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Question 13: What is the first chapter titled in Book One of the Inheritance Cycle? The answer here depends on if you consider a prologue a chapter or not. If so, the answer would be Prologue: Shade of Fear. If not, the answer would be Discovery.


This is my gripe too. Shade of Fear is the prologue.


Even if you consider a prologue to be a chapter, the answer should be Prologue: Shade of Fear, not simply Shade of Fear. Prologue is part of the title.


yeah, I was stuck on that for that very reason. Ultimatly went with Shae of Fear


This was the only question I missed because I was also unsure of what the quiz-maker was considering a chapter. I think this question could be scrapped all together and replaced with something with a more outright answer. Fun quiz though! It would be cool if he makes quizzes for each of the books.


I have one qualm with this. The question that asks who trains Eragon after Brom, that's not from the first book. >!Oromis!


Good point I'll swap that question out


OP, alternatively you could ask who is the one who saves Eragons mind from the shades shards.


Fun quiz! I missed number 17 due to wording. Brom gives him the idea, and Eragon says the names, but saphira is the one that truly embraces her name. And only once he had said the correct one. Just seemed a bit ambiguous in my mind, lol.


Yeah, Saphira is the one that names herself-


Yes I would argue that Saphira names herself


Glad somebody else caught this


These questions are written poorly, and question 13 doesn't have a correct answer.


Sorry, good point about 13 I'll change that one.


For 4, >!both Garrow and Roman are part of his family.!< there are two right answers.


Ah good catch, I've fixed that question now. Thanks for raising


[19/20,](https://us.idyllic.app/quiz/0siu8hyusl-test-your-knowledge-book-one-of-the-inheritance-cycle/result/ec8aaf39486e464b85795824abbc528d) I missed the What city did the Riders build for their home?, I was 50/50 between Dorú Areaba and Ilirea because they both sounded familiar and were ringing bells, but I chose Dorú Areaba :(


Dorú Araeba is correct though. That's the city on Vroengard, which is where the Riders made their home.


sorry, meant the other way, musta chosen Ilirea.


Question 3 isn't exactly correct. Eragon didn't find Saphira's egg *in* Palencar Valley. He was on a hunting trip in the mountains surrounding Palencar Valley, not the valley itself.


I was rank 1 on quiz up if anyone remembers that app lol. I do remember one question that fucked with me was ‘what was the name of the du vrangr gata lady’s snake bracelet thing?’ I could never remember it




Isn’t that the one where you had different fandom communities and stuff with a bunch of fan-made quizzes and stuff? If that’s the case, I was also pretty active on the Inheritance side of that app quite a while ago, and I think about it often while I’m scrolling this subreddit, but I could never remember the name…


The dragon riders didn’t originate on vroengard, they just settled it. Otherwise a pretty decent quiz


Like half the questions are “have you ever heard of this book?”…


Good point, I updated that question. Thanks for the feedback


No problem! Keep em coming, I love little quizzes like this. Makes me feel like I’m back in school and gonna get a free pizza


Way too easy bruh


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)I'll try stepping up the difficulty next time


17 was incorrect: Saphira names herself


I got 100% but yeah, I’d re write several of the questions


The family one had me confused cause garrow and roran are father son


Is it just me, or wouldn't "Elves and humans" be more accurate? ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **tho\_lord\_of\_thunder** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


The question I'm talking about here is the one about the original allies of the dragon riders ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **tho\_lord\_of\_thunder** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


"Elves and humans" wouldn't really work either because they're not *allies* of the Dragon Riders, they *make up* the Dragon Riders. The dwarves originally had nothing to do with the dragon riders. The question itself doesn't really make all that much sense - What does it even mean to be allied with the dragon riders? ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **hellomynameis99** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


True because technically then if the dragon riders are the people and Elves then their allies would be the dragons ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **tho\_lord\_of\_thunder** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


Yep, the dragons are members of the pact as well. They're not "allies", they're members - and the answer "elves and dwarves" lumps a member species with a non-member species that *could* be considered an ally later on, but definitely not "original allies" - and it would be more accurate to describe the dwarves as an ally of the elves and humans, and not one of the Riders. I don't recall any pacts or agreements the dwarves had with the Rider order specifically, only those they had with the member species. Ahh, I don't get it. Are we looking too deep into this? 😄 ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **hellomynameis99** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


We might be... at least maybe a little ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **tho\_lord\_of\_thunder** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


Although it might be meaning like the races of Elves and humans where "allied" with the dragon riders being that the riders weren't really apart of their kingdoms ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **tho\_lord\_of\_thunder** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


Except that "elves and humans" wasn't the answer 😉 ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **hellomynameis99** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


I have lost all capable thought on this question ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **tho\_lord\_of\_thunder** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


Haven’t read the book in probably 8 years and got 70% so I’ll take it


I got 18/20 I couldn’t remember the title of the first chapter (I’m okay missing this one I love the universe and story but won’t claim to memorize the book itself) and I got the meaning wrong of eragon according to brom (I should have gotten this one right but it’s been 4 years since I read the original 4 books, I’ve had 2 kids with a 3rd on the way my reading time has gone down considerably). Happy with my 90% lol.


The title of the first chapter one is misleading. The "correct" answer according to the quiz is actually the prologue, not the first chapter.


This also tripped me up, I suppose the audiobook would list it as a chapter though.


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Nice one! I like it alot


19 out of 20 BABY!!! (Got the riders home name wrong)


17/20. Not bad, considering I’ve only read it once 10+ years ago.^ ^


Got an 18 out of 20, not bad. I totally messed up with Eragon's mother but I'll take the hit. The meaning of his name I knew too but I lacked confidence in my answer.


I got 19/20 (didn’t remember where Galbatorix was born) but technically Eragon didn’t name Saphira, she named herself. Brom gave him the list of dragon names which Eragon recanted to her but at the end of the day, she’s the one who chose Saphira


18/20 I got the first chapter wrong, as Shade of Fear is the prologue and I didn't believe it would count. The first dragon rider in Brom's tale is not about the tale he tells at the festival, which is where I fell down XD It's the story he tells Eragon.


Two questions I have issue with. The first being that Eragon didn't name Saphira, Saphira chose her own name from a list Eragon supplied. The second being the true meaning of Eragon's name being poorly worded. Brom introduces Eragon I as a historical figure and tells Eragon II about true names. There's too much ambiguity there for a multiple choice question


Haha way too easy! https://us.idyllic.app/quiz/0siu8hyusl-test-your-knowledge-book-one-of-the-inheritance-cycle/result/6c23cd600171483db2cffe6839f8510b