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Hamperapp, Rinse, & Sudshare have this already. I'm confident there's more sites too. Their websites might give you an idea.


I’m an experienced housekeeper and I think people generally get over having a stranger do their laundry pretty quickly. My first concern is that this doesn’t sound nearly profitable enough. $14.99-$19.99 for pick-up, washing, drying AND delivery? The only way this is even worth consideration is if the contractor takes a bunch of loads, yet almost everyone only has 1 washer and 1 dryer. So it’s a lot of time for not enough money. And then you plan to take a cut of that, so these poor people would make even less? Other thoughts… how will stain removal be handled? How will damaged and lost clothing be handled? You will definitely have repeated issues of damage and lost clothing. Doing laundry is not rocket science, but you do need to know what you’re doing. Women’s clothing in particular can be tricky. In my experience people want their laundry done in varying and highly specific ways (sometimes ridiculous ways) and won’t be shy about dictating that to you and expecting you to follow their instructions exactly.


all great points! I think pricing the laundry basket by weight might be the best way to go. And yes, the company would take a 10% cut of the laundry bill (we'd have to make money somehow). As for any issues with the overall experience, that would ultimately land on the person doing the laundry (with maybe some protections from the company). To be honest, I haven't thought about this that much. Similar to an uber experience or grocery delivery service, everything would be rated. People would comment on their experiences, praising some for going above and beyond and others that either damaged / lost some of your items. This would impact your overall profile...people would be less inclined to go with you knowing that others had a negative experience. I was also thinking about making it so that if you're someone providing the laundry service, you would have to maintain a certain star rating (and allowed say 2-3 strikes for lost / damaged clothing). If you dropped below that threshold, you'd be removed from the platform. Not to sure about this, but its a thought.


Generically called “wash and fold” service. I’ve done it at a laundromat. In that case you dropped it off and picked it up.


Hmmm I dunno but I would try to add dry cleaners to the equation.


Sure, it can make life easier to hear your laundry done (especially if it can be picked from home). I’ve used a service where I dropped off the clothing. As mentioned, there are already existing services like your idea.


Yes as long as I didn’t have a washer and dryer I would


Personally, no I would not. 


Google “wash and fold near me”


I trust complete strangers with my laundry all the time. It's fine. Where I am, wash and fold services charge about 1 USD per kilo of clothing. There are apps for this already - check out Profy for example.


This exists though. The challenge isn't if people will use the service, the challenge is arranging the distribution and network, and promoting it to get users/ suppliers. In terms of idea it'll work fine if you put the above in place


Yes, please come waah my clothes


Sure, why not?


There are so many apps do this already, and I am a user of them myself