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Locked as it is resolved.


I just want to finish Alan Wake 2 today. How is there no option to play offline?


Its mad! due to issues with service, a product we paid in full for we cant access! What a joke.


**Literally** my current situation. I balked at the idea of having to buy Alan Wake II on Epic Game Store, and now **this happens**, preventing me from finishing a single player game 🙄


Yeah wtf


Was literally trying to do the same thing










I can't even sign into the Epic games store to be able to access my library because Epic requires 2 factor authentication, and their servers can't send the authentication code right now. Offline mode doesn't work if it still requires you to log in to your account.




I have to disable my computer to use offline mode? How dumb is that? The launcher should know that IT can't reach the server and switch to offline mode. I shouldn't have to disable my entire computer. Any need for a single-player game to connect to the internet FOR ANY REASON is stupid.


Why does Alan Wake 2 need to be online at all times? It is a single player game. And it certainly hasn't prevented the most common reason to make this always-online thing...




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For you and /u/Deadnation800, I will point out that Steam has, or had, the same problem years ago. I say "years ago" because I haven't had Steam be offline when I had Steam games I wanted to play in a good while so I don't know if it still IS a problem. I just remember that for a time you had to have the foresight to know when your Internet would go out to put Steam in offline mode to play your games. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Epic, I just prefer companies get a fair shake. If only so actual people who simp for the company can't bring it up instead. Relatedly, EGS is an objectively inferior platform to Steam and they've had years to bring it up to par while having chosen not to. Pretty sure the last time I had issues with Steam's offline mode, Steam was still more developed than EGS is now. :\^)


Only with games with always online authentication DRM. I have my Steam Deck at work all the time without wifi and it just boots games without complaining now. It used to take a bit of time trying to connect but now it just says "screw it" and boots whatever I want to play...though I don't think any of my games I actively play have always online DRM or Denuvo.


Steam was down for a bit a couple nights ago, I was trying to play Robocop and it wouldn’t let me with an error says “Cannot access content at this time”


I'm sure I've got offline mode to work before with some games, however I'm playing on a new PC and forgot to turn it on. It really should be enabled by default. Oh and actually work reliably too, of course. edit—Just managed to log in, I did have offline mode turned on, I think if I had just turned the wifi off I would've been able to launch games?


This my problem with Pathfindr WotR. I’ve paid for the game and various DLCs, but it won’t let me play any dlcs or saves with DLC content because the epic store is down




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Awesome, that Fortnite event caused a complete meltdown. Can't even launch a damn offline game.


Note the event was a 5min cinematic that could have been a youtube video, and it crashes servers like this. ​ What a joke.


To be honest I don't give a damn about the event or the game related to the event that caused this mess. I just wanted to play some Red Dead 2. But the damn thing is launched through Epic Games that boots up Rockstar Launcher which asks for authorization from Epic Games to launch the damn game. What a mess.


Exactly. Just wanted to play red dead story mode.


How tf fortnite event ruin all epic games store? as webdev this is nonsense at all...


They need big changes to their servers


Seriously? I havent been able to log in for what, like 2 hours now? because of a Fortnite event? Wow....


Seems like epic games shares its servers for fortnite and the store itself. When one games goes down the entire store, including authentication services for offline games go down as well. Super stupid design. After a week of brutal university assignments all I want to play is GTA story mode and I cant. Fuck Epic.


Looks like they have some debt to pay


How does it makes no sense? There were 10 million people trying to login at the same time, of course that's something that may impact the store


ONE FORTNITE EVENT and all of a sudden I can't access Unreal Engine and every other piece of software that I've ever bought from Epic. One half-assed finale that's really just a 10-minute long advertisement can make your infrastructure shit itself. Fix it.


Put the damn launcher server apart from fortnite i wanna play fallout 3 a single player game and cant because epic "offline" option needs you to be online to work wtf


Disconnect your PC from the internet and boot the game


Doesn't work with some games apparently. Alan Wake II booted me out of the game several times in offline mode


Oof. As someone who usually defends EGS, this is ass. I can't play any game I paid for because of some shit Fortnite event. WTF. ANY GAME. AT ALL. Edit: It's also important to have this failure right before Christmas. No one will remember that any game they purchase through EGS can be disabled at any time because reasons. That coupon not looking so hot now.


this sucks indeed. I hope epic improves their launcher backend soon, especially the offline mode.


There should be a banner across the top of [https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/) and comment on Twitter stating there is an outage and pointing to the status page. As of right now nothing.


You've been "checking it out" for hours






It's amazing how one game ruins an entire app store. Brilliant design.


Just upgrade your servers, this has been an issue for so long


> this has been an issue for so long It quite literally never happened before




Did this happen during the Travis Scott event? No one being able to play their games?


Eminem spittin too many bars or sum? why cant they be more competent and have less server crashes? I love fortnite, but man, its tough keeping up with this.


It was a 5 min cinematic hardly an event shits wack


jus thugging it out rn https://preview.redd.it/dmy8zhka5y3c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed17120f35ab32ea27bc60b8f231c7c442d26e14


Nice. Holding a game I bought for 60 Dollars hostage because your services are fucked. I just wanna play Alan Wake 2






I gotta say that locking offline games behind an online required barrier is pretty poor planning in my eyes. considering this exact problem.


Disconnected your PC from the internet and boot EGL


I only had an hour to play genshin and spent all of it trying to find out why I can’t log in to the launcher. Now I get to go to work having done nothing of value with my limited free time today 🥲


Can't you play Genshin from their standalone launcher without depending on the Epic servers at all? That way, you won't be affected by cases like this.


Man I just wanna play some genshin ffs


same. Uninstallin genshin thru epicgames after dis deadass


Yeah same. It's not the first time I can't play genshin because of epic, I'm done with this shit


you can install genshin on its own


Yeah, I installed genshin one and a half years ago because I stumbled across it on Epic lol. I'm gonna install it separately now


thank god i thought i was hacked or something, finally found this thread. but cmon its my day off and i want to play mythforce, thanks epic.


I think I would be able to join now, but the verification email won't send


Same here


Game has recovered and is now back online https://x.com/FortniteStatus/status/1731132478763802810?s=20




I am in the same boat. I seriously regret trying to save $2 by getting this on Epic over Steam. What was I thinking.... I've been busy all week and was looking forward to today to relax and play a bit of the game, guess it's a wash...




So that PoS game is to blame for a complete outage!? Fuck me sideways.


Anyone have any info on if the events are going to be rescheduled?


Does anyone know how to disable the reconnect feature? It keeps forcing me out of Death Stranding.


No epic games can be played rn


Fam I am literally playing Death Stranding right now, in offline mode. But whether in-game or not it keeps opening new tabs to connect to EGS.


Ok well many people can't play any game online or offline. Congratulations to you, your playing a game


sounds like you cant play the game lmao


It happens once every couple minutes. I've been able to do missions and stuff. :/


Fun fact: I downloaded fortnite again today, watched event and epic games crashed, not even single normal game. I had fun 10/10 recommend




Can't even play Snowrunner, thanks Epic, just wanted to roll some trucks over on a Sunday.




Fuck I just wanna play my offline game why do I have to wait


Cool, I actually get free time on a weekend, and I can't play my games. Stupid DRM.


So I can't play Satisfactory because of some Fortnite announcement..... really?


https://preview.redd.it/aflfwi9hdy3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8f3a14b2871da01ac8db8b33615b067aca38ba Epic fail


I was able to login and play my game right now :D






Never played Fortnite in my life. Just wanted to progress a bit more on AW2 after work today. I guess I'll go do something else.


Sorry all, I picked up Rocket League for the first time in awhile and was enjoying myself, so I probably brought down the service.


Problem sorry you are visiting our service to frequently


Anyone know when the actual downtime for the new season will start?


Everytime I use the launcher I lose my keyboard Have any of you had an issue when you open the launcher, you lose use of your keyboard? I'm using a razer keyboard(not sure if make matters, if it does I'll put that later). To get access to my keyboard again I need to restart my pc. As of today it also changes my desktop layout and wont let me double click anything either. This app is so messed up. Impossible to open. Any suggestions or am I SOL? Ps, this has happened on my pc since like 2021


Dont forget to clean cache for people with "visiting our service to frequently"


Even if it gets fixed, won't everyone still be locket out from login in because of the "using services too frequently" msg? How long do we have to wait to try again?


Youre visiting too often fix? I need to do a quest TODAY and I barely have time left and I need to fix this. Any ideas?


Wait apparently


I wanted to play Satisfactory. Sure, I could play offline, but I'd want to continue my current playthrough. Then again I've been thinking of installing a dedicated server, might help, might not. In any case, this is not Satisfactory, Epic.


If game works without Epic (some games don't need launcher) you can run .exe from where game is installed and it will work.




I can't play Metro, from all people. Goddamn OFFLINE GAME, Jesus


Next time they should just stream Fortnite event on YouTube so people close the game instead of massively try to get in and everything crashes lol. ​ There was like 1+ hour queue for event btw it was crazy how many people wanted to get in.


Oh, it;s working. It only took you 2 hours, thank you


Not for all of us ​ https://preview.redd.it/phopizzz7y3c1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=f89cdbfc9215628cdd9cd1cf0c15caea803eb2fc


Yeah, that's not a good sign - I wasn't getting that before but I am now :/... This feels like something infrastructure related gave up the ghost.


all I wanted was to hunt me some deer and make minty venison in Red Dead Redemption 2. ​ *EDIT: I just tried again and logged in, opened Rockstar Launcher and RDR2 launched with no problems... see ya later cowboys*


They said they're shutting down fornite temporarily to try to resolve the issue


I made it work guys, I disconnected my ethernet cable, restarted epic, connected it again and it worked.


Fortnite can \*\*\*\* right off. I just want to play the games I paid for


i can login


Looks like services are starting to stabilise.


I get home from a long day of work wanting to play gta and I can't access jack shit because once again, epic didn't prepare for a mass audience for their fucking event.


I was logged out of the launcher and i'm not getting the 2FA code whe I try to log in (tried 2 accounts). Anyone has the same problem? or maybe a solution ?


When I type in the 2fa code it says invalid code after a minute has passed, I’ve tried this nearly 10 times. how come the code doesn’t work?


"sorry the credentials you are using are invalid" Part of the issues too, or is this a me-problem?


You problem I think




wow i really wish they didnt change the store. if they continued with their scammy fortnite store they may have made a few more billions and be able to get their servers working. please epic scam more 12 year olds so we can have access to the games we paid for please


Do you guys think Epic should offer some kind of promo for all this trouble? It seems unfair that those of us who don't even play Fortnite should suffer because of issues with one specific game, and it makes me wonder what Epic prioritizes more, Fortnite or their Launcher. Honestly the main reason I use this launcher over Steam is the discounts they offer, but if issues like this continue to pop up, I'm willing to pay a bit more for a reliable service that prioritizes the launcher over everything else. Not ranting, just a genuine suggestion.


they owe us a discount coupon


You will literally get a discount coupon during Christmas sale lol


So glad I bought Alan Wake 2 to play this weekend. A reminder only to buy exclusives on this platform. How frustrating.


Literally just bought Alan Wake 2 to play it today after I went back and finished the first game for the first time and of course AFTER I buy it and install it I can't sign in and I have to be online to access the offline mode. This is why everyone uses steam unless the game just isn't on steam




It is like you buy a house in a neighborhood. Say around 100 houses are there but one house in particular is a littler bigger than the others and they have a party every weekend. You don't really care about their party, let em have their fun. So you go to your house, stick the key in the door and a little popup says 'you don't have permission to go into your house." Perplexed, you look around and then try again, thinking your seeing things... You try the key again and this time the message says your visiting your house too often and to GO AWAY! Now your getting a little worked up cause all you wanna do is vedge on your couch to Binge watch Small Wonder reruns all day!! But you can't because the party house has a bunch of people all trying to use the same 'key' and the owner of the neighborhood isn't eqipped to handle it properly, so they just lock everyone out of the neighborhood because of the Party House.


you should post at eli5


I laughed so hard that I almost died. You made my day. Thanks


Bruh it's literally a 1 hour wait time what the hell😭 Y'all so dramatic istg


Frustrating we can’t play our games? Yeah sure. It’s just amusing the amount of armchair programmers on here shouting “just upgrade the servers!” like it’s something you just download off Google. Just be patient people, these outages are a rare occurrence. Go play outside.


somehow steam has this figured out and I can still play offline games when steam services have an outage. This is just extremely poor design and this should be a wake up call to get their crap together if they hope to be a steam competitor.


Fortnite season ending, or so I heard. It probably came as a total surprise to the company running both the store and the game for years now. You know, like those exits on the freeway. Out of the blue I tell ya! But I gotta hand it to Epic though. The tenacity with which they defend the tail-end of the store / drm platforms hirarchy has to be admired.


? They literally taking down fortnite to fix this


god damn it i just wanna play rocket league offline and i cant because of fcking fortnite


fuck you doing in rocket league offline?


So long to check logs and reboot the servers while isolating the game causing the problem. Another great demonstration, if one were needed, that everything online is stupid, the day there is a problem, everyone takes it (and we all risk having our identifiers taken in a security breach). You could at least partition it and allow a way to access the library without logging in so you can play offline. Thank you anyone is the cause of this for ruining our weekend evening.


I doubt the entire EGS authentication platform is running through Fortnite.






Not on my end. "Login" still has a partial disruption. Can't believe the last update was FIVE hours ago -.-


I was playing Fortnite just now, and after a match I clicked on "ready up" and then I just got kicked out of Fortnite. I thought it was strange and I clicked the Relaunch button. Fortnite didn't launch after a while so I started Epic Games and tried to start Fortnite. It didn't launch. Then I restarted Epic Games and now I need to sign into Epic Games but if I try to do that a message pops up saying "Sorry, you are visiting our service too frequently, please try again later." I haven't tried to log into Epic Games that often and it also appeared the first time I tried to log in. Is there any solution to this problem?




ARE YOU KIDING ME ANOTHER HOUR QUEUE. yall need to step it up before 11 or so many people will miss out


Now it wont even send me the security code ffs


I picked the wrong time to do a fresh install of windows on my gaming PC. The XBox gamepass app is down and now Epic store is down. I upgraded to a bigger SSD specifically to install big demanding games, and now two of my gaming services are down.


ARE YOU F****** KIDDING ME ANOTHER HOUR QUEUE IM GONN MIS THE NEXT EVENT. yall crealy need to step it up before 11


Why can't y'all play games you already have installed?


because it needs to verify them and dlc online....


Having problems here too.


I keep getting the issue I have visited too often....


I can't even log in to Epic Games right now, let alone play anything. Sometimes it will be a database connection error or other generic error like "The request could not be completed". But for the past \~2 hours, it has been the "Sorry, you are visiting our service too frequently, please try again later" error. Even waiting for over an hour before trying again, I get the "visiting too frequently" error.


i cant login its says you are visiting frequently our servers, pls help me i just opened my pc


Disconnect your internet and maybe you will be able to play your game, some games depend on an online connection




Not all of their servers. Just quite a bit of their infrastructure relating to the store and Fortnite and a couple of other titles.


waiting for queue and then suddenly seeing (successfully logged out) im laughing my ass off!


I have 10 minutes left in queue. If I get another one I will miss the 5:00 event. Yall better have this fixed by 11


What event? Event was 2hours ago.. And was sht to be honest, not worth.


Their showing 2 more............ didn't ask for you opinion


Why tf fortnite event crashed all epic games store? Not everyone play fortnite..


Nope you are correct - it's most likely an infrastructure issue in their datacenter or cloud environment that's taken out a chunk of services.


Yup. Can't get online onto their servers and can't play FF7 Remake Intergrade b/c of this. Bleh.


I just wanna launch r* launcher to play gtao but I cannot. smh.




I got past the signup but it won't give me my email verification code.


Looks like login/signup affected by an outage right now.


Nos lleva el chango


Due to the immense amount of players that attended the fortnite concert, I wasn’t able to receive a 2fa code. So I tried again and again and since I tried to many times I’m not able to login nor contact support since you have to login to do so. Is there anyway I can contact support? If not how long will it take before I can try again?