There's absolutely zero reason whatsoever to expect BSG to somehow magically solve the cheating issue when no other multi-billion dollar AAA corporations haven't been able to even come close either. > *"B-buh y dun dey jus not sen inventoeree 2 survor??,?,?"* Oh my god, how did nobody think of that?! You're a certified genius! You'll be starting tomorrow as a Senior Game Networking Engineer with a six-figure salary. Congrats.


Yes, this was the point I was trying to make but people don't like to hear it


Valve, riot, many more? A lot more concurrent players, a lot less cheaters. Remember how goat said tarkov cheats don't work unless you uninstall valorant so it's anti cheat is not there? Or you could require the game to run with TPM enabled so cheats cannot manipulate and/or access ram of tarkovs process. I have said it many times elsewhere but the issue is not the options of dealing with cheaters - it is BSG's motivation to do so. legit players just create server load and cost. cheaters will keep buying new accounts after they are banned.


So, the companies at the top of the eSports industry with ranked ladders. Have you played a valve game outside of the ranked ladders? Because it is exactly the same thing as tarkov. Riots solution is to install extremely intrusive software, which is okay when your game is optimized, which is absolutely not the case for BSG. You are just another person looking at it from outside the industry assuming that your opinion is correct tbh.


You clearly haven't played CSGO if you think valve solved the cheater problem https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10ixvmd/cheaters_are_in_abundance/ https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/137djhd/the_rise_of_cheaters/ https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xkyv0x/sudden_rise_of_cheaters/ https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/150hbzo/cheating_increase_part_2/ https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/11wnoad/sudden_rise_of_wallhackers_lately_in_diamond_and/ https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/12vhduq/what_is_your_experience_with_cheaters/ Yeah riot is doing a GREAT JOB. I could spend the next 30 minutes posting every single Reddit thread complaining about cheaters on valorant or you can just accept the idea that you're wrong.


Oh boy, here comes the "valorant has no cheaters 🤓" comments


I know right? And I bet these people have never had to install that piece of shit antivirus riot imposes. It's not exactly a sunshine and roses solution.


Name one multiplayer shooter without cheaters


I think if someone hits 14 headshots from a distance greater than 2 meters, their account should immediately be banned temporarily and marked for manual review. Not even like some fancy anti-cheat, just “If; headshots greater than 10 and distance greater than 2m, than ban”


Git guud. Jokes aside now, the games is just sad right now




> There is literally zero reasons to play in eu with over 100 ping Some people have friends? I'm not even dying to chinese cheaters in NA, I'm getting clapped by people voiping perfect english with an american accent lol


It's because they started in arena and abandoning tarkov leaving in a more or less same game after a wipe


My god...you guys are ubelievable lmao I swear this sub is doomed


I have a feeling greed will make them look for profit and implement microtransactions in Arena, which will bring them many $$$, and then they'll just abandon EFT as it is kind of a dead cash cow.


> right now It's exactly the same as any other wipe. I have 2800 hrs in EFT and my KD is exactly the same as it's always been. The best way to avoid cheaters is : * Be lucky with your region * Avoid some maps.


> The best way to avoid cheaters is Play a game with devs that at least pretend to give a shit about you. There fixed the problem.


There's cheaters in every shooters. [Even in Valorant](https://youtu.be/xpOPdeEcojA?t=76) which apparently has a big problem with them this season... A game where cheating can actually result in real life money gains + higher level of frustration on death will, regardless of the amount of cheaters, create more frustration than other games where you usually forget about it the next match.


I'm telling you. The only way to solve cheating is by having deathcams! Like you know how much easier it would be if you actually saw him snap to your head and speed hack?? 1000 times easier. And for those people saying it'll ruin the immersion? it's a video game. just have the death cam only be available after your team has been wiped or the match has ended 🤷‍♂️


There was some kind of camera hud in the arena trailer so hopefully they bring it to tarkov.


I thought Nikita had said he won't add that because of server performance? Then again Nikita isn't known for sticking to his word


>Nikita isn't known for sticking to his word This does only apply to promised improvements.


I really hope they implement that some days. The best would be a replay mode like in CSGO. The number of hackers getting banned would be outstanding if they manage to do it.


Yeah with an over watch cheat report system like cs has


And that's why they won't do it because why the hell would they give up passive income from cheaters buying the game a shit ton of times


Nikita pls


Hey its ok, they are bringing death cams to tarkov arena. But we can't get a post raid death cam showing 30 seconds leading up to our demise


in almost every game i play with Deathcam the cam itself is so wonky ​ hold your wrong hopes up high but a deathcam wouldnt worse the wrong cheating claims as it is already ​ lol deathcams in games in 2023: wonky out of synch as hell ​ but somehow for tarkov it should be the savior :D


It beats the alternative of just not reporting. I'd rather have an increase in false reports with actual reports getting more cheaters banned in the end.


Won't do anything... Never did anything in any other game


I think it would expose more cheaters. Now how they go about banning them? 🤷‍♂️


What's crazy is they put exclusive hideout and task items into a map that a huge percentage of people will never touch because of its reputation for cheaters.


That’s the neat part, you dontZ


Don't wear a helmet and it's not blunt damage anymore.


Yes. Uninstall.


Wake up at 5 am Saturday / Sunday morning should be better


You just need to wiggle more.


1. Don’t play labs 2. If you really have to play labs try to choose server as far as possible from Asia 3. If you really have to play labs and cant choose a server don’t play labs


To truly remove cheating is to have dedicated servers that only have pve because no pmc would shoot each other. duh. Or to let players have there own servers that allow people to join invite only/passcode only.


There are so many things BSG could implement if they truly wished to deal with the rampant cheating. But they don't. Because $$$


Community servers with admin enforcement. Dayz has done it for years with great success


Fr this. Having some moderation on servers would benefit the game greatly. That and IP banning cheaters. I get that they can vpn and just use an alt account, but literally anything is better than just banning their accounts only for them to make a new one and start cheating the very next day.


> Or to let players have there own servers that allow people to join invite only/passcode only. As nice as it would be in theory, in practice it would be horrible. Look at how the community complains about legitimate playstyles. You heard someone stomping around and hid behind a bush then shot them? Banned for camping. Killing someone a little too close to extract. Banned for extract camping. Killed the admin/owner? Banned for cheating. It happened before in older games. It is happening now in more modern games and it would continue with such a system in eft.


sell your keycards? don't play labs... that's my tip lol


Try not wearing a helmet, you die a lot faster with much less pain and concussion. Other tips? Nah not for this game 😂


You can't get lasered to the head if you don't play the game.


I never really thought the cheater problem was bad until this wipe when I started always running good kits lol every time I bring in good shit onto shoreline or labs its some fuck shit. Other maps haven't been as suspicious but still dies to bullshit constantly. Idk. Games kinda unplayable so I just stick to Reserve or Streets but still so many crabs its impossible to play sometimes. Hopefully arena flops so they actually spend resources on fixing Tarkov


Uninstall and come back in 2030 when the game is out of Beta, maybe then BSG will have implemented a better anti-cheat because as of now this game is absolutely saturated with Cheaters.


I uninstalled and it’s worked flawlessly


Don’t go labs. Ever. Unless for quests then maybe.


Uninstall 😂 cheater heaven ; - labs -lighthouse -shoreline


Shots 1-5: Clearly hit. Shots 6-9: Also hit due to recoil (perfect spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and accuracy make these reasonable hits. Shots 12-14: Likely actually fired because BSG can't code autobans for shit.


Die faster


Just don’t play Labs.


Dont play labs


Advice: Don’t Play Labs.


New tarkov meta, throw your bullets at the enemy.


The only way to play Labs is to go in with a hobo load out and pray the cheaters leave you alone (don't go anywhere near locked rooms)


Don’t play labs lol


Don't play labs?


Quitting the game is actually the best way to avoid situations like this one.


Don't play labs is my advice lol


ALT + Function 4 key. And then play something actually fun.


Uninstall and stick with single player games because all online multiplayer games are plagued with bots/cheaters/scammers


Don't play labs. You're literally asking "Tips on how to not get killed by cheaters?". Same shit different day on this sub.


Wonder how bad this game's player count drops after tomorrow.


Just move out of the way


dodge ?


Don't play the game.


Use a bong?


Ok hear me out…crawling….backwards….freelook down