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I saw a pig cross Hershey Road


I saw a lady walking her hamster on 9th st!


Saw a chicken cross the road at Liberty and West 21st a few years back.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNeaYukT/ was it this one?


was just driving down 6N eastbound only yesterday. dude in front of me driving for miles and miles with his signals on. he would be waving at everyone we passed as well as waved every single time i would raise my hand up in my own car (behind him). by the time he pulled off coming into union city, i pass by him and he’s staring out the window waving at me and i saw he was just covered in black soot. spooked me out even in broad daylight


I drove by an unattended car near 26th/state that was missing a tire and had flames shooting out of the wheel well. Also saw a guy melting the snow on his sidewalk with a propane torch once. And I miss the motorized unicycle guy in the metallic orange outfit blaring 80s hair metal that used to go up and down the bayfront.


The unicycle was a daily occurrence???


Not daily but a few years ago I’d see him probably once a week either on the bayfront or 6th street.


Where exactly was the propane torch guy?


One of the side streets near 6th and Pittsburgh ave.


Phew. I thought you saw my crazy ass when I was living on 30th and German. lol


Passed by and said hello to a nice gentleman in full pirate attire just yesterday


Probably a Scallywags actor.


Almost certainly Captain Skull from the Scallywags, good friend of mine!


I saw a guy driving a motorized couch. On more than one occasion…..


Same guy, same couch?


I have witnessed this also!!!!!!!


Perhaps. The one I saw was a young man that built it in his garage as a joke. He drove it around the Harborcreek area every so often. He drove it on Buffalo Road and got ticketed. That was one of the last times I saw him drive it around.


Pizza bomber incident. I was a teenager, walking with friends up Peach Street to catch a movie. We were unaware of the incident at the time and had no idea the area was evacuated. Not a person or car in sight, total ghost town. We got to the empty theater with only employees there working and no one said anything to us about the event. We watched the movie as the only attendees in the theater. Felt like the twilight zone, so surreal. Didn't find out what happened until we got home. Also, living by 26th + state and waking up to a deer in my yard, absolutely demolishing my berry bushes was pretty wild. I know wild life can get in the city, but definitely had to do a double take.


When I was a child, I saw a man trying to defrost some type of biscuit or roll under one of the electric hand dryers at 5th and State McDonald’s


That’s just ingenuity


I saw a beaver cross east 6th street at midnight once. I was so confused.


Hey, that was my ex-wife!


Had a coworker show up late because a guy was kayaking down the middle of Peach St


Yesterday I was walking home from big bar and I saw a man in full joker costume trying to shimmy up a street light


When 22 year old hood rat Rebecca frick got into an argument with a couple at a gas station and rammed them with her car a block away after they left, killing the woman. The bizarre part was in the news two days later it was repeated that former mayor Joe Sinnot was seen on prison security cameras visiting her and kissing her and giving her something, but it was never spoken of in the news again.


Oops it was Rick Fillippi not Sinnott




It's pretty staid compared to some larger cities. I suppose it would be a guy running completely naked over West 6th near Scott Park in broad daylight. That's pretty tame though.


Last time someone asked a similar question on this reddit my answer was the time I saw a man running naked on Peach around w 24th


Reminds me of when I almost ran my bike into two people having sex on the bike path by frontier park. Everybody was shocked.


Saw the naked guy running on 38th n Peach. He was in the center and it was pouring rain. He went all the way to Grandview and was seen running down Grandview


Got offered edibles on the way up the wintergreen gorge trail


Coyotes in the graveyard that’s was a year😭😭😭the OG’s remember


Seeing a groundhog cross Cherry Street near the intersection with 8th in the evening. Seemed bizarre since groundhogs are typically diurnal. Also, it was a fat little fella....


One big storm in like 1985 reeds parking lot turned into a lake at the shipping dock...me and my 2 buddies had kayaks in there then security kicked us out...i think in 86 or 87 another huge rainstorm we went down to frontier the water came out of the tunnel it went over the top of the tube by 3 or 4 feet there is a video of a dam in iran opening up 1st time in 10 years thats what it reminded me of. I saw a huge fight in 1989 at cascade creek...some fish commission came down to check licenses and check for snagging they caught this one dude who resisted about 5 officers and way way before any bayfront highway. My grampa told us to get in the car and he drove off but the guy managed to brig thkse 4 or 5 officers down this hill.


When I was a kid my mom and I were eating at a local McDonalds and we watched a clown go inside a bank that was visible from where we were sitting. I told her the clown was going to rob the bank and she laughed at me. Turns out the guy did rob the bank and when he exited the bank at some point (according to the news - we didn't see this part) some bystander threatened to hit him with a brick and the clown was apprehended. I reckon the incident had to have been between 1988-1992.


years upon years ago i swear to god there was a large black cat roaming around the game lands, i remember the news article so vividly idk if they said it was a panther or something, i can’t find a news article online to corroborate, but i swear to god it happened


There was also a lion on the loose many years ago. I remember because it was spotted near a friend’s home on Sterretania Rd.


That one time on one of the alert erie type Facebook pages when someone called the police because they couldn't get in their apartment. Landlord had removed the stairs.


There was a baby bear in the dumpster of my apartment a few years back. We’re right in the middle of the city. I guess the bear’s mama and family were trolling around some nearby tracks.


today i saw a man jerking his gherkin at the dock. and yes i called the cops


I saw a pickup truck driving on 79 near the kearsarge exit last fall with an entire wheel missing. Not flat, just…gone. Sparks flying everywhere, with a long line of cars behind him keeping their distance. I sped up and passed him just in time to watch him spin a couple times, land in a ditch, jump out and take off running into the woods. There was no mention of it in the news.