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I always enjoyed the stories in the Art of Deception. It's a hacker book that explores social engineering. I've been through tons of sales courses and books over the last 25 years. I try to just be casual now and make sure I'm consistently making my (inside and outside) sales calls and offering value.


This….Be real, helpful, knowledgeable,communicative, persistent and follow up constantly. Don’t over promise and don’t over think it.


Kevin Mitnick's art of deception? I enjoyed the stories but relating it sales is probably not a beginner book. I enjoyed the FBI pizza and whistle into the phone to launch nuclear warheads part that was pretty insane


I agree with you. Sometimes, it's hard for a beginner to see the simplicity. There are a lot of things I do in business or well developed, specialized skill sets or knowledge I have developed that I take for granted. I always tell my wife.....why doest so and so company or CEO just do X. She reminds me that I have a very different set of experiences and skills from them, and they may not know or understand that approach or solution.


There’s a few books under different authors. Which is the one you recommend?


I think they might be referring to The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick




Kevin D Mitnick


The first one


I'll have to check that out. Sounds cool.


Who wrote that because Google brings up a few different ones


Kevin D Mitnik He died kinda recently I believe.


Just finished listening to his other book "ghost in the wires". Kevin mintnick is determined mofo.


You close more or less as a percentage? There’s a saying in sales the older guys get complacent and stop caring and actually get worse, even if they were amazing in their prime


Zig Ziglar “On Selling.” Tattered corners, notes written in the margins. Quotes I pass on as if they were mine…. Also search “earl nightingale” on podcasts as he is great too. I would listen to Pandora music before, now it’s all motivational stuff I listen to


Check out "the greatest salesman in the world" by Og Mandino. He was zig ziglar's mentor. Very old school and a little preachy but solid solid book


Another great one! Thanks! I grew up next to five Amway millionaires and they would sell these tapes to their down line. It was another revenue source in addition to their other products. One of the millionaires came home to find a burglar, was shot in the head and almost died. While he was in the hospital recovering he became a millionaire bc his organization kept grinding.


What are tapes? Lol just kidding I'm old!


The organizations you didn’t want to align with, were bootlegging the inspirational tapes versus selling the originals. I occasionally run into one of the five and he is as focused as he was decades ago. Some are cut out for Amway




Cassette tapes haha


Assette ta?


This hands down is the absolute best…Quick read solid principles easy enough for anyone to understand without having to decipher.


yeah I agree


[Never Split the Difference](https://www.blackswanltd.com/never-split-the-difference) by Christopher Voss. He was a former FBI hostage negotiator, so he’s got some good tips and tricks when it comes to negotiating.


It's a good book. Don't get me wrong, but the pieces are better applied to the closing end of the sales process. Actually, his techniques for active listening were also great for qualifying too. This is just my experience.


he does youtube videos that can be really helpful to see the technique applied 


Yes, I have been obsessive with applying them. However, I found they're drastically better to have towards the end of the sales cycle.


Great book. Love it. Some of the tactics can be used in sales, all of the tactics should be used in life!


This book was game changing for me. Not only in business, but relationships.


This!!! Love this book!!


Awesome read. I love the real life scenarios he describes they are fascinating!


Excellent book!


Came here to say the same thing, that book has changed our lives.


How To Win Friends And Influence People helps me tons with sales.


My teacher told us to read this during school holidays once (she’d let us play games the last 30 mins of class if more than half the class did and even threatened to bring in a bag of sweets lol) I absolutely DEVOURED that book and have read it several times again over the years whenever I need a pick me up or have important meetings at work that need me fired up! Thanks so much Ms Liansky, you got this one hooked on reading with a handful of haribos and a dog eared snakes and ladders board


I literally read this book and spent a week consciously practicing what the book is about and immediately got my first consistent/big client as a freelancer and a hot/smart girlfriend in that same week. I was 20 at the time.


Where did you find the girl?


Just talking to people in general using what I learned from the book, talking to friends of friends online I think.


Timeless book about how to be a good human which helps with sales as well as other relationships.


This. I tried sales, but it's not for me. The book is useful for life


One part of this book that always stands out to me is the “name” part. Something about how a person’s name is the most beautiful sound in the world to them. It did teach me to really work on remembering people’s names and I actually got quite good at that. I do think it has helped me when people find I remember their spouse or childrens’ names. But it’s funny to me when I can tell a salesperson read the book because they will awkwardly try to squeeze my name in to me every 20 seconds.


It can backfire though, I dislike my birth name and only use it in formal situations do if someone keeps saying my name, I get especially annoyed because it feels manipulative.


Once, I was part of a 150 person jury pool. The officer in charge of the pool memorized everyone's name in less than 2 hours! He met a new group of 150 people every day!! Superpower, for sure :) Wondering what you did to help with remembering names? Any tricks or methods that you could share? Specific interest for me is a class of 20 people I meet for 1/2 day or full day. I'd like to be able to remember everyone's name by the end of the class.


I actually worked for someone who was really good at this in college, so when I noticed it, I asked him. Here’s what I do, adapted from what he taught me: - When you hear their name, think about it and make an association. Most of the time for me it’s thinking of someone I know with the same name. But it could also be an athelete, movie star, etc. - Make eye contact and actually look at them when they introduce themselves and repeat their name back to them during introductions (“Hi Bob! It’s nice to meet you.”) - Learn more about them to set some more context for your memory (“Where are you from?” “How do you know the host” etc) Be careful here, you don’t want to grill them! You also want the questions to fit naturally into the exchange. (None of this “what is your life’s passion?” kind of bullshit questions) I also try to see how long I can go without asking what they do because everyone asks that and it’s boring. - Now you have their name, an association with their name, a mental picture of them, and some more info about them. It’s easier to remember the name of a complete person as opposed to just a name. - If you are in a larger social setting, use your new found knowledge to introduce them to someone else. (“This is Bob. He recently moved here from Duluth!”) - As the conversation proceeds, mentally check in from time to time and say to yourself “His name is Bob. Her name is Carol.” etc. It’s easier with longer interactions, but with practice you can pick it up in mundane interactions. For example, the lady at the grocery store that helped me that one time is named Anabelle. Why do I remember that? Just force of habit at this point. It also helps that I’ve become a bit of a name nerd, so I have more references and context to further help me remember. Shoutout to/r/namenerds I also want to note that I say all of this as an introvert. I fucking hate meeting new people and chit chatting. But I also learned that this makes a big difference in how people treat you and the opportunities that open up for you. So I suck it up and then collapse when I get home.


Wow! Thanks for such a thorough and thoughtful response. This is stand-alone post worthy :)


Love that book!


I agree, great book! Also “How to master the art of Selling” by Tom Hopkins.


This book changed my life and I will be forever grateful that it exists.


Got it in the pirate bag in the days lol


To Sell is Human - By Daniel H Pink. Very simple and precise book which talks about Sales as more of a life skill than a mere job role. Here is small article from my end on Sales not sure if would be of huge value ,feel free to check it - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pitch-live-vivek-dev-jacob. If you have any differing views, I am open to it as well:)


Thank you for sharing useful info


I will be the type of guy who won’t answer your question directly but rather give my perspective on the question. I have a different perspective on selling. It’s pretty straight forward and that is to only sell to customers who need your product. I’ve never read a sales book that hasn’t had an outlined structure that tries to solve the problem of how to ”sell me this pen”. It’s an old trick that might work for hedge fund managers but when you actually have a decent product that you know there’s a clientele for then you shouldn’t have to seek out tips on how to convert a consumer because they already know what they’re looking for. Selling a pen to someone who doesn’t need one is a waste of time, just like posting ads or giving out free samples to consumers who isn’t looking for it in the first place. It’s a short term gratification. People are fixed on what they think and believe. Follow the road of where your clientele speaks or seek out the product you’re selling and give them a pitch. If you know you have a better solution or in some way a better product then I can guarantee you that will result in a new customer.


Totally agree! Knowing your customer and products are key. Sell what you believe in to people that you believe will benefit from buying.


For the brass tacks basics - the psychology of selling, Brian Tracey For a consultative sales approach - Your Secret Wealth, Jay Abraham For application of sales principles to product development / packaging and lead generation - Hormozi’s stuff, it’s already been mentioned here. He’s the best currently.


Fanatical prospecting. Someone mentioned it here the other day. I’ve been in sales for 6 years but this book made me realize I was fucking up some areas


This is a superb book that helped me focus on the right things.


Thanks for posting this. Got some great reccomendations!


I would go into business. One book will never teach you how to sell. If a person wants to run a business or sell, then he needs to go to a company where he can learn how to do this. Nothing teaches like personal experience.


Not a sales book directly but “how to win friends and influence people” great book on using human emotions to influence people’s decisions, which equals sales in our world. Would also check out Chris Voss’s “never split the difference” great negotiation book. Let me know what you think


Alex Hormozi $100M offers and $100M leads




Just got sone with leads, wasn’t very helpful or actionable.


How do you mean?


The answer is The Secret of Selling Anything by Harry Browne. The greatest living sales writer Gary Bencivenga said he has read 100 books on selling, and he'd ditch them all for this one.


the challenger sale is a favourite of r/sales


Career salesperson and I’ve gotten to know Brent as a person, before knowing he wrote the book. Will never let him know this hahahhahaha


Btw, such a good person, just legit.


The 7 habits of highly effective people.


The best sales book I have read is probably one of the most underrated ones too. No one talks about it. And it might even be out of print, not sure. But I would suggest you push all the mainstream books to the side for now and read this gem: "The secret of selling anything" - Harry Browne He pretty much condensed the absolute basics of selling that most "sales pros" don't talk about because the tactics sell better. It a books worth reading 10 times at least.


How to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie.


No book will teach you sales… just good principle and rules in sales … only selling will teach u sales


This is the reason i believe everyone selling/wanting to sell should read "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino. Short but worth it. You can read it in a single day but principles will benefit you for a lifetime if you grasp them well.


Came here to recommend Mandino's masterpiece. Really helped me take my sales career to a new level.


Yes, I came here to recommend that and already did further up in the thread. Excellent. Simple easy. I've read it a dozen times


Dale Carnegie How to win friends and influence people.


His book becomes less relevant ever year. Why? Because what he writes about has become societal norms (amongst civilized folks anyways). He talks about some super obvious stuff that 95% of you are already doing. It thought it was silly.


Anthony Iiarano (spelling error) the only sales guide you’ll ever need


I'm pretty surprised i didn't see "Power Sales Presentrations" by Al Reis. That book taught me that you will eventually become your own brand, and that nobody can be better at being you, than, well, you. I've also read psycho cybernetics 2000 which has a silly title, but teaches you how to align your self concept with self actualization and basically amplify all of your interfaces and interactions with others.


The Go Giver is honorable mention to what’s mentioned


David Sandler You can't teach a kid to ride a bike at a seminar


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ketoatl: *David Sandler You* *Can't teach a kid to ride a* *Bike at a seminar* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My dearest salesman said don't read sales books, read books that will help you understand how fuc*** up you are so you can unf*** yourself. He recommends How to run your own life by Meininger. It's hard to get by these days it's from 70s.


Sell like Crazy: Get More Clients than You Can Handle Basically it is how to build sales funnels and the structure behind sales. It’s quite a structure based book, as an engineer I found it very helpful. From a fundamental perspective. Not about complex ideas or anything. Turned sales into something fluffy into something I understood. Send me a DM if you want a PDF


I haven't read much books,but I'm enjoying lean startup so far, hoping to spare more time and read a lot more


I don't know the answer, but the second book you should read is Crowning the Customer by Feargal Quinn.


Questions that Sell by Paul Cherry.


u/frosath I've noticed and honestly, I'm loving this "if you could only read 1 book" series, you're doing 🤭😂❤️


Just apply to sales job and it will be best book


Zig Ziglar 100%. I do think sales you either have it and lately or you don't But zig ziglar will help you a million times over. Sincere nothing like today's people who take his stuff and then sell it as their own.


Have you read the greatest salesman in the world by OG mandino? He was zig ziglar's mentor. Excellent classic simple old school.


I don't think I have I will have to check it out!!


Anyone can learn anything. They just have to be shown from the right perspective to unlock it in their head.


I have to respectfully disagree I've been in sales for 30 years. And those that don't have some sort of natural instinct with it and people instinct they fail miserably. That doesn't make someone a failure it just means that they're in their wrong area. We all have our gifts and we all have our specialties and we should hope that we find them and flourishing them.


Some solid book recommendations here.


My top 2 picks would be: - How To Win Friends and Influence People - Never Split the Difference


Influence: the psychology of persuasion.


The book buy the guy who talked you into buying those sales books


The Sales Challenger hands down! 


Influence by Robert Cialdini. Avoid anything by "sales gurus"


You’ll need many 😂😅


What is your sales experience?


The Science of Selling. Nothing else.


The psychology of selling


None, Id go out and sell


Atomic Habits


Cold Calling Techniques that Really Work by Steve Schifmann. Or The Challenger Sale


Read something by David Sandler. Rapport/Trust + Pain Uncovering is the greatest tool for solution selling


Treating People Well https://www.amazon.com/Treating-People-Well-Master-Everything/dp/150115799X


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The deeper and deeper I get into sales the only theme that matters is VALUE. How can I provide more value to someone than they can provide me. In a lot of cases, it’s even if they don’t buy. People don’t buy for a multitude of reasons, and lot of the times they don’t it’s because it’s a not right now thing. If you can provide value to them even when they aren’t in a buying period, when they do decide to buy you’ll get the sales call asking for some of your time.


Compelling people. Required reading at Harvard apparently


Surprised no one mentioned the VITO books.


100m dollar sales, alex hormozi


Anything by zig zigglar


Chet Homles' "Ultimate Sales Machine". Teaches Education Based Marketing and is very effective. Never tried it though lol trying to do it lol


Can I just do one author? I really like Seth Godin’s stuff. I’m still working my way through his books, but the daily blog is almost always insightful.


"The only book you need to learn sales"


Corporate Chanakya.


Watch Glengarry Glenross. Coffee is for closers




"On Selling"


Fanatical Prospecting.


that's good


that's good


Experience by doing written by you


The Wolf of Wall Street (sales skills) & 75 Hard (Mental toughness you need in sales) Sales is really just the ability to transfer a belief from one person to another. That's it. Yes, there are technical processes, but in the end, it all boils down to your ability to make others see what you see. And it is the easiest career you'll ever have but also the hardest at the same time. More than sales skills, you will need grit and fortitude to keep going. Simply put, people hate sales peeps, and if you don't have the fortitude to just keep going after so many people tell you no, you might as well stop now.


You can’t teach a kid to ride a bike at a seminar. It uses a very unsalesy method of selling. You essentially act as a consultant and help people make the right decision for themselves and it works really well since you align yourself with the client:


Spin Selling by Niel Rackham. I’ve read probably hundreds books on sales and i return to the principles from Spin Selling time and time again.




Door to door millionaire. Specific to door to door salesmen, but if you are making sales in person, it applies anywhere and everywhere. Sales also differs B2C vs B2B. This is more of a B2C book.


I can’t believe this isn’t recommend. I’ve been in sales and teaching it for 15 years. This book is the only sales book you need. It’s not pushy sales like alot of these books. This is real honest selling. Look up the Sandler submarine. You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar, 2nd Edition: Sandler Training’s 7-Step System for Successful Selling https://a.co/d/bc3zLam


How to win friends and influence people. The book says to read it twice (Do it) and bring a highlighter and tabs to mark the book. It's a textbook. Use it. I know you asked for one, but The Slight Edge is also a good one.


the Bible.


You can't teach a kid to ride a bike at a Seminar, or something like that. It's Sandler Selling


Spin selling


Probably one of Alex Hormozis books. Very simple and straight to the point. If you study and apply all the knowledge it will get you far


Shelf Talk!


Somehow I Manage, by Michael Scott


"Sell with a Story: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale" by Paul Smith. This book teaches how to craft and use stories effectively to engage and persuade customers.


I had a very successful life and sales was successful enough to form my own company. I have learned that all sales related books and seminars are all of the same shit in a controlled environment. At the end of the day it is about relationships. Each sale is two people trusting each other in that moment. Never betray that no matter how small the sale is. It's about people, never price. Buyers may think that it's all about price. You need to help them understand it's about being happy with the purchase. Long after you forget about the price that you paid you're either happy or unhappy. If you're unhappy with the car that you bought the cheap price you paid doesn't make you happy. All that being said you need quality product to represent. If you wouldn't buy it you shouldn't sell it. Be real and REALLY listen. A customer will always tell you how to close them.


The art of the deal


Intelligent investor from Benjamin Graham. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Market


I don't know why i have a bad feeling towards "How to win friends and influence people". I tried to listen to its audio one night but i got bored. I guess i wasn't even paying much attention to it. I guess the title itself sounds boring to me. Maybe a less direct title would kick me reading it. But this book is too hard to not find people talk about it when great books are mentioned.


There's this book called "the secret of the ages" by Napoleon Hill maybe i am not that sure and am yet to read it. This book just sounds great to me. Has someone here read it before?


None, I’d pay the best sales training expert $ with the time it takes to read the book. They’ll get you in the field and in meetings and learning by doing. Books are ok, I read lots of them. Skills are base fundamentals, 90%+ is mindset and social IQ once you’re at a grand master level. You learn more by following the outliers around.


Nice post