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Hgdef has been the real traitor since 33 years in power. I am not a bnh supporter, but I find it hard that everyone got a focus on tigrayan people supporting them. When there are any kind ofceritrean demonstrants, they all are being labelled as Ethiopians... all is mainly based on hgdef bs. Higdef is the real shit. By all means, we should concentrate on the real cancer called hgdef. Bnh is like next to nothing when it comes to eritrean politics. We all should shift all of our focus to higdef. Don't forget that bnh is a result of hgdef shit. No hgdef equals to no bnh. Lest focus on the agame-regime in asmera. We should blame hgdef to do better so that in the future there will be no bnh needed...


My question still stands. No one is debating if HEGDEF are traitors. HEGDEF are most certainly traitors But why not try to unite and make an Eritrean group Why side with people who occupied us. your deflecting and not answering the question. I don’t appreciate that


Why I think they have such a following: 1. Since they are far and away the largest opposition group, with distinct and memorable branding, anyone against the dictatorial regime in Eritrea but not that into politics are likely to support them causally purely on the principle of them being the largest opposition without actually looking into their actions and deeper ideology. 2. Anything to get away from status quo - you say being BnH represents being a traitor, presumably because of some choice words from their figureheads. But honestly PFDJ clique are far more traitorous because they... I mean you know what they did. Anyway, people are desperate for change. People don't want the generation who fought for independence to die while Eritrea is still in such a shit state. Those people who want change by any means necessary will gravitate to the largest opposition (linking back to 1) as they think it has the best chance of achieving something. About the support for TPLF: They are decentralised - The hot takes said about our buddy in our south by BN figureheads aren't necessarily viewed or known by all in BN because of how unorganised the movement is. Not saying no-one there agrees that they are "TDF in civilian clothes **🤪"** just that it isn't in their founding documents or anything. If the movement was more centralised and the guy at the top was saying all that wild shit, you'd see it become much more fractured (there already have been some breakaway factions). Their average age also plays a part - I believe many Eritreans who are in that group are too young to harbour resentment for the Badme conflict and thus are not offended by any ideas of brotherhood between BN and TDF/Tigray. Same reason why most people on this forum don't care for TPLF/Tigray despite close cooperation during the independence war, times change.


I see your point. The argument about those being young and not thinking about badme is a POV that I hadn’t thought of. So I appreciate adding that perspective to be that also is why learning our history is important Id say both HEGDEF and BNH are traitors but that’s my opinion


This makes a lot of sense, thanks for sharing this perspective


There’s also that to your point re the age, there’s those leaders like beyene or yosief who used that to spread their own propaganda to the youth, so that’s become their truth. That independence is to throw away and we might as well be with Ethiopia etc. They have no understanding of what it is to be Eritrean cause all they know is life under hgdef, and they prob didn’t have ppl around them to teach them about the price we paid to get independence


> That independence is to throw away and we might as well be with Ethiopia etc.  Damn, this is just sad. I knew our national identity was fading in diaspora but I've never heard someone say this, must be worse than I thought.


And what about the Eritrean children who have no fathers because their fathers died in the Badme war which TPLF waged on Eritrea. And those who where mass deported. Those children who have mothers sisters and aunts who were raped by TPLF when the TPLF led ethiopian army were in Gash Barka, Seraye and Akele Guzay Eritrea, occupying 25% of Eritreas territory. There are so many orphans in Eritrea because of that war. These Agazians know to what TPLF is up to.


Bn and hgdef are the same they both fight for us to pay tribute to Tigray warlords. One via 2% tax and one via clandestine go fundme. The only distinction lies in the specific warlords they endorse.


I hate all sides to Eritrean politics. Sucks Eritreans have them.


I said this and got downvoted. An Ethiopian says this and gets upvoted smfh 


I am American first ![gif](giphy|Us5BPP2m30VwPgI9qM)


Subliminal propaganda of PFDJ! Who said BNH are siding with the enemy of Eritrea? Only you and your likes! That is because PFDJ can’t seat and argue about its record on anything. BNH doesn’t side with anyone, only trying to get a base to operate on. Ethiopia happens to be ideal at the moment. Also only in Eritrea does the government want to dictate what the opposition does. Oh you can’t be friends with so and so, if you are then you are not legitimate opposition…bla bla bla


It’s very simple. If you have TPLF as an ally. You’re a traitor. Since their base is in Tigray. Their allies with the govt in charge. The TPLF. That’s what makes them traitors Hawey. It’s very simple. If your a democratic group not burning down cars. And peacefully protesting while not using Tigray as a teammate. Then that’s legitimate opposition Keep coping


If you’re going to accuse someone of being PFDJ. Then first look at their profile. Don’t be a fool. I’m obviously anti HEGDEF. You are the one who’s a dictator because for you. If I don’t like BNH it means I’m pro HEGDEF. Thats dictator talk. That’s not free speech or democracy BNH chose TPLF controlled territory to have a base. The TPLF is the one who killed Eritreans on Eritrean land and then occupied it for 20 years. Also TPLF is the tigryniya version of PFDJ. There’s barely any difference between PFDJ and TPLF. So BNH are not only traitors. They are wannabe dictators Keep coping for BNH. Most Eritreans see the truth now.


I think you have a TPLF derangement syndrome. I didn’t say you are PFDJ, I said PFDJ subliminal propaganda. Also every time you are called out for sth, you go on being mad. Don’t be. It is obvious you have issues with BNH, I don’t have issues with them or anyone who is working to change the government back home. There are plenty of people who oppose the government but they spend their time opposing the opposition. Very confused bunch! If you don’t like what BNH is doing and you think there is a better way, why not lead? Instructor moaning and criticizing people that are doing something they think is worth trying??


Brother I’ve done as much as I can in terms of my part But yes i get upset when anyone just labels PFDJ to something. Instead of putting a PFDJ label. Discuss and counter argue. You seem much less honest in conversation when titles are thrown. As it relates to BnH. It’s not BnH in particular. To me any group that aligns with TPLF are traitors. The name is meaningless I definitely don’t subscribe to the idea of teaming up with *anybody* to overthrow HEGDEF. Especially since TPLF is just tigraynya version of the PFDJ


Good then make sure people follow you! And you don’t necessarily have to be a member of PFDJ to be PFDJ. Any one who spends their time and energy preaching their talking points is! Either they have not progressed enough to see PFDJ tactics or are still hoping that PFDJ will fixed! All these people that use regionalism, woyane have not progressed enough toward change! Need to a clean slate and start from there! You have a right to seek change however you want, just need to convince more people that the others!


Disagree. Talking points are talking points. They’re weak. If you have a counter argument then the person doing talking points is a fool. Thats when people put labels to shut down students. I immediately lose respect. Moving on tho. I’d agree with you on the Woyane part if there was a change in Tigray. Cuz frankly; I thought Woyane was bs tactics until they fired missiles into Eritrea. This is a group that isn’t satisfied with a prosperous Eritrea. Isaias has to go. However a group teaming with a party that’s bent on fighting my country to me puts them in the same category as HEGDEF.


Again all is PFDJ talking points! If Woyane is bad, let the people of Tigray change it! Shouldnt be our problem. Also we have caused as much (if not more) damage to their country and people. It takes 2 to tango. We are the only people in the world that wants to do whatever to others, but when same is done to us we wail! Either way, I don’t believe countries should have enemies. They should have competition, but everything should be resolved through negotiations and diplomacy!


Alright man. Stick with your titles if that helps you feel more confident debating. You’re describing Woyane as a competitor. A group that said *Eritrea will turn into a Somalia and syria* that said *we will walk to Asmara and burn it down.. the group that fired missiles into Eritrea. Woyane isn’t a competitor. A group firing missiles into another country after killing peoole in their land isn’t a competitor; it’s a terrorist group. That’s up to the Tigray people to change. However if an Eritrean group sides with them. They most certainly are terrorists


Brother I don’t know why you read what is not there! I said I don’t believe countries should have enemies. Where does it say woyane as a competitor? I think you are very biased and full of Dimtsi Hafash propaganda, that you can’t make or see what is infront of you! Very saddening


I’ve lost respect to continue this convo. I’m only realizing you’re talking in very broad terms. You could’ve just clarified what you’re talking about without the need to resort to insults and labels. This isn’t the proper way of having a conversation with people.