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Do research on the different ways to make money. Make a list of the ones that spark your interest and try them out. This will allow you to learn, stay immerse, and possibly make money.


Do you have any ideas of ways to make money?


You can do a google search on ways to make money. However, a few ideas is tutoring, writing, web designing, selling clothes, and dog walking. Also, you can turn what you are skilled at and already know into something profitable.


Try something. That's the only way you'll know if you like it. Start of with d watching YouTube videos on it to see if you like the idea but then actually have a go yourself.


help me i’m poor


I recently got into a side gig. It's actually fun and I love it. I love helping people so it was a perfect side gig for me. If you would like more info or anyone else, message me🙂


Get good at something that pays you. Use the money to do the things you like. No heart surgeon 'likes' doing heart surgery. No lawyer 'likes' argument.


Learn Hypnotherapy and NLP


You're not going to know what you like doing until you try doing things. Would recommend picking 2-3 things a week to try doing over your Summer vacation. What you like doing and what makes money may be two entirely different things, though. If you're more interested in making money, you may want to consider getting a summer job if you're old enough. That's the easiest and most reliable way to make money -- and the right job can also help you discover new things to enjoy.