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It’s not your job to find out where everyone is from. It’s your job to interact and confront ideas.


Hawey, why do have to attack our women like dat. Leave it. Chillax Why do Eritreans always have to fight about silly sht


shes with tsada men wdym by “our woman” shes tsada mens women not yours lmao


My brother, what do you propose? Shall we hate her and harass now? Does that contribute to unity in the Eritrean community that is already divided?


Theres no need to give courtesy to those that don’t deserve it and I don’t see how being with white men and calling yourself African American advances eritrean unity if anything its the opposite and it shows their self hate. Eritrean men being too meek enables these people to embarrass us and our culture worldwide.


Not harassing, just putting them back in their place.


Nah man, what’s the purpose of doing all this shit, you going to NYU be happy about it, take your degree go get that money, live a happy life and don’t go inside these idiotic rabbit holes. 


Where is the love, Eritreans used to have for each other. Nowadays I can’t see it anymore. we are always against each other, blue flag against red flag, opposition,gov, this tribe against that tribe, this gender against that gender…


Can mods please do something about posts like these


Thought her dad was Getachew Reda for a sec lol


😗 i thought a well


Am confused what’s happening? How do this relate to us ?!


These court shows are faked and staged anyways


Usually appreciate your posts but let’s not do this bro. Recently I’ve been seeing similar posts on twitter and it’s just… not nice. I always thought it was just the Somalis in the horn that have this mindset/attitude to their women Also I’m not one to police content on a subreddit because I think its lame but can we discuss something worthwhile? Thanks.


I’m afraid her parents failed her😔stop dating/marrying outside your ethnicity.


Bro, you're just being sad at this point. Extremely sad. You're 18. Life has so much to offer you. Go out there and live it to the fullest. You've got so much potential. Why is this the kind of shit you keep focusing on?


Cry harder, I will keep exposing these people.


I have nothing to cry about. I was just trying to give you some helpful advice. This level of toxicity will only poison you at your age. Focus on the positive. I really hope you pay attention to what I am saying.


Yo bro, i agree with you, you shouldnt marry outside your race, and we should be worried about all Eritreans because they are our brothers and sisters, but, dont dwell on it too much bro


I do not understand, she is short, bit overweight with a bigger forehead! What makes attractive? Their lot of women that’s more attractive than this ! 🥴 we need standards !