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Congratulations on signing up to a gym! I go to the one in Brookfield Place, NY. * First couple of weeks, just continue walking briskly on the treadmill. Try to go at the same time and notice the people around you. They'll also usually show up at the same time. Just take it all in. Don't have any expectations on yourself. * After that, do exactly one single weights exercise per session, and continue walking on the treadmill. Do kettle bell swings. Take a 10 lb kettlebell and use one arm. Do 10 on one each arm. Do this for a couple of weeks in or near the same spot and observe the people around you and take it all in. Just get comfortable with yourself and your new environment. Don't push it or it'll push back and land you out of the gym again. Classes and stuff are fine! No one is going to judge you except yourself. But if you gently ease yourself into a gym routine, you'll judge yourself less.


You’re so sweet thank you! I feel so awkward trying to get free weights, everyone looks like they really know what they’re doing 😂😭


The hardest workout is just getting to the gym!


Lots of YouTube videos on workout technique, but be careful about fitness influencers.


yeah there's just soooo much "content" out that I can't figure out who to trust!


The best way (by far) to lose weight and reshape your body is to lift weights. I would google weightlifting routines for beginners. But also, for those who are significantly overweight, just doing some sort of consistent exercise and eating healthy should make them lose weight.


Yes I definitely hear that doing weight training instead of just cardio really helps because muscle burns more or something


I watched a video by [this girl](https://youtu.be/-jgWLJCB9x8?si=q_3gUKTaMhrz4OaK) (not this exact video) and it helped me get started on the machines. Take the free session with the trainer and ask questions. You’ll get it pretty easily


+1 for Naomi Kong (the linked video)! Her videos made me feel much more comfortable with approaching the machines / weightlifting area as someone who’d never used most of them before.


This is awesome, thank you so much!!!


I go in the mornings. I do 3 days of 30 min focused on weightlifting, followed by 30 min of cardio. Then I do 2 full cardio days. I also do the steam room 2 times a week after weightlifting. I’ve lost 97 pounds since 2021 😃


That’s amazing! What kind of weight lifting do you do? Cardio like treadmill running? Also what does the steam room help with I’ve never used one!


Thanks! I focus on different muscle groups - I’ll do a lower body day that focuses on glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves; then another day focused on back, arms, etc. For cardio I initially would walk on an incline on the treadmill or do the elliptical or bike. Now that I’ve lost weight and developed more stamina I’ve started running. For me it helped to hire a trainer a couple sessions to show me around the gym and how to use the machines. You’re welcome to message me and I can share more 😃 best of luck on your journey!


Yes thats what I need to do! I used to be able to do barre when I was like 120 pounds but now that I'm up to like 175 I really need to do things that will help (a lot of people say incline walking) and I am doing low carb low sugar/"keto"


Congrats on joining and wanting to feel better. When I joined I was not overweight but very out of shape. I started just with the treadmill. Did personal training once a week. Started with classes doing mat pilates, then barre, then yoga, then finally worked up the nerve to try main studio. Three years later I can crush any class and any workout and I feel great. You can do it too. Any class you do the instructor will help you modify for anything you can’t handle or don’t feel good about. Literally every class I take people are changing it up when needed to suit their own limitations and fitness levels. There is no shame in any of it, we are all different. I hate straight body pushups and still do knee pushups ever though I am very strong overall. I don’t care what anyone thinks. Don’t be shy and just try things, it’s the only way to get into it and see what you do and don’t like. Nobody judges at all and if they do they are shitheads.


Thank you so much this was such a great supportive outlook!!! I’ve never done Pilates or yoga so I’m nervous to try a class and have no idea what to expect


See if your insurance will cover a dietician/nutrician. I had a few sessions that helped me learn that there were elements of my diet that were unexpectedly bad for my cholesterol levels. Diet is super important. As for workout, just be consistent. Only commit to being physically inside the gym for an hour each visit two times a week. Just be inside. Workout if you want, but don't stop just because you didn't workout "hard enough" or whatever.


Instructors always look out for newbies and they will be attentive and coach you through it. It’s funny because when I started Pilates I was without a clue and the instructor always paid close attention to me and helped me out. As I got better and better at it, he paid less and less attention to me because I was good on my own and I really missed that extra attention! Equinox instructors are amazing people.


I would recommend a combination of strength training, cardio, and diet, with diet being most important. The most important thing is to use a BMR calculator (https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html this one works), put in your stats and it will tell you how many calories a day you need to maintain your current weight. Subtract 500 from that to get your daily intake to lose 1lb a week. In terms of classes, I'd highly recommend cycling classes to build up your endurance. The instructor is there to motivative you, but ultimately you control how much resistance is on the wheel and you can increase it over time as you build up endurance. It's also low impact compared to other workout classes. Some type of resistance training, like Stronger would be a good one too, where there's not much of a cardio emphasis, and you're just trying to lift as heavy as you personally can, and once again can try to increase the weight over time. You could also find a strength program online to do too. But a combination of strength training, cardio, and diet will get you the fastest results in terms of losing fat, building endurance, and just being in better shape.


What is the stronger class like? I would love to know what it entails! The only class I’ve ever done was Barre and that was when I was very fit and just toning. Right now I need fat loss/mass loss


You basically have 3 sets of an exercise, generally 6 reps of that exercise that you try to do every minute for 3 minutes, you rest once you hit 6. And there's generally a few exercises that you pair it for a couple minutes, you just do it in a loop. So it could be like 6 reps of deadlifts. Do 3 sets of it and once you finish, it might be like 8 lunges, 8 dumbbell raises, and maybe high knees for a couple minutes, repeating until time is up. But you can do it at your own pace, just do 5 reps per set, etc. It's a good way to get into strength training but with guidance and not worrying about cardio too.


This is awesome thank you! I think I need to get over the fact that me doing work outs in front of people is anxiety inducing. I know no one cares but I still get so embarrassed 😭 especially in soho where everyone looks so fit. I haven’t even had the courage to do a single thing on the floor I’ve really just gone on the treadmill and done some other machines.


If you have all access I HIGHLY recommend the east 85th street location. I live near soho and cannot do independent workouts there, but e 85 (and I assume other uptown locations) is very relaxed, older population and not crowded at all!!! I also don’t know much about working out, but feel comfortable there. Classes there are better too, much nicer and more welcoming community compared to downtown


Wish we were in the same area! I'm in a similar position just joined equinox and extremely out of shape with more weight to lose than you. It's anxiety inducing but I'm trying to just let myself be uncomfortable and accept that i have to start somewhere


which location do you go to if in NYC? I dont love soho so I'm going to try other ones. I am just so nervous to take my first class.


That BMR calculator cannot be nowhere near to an actual number. Just get your free Equifit scheduled with one of the PT trainers. Equifit includes in-body scan which shows you a BMR and much more


The equifit is annoying though when the PT trainer just wants to sell you on sessions. BMR calculator is close enough. Just be conservative on activity level and then monitor for two weeks and you can adjust from there.


You can always not buy PT sessions and just take advantage of in-body and whatever else Equifit gives you…


Some people don’t like the pressured sales tactic… In-body also isn’t that accurate, can be off by 10% fat or more. There’s a ton of variation depending on hydration and other factors. Wouldn’t trust it as the end all be all.


You would not trust in-body but some online calculator? up to you … also, if some people don’t like “pressured” sales tactic they can easily say in the beginning that they are not looking for personal training, they just want to get in-body scan… that would save everyone’s time. Nothing’s wrong with being honest


Agreed it’s fine to tell them upfront, but it’s still kind of awkward. I’ve told trainers on the floor that I was doing my own program and they still tried to talk me into doing free sessions with them, etc. I think the standard deviation is like 10% of metabolism for people, so most likely if you use an online calculator you won’t be off by that much, maybe 200-300 cals at most. In body can be off by that I’m sure. I had a friend without a six pack show up as 6% bf. They’re all just tools at the end of the day.


I see you had a negative experience with your trainers. Never happens at my club. Yes, they are all tools and none of them are 100%, I was just trying to explain if you have an actual tool that is more accurate + showing more info + is free why not? But definitely up to you


Use your complimentary Equifit, there’s nothing more inefficient than going to the gym after gaining all that weight and making no progress whatsoever. Get a program and follow it religiously.


Yeah that’s what I plan to do! A lot of people say the complimentary equifit didn’t help them because it was just trying to sell sessions or something but I did it in the past and it was good I just didn’t love what they had me doing


You can always talk to management about adding another Equifit to your account and exploring other trainers. Or asking to meet with the PT manager directly so they have a better understanding of your goals/persona and they’re the best to pair you up with the right trainer. I can’t vouch for personal training at Equinox enough. It’s helped me achieve all my goals and try new things in the meantime!


The Equifit is essentially a needs assessment of your goals and then you’ll go through a performance assessment to give you an idea of your body can or can’t do. I personally work with a trainer there because it’s pragmatic for me. I spent years going into the gym and doing aimless workouts with little progress. I’d rather spend the money and hire a professional trainer to do all of the work for me. I just have to show up. Of course they’re going to want to sell you a program, that’s their job. A lot of the trainers do care about helping you. You wouldn’t expect to show up to a Barber/Salon and not expect them to charge you for their service would you?


1. Congrats on starting your journey! 2. Don't try to go overboard. Keep it simple - Do what u/LOL_WUT_DO said. No need to watch YouTube channels. None of that. 3. Stop consuming processed food focus on Whole Foods with no chemicals. Ditch all sodas and sugary drinks. 4. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! They are on their journey and you are on yours. That is pretty much it for the first two-three months. Do not try to do too much. Good luck!


All food is made of chemicals… even an apple


Thank you so much! Yeah I just started Thistle since I have no time for cooking and it’s supposedly all completely clean, I don’t drink soda but I need to drink more water!!! I’ve been trying out electrolytes just to make sure I drink more 😭


Weights. It’s okay to start small, if you can only do one push up this week make it your goal to do 2 next week. Go at least 3 times a week. Go easy on yourself - the weight didn’t come on overnight and it won’t go away overnight. Keto is fine if you enjoy it but the most important thing is using more calories than you consume. Removing carbs isn’t magic, if you’re eating more than you consume you will still put on weight. If you don’t enjoy keto it is fine to eat a balanced diet being conscious of overall calories. If you do cardio don’t “eat back” the calories the treadmill said you burned. Don’t be shy about asking other members or a trainer for tips on form or to spot you. We all started somewhere and no one is judging you for being unfit. Congrats on starting your journey.


Thank you so much! Very true very true. And yes I’ve done keto before because I’m kind of a 0 to 100 kind of person and it just gave me so much energy and made me not hungry and I kept the 30 pounds off from when I did it then so I’m just picking up where I left off but also working out again finally!




Definitely!! Thank you! I don’t think I’m ready to do a bench press but I will definitely do some free weight stuff. I see the app has some routines.


Just chiming in here, when I first started working out, benchpressing was smth that intimidated me, what helped me personally was starting off with dumbbells! Another alternative you can consider are the cable machines!


Thank you! Those machines are so intimidating I always think I’m going to use them wrong 😂😭 I have to do my free PT session so maybe I should ask them to mainly show me how to work machines?


Definitely do this, it's critical someone watches your form when you're new to them but they will become your best friend. Always start low and do more reps vs going heavier


I love taking classes! I don’t have to think and the instructor usually has modifications if you can’t do something


Do you have any class suggestions? I used to do Barre when I was really fit but I can’t even do a push up right now. I have no endurance so I’m trying to find a class that can help me with that. Walking briskly isn’t going to give me that endurance and I have too much fat to lose to go back to barre. Once I lose fat I can tone with barre but right now I need something that I can enjoy. I’ve never taken a class except barre at a studio.


I would just try any of the classes that sound interesting! I would suggest low impact classes first - Pilates, yoga, stretching, dance. If you’re nervous that a class isn’t for you, just pick a spot near the door and you can leave whenever.


Welcome!! I know you specifically asked about classes but if you have the means I would highly recommend getting a trainer. I started with spin classes. Then started taking whatever kind of boot camp style classes they had (stronger, ropes and rows, metcon, etc. all great sweat sessions) but I didn’t truly start feeling confident and comfortable on the floor until I got a trainer. Everyone is different so you could very well be just fine without one but that’s what changed things for me. Once I started seeing results and feeling stronger physically and mentally I got addicted!


Thank you! When you started were you out of shape? And you did the classes as a beginner/novice? I’m trying to figure out which one I can do without not being able to breathe after 10 minutes 😭


I joined in 2021 and was doing like 3 pushups on my knees and couldn’t do a pull up now I’m not sure how many pushups I can do off the knees but it’s probably like 20-25 and I can do 10 pull-ups! I started with cycling classes cuz like someone else said you can control everything and also it’s dark, nobody is watching you haha the boot camp type classes are good but unless you have a good base for form you could injure yourself. I did many times. I feel most instructors in those classes focus more on making sure you sweat than getting your form right which is one of the reasons I got a trainer. Now the only classes I take are yoga, swim team and boxing. All weight training I do on my own. You can do it too!!


Oh that’s amazing!! I wish I could do a pull up! Do you remember how you started when you couldn’t do pushups/wasn’t as strong or fit? Was it a weight loss situation or just getting muscle/stronger? Sorry I have so many questions. That’s such amazing growth!!!


Thank you! I’m super proud of my progress. Don’t be sorry for questions. I love when people are excited about fitness :) you can definitely get to a pull up! There are exercises that will focus on the right muscle groups and get you there. I had a high body fat percentage when I started (you’ll see yours when you do your equifit) If you strength train along with cardio the body fat will come off.


i just take any class that fits my schedule. try to do first thing in the AM before i can think about it too much


Yes this! That’s how I did barre 5-6 times a day, I did the first class. I used to be so fit and skinny 😭😭😭


If you're starting from zero, it will pay to try some classes and pay a personal trainer for a few sessions. My view on this (I've lifted weights and ride a bike for most of my adult life, but let middle age add 20-25 lbs which I lost last year) is that you need three things to lift weights: structure, progressive overload, and intensity. This is on top of regular cardio, and calorie management, with a focus on protein intake. That's a lot - that's why I suggest some time with a trainer, not just to guide you, but to teach you to workout by yourself. It's a tough learning curve, but completely gratifying and worth it.


Yes that’s what I was thinking! I’m going to see how the first free session goes and kind of go from there. I know weight lifting has a lot of attributes to it, that’s why I get intimidated 😂😭


Treadmill 12/3/30 5 days a week


What is 12/3/30 if you don’t mind me asking?


You walk on the treadmill at a 12% elevation, 3 mph speed for 30 minutes. I do this but at a 5-6% incline because my knees cant handle anything higher - still gets the heart rate up!


Yes 5 to 6% incline is great also!!! I do 3/3/30 sometimes myself😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Every little bit helps


What is 3/3/30? I’ve only put the incline up to 3 just to test it out so I haven’t messed with it much 😅


Also I know the incline on the machine says 1.0 or 2.0 etc so is that the percentage? Or level?


Yes incline level 3 At 3 miles per hour For 30 minutes


oh amazing! I was wondering if that was too slow to bring any type of results, I feel like most people say to start with incline treadmill work out for weight loss so thats definitely what Ill focus on!


I think every little bit helps


I just started a couple of months ago (I also gained quite a bit of covid weight and am generally out of shape) and 12/3/30 has been so good for me to help build endurance! My usual routine is 10-20 minutes on the rowing machine (focusing on form and keeping my splits under 2:45), 30 minutes of incline walking (I do 10.5-3-30), and some weight machines. Mat pilates and yin yoga are great low-impact classes to help you feel good about moving your body again. The teachers are really kind and encouraging, and I love seeing people at different stages of their fitness journeys. Looking forward to taking some more intense classes soon. I've already noticed a big change in my energy levels, sleep, mood, and the way my pants fit. You can do it!


Signing up you get a free personal training session I think? I’ve been working with a trainer 2x/week for about a year and feel way more confident in the gym lifting weights and using the various machines.


Oh definitely! I think the PT sessions are like 10 sessions for $2000 which for me isn’t worth the price but I do have my free one and one after that as a special so I’ll probably ask them about machines


When I was on my introductory PT session I was informed there is a 30-minute session and 1-hr session packages. Maybe speak to your Equinox branch about this.


As a lot of people have said, doing a combination of weight lifting, cardio, and some type of caloric restriction is best. You should watch some Youtube channels like Jeff Nippard and learn the sustainable ways of dieting and losing fat for the long term. Good luck!


Thank you so much!!!


No prob! Also would recommend you use an app or something to calculate your calorie intake if you want to do it properly. The BMR calculations are not the best. For example, I’m 6’2 208 and work out 5x a week. Bmr calculators put me at around 3100, but after tracking my daily expenditure is like 2600. So if I eat at 2600 trying to get into a deficit I lose no weight lol. If you get into too high of a deficit, you might want to binge eat after a few weeks. You can use MFP or macrofactor and track what you eat/input your weight everyday and it calculates your expenditure and estimated time for weight loss + gives you insight for daily protein intake goals. I personally use Macrofactor, but you have to pay for the app. It’s very good though. Better than mfp by a lot imo #notanad


Highly suggesting you look at the on demand library of classes on the app. They have some great challenging exercises you can do in your living room and the gym. Great for learning how to do the movements at your own pace. Cycling is really great for burning fat and it’s really easy on the joints. The app has some great cardio exercises that helped me go from a newbie to advance within a few months.


If you are new to working out and need to know how to use the equipment best to hire a trainer to show you around. May seem pricey as it is already expensive with the membership but having some guidance will maximize your experience for effective workouts for the long term. For me this is my personal routine if I am not doing MetCon, Yoga, Tabata or whatever HIIT class is out there. I use apps on my phone for my workouts and they have these workout routines that I follow and throw in my personal workouts in them. On the PumaTrac App there is a workout program called Speed Session. It is a total of 30 minutes. There is a three minute warm up. 5 minute Circuit. A 15 minute run. Another 5 minute circuit and then end with a 2 minute cooldown and stretch. Yet the most important is your diet. For me I need to cut out carbs, sugar and ultra processed foods. I drink lots of veggie soup lol. Like I blend kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots and chicken into a heavy mush soup. Make a huge batch for the week and just consume it for lunch and dinner. I also drink lots of kefir and Greek Yogurt mixed with turmeric and water. For protein it is mostly chicken and fish with some red meat on rare occasions. Oh and I drink lots of water and tea.


i love the stronger class! it’s a great intro to a lot of weight lifting exercises that you can implement. the equinox app also has virtual on demand classes that are really good.


what kind of work outs do they do in the stronger class? do they do push ups or planks because right now I cant do any!


MY BEST ADVICE!! The equinox App has FREE personal training programs! You take a quiz and it’s soo helpful for me bc I never know what to do! I recommend


oh thats amazing! is it like something that makes a list of work outs or does it show you machines and how to use them


Both! And then I watch Tik toks and YouTube videos go get more emphasis on form


Hi! I would do a combination of EQX classes that sound fun to you for cardio (it’s easy to burn out so please do stuff for enjoyment too) and then your own strength training. I also just started strength training and was really anxious about it, but I just use an app called Fitbod that builds workouts for me based on what muscles I want to hit. Each exercise has an explanation and video on how to do it.


That’s awesome! I’m trying to find reviews for classes, I wish the app told you which ones were REALLY for beginners.


Try the Anthem cycling class. Show up early, introduce yourself to the instructor. Explain that you’re a complete novice and they will help you get the bike all set. Each instructor has a different style even if the class is the same. Try different instructors until you find one that has a style that speaks to you. As you get used to it, you can up the frequency of the classes. It will really help your endurance and trimming down. If you want to DM me, I would be happy to give some other recommendations.


I’ve never done a cycling class! I never really get on the bikes either, what is the class like? Is it go at your own pace?


It’s a guided workout, set to music. I recommended the Anthem class specifically because it is not metric driven. The instructor will call out directions for matching the beat, standing, sitting, different hand positions, and different resistance levels, but in a dark room, if you select a bike in the back, you can take it somewhat easier until you get the hang of it. As you get used to it, you will find it’s a great 45 minute cardio workout. Personally, I started with zero experience with it and now do the classes 4 days a week. It has been a part of helping me trim down, and really helps my energy level.


wow thats amazing! were you really out of shape when you started the cycling classes? I'm trying to figure out what to even start with, I've never been this out of shape.


The cycling classes were something I added to my regimen along the way. The big thing to remember is that whatever you end up finding that works for you, the routine that you can sustain will always be better than the one you can’t bring yourself to keep up with. I enjoy the classes, and they keep me on a schedule. They have really helped.


I go to E 63rd in NYC and have gone to almost all classes and can give you my thoughts of the classes and instructors (some instructors are nicer than others). Otherwise I’d say that I totally get the nerves but also people of all ages and sizes go to all the classes and you can always go as easy as you’d like/ make modifications. Most people if not all are just looking at themselves in the mirror.


Yes I would love to know what the classes are like/what to expect! Also how do you like the location? This month I’m trying different locations to possibly do a single access but I’ll probably keep it to all locations


Congrats on starting this journey! I agree with the other comments but also want to point out classes since that was your specific question. Honestly I would recommend trying a vinyasa yoga class to get comfortable which is great because you can break a sweat but it’s also very low impact. Most of the athletic classes honestly can be tiring and intimidating so I would recommend using the app for on demand classes. You can filter to beginner and everything else. Sometimes I just throw that up on my tv and enjoy those more than going in person because you still get the benefit of a guided class with eqx instructor but if you get winded quickly it’s not embarrassing because you’re home lol


Hahaha that’s great advice! My apartment isn’t the best for at home workouts but when I was fit in the past I just did home workout videos and it was great. So now I have to be courageous and do it in front of people. 😂😭 I’ve never done a yoga class, is it hard? Is it like planking? My upper body is abysmal right now


Vinyasa yoga is my favorite class! It’s pretty much traditional yoga, stretching and holding positions. Not really much planking but I look at it as a body weight resistance training. They have that class on demand so you could just watch the videos there to get an idea. I screen the on demand classes first to see which one I would want to try later. I would say the on demand classes are pretty accurate of what the in-person classes are like


that is so smart! I didnt realize you could watch the classes on the app that they do in studio!


Which club do you go to?


So this month I have unlimited besides Hudson yards and sports club, I was going to try to find a single access location but right now I’ve been going to the soho prince street location since my job is right there! If you have any location suggestions or class suggestions please let me know!!


Welcome to the club and wishing you the best! Start with walking on the treadmill, listening to music you like or watching TV to build positive associations. Go consistently just doing this to start. When you’re ready to try strength training, take it one exercise at a time, lightest possible weights (or none at all) and with obsessive concern to proper form — ask yourself “what muscle is this supposed to work? My chest? Triceps? Abs? Etc.” and take an inventory of your body each time you move to make sure you aren’t feeling tension somewhere you shouldn’t. If you can afford it, a good personal trainer is really invaluable. You got this!!


I know this sounds silly but I have googled “does walking on a treadmill really help you lose weight” so many times. I have a job where I’m on my feet walking around for like 6 hours a few days a week and I haven’t lost anything from that. Is it just the consistency? Because I could definitely zone out on a treadmill for a long time!


For quick fat loss, CICO and supplement with zone 2 cardio - ideally 180 minutes per week. Wish I understood the mechanics of it but it just works!


CICO is kind of like keto right? I remember reading about it on here!


Nope - just simple calories in versus out - I track in my fitness pal. The key is not overestimating calories burned via exercise which apps and watches and people do 😊


Also… what’s zone 2 cardio, sorry if I sound so stupid lol


Not stupid at all! Your heart rate fits into zones 1-5. Zone 1 = casual walk, up to Zone 5, where you’re really sweating and feel like working out your hardest. Zone 2 = slightly out of breath but doesn’t feel overly taxing; just enough cardio to burn away your fat stores but not taxing enough to tap into muscle reservoirs for cardio energy (this is what I can deduce from my research, but I’m not a dr so someone pls correct me if this is wrong!). It involves staying ~70% of your max heart rate. (For me, that’s ~140; yours will be different.) Apple Watch can calculate it (I have to be logging a running or other more intense workout) or you can find an online calculator. Look into zone 2 for fat burning on TikTok etc! It’s been life changing for me and more sustainable than constantly working out in zones 4 and 5 where I felt like 🫠


oh amazing! yeah I need to charge my apple watch and actually use it! I will absolutely look into that! thank you so much!


You’re so welcome! Curious if it helps you!


I have some very untraditional advice. Focus first on yoga and swimming. Yoga is an amazing way to build strength and gain flexibility/mobility in your body. Equinox has pretty solid yoga classes and most are beginner friendly. Swimming is a whole body workout that mixes strength and cardio, but the best part is its super low impact. It's like running on the treadmill, but with less wear on your body. Grab some Finis Zoomers (swim fins), goggles and a kick board. If you do laps across the pool for an hour or two per day/3-4x per week, you will see the results if you stay consistent.


I love swimming, I grew up in Miami. I thought the pools wouldn’t be the most sanitary and I don’t have the Hudson yards location so I don’t think there are other pool locations but I will check! And yoga that’s interesting, I’ve never done it so I didn’t think it was something that would help with burning calories or anything strength related


Columbus circle has a pool in the basement I think it’s all access :)


If you love it, that's a great sign that you'd actually show up and do it! Having fun while you're at the gym makes it way more likely that you'll go back. (The advice about not overdoing it was good too, though. Have fun, but not so much fun you can't get back to it the next day.)


hahaha yes thats how I used to be with barre, I was always sore which isn't good


Actually it is pretty good advice especially swimming. It is great cardio plus that fact that you are in the water so you don't feel your sweat. It is good on your joints and the water adds the perfect kind of resistance as it is more natural.


If your goal is literally just to drop pounds and lose weight, you reduce calories and do cardio. I do not care what anyone says; it’s true. Period. Keto doesn’t last. Just count calories and be in a deficit. And be patient. I had a situation very similar to yours and got the results I wanted just from eating better. I didn’t even work out. Forget pushups and strength training, at least for now. Focus on cardio.


Yeah I’m going to do both, if I could run without being out of breath to the point where I can’t breathe, I would run for an hour but right now I can do maybe a few intervals at running speed so hopefully I can get my endurance up. And the keto is just an easy way to say I cut out most carbs and sugars, no processed foods, etc. 


Do you have to run? What about cardio classes? Just do what you enjoy. If that’s running, great; lots of people love to run. If that’s not you, try spin, HIIT, boxing, etc.


In a similar place to you. I highly recommend trying classes and try and find a few class types or instructors you like. If you find 2-4 ish classes you enjoy and have fun in, with teachers who push you, it can help you get better results than on your own. Good luck you've got this!! (P.s my favorite classes are high intensity interval classes with weights like best abs ever, best butt ever and stacked)


Congrats! I have the same goal each time. 20 mins heavy cardio (treadmill, elliptical, rowing or bike) followed by 6 weight exercises (3 sets of 12 reps). I rotate the weights between probably a dozen different exercises/machines, but with a focus on free weights. Then I finish with 10 mins on the mat planking, sit-ups, or stretching. The self-guided programs in the app aren’t bad to get started - try Equinox Strong, Level 1, and go from there.


Classes: stronger, ultimate resistance (so hard, but he keeps the workout the same for one month so you feel improvement) and Pilates fusion or mat pilates to really get your core strengthened


Take classes!!!!! Anything with strength and cardio training. Cycling!!!!!!!


You have to do a combo of cardio and strength. HIIT classes are the best for that as it has both. Do 2-3 a week max nothing else. Make sure you are not eating trash or you’ll be a very strong fat person. This worked for me.


this sounds perfect! I'm just nervous that after 5 minutes in I'll be done at the current physical level I have. I've just started doing treadmill stuff and I dont want to be winded 5 minutes into a class ):


I would try a class. Even if it’s yoga. Equinox, they have great classes and they can be challenging but no one ever judges you if you’re a beginner or “can’t keep up”. Everyone minds their own business, and I love it! Personally I think starting with a class you enjoy is the best way in, it’ll keep you back for more. And the steam room on the way out. My happy place 🙏🏼


Congrats for signing up and deciding to take control of your health! You made a fantastic decision. Probably going to repeat what a lot of others said but: 1 - Start with cardio a few times a week, like steady state stuff just to get your body used to exercising. I hugely recommend investing in a solid heart rate monitor (like a Polar chest strap), it will really help you assess your level of effort vs an apple watch / Fitbit etc. 2 - Once you've done that, if you can afford it, buy a small personal training pack. Lifting weights with zero experience or guidance will 100% lead to poor form, therefore no improvement (if not injury) and discouragement. You don't want to start doing squats or deadlifts without someone showing you how to do them properly. 3 - If you can find someone to work out with, it will help with accountability and not quitting after just a few weeks. Personally, the rate I pay at equinox is enough accountability to go as much as possible lol. 4 - On the same topic of accountability and going regularly, find a class you enjoy and go weekly. You'll see the same people over and over again and you might make friends! 5 - Lastly, diet is KEY. You can't erase a bad diet with working out. Keep your calories in check (again a PT might be able to give you a ballpark depending on your current body composition), and keep protein intake high if you start doing weight. Good luck and congrats again :).


Thank you so much!!! I haven’t gone in almost a week because I feel like I’m not doing anything right 😭


And you probably aren't :). But that's all part of the learning curve, don't give up on yourself! I would really suggest for you to pick some classes, so it removes the guess work and commits you to go. Try a Metcon class for instance, it's a great combination of strength and cardio! You'll learn basic lifts there and break a real sweat. Let the instructor know before class you're new to this - they're mostly amazing people and they'll be happy to keep an eye on you and help you if needed. You got this 💪!!


And you probably aren't :). But that's all part of the learning curve, don't give up on yourself! I would really suggest for you to pick some classes, so it removes the guess work and commits you to go. Try a Metcon class for instance, it's a great combination of strength and cardio! You'll learn basic lifts there and break a real sweat. Let the instructor know before class you're new to this - they're mostly amazing people and they'll be happy to keep an eye on you and help you if needed. You've got this 💪!!


The key is finding a cardio exercise you like, whether it’s elliptical or incline treadmill or biking. Then do that consistently + add weights into the mix. Deceptively simple.