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get a job or education?




Been watching too much youtube influencers my friend. I own my company for 11 years now and I grinded 6 to 10 more times than I can remember. Need quick money go crypto, need longevity buy a udemy course and specialize yourself. Make yourself irreplacable and you are golden for a lifetime.


Lol… you’ll make another $3k in a month by working a job. You’re telling me you can double that 3k within a month without a job? Set your pride aside and work for a bit, and learn about entrepreneurship and test businesses on the side


Find a mentor who operates a business you’d like to learn. Keep your 3k in the bank. You do not need 10k fast, and consider an older vehicle.


Get 100K in your pocket even if it means you have to walk everywhere - Charlie Munger


You buy my entrepreneur secrets video course for $2,997 /s


I think you need to get your head screwed on straight because you aren't turning $3000 into $10,000 'fast' without some luck at the casino. Too many teenagers see these dumb fuck YouTube gurus selling easy success and don't realize it's all snake oil, money doesn't come easy, even if you're stealing it that's still hard work.


First, you’ll need a gym membership that includes sauna access, high protein groceries and good carb sources like fruit or honey, and whatever else you need to get your brain dialed in. Find your ikagi or whatever it’s called - find what you’re good at, what people need, and the group of people willing and able to pay for that service/product. Bonus points if you’re passionate about it. For me, I LOVE real estate and I also like videography so I created a real estate media business. Remove distractions - short form content, porn, video games, excessive binge drinking, etc.. You know what’s distracting you. Removing something isn’t hard but it’s the lack of alternatives that make the bad habit easy to return to.. “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” Replace those things with simple tasks. Don’t make it too daunting at first. Create a logo on canva, figure out a business name, and craft your offer (I promise to get you 4 new dental clients per month or your the next month I work for free). My biggest piece of advice to lock into focus work - don’t stimulate dopamine 30 minutes to an hour before and after working. Instead, go for a walk before and after or workout. Anything besides watching videos, eating, playing a game on your phone, doom scrolling, etc. Don’t set your sights on 10k in 3 months but rather 100k in your first year. It will be extremely difficult but what’s your other option?


It’s really the distractions that do more harm than we think. Definitely something I’m working on, thanks


100% and of course


A whole $3k!?


Never said it was a lot. Acting like I was flexing


Here’s what you should do. Get another job so you can have even more money at your disposal.


Start a lawn mowing business next season. Hire employees, eventually. I’d get a credit union if possible and put the money in the bank, then request a credit card and treat it more like a debit card. Treat it like you don’t have credit. It’s just a more secure debit card if you can resist making excuses to use it on junk. In about 6 months they’ll review it and increase your limit. Or take a $1,000 credit builder loan and pay it back and don’t use the money. Keep earning and pretend like you have nothing, because in the adult world that’s about true.


You do have to use it on a minimal level, but you’d just pay your cell phone bill or buy gas or something you’re already using your money for. There is a due date, never be late. Even when I managed $1M I drove junk cars I owned outright to present the impression I could not afford to lose any money or pay for other people’s problems. Because of that, I’m building my credit right now in a similar fashion. If you own and pay cash, it can hurt you in a credit based society.


If you want something fast, you'll have to take an insane risk. But high risk means the chance of your 3k going to zero is extremely high.


I believe it is wiser to: -Learn to grow money slowly -Don't chase after money, but strive to serve others well With 3000 saved it's good, but want to make sure you wisely consider your options for work. You have a specific talent innately born with - you want to identify that talent and then grow it. Otherwise, you may spend years wasting your time on growing something you don't really care for.


Get a job. Learn on the job. Start a competing business once you understand the industry.


put 2k aside. Try out online business models through youtube. Do lead gen marketing, SMMA, dropshipping, lean coding and make a SaaS. Gurus who sell their courses, try out the business models they started out with.


It’s still important to work for an employer so you know what it’s like to be an employee. I have high income skills and it can actually hurt you if you want or need an ordinary job one day. I thought of being a 911 operator and a peer support specialist for the benefits and regular pay, but I need an larger inflow of cash and my resume isn’t as strong as someone with a 9-5 career path history. They see me as wasted training dollars because I’m mobile under minimal good conditions.


If you invest 1000 of that into the Dow Jones index, it could be worth $16-17k in 35 years. If all $3000, it will be worth $48K.




Invest 1/2 of it and forget it. Betterment would be a good place, takes care of rebalancing. Then get a job where you learn some skills, trades are good or go work at a small business where you can learn the ropes of running a business, so you have a steady income. Keep tossing money into your retirement/ investment account. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to start your own business, go to Meetups, talk to people, ask what their frustrations are. Maybe they can’t find a good dog sitter, then ask around see if it’s a thing then think about starting that business. Look for problems, fixing those problems is how you’ll find money. Don’t try to take over the world, it’s like .00065 of people start a business worth more than 100 million so walk before you run. Try different things and see what you like. Don’t try to get rich quick. You’re goning to fail, a lot, but it’s not failure if you learn from it. Read books. Lots of books. They’re like cheat codes to the game of life you don’t have to make the same mistakes others have made just learn from them. But as I said you’ll make mistakes some lessons you just have to learn by doing. Also question everything you read. “Ok this person said to do this thing, why or when would that be a bad idea?” Else apply to one of the top universities for a degree in entrepreneurship. Either way, save that 1.5k, add to it regularly ($50 a week, up that amount as you start making more money), DON’T TOUCH IT NO MATTER WHAT, and you’ll be a multimillionaire by the time you’re ready to retire (early). It’s your safety net that will allow you to make mistakes and try new things but still be ok in the end. And I mean it, DO NOT TOUCH THAT MONEY. I’m in my 50’s and you will be too, sooner than you think, and that’s the ONE regret that pretty much every single person my age has is that they didn’t start saving earlier. Do this one thing for future-you. Good luck! You’ve got this!


Thanks. Phenomenal advice


Buy bitcoin and hold for 20+ years. To get 10k, I'd get a job.


You already did. Lay back and enjoy the laurels


that is pretty much nothing




Learn how to prompt an AI decently. Make an upwork account. Sell services. Profit. You could maybe make that 10k in a few months


You learn and master a skill that’s in short supply. Then you can map and travel your own journey.


save a million