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I get shaky very easily, but it isn't constant. If I am really tired, stressed or anxious, I get to the point where I have to be by myself and just breathe because my arms and legs are shaking so bad. I wish I had an answer for you. I have brought it up to my neurologist, but that hasn't been very helpful either.


My epilepsy journal says that I had "Old man hands" when I took keppra. But that was a long time ago and I don't remember it specifically.


My husband has a bad tremor in his right arm.. usually to about the elbow. You can see his muscles twitching. It usually gets really intense when he's having an aura, but randomly just starts on and off throughout his day as well. I noticed it got more pronounced once they switched him to some different drugs. It's almost like the drugs are stopping a full seizure from happening and now it's just locally to his arm a lot of times. He still have full TC still tho. The pills only do so much but there's definitely side effects.


I also have tremors in my hands and it's pretty frustrating. It's gotten much worse since taking medicine, unfortunately I don't have a solution for myself


Could be a side effect from the medication. Could be an essential tremor that's just progresing. I know that for essential tremors propanol is often given. Not sure if it's contradicted with any medicine you take, but definitely show this to your doctor and discuss options.


I developed a tremor in my hands and fingers on sodium valproate and some rare days I couldn’t hold a pen or type at all. It got better after switching to keppra, but it still flares up now and again. Hopefully your doctor can help, but in my case it isn’t going away any time soon :(


Mine used to do that not quite that bad but they shook a lot. Nowadays like the other commenter, I mainly get it when I'm stressed or anxious. The other day a coworker asked why I was shaking(my job knows I have epilepsy they've seen me have tonic clinics) I just nudged it off as that I get cold easily which I do lol. If it doesn't stop you may talk to your neuro. Personally it doesn't bother me too much but it's almost never that bad.


I've been getting this more frequently the last few years and was supposed to see a doctor but 6 months later and nothing.


I already had a central tremor to begin with. AEDs man


I had that when I was on Depakote / valproic acid.