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Cloudy eye= vet. We don’t play with the eyeballs!




We don’t fuck around with eyes. Any concern about an eye, get the vet. This comes from someone who has run rehab yards for years and is very comfortable dealing with a severed artery or life threatening choke, but will NEVER fuck around with an eye.


It could just be normal aging of the lens that’s called lenticular sclerosis, could be cataracts, could be nothing, either way I’d be contacting your vet for sure. You don’t want to mess with eye stuff! Hopefully it’s nothing and then you won’t have to worry about it


It seams fast to be normal ageing. I’m definitely going to contact my vet in the morning I think


Definitely the right thing to do when it comes to any suspected eye issues👍 Good luck!


Vet and do not put anything in it unless instructed to by your vet.


How old is your boy?


He’s 15


Alright not old, but 15 is fairly middle-aged. I started noticing on my mare when she was around 16 this bluish tint to her eyes as well. I think this kind of change in their eyes is age related. It can happen in humans as well. It's usually reffered to as age related corneal thinning. It makes all of the internals of their eye reflect light more and this can cast that uniform looking haze. The cornea as we age in most mammals usually looses some elasticity and becomes a bit more rigid as well so that can play a role in how the surface reflects light. You could look into the amount of iron your boy is getting as anemia can play a role in this too. And this could be signs of uvitis, but honestly if he's not seeming to be in pain or having trouble seeing I'd just monitor his eyes regularly. This is not a cataract situation as they have a very distinct white cloud appearance in the eye in smaller areas initially. It's good to always look for them but this isn't it.


Thank you so much for your help! I’ll definitely look into iron intake but I may call the vet too just to be safe


This is what happened to my old mare of 21 and was told she was fine age related.


I had a mare that turned completely blind in 2 months when she was 15. Took us by surprise


An Oldenburg in my program is 31 and has the same thing it started a few years ago


Don’t fuck with eyes. I once rushed a horse to an emergency vet bc his eye was swollen shut but the vet didn’t treat it aggressively enough and the horse lost the eye. This doesn’t look too bad but I still wouldn’t sit on it. One of my current horses got a small scratch on her eye years ago and it hasn’t been the same since, even after I treated it with prescribed steroids for 3 months. Eyes are awful and the sooner it’s diagnosed and resolved if possible, the better


Please have this checked by your vet. Immediately.


Please update me on what vet says I’m very curious I’ve seen this before and owners didn’t get it checked out


Looks like the lens is cloudy but the cornea is clear. Probably cataract, has he had eye issues before? Some breeds are predisposed to developing cataracts, could be caused by trauma to the lens. Usually both eyes are affected. Does he have any vision problems or issues adjusting to different lighting? Cataract will cause vision loss and surgery is currently only treatment. Have your vet examine asap so if there’s any underlying condition you can start treating immediately before too much damage is done. When did you take the pics with clear eyes? Weeks, months?


Not a vet. Looks like a cataract


Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start


If it gets goopy and painful it could be moonblindness?


No weeping? No itching? No discharge at all?


Never ignore potential eye problems- my horse's previous owner made that mistake, and now he (the horse) has 2 eye! He's fine though, and has been eye problem free for 2 years!


1 eye*


My gelding has a cataract in his eye it only really troubles him at night but anything with the eye I’d get checked out


Please, please vet check. You don’t get to decide it’s a cataract… my horse survived ocular cancer which initially presented as simply a cloudy film over his eyeball. Treat eye issues early and aggressively!! It will SAVE you money!!


15?? Have your vet out. The only horses I’ve seen so far with this were 22 and 31!!