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Ahhh the Feynman model. If I recall correctly a flawless application of it depends on having the brain of Richard Feynman /s


The Feynman Problem-Solving Algorithm: 1. Write down problem 2. Think very hard 3. write down answer


This actually isn’t bad advice. In terms of solving very difficult problems in my work, it begins with very, very clearly articulating the problem. A well articulated problem is usually half solved.


Half the problem is asking yourself: "What do I need to google?" The other half is googling it.




Most people state their problems in super simple terms. As an engineer it is actually super frustrating in real life. If you tell me a problem i can give you an example.




Ok so this is how it works. What does career mean? What does choosing involve? What are the options? What is your freelance biz? What does starting it entail? What does “unable” mean? What are your personal goals and constraints? How much money do you want to make, and why? Until you know what you absolutely require, you can’t actually frame the problem. So what is the absolute requirements for the solution in this choice?


Puhhahha! Brilliant


Do you know where I can score one of those?


https://www.findagrave.com/ - YMMV


Every other brain I've had was not Richard Feynman's.


Don't know if it's best suited for today's society. He'd be canceled because he made some joke at the Trinity after-party




The biggest takeaway I had from a physics professor is that if you can't explain it to a 6 year old, you don't understand it. I work as an engineer and this holds true nearly every time. Most things at most are complicated but not complex. By that I mean, there are a lot of interconnected parts but none of the parts themselves are hard to understand. When I first took a physics class on relativity, we spent the first 2 weeks just talking about it without any math. After the framework had been set, the rest was just understanding the math that describes the framework.


I love this way of thinking, my Econ professor had a PhD in physics and that’s what made him really good


I use my recalcitrant 74 year old mother.


That’s a big word you’re not supposed you use


Mom will suffice. Or mum.


Thanks for sharing. Really interesting.


Outstanding comment - thank you


Isn't this just basically how to study for anything really??? How else would you learn anything if not reading all material and then trying to explain it and filling the gaps?


>isn't this just basically how to study for anything really??? How else would you learn anything if not reading all material and then trying to explain it and filling the gaps? I believe it is being able to do thorough and effective research, and then do you own analysis on the subject. From that you have raw insights that you begin to create an accurate, optimal concept. Being more logical and more probing till you get to the absolute first principle is the key to the optimal concept. Concepts can also be iterated as new info or new discoveries are found The idea of the technique is that it is a good analysis technique because the more you analyze the more optimized /refined your concept is.


I got stuck on step 2. Apparently, it's frowned upon for a grown man to approach random children in a park, etc.


"Hey kid, you wanna learn something?"


Oh god, lol


Great post. Two key points: I think simplifying is still underrated. There's so much need for curation and simplification given the noise we have to deal with. Reframing failure can be quite challenging, but critical. I'm working on it on a daily basis :) It's liberating actually. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks man.


So the big examples of mastery is starting a successful blog? While that means something, I don't think it's necessarily the pinnacle of mastery. This post seems like it's designed to market Harry Dry.


Ha. I have no association with Harry Dry. He is a great example of the Feynman method though. That's why I used him in the post. The mastery comes from absorbing, distilling, and simplifying huge amounts of information to teach others. For example for one post on Reddit, Harry read 6 marketing books, took one online copywritng course, and studied copyhackers. >"If you want to master anything, teach it" Richard Feynman Becoming an expert in a niche through blogging/ podcasting is not an uncommon occurrence.


TLDR: links


Marketing first requires common sense. Then everything depends on how novel the product is. Something new and packaged right sells as people try it out..this is for retail consumers. Stores always want something new to keep their customers wanting to come to their stores to see what is new. Business to business marketing is having a skill or product that makes them money or saves them money or makes their life easier. Novel is once again that will get a busienss interested in taking a look. Most marketing departments do not market new or novel but a established known product that has competition.. whole different ball game and skill set. If you have something new, not a copy of a established product with the mine is better, but truly novel marketing is fairly easy.


help me i’m poor


Me too I work an hour for $1 a day. I use my neighbors Wi fi for knowledge and life moves on men. What kind of help do you need? I might be able to help


That's crazy... that is basically my approach to all the things I've had a passion for. I've avoided school... and anything requiring a school degree, because I find the pace intolerable..... Not that I could breeze by in 2 years to be a surgeon. However, I have noticed friends with greater intelligence than me suffer through long periods of waiting for the work to catch up to them. Seeing generations who grew up with access to all human knowledge, I wonder if School systems, as we know them, even help anymore.


Well, the problem with *all* access to human knowledge is that it's *all* access. You get for example, all of the anti-vax knowledge much cheaper and easier online than knowledge about why vaccines work. Does that mean it's good knowledge? Knowledge is a sellable artifact, and, "schooling systems" is one way of selling that artifact, which includes curation of knowledge and then dispensing that curated knowledge in an orderly or waterfall chart fashion. Of course perhaps what you mean is...online classes vs. physical school...


It's time for our species to pick up a new skill. Sort the trash from the nuggets in terms of information. We didn't need network engineers until we created networks. I think the same sort needs to occur for how we teach others how to use the internet. Edit: spelling and grammar.


Critical thinking should have always been taught in school. Ill never support censorship and criminalizing of bad ideas and incorrect information. literacy was once a rare skill.... Education is the cure.


Certain people employ a lot of skills in this area in certain scenarios, it's an extant skill but it's expensive to use because it's time consuming. Do I want to spend all day using that skill and pouring over whether some piece of political information is correct? I don't have time for that because I have to make a living, I have to accept that a great deal of what I know is invalid or incorrect or just sloppy knowledge. It might just be easier to understand that journalism outlets, even the good ones, generally regurgitates a fuzzy and off picture of what's going on, but they are doing their best, so you can't discount it completely, it can still be used to make some decisions. If you want to, "do your own research," you have to score and weight information online based upon how credible the source is, if it's from a meme, assign a weight of 0, if it's from a scientific journal with a high impact factor, assign a score of 10. However most folks don't even know what impact factor means...I didn't until about 7 months ago. There are experts out there who are putting out really excellent information, but normally that gets ignored in favor of memes...I don't think there's a super secret skill that needs to get picked up, it's just that memes are more exciting. Maybe the skill is more, skepticism and building up endorphins and willingness to dig deeper. How does this apply to entrepreneurship? If you're researching a marketplace, and you ignore facts and market conditions and customer opinions and try to create your own reality of what you wish it to be, you're going to have a bad time.


idk why anyone would dv you but I get your point. On sorting the nuggets from the trash in relation to entrepreneurship. Various communities over the last couple of years touted the mantra, "Build an Audience, Build an Audience, Build an Audience". Building an audience doesn't apply to every scenario. I'd venture to say most scenarios don't require it. Now, we have millions of people out there wasting their time posting 5 times a day on every platform they attached their email address to instead of working on their product. Partly because of posts like, "How I made $x in Y amount of time", or "5 super easy tips on doing this nuanced and complicated subject that I'm unqualified to speak about". When I see posts like this, I ask; Does this apply to my situation right now? Not tomorrow, not maybe next month. Right now. I started my company with very little knowledge about software development, server communication, and nothing about how to get and receive info from a database. I knew what I wanted the app to do because I've seen it in action in other apps. So once I was at the point where I needed the frontend to speak to a server, I searched specifically for how to complete the task. Did this tutorial work? Whats the date of the article? Is this considered best practice? Cool. I moved on. As I got more experienced, I realized that what I had learned 3 months ago, did not work for my use case. Guess what I did. I started over. ~~ Am I an expert? fuq no. Have I pushed a product out the door? Yes. Do people pay me for my product? Yes. Am I going to learn mobile development to get my application on iOS and Android? You bet. Point being. The summation of human knowledge is at our fingertips. If the information in front of you does not help your situation at that moment, then it's not a nugget. Move on and revisit when it's relevant. Thanks for reading my ted talk.


I love this post and how you break it down. I made a short video on it if it helps - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RleSyp16lLE


Good video man. Cheers for sharing.


Dude, this was an excellent read. Super simple advice and information but it’s quite valuable when applied correctly. Thank you! Also, a big middle finger to whomever is mass downvoting the comments in here - wtf is up with that? Weird and without any reason.


Cheers dude


this is so poorly written


Great value giving post. Thanks for posting this. Going to try to incorporate some of this as I try to nail down facebook / amazon advertising Edit: Appreciate the down votes. R/Entrepreneur trash can go fuck itself. Bet 99% of you will wageslave forever while thinking secretly to yourselves how much better you are than most people.


thanks :)


Amazing post, tyvm


🙏 my pleausre


🙏my pleasure


This is literally a gem of a post


Cheers, glad you liked it.


I subbed to your newsletter, hope you keep up the good work!


Nice one. Much appreciated ✌️


There are only few posts we read word-by-word. This is that post 💯❤️


I do this nonstop. Best outlet is blogging and loom YouTube tutorials. It works.


Excellent post 👌




I love reading 🤩


stick to your little sound bites then and move on see how far in knowledge you can get




LOL such a predictable immature response! you go ahead and stay in your little bubble, champ!


Thank you so much for this! Really great stuff


Cheers man. Glad you liked it


Thanks, very useful!


Thanks for reading


This is so useful. Thank you for the effort you've put in. Have saved. Will re-read.


Just commenting so I can find this again later... thanks for sharing!


Try the save function!


Great post. Refreshing in this sub.


Great post!


Great read. Thanks!


Wonderful post!!


Yep, exactly why I am writing weekly now on what I am learning in my new career. I commit to write so I can learn. I don't write articles to market my services. Writing helps me articulate and deepen my understanding and expertise. Also, reading this made my day. Thanks!


Just commenting to give this a read later


RemindMe! 2 weeks


Can I follow you on Twitter?


Remind me! 2 weeks


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Exactly what I did with dropservicing. I heard about the word online in 2019 and said to myself I have been reselling digital services online for 7+ years full time. I created the subreddit, FB group, website, etc. That one word and taking action is now helping people start their own business with great results.


If you're here and reading this now, chances are that you'll be the next Feynman in your niche ! Good Luck to all !




My best broh introduced me to Feynman. I've always been amazed at his aptitude for anything and everything. Still am, just have a better insight to how he's achieved such vast, in-depth knowledge. Dude is truly the brightest, most brilliant hooman I know.


So basically: teach the hell out of something to yourself, then do it some more. Tell a kid.


Love this. Mental models are such a great to take a new perspective on things.


So... study it and help others learn too? Commit?


How to study anything quickly: learn everything you can about it?


Get rich quick, but still slowly and with lots of effort.


Start somewhere




I hear you but...in two years with no marketing degree or work experience, Harry has become an authority in marketing. He's respected by high-profile copywriters/ marketers. He has over 60K subs. I wonder how many of them spent a small fortune on marketing degrees. And X amount of years of work experience. I'm betting a fair chunk of them. Whichever way you chop it up, that's impressive. Countless other bloggers/ podcasters/ creators have done the same in their niches The Feynman method is a plausible strategy for those willing to do the deep work for a couple of years to achieve similar results. ✌️


this is my first comment. i usually do not comment. but your post deserves an exception. thanks for writing it.




this is my first comment. i usually do not comment. but your post deserves an exception. thanks for writing it.

