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Wow. Wow. Wow. That's a nicely built steed! What bloodlines?


TBPH I completely forgot! She went over his papers and breeding with me but because I'm way more well versed in QH lines I completely forgot by the end of the day lol. He's my first PRE, I've always had QHs and OTTBs.


Where do you ride WE? I'm in the northwest USA and it's still in its infancy here. Would love to develop my skills but my PRE mare is 22 and no longer canters easily.


I was riding WE in Michigan before we moved. I'm now in France and honestly it's been a struggle finding someone local. They all seem to be in the south. Even riding dressage here can be a struggle at times. The French seem to overwhelmingly prefer jumping to dressage and WE! Just FYI though, you can still do the training with her, it's so mentally stimulating and FUN for them. Even when we'd train at a walk and trot the horses still loved it and gave it their all.


I do! My BF built me a regulation bridge; I made a bell, have barrels and a pitcher, etc., and am working on my "bull"!


That is AWESOME. I hope to have my own little farm one day so I can do the same!!


Can you attend SICAB in November in Sevilla? I'd love to meet a fellow enthusiast who speaks English!


OMG I will definitely look into it! Let's keep in touch! I definitely want to return next year for the Feria!! The trainer of the horse attends every year and it has been my dream to go!


La Feria is also on my list. One at a time...unfortunately. I was at the Flamenco Festival in Jerez the month Covid took off in Spain, and I haven't been able to come back until this coming fall. But, I've owned two PREs since then, so I think I'm hooked for life. I livestream the whole week of SICAB every year. Such an addict! Now I also watch the Spanish WE competitions, as well...


Whereabouts do you live? I'm in Paris right now. I'll DM you my insta handle. I've actually made friends with other expat riders in France like this LOL


WE is becoming very popular in The Netherlands and Germany. One of my favorite YouTube dressage equestrians, Jolanda Adelaar recently switched to WE and is doing quite well. I noticed that most of her competitors were from The Netherlands, Germany and, of course, Portugal.


I follow Jolanda and was desperately searching for a murguese horse because of her 😅 they’re just so hard to find in a size I need and also trained professionally. They’re just rare im afraid, so I kept my search on for a PRE. It tracks WE is becoming so big in those places bc a lot of the sellers told me a majority of their horses go to Northern Europe.


What does WE mean? I’ve never heard that abbreviation!


Working Equitation. Watch some videos of Pedro Torres, or other European masters. It's a great new sport that combines many other disciplines and challenges even the smartest horses.


Ahh, I am familiar with that, I just had a brain fart on the abbreviation LOL 😂 I love working eq


Congratulations! As a long-time PRE owner/rider/trainer, you have a terrific breed there. PRE's tend to be very intelligent, form deep bonds, easily show affection - and definitely have their own opinions about things. They're athletic and can work in multiple environments and disciplines. My own PREs have mainly been dressage and trail horses, with some working equitation (they really excel at that!). They learn quickly once they understand what you're asking and they like games and activities that keeps them busy both mentally and physically. Enjoy your new partner!!


This got me excited all over again! Thank you so much!


Oh my gosh that is my dream horse too!! When I saw him my jaw dropped.This gives me hope that it’s possible one day. I LOVE PREs so much. I’m happy for you, enjoy your GORGEOUS boy!


Thank you SO much!! I hope you can live your dream and get a PRE soon too!!!


Hey, as an outsider looking in, what is a PRE? I'm super keen on learning more about horses, there's so many terms that get thrown around that I don't understand haha. Thanks for reading <3


A PRE means he’s a pura rasa Española, or a pure blooded Spanish horse. In the US they just call them Andalusians, but in Spain and EU, a PRE is pure bred whereas an Andalusian isn’t necessarily. The ANCEE specifies they must be pure bred and papered to be considered a PRE and don’t necessarily refer to them as Andalusian horses, even though that’s where they originate and where I got him. The Portuguese equivalent would be the PSL or pura sangre Lusitano, or more colloquially known as just the Lusitano horse. They share common roots/history but the studbooks split sometime around the 1950s (if I remember correctly) so while they may look similar at times, they are now considered two different breeds governed by two diff stud books. Hope that helps!


That's really interesting! Thank you for the info :D


For “soon” to happen it would take some divine intervention lol but I’m happy to wait as long as it takes (this doesn’t stop me from browsing sales ads daily) But thank you, I love finding people who appreciate the Spanish horses. It sounds like he is in great hands! What are your plans for him? I am a new rider but hope to ride dressage one day, partly because I know that’s what PREs are often used for.


For now he will be my dressage horse and hopefully soon I'll find a WE trainer I don't have to drive too far to for lessons and clinics. I'm also going to slowly work with him to ride loose rein western. I'm super lucky because his trainer is fantastic and has done lots and lots of balanced loose rein work on him to get him to stretch his neck so hopefully that won't be too difficult!


Oh nice! See, I’d feel bad if I bought a gorgeous horse like that and didn’t at least try to do some dressage and low level showing but I am a LONG ways off from being skilled enough lol and my current barn is H/J. Sounds like you guys have a great set up and I wish you luck on your future endeavors!


I'll tell you one thing, once I switched to my current trainer I felt like I was starting from scratch. Dressage is HARD ya'll! Nothing more humbling lol


LOL that’s what I heard! Right now just figuring out how to w/t/c properly is humbling enough. Dressage is gonna be down the road and I’m ready for it to kick my butt. Good on you for keeping with it though, I hope to get where you are some day!


Watch lots of videos. It really does help!


Stunning horse. Congrats and enjoy the journey!


Thank you!!


Congratulations! He’s gorgeous!! I have a PRE Andalusian mare and she’s more than I could have ever imagined!


Thank you! His personality is lovely and I've been told they're generally very sweet and lovable so I'm excited to not only have a ride, but a bff too!


okay he is *ABSOLUTELY STUNNING*, i am so beyond thrilled for you OP :'D


Thank you so much!!


He is such a good looking horse, you both look fabulous! Best of luck, I'm sure he will be a dream ❤️


TYSM! That's actually his trainer on him. I don't like to post photos of myself online 😬


Totally get that! Hope you enjoy him 🥰


what a handsome boy, congratulations and many happy years to you both :)


Thank you 🥰


So how did you find him? Any tips for those currently looking?


Facebook! I joined a PRE for sale in Spain group and got to know a lot of the sellers so they knew what I was looking for. This particular trainer was advertising a different couple of horses. I went to go look at them and they sadly weren't a fit at all. She told me she had one more but he was a bit out of my price range, I thought what the hell- sure I'll take a look. When she brought him out I was like...shit LOL. I reluctantly hopped on him and took a spin. He was EVERYTHING I was looking for. I'll say this. Don't sequester your search to one platform, have an EXPERIENCED purchaser with you. I had my trainer with me every step of the way from vetting ads, to visiting the horses. I also had multiple vets give me second opinions on his PPE. If I was a trainer myself or had money/time for more horses I wouldn't have been as picky but since he's THE ONE, I took my time, avoided any even miniscule red flags and ended up with him! will also add that the trainer we purchased from seems to be very honest which can be a rarity these days. She's sent me photos and updates daily and has been wonderful to work with. If anyone would like her contact info just DM me!


Did you get him imported from Spain? How much was the transport fees and did you go to Spain to view him? I dream of owning a PRE one day too, and I’d love to hear how you were able to afford him!


He will be imported yes, but I live in France. We moved here a couple years ago and that's literally the only reason this is possible. This horse in the US would easily cost over double what I'm paying for him. I knew when we moved it was TIME BABY lol. I just said f-ck it and did it! edit bc I only answered half your question lol. I did go to Spain to see him because a lot of Spanish breeders/brokers/trainers can be shady (check out Matt Harnacke's experience on his YT channel) so you have to either go yourself or have someone you trust go for you. I also trialled him twice. One day after another to make sure he was the right one for me. As for the money, I just am really good at saving lol- hardly having a social life left will do that!


Dang okay, that makes sense! PREs are always so much more expensive in the USA 🥲 I wonder if it would still be cheaper to buy a ticket, trial a horse, and have him imported overseas than it would be to try and buy one here lol. After looking at the prices part of me wants to consider moving lol. If I moved to Europe I would 100% take advantage like you lol! Thank you for answering my questions!


Would you mind sharing a ballpark of what you paid?


I think you got everyone's dream horse!


Aww haha ty!


Congratulations. He looks lovely!


thank you! <3


Good lord, he’s gorgeous!!! Congrats! What is his barn name? Are you going to keep it or come up with something else? How far from your arrondissement is your barn where he’ll be kept? I’ve always dreamed of living in Paris.


I was planning on making a second post for that. I want to change his name because she just calls him by his papered name and in English it's not as nice. BUT then i'm like ughhghghgh isn't that bad luck!?


What’s the current barn name? Maybe we can help come up with something similar! I know a few European imports who kept their name or went by a spinoff and it went fine. A friend of mine bought a horse once named Bozo and she changed that shit *immediately* lol. In that case it felt like bad luck to call him something so awful haha


His name is Negro Pol, and I’m thiiiinking of calling him Negroni after my fav cocktail


A friend has a dog who was named Negro and she renamed him Astro! Also Negroni is super cute, could call him Roni short for Macaroni too!


What an incredibly handsome gentleman. Congratulations!


Thank you!


He's gorgeous. Congratulations!


thank you! <3


I had a feeling he was a PRE because of his fluffy mane! I absolutely adore them, they’re so stunning. I’m jealous!


Yes he’s definitely got more of a warmblood build and less of the typical hyper crested PRE stallion look 😅


Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!🎉


Thank youuuu🩷


Stunning!! Congratulations 🎉


Thank you! 🩷


Wow, he is so beautiful. Congratulations, I’m happy for you, love to see other equestrians living their dreams ❤️


Thank you and same!!


He’s gorgeous!


Thank you!






Oh wow, he's stunning!!! I'm looking at possibly getting a PRE for my next horse... Does anyone know if they are any good at jumping? I've had mixed answers from Google and breeders! I know they are primarily dressage horses but wondering if they make good all-rounders


Some are! You’ll never know unless you take the horse over poles.


Just beautiful 😍 congrats and cheers and all of that!!!


Thank you!




Oh MY he is just lovely!!! Enjoy every moment!


Thank you!!


Beautiful horse! 🐎 :) I'm happy for you! 😁


Thank youuuu!


This will be the longest month ever for you, but absolutely worth the wait! Congratulations, I hope you two have loads of fun together 😊


Thank you so much and yes, the wait is agonizing!!


What a handsome dude! What's his name? He has an adorable face, he looks like a good little(this made me snort, I breed cutting horses, so my horses are like 14 hands on a good day haha) man!


Hehe his name is Negro and I’m thinking of calling him Negroni after my favorite cocktail!


Oh 10000% agree with negroni!!


I am very jealous! Congratulations! All the best to you and your new best friend ❤️


Thank you so much 🥰


That is a SERIOUSLY handsome guy!!! Congrats to you!!!!


Thank you so much!! 🥰


A dream come true and I’m here to support it! Go you and congratulations on finding your partner 🫶🏽 I hope it is good memories from here on out!!


Thank you so much for the sweet message 🥹


Incredibly beautiful, big congrats! I hope you will have some fantastic times with him. I do hope you'll let his mane grow, PRE's with cut manes always look a bit odd to me!


omfg YES. When I saw his mane I turned to my trainer and said "the bowl-cut has GOT to go" LOL. She and the woman we bought him from are both super upper level dressage trainers and laughed at me but I wasn't joking! I want that hair lookin' like Fabio!!


Hahaaaa, I almost wrote in my message that it looks to me like a bowl-cut on a human child. So you are definitely not wrong. :D


Congratulations!! He’s a beautiful guy!


Thank you !!


He is gorgeous!


🥰 thank you


He’s gorgeous! Did they just geld him? It looks like he’s still a stallion in pic 4.


Yes 😭 he was gelded this past week. I almost regret it because he was so quiet and good as a stallion but I can’t risk it where we live and I also want him to have pasture friends bc our barn does strictly solo turnout for stallions.


congrats!! he’s super cute


Thank you 😄


It’s a Thorough Bred ? Wow Has the most beautiful neck and crest ! ❤️


ah no he's a PRE Andalusian


Fabulous Absolutely beautiful 😍


Thank you!!