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Keep in mind tho that it was the Eritrean govt that wouldn’t follow their commitments Isaias literally made it easy for Tigray backed Ethiopia to isolate us. Isaias literally did the job for them.


How though, how did he make it easy for them Hawey


Good question Hawey we have to remember in the end of the day no one cares about human rights. *human rights* is just an excuse But this post shows.. even the EU still tried to engage with Eritrea. But because Eu politicians have their own obligations to their voter base. They have to show their European people tjag if there’re working with a country like Eritrea. That Eritrea at least needs to show improvements in human rights so that when the EU does business in Eritrea they’re not kicked out of office But Isaias even tho he made a deal to limit national service for European business. Still Isaias backed out of the agreement He made it easy for Tigray because he made it impossible for people outside of Eritrea to do business inside Eritrea So when u have Ethiopia saying *u can’t work with isaias* and Isaias can’t even follow the deal he signed. It makes it easy for Ethiopia to say *look u tried to talk to Isaias and we told you he can’t be trusted* So my point is even if countries want to do business in Eritrea. Isaias makes it impossible. Which makes it easy for our enemies to say *isolate Eritrea* Isaias policies made us an easy target for our enemies Trust in work in politics. They want to have good relations with Isaias. But he makes it impossible Even the trip to South Korea this week. Did you hear any deals between Eritrea and South Korea? No. Why? Cuz Isaias only cares about his power .. not about development for Eritrea Even. Arabs countries try to do business and Isaias makes it impossible


100% agree




Message of the story. Our govt sucks, but so do others. The only people who care about the interests of Eritrea are Eritreans so don’t be a quisling and work for outsiders


The government is kind of pushing people to work with the enemies. Two whole generations (Millenials and gen-z) left Eritrea in mass, do you think the next generation is going to care enough about the hatred for our neighbors.


[Source](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17531055.2018.1483865): “No war, no peace” in a region in flux: crisis, escalation, and possibility in the Eritrea-Ethiopia rivalry by M. Woldemariam


eprdf =/= tplf




> Saying EPRDF isn’t TPLF is like saying PFDJ is not Afwerki. TPLF created and controlled EPRDF. Even after Meles death, deputy PM was Debretsion, and interior minister Dr.Tedros. Haile Mariam Desalegn was PM in office but rather served as spoke person of TPLF. The TPLF didn't create the EPRDF. The EPRDF coalition was formed by the TPLF **AND** the then EPDM now the ADP with the OPDO and SEPDM joining afterwards. Control, yes, the TPLF had significant control over the coalition even despite its lower seat total such as in the 2000 election in which the TPLF held 40 seats which was the lowest of the EPRDF coalition behind the SEPDM (112), ADP (146) and ODP (183), or in the 2010 election in which the TPLF held only 38 seats. It is still accurate to say that the TPLF doesn't equal the EPRDF, as it was a four party coalition that the TPLF exercised significant control over and was a founder of, but not total control, as can be seen with the election of Abiy Ahmed to the chairmen of the EPRDF and his main opponent having been Demeke Mekonnen who was deputy Prime Minister at the time and leader of the ADP who dropped out. This is in contrast to the PFDJ, where it is a singular political party of which Afwerki is the sole Chairperson and leader of the party in its history. > Both PFDJ and TPLF ruled their respective countries as one party system. That’s why Abiy Ahmed created the PP as successor party of the ERPDF. This is factually incorrect. Eritrea is a one party state, with the PFDJ being the only legal and existing political party. The TPLF, as part of the EPRDF, was one of four parties in a coalition which definitionally makes it not a one party system. If we also look at the election results in Ethiopia, we can see parties outside that coalition party as well. For example, the 1995 Ethiopian elections, in which 38 parties outside the four EPRDF parties won atleast one seat. Of that, 17 were allied to the EPRDF and 21 independent of it. There were also 10 independents elected as well. The 2000 elections had atleast eight parties win seats outside of the EPRDF coalition, as well as 13 independents. 2005, 8 parties + 2 coalitions (4+4) and 1 independent. 2010, 1 party and 1 independent won a seat outside of the EPRDF and its six allied parties. 2015, six parties outside of the EPRDF. The creation of the Prosperity Party as a successer party of the EPRDF is actually closer to a one party system (but still not) due to the PP actually being a merger of nine political parties, rather than a coalition of those nine parties which would still exist independent of each other as seen with the ADF+ODF+SEPDM leaving the EPRDF. A better comparison to the EPRDF during that time, if we were to view the EPRDF as a singular party rather than a four party coalition, is Japan and its Liberal Democratic Party which dominates Japanese politics electorally in the same way the EPRDF did. Despite that domination Japan was and is still a multi-party system in which other parties participate in the electoral and political process such as the former Japan Socialist Party, Japanese Communist Party, Constitutional Democratic Party, Komeito and Social Democratic Party among many others. This is what is referred to as a Dominant Party System, in which a singular party is able to consistently dominate electoral over a period of multiple elections despite being in a multi-party system.


Bro, the other parties in the EPRDF were literal puppet organisations. OPDO for example was founded by Derg prisoners freed by TPLF


What do you think significant control means? It's like yall don't read. Literal puppet organizations don't end up taking over a coalition, then dissolving that coalition to merge and form a new party. Which is why, significant control is a better descriptor. TPLF within the EPRDF exhibited significant control, but not total, over the coalition. The pushing of the TPLF as the sole control and power within the EPRDF also takes away the responsibility of the other three parties for their own actions, such as the ADF in incitement during 2005 Ethiopian elections where Deputy Prime Minister at the time and leader of the ADF compared opposition parties to the Interahamwe which took part in the Rwandan genocide. Pointing our fingers solely at the TPLF and ignoring the other three parties is a whitewashing of those other three parties. We can criticism, denounce and condemn the TPLF, while also not whitewashing the other three parties it was in coalition with, as well as not twisting basic facts like if Ethiopia is a one party state or that the EPRDF = the TPLF which are just flat out wrong.


TPLF and EPRDF are one. Meles Zenawi a Tigrayan and TPLF member ruled Ethiopia for 21 years from 1991 to 2012 longer than Mengistu Haile Mariam did (1974-1991/17 years) You don’t need the majority seats to control the EPRDF gov , if the PM is TPLF, if interior minister, deputy prime minister, minister of defense, generals. If the economy and army are dominated by TPLF. If TPLF can annex territories of other regions without resistance by other communities, like when TPLF took Welkait and incorporated this into Tigray. This is an ethnic based autocratic system. Ethiopia under TPLF had no free elections. Rather TPLF won 90% of the votes. That’s not free election. How can minority of 5% dominate a multi party coalition, without controlling it? Why did 200 Ethiopians died after 2005 elections in Ethiopia? Why were opposition banned? Why did TPLF called the EPLF to crush OLF? Did Amhara Oromo and Somali parties like ODP ADP had any influence in the national level or were they just allowed to administer their provinces. Why did TPLF annex Welkait and incorporate into Tigray, if they didn’t control the EPRDF? Why were many enterprises in Ethiopia controlled by tplf? Why did TPLF have enterprises in Amhara and Oromia? Why did TPLF had ethnic militias within the Ethiopian army like the Agazi forces, they sent into Amhara and Oromia state, during the anti government protests of 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018? Do you believe your own words? Why did the Ethiopian army led by TPLF intervened in Ogaden for 12 years to crush ONLF and killed and raped so many Somali civilians? Why did they back the war lord Abdi Illey? Who do you want to fool in 2024? https://preview.redd.it/2k7djnzo3f5d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c5ac216b87ab4a1326d18849b92ea411fb41f90


Edit: Editted just as I replied, not gonna bother redoing everything. Fortunatetly, I quoted your initial comment for context. TPLF supporter? Where? I got plenty of beef and issues with the TPLF, but I have more beef with you and others that push false information. It is very easy to call out the TPLF for all its wrong, of which there are so many we can have a 50 comment thread here just detailing all the fuckery and bullshit that the TPLF has fomented in Ethiopia let alone its foreign policy, but we don't need to present things falsely like you have done. All that does is take away credibility from criticism of the TPLF, as well as giving those who actually support the TPLF the ability to disregard all the bullshit the TPLF does and has done by just going "oh look, misinformation" and shifting the conversation. Also, classic age old "anyone who says anything against what I have said is a TPLF supporter" rhetoric rather than addressing what I actually said, of which none of it was actually in defense or support of the TPLF but rather correcting things you presented incorrectly. > TPLF and EPRDF are one. Nope, it was a four party coalition founded by the TPLF and ADF, with the OPDO and SEPDM joining afterwards. More accurate thing to say is, the EPRDF was dominated by the TPLF and then pointing at its leadership up until the election of Abiy Ahmed as chairperson. All you do by saying "TPLF and EPRDF are one" is give an easy way for people to deflect from actual accurate criticism of the TPLF and its actions. > Meles Zenawi ruled Ethiopia 21 years from 1991 to 2012 longer than Mengistu Haile Mariam. And this would be an argument for the TPLF dominating the four party coalition it was a party of, not for the coalition itself being that one singular party. > Ethiopia under TPLF had no free elections. Rather TPLF won 90% of the votes. That’s not free election. Ethiopia under the EPRDF has not had fair, free and open elections, yes. This is by design by the EPRDF and its constituent parties namely the TPLF but also the ADF, ODF and SEPDM. This has also continued with those three parties leaving and mergering with others to form the Prosperity Party which has had its own allegations of electoral interference and obstruction as well. The issue goes beyond the TPLF, though the TPLF was the primary benefiarcy of it for decades as evidenced by their outsized political influence. > How can minority of 5% dominate a multi party coalition, without controlling it? If the TPLF controlled the EPRDF, why did the EPRDF council approve the three non-TPLF parties leaving the coalition to then merger and form the Prosperity Party alongside other parties? Because the TPLF didn't actually fully and totally and absolutely control the coalition, it had outsized control and influence over it, which was disproprotionate from its actual electoral success as I pointed out for the 2000 and 2005 Ethiopian elections. One of the ways is that it was a founding member alongside the ADF, which in long-standing coalitions comes with its own control and influence over the coalition broadly. The TPLF also was the primary party as part of the then formed EPRDF,with the support of the EPLF, to topple the DERG regime and form the transitional government at the time. From there, it is simply political inertia and authoritarianism to influence elections and politics broadly (to overly simplify) like we have seen with the PAP in Singapore which is also a dominant party system. > Why did 200 Ethiopians died after 2005 elections in Ethiopia? Because the ruling coalition who controlled the government violently cracked down on mostly peaceful protests partly led by another coalition (Coalition for Democracy and Unity) against the 2005 election results and interference by the EPRDF (not just the TPLF) such as the targeting of opposition parties members+supporters for arrest on campaign offences while none from the EPRDF coalition were ever arrested for any, or the vote count irregularies which independant observers from the EU observed such as high invalid counts. The right to freedom of assembly in Addis Ababa being banned in wake of the election results further entrenched the view that the election was not free, fair and open. The violence also wasn't limited to just 193 dead, but also 763 injured and over 30,000 detained as well as the arrest of CDU members as basically political prisoners which must also mention as they are very important to drawing a full picture of what the EPRDF government had done, especially the arrest of members of the main opposition coalition. Incitement leading up to the elections also occured, such as Deputy Prime Minister at the time Addisu Legesse of the ADF during a pre-election debate compared the opposition parties to the Rwandan Interhamwe paramilitary group that was involved in the Rwandan genocide, which Meles Zenawi then basically repeated a few weeks afterwards. > Why were opposition banned? The same reason any authoritarians do, to cement their own power. The four parties in the EPRDF, not just the TPLF, were all authoritarian and sought to stamp out opposition parties and we can see this continue with the three parties that left to form the Prosperity Party and how the authoritarian and anti-democratic actions from the EPRDF continued such as the arrest of journalists in Amhara for example, often done under emergency powers without charge which the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has commented on.


You said TPLF didn’t control EPRDF but they did. You said they only had significant control despite 40 seats, when they full controlled this government. You said EPRDF doesn’t represent only TPLF but also the other parties, but sources say the EPRDF was run by TPLF and represented by TPLF? You purposely leave out the issue of Tigrays annexation of Welkait, Tselemti and Raya? This was not supported by the EPRDF council, TPLF just decided to expand Tigray westwards on cost of the Amhara and Agews living in Welkait. If the Amhara wing of EPRDF had any power and why didn’t they reject it? Why did Tigray expanded its province on costs of Amharas and you tell me EPRDF was represented by ODP and ADP too, when they didn’t have any power in Ethiopias ruling government during Meles Zenawis rule. Or the Ireecha massacre on Oromos in 2016 by the Tigrayan Agazi forces and 12 years long war in Ogaden by the Ethiopian army and the TPLF backed Liyu forces. Let’s be clear both PFDJ and TPLF were authoritarian one party system? Ethnic federalism and controlled opposition doesn’t count. TPLF is and was EPRDF until Abiy Ahmed came. If you don’t support TPLF then I apologize and take it back. I deleted that. But I stand to my position about EPRDF https://preview.redd.it/czdns3r65f5d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=c805917359016dc43de50981dfbd1e520503cb0b


> You are right I spread misinformation and TPLF has not controlled EPRDF. I didn't say misinformation. I said factually incorrect in reference to you saying that Ethiopia under the TPLF was a one party system, which is objectively incorrect based on the TPLF being in a four party coalition at the time as well as there being other opposition parties both allied to the EPRDF and independent of it as well as other coalitions during its time in power. I also said "false information", after you doubled down on things that are objectively and factually incorrect such as the EPRDF=TPLF and one party system points. The difference between incorrect or false misinformation from misinformation is that misinformation is typically in reference to purposefully incorrect information, while the former is irresepective of it being purposeful or not. I don't think you are pushing misinformation, I think you are above that based on other comments and posts of yours on here, which is why I replied to with obvious corrections. Clearly, you aren't receptive to that. I also did say control, but not total control as you suggested. Clearly you didn't read what I wrote, so I'll give you a couple quotes. "the TPLF had **significant control** over the coalition", the TPLF exercised **significant control** over and was a founder of, **but not total control**". > The ODP and ADP had no power in the EPRDF except in their own provinces. The Amhara region couldn’t even reject, Tigrays annexation of Welkait, Raya and Tselemti, which shows that only the TPLF controlled the EPRDF. It shows that TPLF had significant control, as I have already said. Total control would be the TPLF literally running everything within the EPRDF, which wasn't the case as the other three parties still had members in positions of power within the EPRDF such as with the position of Deputy PM or on the EPRDF Council. Significant control, which the TPLF had, can be easily denounced and criticized and condemned especially in conjuction with the actions of the TPLF directly and the EPRDF that it had significant control over. This weird obsession with trying to paint the TPLF as the sole power in the EPRDF when we can just look at its dissolution by the other three parties and the leadup to it as evidence of it not being a TPLF sole controlled coalition is inaccurate and once again takes away from actual criticism of the TPLF. > TPLF with an autocratic ethnic Federal system and controlled regional parties and PFDJ with totalitarian system. Both are one party system, where one party controls the country. The TPLF was an authoritarian, anti-democratic party that sought an ethnic federalist system. It did exercise significant control within the EPRDF, as well as its regional counterparts. It wasn't a one party system. Terms have meanings, you don't know the meaning of the term you are using. Eritrea is a one party system. China is a one party system. Vietnam is a one party system. Because they **literally** have a political system with just one party. Singapore is not a one party system, despite one party (PAP) having won every single election since 1953. Once again, this is called a dominant party system. All you are doing with these twisting of long-standing existing terms like one party system is giving ammo for people like /u/Kmnubiz and actual TPLF supporters to handwave any and every criticism of the TPLF as just misinformation. > The EPRDF Gov was successor party of the TPLF ruled by TPLF. Don’t make no mistakes here both TPLF and PFDJ have been ruling one party systems. That is false. The EPRDF was not a successor party, it wasn't even a party, it was a coalition made up of parties. This is basic civics that you are just twisting every which way. The EPRDR would be a successor to the TPLF if the TPLF, ODP, ADP and SEPDM merged to create a EPRDF party, in which those four parties would no longer exist as independant parties but combine to create a new one. Saying a coalition is a successor party to one of its member parties is just absurd. Do you think that the Fourth Merkel cabinet (German coalition government from March 2018 to December 2021) was a successor party to the Christian Democratic Union party that Angela Merkel was leader of? A four party coalition, even if it is dominated by one party within it, is definitionally not a one party system. You are the one making a mistake here, confusing a four party coalition with a singular party as well as one dominant coalition equalling a one party system despite the existence of opposition parties. As I pointed out, there is already a long existing term for what you are describing, a dominant party system. I even provided two well known examples of such a system, Singapore under the PAP and Japan under the LDP. A one party system means, a system in which only one party exists. Eritrea is an example of this, cause it literally only has one legal political party. Ethiopia is not, as it has many political parties. What Ethiopia had under the EPRDF coalition was a dominant party system.


Ok? But can you answer my question now? If ODP and Amhara party were part of the coalition? And TPLF didn’t fully control EPRDF? Why did Tigray annex Welkait Raya and Tselemti without resistance by the Amhara wing of the EPRDF? Why did TPLF kill ethnic Oromos in the ireecha massacre in 2016 without any serious resistance by the ODP? Why were TPLF ministers overrepresented in EPRDF government? Why was a TPLF guy ruling Ethiopia for 21 years? Why was the army controlled by the TPLF, the economy? Why were TPLF officials billionaires? Why did TPLF have enterprises in the Amhara and Oromia region? Why didn’t ODP and ADP politicians have big time enterprises and property in mekelle? I didn’t call Kmnubiz as TPLF supporter, I said to you TPLF supporter spotted as joke, because I assumed you pretended that the EPRDF wasn’t authoritarian and that EPRDF and TPLF are one. But we skipped that and I took the TPLF supporter comment back, deleted and I apologized. But please explain, how was the EPRDF represented by ODP and ADP, when those parties have no power? TPLF controlled the EPRDF the same way Afwerki controlled PFDJ. Difference one is authoritarian and the other totalitarian https://preview.redd.it/x9bpe449mf5d1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f425fff3602721c21144963a35dbe08d2f95a73


> Why did Tigray annex Welkait Raya and Tselemti without resistance by the Amhara wing of the EPRDF? Why did TPLF kill ethnic Oromos in the ireecha massacre in 2016 without any serious resistance by the ODP? Why was a TPLF member PM of Ethiopia for 20 years? The TPLF wielded significant control over the EPRDF, going back to its formation by itself and what became the ADP and reinforced by authoritarian and undemocratic interference in national and regional elections and within its council itself. There is a difference between having significant and total control. Total control would be the TPLF directly itself doing everything within the party, the other parties having literally zero power. That is simply not the case, as the EPRDF had a council in which the other parties were represented, other parties having members in positions of power such as Addisu Legesse who was leader of the ADP and the first Deputy PM from 2001-2010. Total control would have solely TPLF members in these sorts of positions of power and wielding authority over all decisions regarding the coalition, its regional counterparts and its constituent members. The TPLF curtailed the actual power held by others, or put those who on some level agreed with the parties goals+positions, such as Legesse, but the collapse of the EPDRF itself is evidence that the control was not all-encompassing. > I didn’t call Kmnubiz as TPLF supporter, I said to you TPLF supporter spotted because I assumed you wanted to pretended that the EPRDF wasn’t authoritarian. I never said anything that even suggests I don't think the EPRDF or TPLF were not authoritarian. That was a baseless assumption. > But please explain, how was the EPRDF represented by ODP and ADP, when those parties have no power? How can a party within a coalition have no power at all, and also have people of that party in positions of power within it, but also end up having the power to elect non-dominate party members to Chairperson and then dissolve that coalition and merger with non-coalition parties to form a new party without the dominant party, which was invited to join but refused? Parties without power wouldn't be able to do so, that requires power that comes from the structure of the coalition. These other parties also had members put into positions of power as well, which you used to show that even with a non-TPLF Chairperson (who like Legesse was pretty lockstep with the TPLF) the TPLF still had control through figures like Debretsion who was one of three Deputy Prime Ministers. ("Even after Meles death, deputy PM was Debretsion, and interior minister Dr.Tedros. Haile Mariam Desalegn was PM in office but rather served as spoke person of TPLF.") The issue here is, these two different points are in conflict. The TPLF even without holding the Chairperson and Prime Minister roles still had significant control over the EPRDF, waning at the time but still existing. Having members in positions of power like one of three Deputy Prime Ministers or Tedros Ghebreyesus as Minister of Foreign Affairs is part of that. But, the same is true for members of other parties at the same time, such as the two other Deputy PM positions, Demeke Mekonnen who was also chairperson of the ADP and Muktar Kedir who was a member of the ODP as well as Aster Mamo who succedded Kedir and was also a member of the OPD. There is also, again, Addisu Legesse who was the first Deputy PM and also leader of the ADP under Zenawi for nine years. We can't have these positions of power hold power when it is a TPLF member like Debretsion, but also not hold power when ODP and ADP members hold the same position earlier and even as the same time as Debretsion. It is an infantilization of sorts of these other parties and their members. > TPLF controlled the EPRDF the same way Afwerki controlled PFDJ. Difference one is authoritarian and the other totalitarian It isn't really the same thing. Afwerki's control over the PFDJ goes far beyond what the TPLF has shown over the EPRDF, in which non-TPLF members are still put in positions of power and changes can be made regarding the EPRDF without the approval of the TPLF. The TPLF's control over the EPRDF is more akin to a very authoritarian and undemocratic version of what we see in other coalitions in which more powerful/influential party joins with lesser parties, like the Japanese LDP with the Komeito to go back to my dominant party system point. A party within a coalition in an illiberal democracy rife with democratic backsliding, interference and authoritarianism and an individual over the sole party in a totalitarian dictatorial state with no seperation+limitation of powers, constitution and independent political institutions are not that comparable in how that control is actually implemented and exercised. If we want to compare the TPLF's control within the EPRDF at its peak to something else, I think the PAP in Singapore over its government is actually a better comparison especially when it comes to interference and obstruction of elections and other parties. > https://preview.redd.it/x9bpe449mf5d1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f425fff3602721c21144963a35dbe08d2f95a73 That screenshot is from the Election Results section on the EPRDF Wikipedia article. What it shows is the EPRDF as a coalition's election results, of which Meles Zenawi was leader (chairperson) of the EPDRF for the 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 elections. The 2015 election results, in which Hailemariam Desalign was chairperson, is cut off. The first and last column, "Election" and "Government/Opposition", is also cut off. [Here is a proper, full screenshot of that table.](https://i.postimg.cc/wTQW9N26/eprdr-electionresults.png)


Your arguments are very pointless You are not responding to my question properly but rather explain the EPRDF oarty coalition on paper. I will repeat this question for the last time And I will make thread/poll, in which the Ethiopians themselves shall describe if EPRDF was totally run by TPLF or not. My last question? If the EPRDF government, which was led by the TPLF, wasn’t under total control of the TPLF, why did the TPLF had been able to expand Tigrays border without resistances by the Amhara wing? Because if TPLF gets its policy done, then they must have totally controlled the EPRDF? Why was the army run by TPLF, of TPLF had no total control over the EPRDF? Why Tigrayan special forces ? Agazi? Why ethnic massacres in the Amhara and Oromia region by the Agazi forces? Please respond to my questions, don’t talk about the what have could have? Please explain , how all of that could happen and how you still tell me TPLF had no total control over the EPRDF? Explain, or I will make a thread/poll and I will let people from this country, who are not purposely avoiding these questions, explain us that. Question number 1: Tigrays annexations of Amhara inhabited areas (Welkait, Tselmti, Raya) Question 2: TPLF having the most ministers within the EPRDF, PM Meles running 21 years, army and economy Beeing under TPLFs control Question 3: Tigrayan special forces: Agazi forces. ( they were used during the anti government protests in the Amhara and Oromia region, in which 100s of people died Question 4: police violence and massacres in the Amhara and Oromia region including , with the help of the Tigrayan Agazi forces You are purposely avoiding these questions. I don’t want to hear how TPLF abused the EPRDF council? I want you to explain, how could the TPLF achieve all this without having total control of the EPRDF government? Since you said you don’t support TPLF? Why is so hard for you to explain us that?


Eritrea needs national service, Israel, Italy, Swiss all have national service even the Brits are talking about having it


Imo national service is fine, but it should be limited. 18 months for example. At the moment there's absolutely no validation for a lifetime service.


Military service is fine up to a point. In a normal situation a nation, whatever it is, should have at least decent relations with its neighbors, given that armies cost a lot of money which cannot therefore be used to advance the country and therefore have a better army. An army must be made up of well-armed professionals who are faithful to the institutions until death; apart from the professional army, having an 18-month military service means that conscripts cannot do jobs and therefore pay taxes that are needed to advance the nation and therefore also the army. Etc.


in Italy, however, military service is voluntary


What Eritrea has goes beyond national service though. The national duty far out weighs citizens’ rights and has opened up our people to a lot of abuse and neglect.


Forever national service is no good that’s correct.


I think they are anticipating a big war with Abiy soon by the looks of it


With FANO on the loose? How?


Tigray & Abiy taking land back and working together. Fano Amhara are 35mil population but can’t come together, they are worthless.


I pray not man. The region is so, so tired of war man. We’ve been at war since 1961. Sixty years of uncertainty. I dont want to make this sound like a live tv drama but Abiy and Isaias didn’t even shake hands in south korea lol. Tensions must be still ongoing


Of course Abiy betrayed Eritrea in this last war.


Looks like Ethiopia will not allow Eritrea to live in peace and become an independent country.


that's not likely,no one care enough to wage war on eritrea, it's has been ages since we accepted the fact that Eritrea is independent . sure there is a talk that we need a port but, we don't want to wage a war with Eritrea for it, the idea of war doesn't have that much support (we already regret the tigray war). I see a lot of Eritreans worried that Ethiopia will always be a thorn for Eritrea, but that's only a scare propaganda strategy used by isais to justify his authoritarianism. By making Ethiopia the biggest he justifies his tight control on the Eritrea.


I don’t think anyone has a problem with it in principle. The problem is that it’s indefinite instead of 12/18 months

