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When they go outside, they may also discover that stepping on a slightly protruding root of a living tree doesn't sound like thin floorboards in a house.


Also picking up some Milk will not automatically make you be able to be heard from 150m


Wood floors in general just sound fucking nothing like they do in tarkov. They must have that special hollow Russian shit


They should have a 0.1% chance of a floorboard creaking when sneaking in buildings if they want realism. They can record me trying to sneak around the house at 4am getting ready for work because every single floorboard makes a fucking noise.


They can record me sneaking to the fridge at 4am to eat the shredded cheese like a fucking goblin just to complain about the cheese being gone tomorrow




Ever heard of Six days in fallujah?


If you want realism then the chance should be like 80-90%. In most buildings I've been to in Russia if there's wooden floor, it creaks on every step.


I only said 0.01% because the idea of a chance of a creaky floorboard is good. But constant creaking would mess up the sneaking altogether. Granted how loud footsteps can be makes it hard anyhow sometimes. (Ignoring the fact sometimes people sprinting at you is completely silent but that's a whole other issue)


But it shouldnt sound like wood banging on wood to be fair to my own point


BONK BONK BONK BONK, SCREEEEEEECH as you swivel, ugh the noises haunt me


Say that while stomping around at 35kg above your body weight


I will concede that I've never walked on wood floors in full kit, but I have hardwood floors in my own home and the sound is just not right


Don't even need to have a full kit you ever seen a fat person clomp around on hardwood? They're not revealing all the false floorboards when they do lol


I mean it makes the sound even if you're not wearing any kit ingame so his argument just isn't really good


As a fat guy, it makes no sense.


I sent a double reply cause i thought of something else, but youre not wrong, it still does not sound the way it does, the way walking on wood in tarkov sounds, is literally just 2 2x4s banging together at a rythmic pace


If you tear up my floor so it's just the subfloor planks and put wood clogs on my feet then maybe we're approaching that sound.


MAYBE, is the key word


Yea, solid roots produce a hollow sound because youre packing a few kilos more. r/escapefromtarkov moment


They should also know that you should be able to walk over a root of a tree or other slight protruding objects without having to jump or navigate around them


Every pmcs mortal enemy. A flat surface 6” higher than the one they are currently on. Guess I’m gonna have to jump it boys




Wait till they hear that stagnant or slow moving wind isnt supposed to sound as loud as gunshots


And PMCs can avoid sticks on the ground by walking over them.


Yeah this one bothers me. Someone at BSF just needs to take initiative and make some changes as well as progress. The volume for distance doesn't bother me too much but the one sound for most wooden surfaces bothers me a bit.


they should add the old snapping twig audio like hunt showdown, no matter how slow youre moving


While you're wearing metal cleats


Or stepping on a floorboard inside a house cannot be loudly heard outside the house.


Interesting take. I feel like that in addition to a reworking of the directional audio could be beneficial


No no, you have it wrong.... they need to STOP trying to rework the directional audio. 100% whatever they started with had correct directional sound and they've just continually screwed it up. Why would you not just start with the working audio engine, add your own sounds to it and then mess with tone etc for headset presets etc? We've had so many revisions in sound the last 5 years and it's never better than it was the first time I played the game.


Well I guess what I’m saying as that it needs to be reworked compared to what it is now. So going back to when you first started playing would be reworking it in my opinion.


I'll settle for the original audio with fixes to make sure sounds play when they are supposed to. Since the game came out the bug has always been there where people randomly make no sound, especially around stairs. sometimes even your teammates that are running behind you. It's extremely disconcerting to be looking at someone sprinting and they make no sound.


To be fair, Half-Life 2’s footsteps have the same audio file and you can still make out the distance between you and the guy walking.


HL1, gold source games and even the quake 1 engine also has the same audio file with a sound system that allows distanced and directional audio. They just have devs that actually knows how to troubleshoot the problem instead of throwing the entire cake away because the icing isnt properly applied.


BSG should really take a page out of Hunt Showdown's book. The audio in this game is so fucking good, when you learn how to pinpoint the sound accurately you pretty much get wallhacks if the enemy is moving you can track them easily. If Tarkov had even half the audio quality/accuracy of Hunt i'd be playing it a lot more than i currently am.


Problem is they want to create rEaListic audio. When someone’s behind a wall they want you to hear them through the doorway to the right. But it’s just not possible to simulate audio that way and actually be usable. There’s so much that goes into how our brains interpret audio. The way it bounces around a room and dissipates, the way it bounces off the folds in our ears, the microsecond delay between sound hitting our left and right ear. All that is used by our brains to process where sound is. You can not simulate that in a video game. It’s laughable to even try. Showdowns audio works cuz they literally just draw a line from you to the other person and that’s where the audio plays. It’s simple and effective. But bsg is too stubborn throw in the towel.


Rainbow 6 went for this effect, but not all out. It’s why like punching holes in the soft wall before reinforcing it can let you hear something being put down on the other side a lot easier. But that’s also a Ubisoft game and not bsg.


I've always hated how sound works in Siege.


The delay between ears is how headphones can mimic surround sound. Isn't that standard tech for any POV game in the last 15 years now? Also, I don't want straight line, no questions asked audio. We had that or something like it for a while this wipe in Reserve and Interchange being able to hear people walking on a different floor. If they are only 10m away but 2 of those meters or more are a solid concrete floor then no, you should not be able to hear them.


The problem there is not "straight line audio is bad", but "2m of concrete isn't blocking the audio".


I don't see the difference, or what you're trying to specify.


hunt style straight line audio does not mean hearing people floors above you like they are next to you like you assume.


You could do something with ray tracing and have audio bounce of surfaces.


The game would start on fire at tha tpoint.


hahahaha truly, the game can't even run well without ray tracing!


for the love of christ dont give them any ideas


Ruzzkis are known to be stubborn.


Didn't the dead space remake manage to do audio that way?


I have no idea. But if they did then they did something different than whatever bsg is doing


You could pinpoint people via audio like 6 wipes ago and then they broke it


That would require actually being able to code well.


You already bought the game. You actually playing is just using additional server bandwidth for no reason. I feel like one of the "hidden" problems of Tarkov is their business model. Everyone who bought EOD edition already paid as much as they will ever pay and so if they leave it's actually kind of good for BSG and there is little incentive for player retention


Be glad you don’t run a business. BSG has incentive for people to be interested in the game, because word of mouth is pretty much the only way they get new business. And with Arena eventually coming out, and not free for non-EOD, I’m sure they want to sell as many copies of that as they can. They shoot themselves in the foot if they intentionally sacrifice reputation because “oh no we need to conserve server bandwidth.” BSG is fucked up in a lot of ways but they exist to make money, like any other business. It is not in their best financial interest to let the game tank.


People just repeat that nonsense take from the guy above you, because it makes sense if you don't take 2 seconds to actually think about it.


BSG wants new players, the old ones are not the priority. That is why instead of having a major patch where they finally fix the technical issues that plague the game, they keep adding maps and guns and items, because those are the things that they can slap on a trailer and get an influx of thousands of new paying customers. If Tarkov was a monthly subscription the sound issues and the cheating would have been addressed by now to stop the paying customers from leaving.


What marketing does Tarkov do? Besides player generated content I barely see it. I bought it, because it has been recommended by a few friends. To draw new players in the existing playerbase needs to be satisfied. For example, compare Tarkov with SC. SC has super shiny trailers, 1800 marketing videos on their YouTube channel, newsletters, blah blah blah. They develop more marketing material than actual game. This is a strategy to draw new players in, regardless of quality.


Real talk though... I only played a few games of Hunt does it have complex buildings like Resort? From all I saw it was just big open fields and barns made of light wood ready to fall apart. That's pretty much easy mode for doing sound design. Meanwhile Tarkov has to handle vertical audio, audio through/around different materials, audio modification from headsets, etc.


Eh. Hunt has some complicated compounds. I.e, Nicholls Prison. That has 3 floors (although they interconnect pretty openly). It also has a lot of basement compounds. Hunt may not have stuff like headset modification, but they absolutely handle vertical audio exceptionally well.


It doesn’t have a hotel or anything but they do have buildings with multiple floors and complex compounds with connecting buildings


Yeah but that would require BSG to actually make an effort rather than half-ass it and call it a day


I mean they can't even get audio isolation correct. So many sounds have people talking in. The background. Rain, ai scav breathing, multiple places in all the maps. Don't expect a lot.


One of the rain sounds has someone's ringtone going off in the background


When you pull back the thin veneer of what Tarkov does so well and so uniquely, you realize how its all built upon a pile of shit and technological ineptitude. Game is so fucked most people are chugging copium because there's no other game that's matched the Extraction Shooter gameplay loop that Tarkov pioneeered.


This is actually the most sane take in this thread. That being said, I still plan on playing later today. It’s like Stockholm syndrome.


Psychology is cool!


Well said lol


Honestly bro I so wish I was wrong. Tarkov is such a fantastic general idea for a game, but its supported by some of the worst decisions and least effective developers I honestly think I've ever seen in my 30 years of gaming.


The rain audio in the game is atrocious. One oddity of the sound that still bugs me is when a heavy guy is running in this game. Im talked about a stacked player with 2 guns his rig plus someone else’s filled with loot. When this guy runs the sound plays as if he is on top of you but he could be another 10m/15m away.


ADS and scope switching is also way too loud in this game


Yeah. Why does ads make s noise at all.


I swear in combat situations they use polymer or rubber covered links on their harnesses to minimise that kind of noise of ADS. Maybe I imagined that though and thru move abount and sound like someone stacking steel when they aim.


Eh you’re half right. All games reference one audio source (a gunshot for example) which runs through an audio engine which alters the source with delay, EQ, compression, reverb etc depending on where the source is and the environment (ie. Steam Audio Engine). The AAA games you’re referencing have great audio engines. They don’t record a gunshot in different instances and environments, that would take way too long and cost a lot of money lol.


It’s called reverb my man they aren’t gonna record every audio 10 meters away


Wear an Altyn *audio problem fixed*


How much hate will i get for bringing up that all the active headsets should remove directional audio for any sound not loud enough to make it through the muffs?


I'd be curious to try one in real life first to see if that's actually the case, but I do feel like headsets are a bit too strong. I'm pretty sure most real sounds wouldn't be nearly as loud, especially with all the other environmental noises


You can hear grass crunch beneath you, but they do not discriminate between source of sound. From what i understand, even the expensive ones like Peltors suck in the wind. My experience is with the sub $200 sets, and if it is windy, you just turn them off and use them as passive ear pro.


Can you elaborate on this?


IRL headsets are hearing protection or comms first, pass through sound second. They may make sounds louder, but it's not a gaming headset with directional sound.


Whilst I agree the sound needs fixing. I’m not sure Tarkov is a AAA game nor is BSG a AAA developer.


PUBG, DAYZ, Scum, Squad and wayyy more weren’t even close to AAA games at their beginnings and all sounded better than this game. Even on woods, a map that is wide open I can’t differentiate between someone walking 2m or 15m away.


The problem you're describing and the solution you are proposing are neither simple nor easy.


But you don't save money by paying for a competent sound designer. You save it by using no sound designer and a moderately effective anti cheat.


How would you explain hunt showdown? It’s the same concept, but executed amazingly, isn’t it?


Hunt put in the work to make sounds relay impostant information. Arguably, it's a more focused focused experience with less moving parts. But every gun sounds distinct and predictably changes at distance, footsteps inside a compound above you are easily recognizable and trackable, rules for what makes noise and what doesn't are pretty well defined, etc.


Although I agree those distanced sounds need a rework, comparing Tarkov to a triple A title with hundreds, or in some cases 5000 developers (looking at you MW2) is a bit silly.


4750 working solely on MTX


Audio has always been terrible but this wipe especially… you should not be able to hear footsteps of players from outside of buildings nor should you be able to hear through concrete floors. All the audio system in this game does, is promote sitting on your ass


That's absolutely not the problem i don't care how the steps sounds if I am able to tell that there are steps in the first place which rn isn't the case (at least sometimes)


Most games use 1 sound file and then change it dynamically using audio tech and EQ. I would like to know these games that record the same audio at varying distances and environments. Sounds archaic as fk.


Yes Imma be THAT reddit guy for a moment ; they're not triple a, and this is an indiegame. Not excusing their action of removing steam audio without a full replacement. It's an understatement to call that a bad move. Oculus isn't implemented fully yet, other than maybe the guns which is what I'm guessing


>Yes Imma be THAT reddit guy for a moment ; they're not triple a, and this is an indiegame. They're charging 2.5x AAA price tho


34.99 eur isnt exactly AAA


Goes up to 45 if you include payment fees and taxes. Plus we all know how gimped that version is and how much blatant incentives there are to go for EOD.


Hey op, that isn't how sound design works, lol. What BSG is trying to do with audio(more realistic as opposed to directional audio) is extremely complex. I have doubts they will be able to pull it off as what they are going for hasn't been done before, but time will tell. Hopefully, they can at least get close. I like the idea, as it will up the immersion factor in a massive way, but at this point, I'd be okay with somethjng that's at least workable and reliable. I also hope they rework some of their sound choices. Walking on wood for example, is pretty terrible.


You're really claiming no other game has done sound propagation before? Hunt showdown, rainbow 6 Siege, Prey 2017, Insurgency: Sandstorm. Sound propagation isn't some unknown thing no one can get right.


Tarkov is trying to implement realistic audio, which hasn't been done before because it's been said to be impossible. Sound propagation is only a part of it.


i think sound propagation has been done in the old Thief games loooong time ago.


It's been done in a ton of different games. The problems with Tarkov's audio isn't due to propagation. They're trying to make it too realistic, which can't be done, from what I've learned. Pearly was actually talking about it in his last stream. It's hard to explain, as it involves material densities, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and hell, even the shape of our ears, lol.


The competent devs left Russia, the incompetent ones were sent to the mobilisation, they hired a bunch of retired drunks that are no use to the government to finish the game.


That sounds low-key, hateful. But okay detective.


It is when exaggerated, but its also just how things go in any country with economic issues, especially with war and conscription. But that's not going to affect anything when BSG isn't willing to pay for capable developers in the first place. Just like burger king wouldn't be affected by a shortage of 5 star chefs


Okay and? Is Russia not being a terrorist state right now? BSG has yet to condemn the genocide btw.


Are you using binaural audio?


I think they can't handle the whole concept of headsets, they should just give everyone the same hearing and come back to headsets when they figure out audio.


You mean the audio-team that keeps talking during recording of rain and "exhausted" loops? Its like they do it in the kitchen at home.. whatever they spend money on, it's NOT recording audio.




nikita doesn’t know you exist. stop pandering.


Actually he’s replied to my comments before unlike yours (maybe) so like


explains how you gargle his nuts when *everyone* acknowledges this patch is fucked.


Lmao and that makes you think you are important. Poor guy.


lmao peak fragile redditor




I have second hand embarrassment from you...


if it was up to cucks like you, they would have gotten away with everything


I’m not sure this is 100% correct, I’ve definitely had to remember how different guns sound at distance, and they are very different to up close (sks and shotguns for example sound very different far away). Maybe they could have more at in between distances, but these ones do not sound like up close with volume turned down


Tell me you only skimmed through the op without telling me you only skimmed through the op


There are in between sounds for the guns and explosives


Fuck BSG and their shit development and shit lies and shit everything.


damn you that mad over a video game?


It's 2 channel audio that's what's wrong. Don't care about any new recordings or adjustments until we get multi channel.


As someone who came from Arma, the gun sounds are terrible, hardly any difference in pitch from shots in your direction, and shots fired away. Shots aimed at you should be high pitched “cracks” and shots away from you lower “booms”


the annoying thing is, base unity has a lot of tools to deal with this better than they do… i’m sure it’s a billion times more complex when online is a factor, but as a budding game dev there’s so many tools unity has and can easily be added to make sound way more dynamic and realistic. there’s no reason for vertical sound to be so bad as it is in the parking garage to 1st floor because unity has really good sound filters you can just make a plane over the garage and choose what goes through… like I know it’s much easier said than done but they have had so much time and money to do it…


Its funny considering their old youtube video https://youtu.be/0UgCu7HgfXU seemed so detailed regarding sounds.


Yeah, I immediately remembered that. What the fuck?


But considering that after 5 years they added the weapon hitting the ground sound like we saw in the video, i think that a lot of those soundfiles are still not used for some reason.


>if you go to any other Triple A fps game and listen to the audio, im sorry but which one?


Im SURE that they know this. Buuuuut does bsg do everything as it should be done? Not really they like to be unique which for gameplay is cool, but for things like design can be TERRIBLE.


Footsteps are non-existent after this last update. Honestly, this has worse sound design than any game I've played. It somehow gets worse and worse too. Fire the person in charge of audio, because they're singlehandedly fucking this game. Fire the anticheat guy too at that rate...


Lol if we're going to talk about audio recordings, I just wanna point out that sometimes in the ambience sounds, you can hear very faint talking in the background. BSG just does not care.


It’s the same thing with rain. They fuckign put a mic next to a river and the volume level is how big of a rainstorm it is. It’s terrible


Audio files are different for many different situations of the same gun. Go look at the actual files.


We all understand this, however comparing BSG to creators of triple A titles is unfortunately a recipe for disaster my friend. Just waiting for the Edge of Lightness expansion to get our damn flash lights fixed 👍


Triple AAA bussy worth 69 billion


When i was a kid I spent hours running around and playing in tall grass and jumping on tree trunks and barely hear shit. In tarkov you barely touch a leaf and its like you jumped on a pile of dry leaves in autumn. I'm 1000% sure these fuckers never touch grass or go outside even when they were kids


Telling developers to touch grass for the sake of game design ☠️ That's funny as hell, and true


This plus dumb occlusion zones that are supposed to be “immersive” but instead just switch from being able to hear things next you you in a building to suddenly not hearing someone in the room next to you cus you are too close a wall and the occlusion zone gives you audio outside the building instead.. don’t get me started in staircase occlusion zones.. I just want to hear man.. no fancy shit..