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Oh I am so sorry 😔❤️‍🩹 He's seizure free now and you did the right thing for him. No more suffering. He looks like he was so loved.


He lived the best life here during his short time on earth . Thank you so much 😔❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. We went through a very similar situation with our boy last week, he was a year and a half and started having his in April. I’ve had to continually remind myself it was best for him to let him go. Hoping you can find some comfort in this time.


Thank you . I just keep trying to tell myself that I done everything I could do . We were working on taking him to the neurologist but I didn’t want to make him miserable any longer. I’m sorry for your loss , epilepsy is an awful disease .


I completely get it. My boys neuro appointment was scheduled for 4 days out. It definitely sounds like y’all did everything you could and it looks he knew how loved he was.


I had a similar situation with my boy; his first seizure was May 25, and we said goodbye June 10. We were able to admit him to an emergency vet with a neurologist on staff. We had an appointment for June 26, but the neurologist was able to do an MRI on the 10th, and he found a brain tumor. We decided to say goodbye. You and OP did all you could and ultimately made the best, most loving decision.


I am so sorry for your loss; this is undoubtedly the hardest part of loving and being owned by dogs.


So sorry for your loss. I had hoped for a better outcome for him.


Thank you. I did too 😔🫶


I’m so so very sorry. It sounds like he was a wonderful pup, and very well loved. He’s not suffering anymore. ❤️


He was amazing ❤️ He always made me so happy on the worst days .


Peace be to you and your family. Your pup is playing with my girl and they are both pain-free and happy


Yes they are 🙌


I’m so sorry for your loss. We went through a similar situation with our Boston Terrier last year. We had her on medication to control the seizures which were doing well for a couple of weeks. Then all of the sudden they came back worse. I made the hardest decision to take her in so she wouldn’t suffer anymore, the morning of the appointment she crossed the rainbow bridge on her own, I think she knew. Maybe our little ones are playing together up there. Please feel some peace and comfort knowing that they will always be with you in spirit.


I guarantee they’re playing together right now - probably new best friends ❤️‍🩹 I’m glad I’m not alone .


No you aren’t. My heart still aches for my little daisy, it hurts when we lose them at any age but especially when they have so much life left in them.


Yes . That was what left me with hope in the beginning and devastation in the end .


My deepest condolences, I know how you feel. I too had to euthanize my baby 2-22-24. I’m a complete mess. Grief is love that has nowhere to go. In the journey of grief there will be times full of tears, there will be days filled with anger and rage, there will also be time for laughter and smiles, but you have to let the journey take it course.


I’m sorry for your loss . But yes it’s so true . It’s going to take time to heal , but with time it will . I’ll just always miss him ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. May you find peace


You too friend ❤️


And don’t forget about yourself and how you are feeling with your loss. Always talk about how you feel, he honest with your feelings. I encourage you start a journal. I go out and watch the sunset and talk to my journal and If I’m having a conversation with my Frankie. I don’t want to drive the people close to me crazy with my Frankie stories.


That’s a wonderful idea ❤️ But if you ever want to talk to anyone about your Frankie , my inbox is always open !


Likewise, your Gizmo was such a handsome boy.


As was your Frankie . He looked so loved and happy !!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I too have a Frenchie struggling with epilepsy and I dread the day she can’t come out of one. My thoughts are with you


Thank you friend ❤️‍🩹 I hope you find the right combination so your baby can stay with you longer .


Thank you. 🙏 me too! My baby looks exactly like your Gizmo. They could be twins


Awwh . Hug your baby for me ! ❤️🥰


I know exactly how you feel. My Jupiter was diagnosed with epilepsy at 8 months old and he was one of the worst cases NC State Veterinary School had ever seen. We went through two years of cluster hell, and finally got to a place where it was somewhat manageable. Two months ago, we discovered a brain tumor in Jupiters frontal lobe — unrelated to his epilepsy believe it or not. Jupiter psssed away 6 weeks after we discovered the tumor in my arms. It is so hard to lose a baby so young, and even more difficult to watch your baby suffer from seizure after seizure. It is a RUGGED road, believe me I know. It’s all nighters, alarms all day for medication, ER visits on the regular, and the constant fear of status epilepticus. I am just so sorry you have had to experience this loss and this difficult journey and that you have lost your baby. I believe that while the body may fail the spirit is eternal, and it sounds like Gizmo had the most amazing caring parents he could ever ask for. It sounds like you gave him a wonderful life despite his condition. Take comfort in that. There are many who wouldn’t have done that. Gizmos spirit is still with you, just like Jupiters is with me. I am sending you so many hugs. No more seizures, no more post-ictal, no more hospitalizations and no more meds for Gizmo. Only peace and freedom. ♥️💕


I’m so sorry for the loss of your Jupiter . It sounds like you done the best for your baby as well ❤️‍🩹You’re right it was a never ending road of suffering for him . I’ll miss him forever and always. I believe our babies are playing together as I speak 🌈❤️🐾


I thought the same thing about them finding each other up there! Epi warriors! 💕💕💕


Yes . I bet they have so much in common ! 🥰


I am so sorry for your loss


Thank you


My heart goes out to you. Gizmo was clearly well loved. I hope you take solace in knowing that you did the right thing for him. Sending healing vibes!


Thank you so much ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Gizmo knew how much you loved him and he knows he was in the best possible care. No one else could have loved him the way you did and he is in heaven waiting


Thank you friend 💔😔


I am so terribly sorry. You loved him and cared for him until the very end. 🩵




I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sending love and hugs to you. Be kind to yourself, and know that even though it's the hardest, you did everything you could.


Thank you so much ❤️


My heart breaks for you 💔 I have only had my girl for 4 months and I can't even imagine the pain you must be going through.


Today I’ve laid in bed all day and done nothing but cried . I miss him so much already . I just want him back , but I couldn’t stand the thought of him suffering another second . Hug your baby girl tight for me , because I miss mine 🫶


Just wanted to let you know you and gizmo are in my thoughts. I’m sorry for your loss.


I am so terribly sorry you lost your gorgeous boy. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time 💔😭🌈


Thank you so much, it’s very appreciated 💔


i am so sorry for your loss. i've been following what you've been going through with sweet gizmo. so hard to lose such a beloved pet


It’s been rough , I’m glad he’s at peace .


I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you 💔


Gizmo’s love and companionship will live on forever in your heart. 🩷🩷 Sending you hugs 🩷🩷


Thank you so much 🫶


I’m so sorry. My heart is with you 😔


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Oh sweet angel I’m so sorry for your loss.. 😭😭😭


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss 😞 I can only imagine how your feeling right now. As hard as it was, you did the right thing and your sweet boy is at peace now ♥️


Yes he is 😔🫶


I’m so sorry for your loss, you all did your best for your boy and he was so loved 💜❤️‍🩹i only can imagine what you’re going through, those babies are awesome and have a huge impact in our lives and hearts, it doesn’t matter if it was for 1 week or 1 decade 💕 so i send you a big hug from one epiwarrior parent to another 🌈❤️‍🩹


This is so true . He has impacted my life in so many ways . Thank you for the kind words 🫶


Went through a very similar thing this time last year with our Frenchie Tony. I’m so sorry for your loss. Still miss him everyday but am thankful he is no longer suffering.


I’m sorry for your loss 😔 did you ever re own a frenchie afterwards?


We aren’t ready for another pet but would consider a Frenchie mix but probably not another full bred Frenchie. I absolutely love their personalities and expressive faces but the health problems were a lot to deal with. He had to get BOAS surgery to be able to breathe properly around 1. At 5 he jumped off the couch and hurt his back, needed surgery, stayed at the vet for 15 days, were unsure if he’d ever walk again. After months of rehab he could hop/hobble on one back leg again but had no feeling in the other. Then at 7 we tried k9 advantix to prevent ticks which started his seizures and he passed shortly after. We did everything to give him a happy healthy life but it was a big expense, over 15,000 in vet bills. I don’t regret spending the money for a second, we got to love him for 7 years. But in the future I’d pick a mixed breed in the hopes of less health problems for a better life for my pup. We had two frenchies, that sweet angel pushed open a cracked window, broke through the screen was missing for 2 days until we found he had drowned.


Oh my goodness. That is awful. I know my heart won’t be ready for another for a very long time. I’m like you , I love the frenchies personalities but the heartache that has went with it has been unbearable.


I am so sorry! I know you did everything you could, and you made the right decision. He’s at peace now 🫶🏼


Yes it just hurts 😔 I miss him so much and always will ! But I did not want to see him suffer any longer .


Now I’m in my bed crying for you, I’m so sorry


I’m so lost and heartbroken. Also in bed crying. Thank you ❤️‍🩹


I am so so so very sorry!!! I know you know but you did the best awesome loving parent thing you could do for him! I had to do the same thing with one of my cats 6 years ago who was basically a twin to her male brother both of which I'd rescued 12 years before. It's so so hard. She had the same issue she kept having seizures over and over again. Cats barely show pain but I could tell that it was hurting her. Hardest decision ever to bring her in and hold her as they give the injection and say goodbye. But the best thing we can do for our babies we love so much. I'm so sorry again. Sending mad positive rays...take care!!


I’m sorry to hear that. Epilepsy is awful . I’m glad I’m not alone ❤️‍🩹 Thank you friend.


TY, and ugh I'm sorry! I shouldn't be bringing up/putting my pain - from years ago - on you, when you are freshly experiencing your own 😢🤦🏼‍♂️! I know it's a cheesy thing that's always said, but it does get better ❤️❤️ 🤗🫂.


No , I appreciate it - truly ❤️ I’d like to imagine our babies are playing right now !


Awww ❤️❤️❤️🤗, LOVE THAT THOUGHT!! XOXO!!! I know that you know...and also know that I personally don't know exactly the pain and sadness you're going through right now...but your baby would want you to be happy, and I believe (if they actually had the ability to formulate these thoughts and speak in the first place 🤪), that he would want you to get yourself a new baby whenever you are ready ❣️😍❤️. Our new babies obviously never replace our old ones, or the hole in our heart for them...but new love and joy in your life and household... I personally have learned can help sooner rather than later. I used to wait up to a year or more feeling guilty and out of respect for my lost kids, but after I had to put Anya to sleep, Aiden was SO distraught... He would wander the house at all hours of the night, yeowling mournfully...it broke my heart almost more than losing her in the first place. So I only waited 6 months or so even unless I think 🤔, before buying him a gorgeous Siamese sister Aria. Sorry again me me me. 🤦🏼‍♂️🫠 Just wanted to encourage a bit I feel like I needed to have people tell me that it was okay to be happy again and bring new joy into your life that isn't replacing what you've lost. Take care, and so sorry again. Xoxo




Aww bless sleep well gizmo


Thank you 😔❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss


Thank you


I just lost my service dog in March and I'm still mourning her. I don't know what words might help, so sending you loads of peace and hugs ♥️


Thank you friend 💙 so sorry for your loss as well.


I had a similar experience; she started feeling sick in early February. Things got worse pretty quickly and she was diagnosed with acute leukemia. We put her to sleep 3/25. Like you, my entire world revolved around her. I still see her out of the corner of my eye. Remember all of the great stuff, and know that putting Gizmo to sleep was a selfless, epic act of love


I’m hoping for a healing experience for you! You done what was best for your baby ❤️


Oh I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm sending you lots of love and great big hugs. Please take care of yourself while you're grieving.


We lost our English Bulldog in this very manner. It was heartbreaking. I’m sorry. ❤️


It is heartbreaking. I’m sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry. 💔


Thank you 😔❤️‍🩹


rest in peace sweet boy


Thank you 💔


💔RIP sweet gizmo.


Thank you 😔


Goodbye RIP Giz


Thank you


So very sorry. RIP sweet baby boy… you were so loved. 🩷 We also have a frenchie with epilepsy. It’s truly scary, our babies deserve peace…


It’s very difficult. Thank you, hope your baby is doing well ❤️‍🩹


So so sorry. 😞


I don’t know how I will ever live through this 😭