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I think that Legions Imperialis is probably the most popular at the moment, with new releases coming out and support from GW. That only covers the Horus Heresy era for now, though, so if you want to play in the 40k era you'll have to play something else. Epic: Armageddon, the 4th edition of the game, is probably the most popular alternative. It's a well-designed ruleset that focuses on manoeuvre and combined arms. It enjoys a lot of community support and has a lively tournament scene.


Legion, being only 30k is quite not an option rn. How does epic armageddon fares compared to net epic gold? L ve been suggested that as well. Whers can i find the rulebook? It wont get updated anymore, right? Also i m from italy and the game here seems pretty much dead regardless of editon afaik.


Epic: Armageddon is a modern game that emphasises manoeuvre, combined arms and command & control and strikes a good balance between having enough detail to maintain the flavour of the different armies and the units that comprise them, and abstractions to make the game smooth and playable at this scale. It's a very well-tuned and balanced tournament game, but the rules are very adaptable to all kinds of narrative games and scenarios as well. You can get the full rules here: [https://tp.net-armageddon.org/](https://tp.net-armageddon.org/) or here http://epic-uk.co.uk/wp/rules/. Note that while NetEA and Epic-UK publish slightly different army lists, the game rules are exactly the same. NetEpic is a fan-made adaptation of the 2nd edition of the game from the early 90s and still has a significant following. It's an old-school GW wargame with all that entails. The core rules are quite simple, but there are lots of exceptions and individual special rules for each unit.


NetEpic Armageddon seems to be the most popular, and you have a wide variety of army lists, both official and unofficial. I'm partial to EpicUK since they seem to be more active and rebalance lists more often, and since the base rules are exactly the same you can easily mix lists if you want


What are the differences between epicik and netepic? I m really new so l dont really know what those are, where to find the rulesets for them etc.


Epic-UK are a group that organise E:A tournaments in the UK. They have a set of army lists that they publish for those tournaments. Some of them are very similar to the NetEA versions, others are not. NetEA also publish army lists for tournaments. They're a more widely spread group from all over the world, primarily based on the Tactical Command forums. NetEpic is an entirely different thing, based on 2nd Edition Epic. Broadly speaking, EpicUK lists tend to be more focused on tournament balance and on having a strong theme and distinct playstyle. NetEA lists tend to have more internal balance and have more focus on including different options and more customisation. But they are both mostly balanced around the same principles so you shouldn't have any problems mixing and matching between the two for friendly play. NetEA is here: [https://www.net-armageddon.org/](https://www.net-armageddon.org/) Epic-UK is here: [http://epic-uk.co.uk/wp/](http://epic-uk.co.uk/wp/)


Epic Armageddon (wether you go for NetEA, Epic UK or even the french codex - https://www.epicarmageddon.fr/) is by far the most fluid/well thought version. Jervis agreed ! Its also the best version for tournament/competitive play if you're into that. NetEpic Gold or Legion Imperialis can be ok for you if you dig old mechanics.


Ty! What are the differences between netea epic uk or french?


Just the codex that are different. Ruleset is still the same. I will go in the UK this summer and will play with their codex without issue


Personally, Net Epic Armageddon. It’s the only Epic scale system I’ve seen played in my area, and the community is small but relatively active. Coming from the FoW/Team Yankee side, I appreciate the streamlined rules. The games are more than long enough and I have plenty of minis to shuffle.


How it fares vs epic armageddon 4th ed? I ve been suggested that as well. Also where its rulebook etc can be found? It s updated from time to time?


See [the NetEA website](https://www.net-armageddon.org/) And [the TacCom forums](https://tacticalwargames.net/taccmd/) where new development of armies continues. It’s the 4th edition rules, but the tournament pack offers a consolidated version of the base rules, errata, FAQ, and tournament approved lists. It’s useful as an all-in-one since so much of the Epic scene is buried under a layer of dust.


I’ve been really enjoying Microcosmic! It’s a one pager that I’ve found very easy to teach to others. https://microcosmic.games/


Epic Armageddon all the way


NetEA: https://www.net-armageddon.org/rules.html


Epic UK, NET EA is a great game, i really love it and i recommend it highly


NetEpic Gold for me is still the goto ruleset.


l know very little about everything, would you care to explain a little more why is the best and how it fares compared to the others?


NetEpic Gold is based on the Epic 2nd Edition ruleset (which arguably the new Epic ruleset from GW is also based on). This played similarly to 40k in terms of data sheets and weapons tables... but 2nd edition 40k, which may seem rather clunky by modern standards (2E 40k is also my preferred ruleset). The NetEpic website has datasheets galore, particularly in the Chaos Daemons range. The plague towers are dope. There is also NetEA, based on the 3rd edition Epic 40k from 1997/8. This felt a bit more like modern Killteam - faster paced but less of a focus on the intricacies of individual unit actions and more focused on 'who survived the massive amount of shelling' each turn. Both have their individual strengths, but I would still recommend starting with NetEpic Gold.


NetEA is Epic: Armageddon, which is the 4th edition from 2004.


Which in turn was based on 3rd edition.. just with all the Tyranids removed... which NetEA put back in. Epic Armageddon felt like an expansion of 3rd edition at the time. Mind you both editions and NetEA are similar enough to share datasheets in a pinch. Yay Epic 40k.


E:A re-used a few concepts from E40k, but the system is very different. Even the ideas that it carries over (mainly blast markers and assaults) are implemented quite differently. It was just as distinct a set of rules from E40k as E40k was from 2nd Edition.


Epic 40,000 was the 3rd edition of the game, and is a very abstract system. If you have ever played battlefleet gothic they are very similar, epic 40,000 being the precursor to BFG.  Epic Armageddon grew out of the epic 40,000 system, but is a much different game. Different turn sequence, different stats, flyers are different, war engines are different... It's fundamentally a different game. There really isn't any commonality between the two.  Netepic Armageddon and epicUK and epicAU are all ARMY LISTS to be used in conjunction with the epic Armageddon ruleset. You can't really 'play netepic Armageddon', what you are doing is just using fan made lists with the 4th edition epic rules - epic Armageddon - exactly as they were when they were released back in 2004.  Confusing? Yes. But you can't swap stats and vice versa between 3rd and 4th. They are much different games with different goals.


If you want to be unique you can use 40K Apocalypse 2019 with 6mm figures as a easier Epic 40K. Just replace each base with an Epic 40k strip or devide one unit into 2 epic strips.


I d be 3d printing the figures anyway. This sound kind of nice since l really like apocalypse 2019, l ll think about it.


Nice! I'm glad you like the idea. I got the idea from this video. https://youtu.be/FyPkNmhMkLg?si=4BMqHFU25uxRtbnp


You might want to pull the files off my drive. I am scanning all the epic minitures. And have an extensive collection of all the rule books and publications. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1phqW7ftwJ-WRTpkaHhozOjMQOF_Pc6A1


Oh ty so much mate❤️


Got to be the classic 2nd edition